991 resultados para Miss Australia quest
Changes in composition during the maturation of Western Schley pecans [Carya illinoinensis (Wangenh.) K. Koch] grown in Australia were investigated. Pecans of different maturity levels were collected at monthly intervals between March and June in. 1999 and 2000 and analyzed for the concentrations of moisture, total lipid, sucrose, raffinose, protein, and the minerals aluminum, boron, calcium, copper, iron, potassium, magnesium, manganese, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, and zinc. Moisture, total lipid, and calcium contents changed significantly (p < 0.05) with harvest time and maturity, whereas the other components did not. Western Schley pecans grown in Australia should be harvested after the shuck has opened and it is either green or brown in color to maximize total lipid content and quality. This occurred after May 11 in 1999 and after May 17 in 2000.
Controversies In its present condition, rural Australia is characterised by a discourse of decline that sees country towns and regions as places of demoralisation and despair. From a Foucauldian governmentality perspective, those who live in these spaces are not so much 'powerless' to the demands of urban-based governments and global capital, as rendered governable according to the socio-political ambitions of late capitalism. While important insights have been derived from such analyses, it is argued in this paper that excessive attention is often paid to the power of the state with little concern for the various ways in which local people engage with, and transform the strategies and effects of state power. Rather than utilising the concept of resistance to make sense of these interactions, a sociology of translation is adopted from the Actor Network Theory literature. Applied to two case examples, it shows how governmental policies and programmes are frequently the outcome of the interactions and negotiations that take place between all those enrolled in the actor-network.
Single-copy restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers were used to determine the genetic structure of Mycosphaerella fijiensis, the cause of black leaf streak (black Sigatoka) disease of banana and plantain, in the Torres Strait, Papua New Guinea (PNG), and the Pacific Islands. A moderate level of genetic variation was observed in all populations with genotypic diversity values of 60-78% of the theoretical maximum, and gene diversity (H) values between 0.269 and 0.336. All populations were at gametic equilibrium, and with the high level of genotypic diversity observed this indicated that sexual reproduction has a major role in the genetic structure of the M. fijiensis populations examined. Population differentiation was tested on several hierarchical scales. No evidence of population differentiation was observed between sites on Mer Island. A moderate level of population differentiation was observed within the Torres Strait, between Badu and Mer Islands (F-ST = 0.097). On a regional scale, the greatest differentiation was found between the populations of the Torres Strait and the Pacific. Populations from these regions were more closely related to the PNG population than to each other, suggesting they were founded in separate events from the same population.
Objective: To measure the prevalence of obesity in Australian adults and to examine the associations of obesity with socioeconomic and lifestyle factors. Design: AusDiab, a cross-sectional study conducted between May 1999 and December 2000, involved participants from 42 randomly selected districts throughout Australia. Participants: Of 20 347 eligible people aged greater than or equal to 25 years who completed a household interview, 11247 attended the physical examination at local survey sites (response rate, 55%). Main outcome measures: Overweight and obesity defined by body mass index (BMI; kg/m(2)) and waist circumference (cm); sociodemographic factors (including smoking, physical activity and television viewing time). Results: The prevalence of overweight and obesity (BMI greater than or equal to 25.0 kg/m(2); waist circumference greater than or equal to 80.0 cm [women] or greater than or equal to 94.0 cm [men]) in both sexes was almost 60%, defined by either BMI or waist circumference. The prevalence of obesity was 2.5 times higher than in 1980. Using waist circumference, the prevalence of obesity was higher in women than men (34.1% v 26.8%; P < 0.01). Lower educational status, higher television viewing time and lower physical activity time were each strongly associated with obesity, with television viewing time showing a stronger relationship than physical activity time. Conclusions: The prevalence of obesity in Australia has more than doubled in the past 20 years. Strong positive associations between obesity and each of television viewing time and lower physical activity time confirm the influence of sedentary lifestyles on obesity, and underline the potential benefits of reducing sedentary behaviour, as well as increasing physical activity, to curb the obesity epidemic.
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Pippa Norris provides a schematic account of the evolution of campaigning through premodern, modern and postmodern stages. In particular she points to an emerging postmodern phase of electioneering characterized by a renewed emphasis upon direct forms of engagement which resonate with an earlier period in which campaigns were locally fought and largely dependent upon the canvassing efforts of party workers and volunteers. Norris's analysis offers a useful prism with which to view recent developments in electioneering in Australia. In the past several elections the rival Labor and Liberal parties have attempted to achieve a synergy between their centrally conducted and constituency-level campaigns by ensuring that their national campaigns are locally relevant and address local concerns. Their efforts to 'localize the national' meld the use of sophisticated software with elements of a traditional 'meet and greet' politics and suggest that local campaigning may now have a new shape and importance.
A discuss??o em torno da estabilidade do servidor p??blico emerge a partir de um contexto marcado pela necessidade de transforma????es s??cio-pol??ticas e econ??micas. Essas tranforma????es implicam a reestrutura????o do Estado brasileiro, bem como da administra????o p??blica, tendo em vista a moderniza????o da burocracia, buscando garantir efici??ncia e efic??cia no atendimento do interesse p??blico
A reforma do Estado ?? uma preocupa????o comum a quase todos os pa??ses do mundo. No ??mbito nacional, ap??s um per??odo mais exacerbado de radicaliza????es e polariza????es, o debate sobre o assunto vem adquirindo maior serenidade, profundidade e rigor. Seu foco tem se deslocado de uma defini????o aprior??stica e descontextualizada do tamanho ideal do Estado (e, com isso, vem conseguindo, paulatinamente, ultrapassar os manique??smos iniciais), para se centrar em quest??es realmente estrat??gicas: que tipo de Estado se deseja construir? Como dever?? se relacionar com a sociedade e o mercado? Quais ser??o sua miss??o, objetivos, papel, formas e meios de interven????o e fun????es? Que caracter??sticas organizacionais e gerenciais necessitar?? adquirir para lograr ??xito? O primeiro volume desta s??rie ?? um exemplo dessa mudan??a oportuna de enfoque, partindo do Estado necess??rio e conseguindo avan??ar em rela????o a, pelo menos, algumas das quest??es estrat??gicas j?? mencionadas
O artigo est?? dividido em tr??s partes. Na primeira parte, as caracter??sticas do novo pacote de reformas de gest??o de despesa p??blica s??o visualizadas em termos da situa????o futura ??? ano 2020. Na segunda, s??o discutidos os acontecimentos passados que contribu??ram para a evolu????o do novo pacote. Na terceira, as inova????es do or??amento cumulativo ou da gest??o da despesa s??o discutidas em termos de sua adequa????o para satisfazer as expectativas atuais, bem como a utilidade do pacote no contexto de rubricas cambiantes de despesa p??blica.
Projeto RH NEW: equipe multiprofissional dedicada ao equacionamento das quest??es ligadas a recursos
Este projeto refere-se ao programa de acompanhamento sistematizado dos servidores t??cnico-administrativos da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina que apresentem ind??cios de uso indevido de drogas, alcoolismo, problemas de relacionamento e outros que influenciam diretamente no comportamento funcional. Para o desenvolvimento deste programa, uma equipe multiprofissional (composta de pedagogo, t??cnico em assuntos educacionais e assistente social) da pr??pria universidade se envolveu com o trabalho. Os resultados s??o significativos principalmente no que se refere ?? inser????o do servidor no ambiente de trabalho, de forma mais produtiva
Lei de cria????o do Inep. Decreto 6317/2007