954 resultados para Migrant irrégulier


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This manuscript is based on a PhD thesis submitted at the Institute of Social Anthropology at the University of Bern in 2014. The dissertation was part of the research project „Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and Chinese Territoriality. The Development of Infrastructure and Han Migration into the Region“ under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Heinzpeter Znoj and financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF. Madlen Kobi analyzes the architectural and socio-political transformation of public places and spaces in rapidly urbanizing southern Xinjiang, P.R. China, and in doing so pays particular attention to the cities of Aksu and Kaxgar. As the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region lies in between China and Central Asia, it is especially characterized by differing political, cultural, and religious influences, and, furthermore, due to its being a multiethnic region, by multiple identities. One might expect cultural and social identities in this area to be negotiated by referring to history, religion, or food. However, they also become visible by the construction and reconstruction, if not demolition, of public places, architectural landmarks, and private residences. Based on ethnographic fieldwork performed in 2011 and 2012, the study explores everyday life in a continuously transforming urban environment shaped by the interaction of the interests of government institutions, investment companies, the middle class, and migrant workers, among many other actors. Here, urban planning, modernization, and renewal form a highly sensitive lens through which the author inspects the tense dynamics of ethnic, religious, and class-based affiliations. She respects varieties and complexities while thoroughly grounding unfolding transformation processes in everyday lived experiences. The study provides vivid insights into how urban places and spaces in this western border region of China are constructed, created, and eventually contested.


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This paper focuses on the normative notion of ‘good death’, its practical relevance as a frame of reference for ‘death work’ procedures in institutional elder care in Switzerland and the ways in which it may be challenged within migrant ‘dying trajectories’. In contemporary palliative care, the concept of ‘good death’ focuses on the ideal of an autonomous dying person, cared for under a specialised biomedical authority. Transferred to the nursing home context, characterised by long-term basic care for the very old under conditions of scarce resources, the notion of ‘good death’ is broken down into ready-to-use, pragmatic elements of daily routines. At the same time, nursing homes are increasingly confronted with socially and culturally diversified populations. Based on ethnographic findings, we give insight into current practices of institutional ‘death work’ and tensions arising between contradicting notions of a ‘good death’, by referring to decision-making, life-prolonging measures, notions on food/feeding and the administration of sedative painkillers.


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Ce mémoire traite des parcours de musiciens migrants d’origine arabe à Montréal. Il s’intéresse à la manière dont ces derniers construisent leurs carrières musicales dans ce contexte et acquièrent la reconnaissance des différents acteurs qu’ils côtoient – pairs, intervenants culturels, public. La méthodologie adoptée est de nature qualitative et correspond à une perspective ethnosociologique, le contexte musical de l’étude inscrivant la démarche dans le domaine de la sociomusicologie. Cinq musiciens ayant migré d’un pays arabe avec une pratique musicale préalable ont été rencontrés, ainsi que cinq acteurs du milieu musical qui interagissent avec eux. Ce corpus d’entretiens a été complété par de l’observation et l’étude de traces (ex. : disques, cv). La démarche d’enquête a permis d’élaborer un ensemble de propositions visant à comprendre les phénomènes sociaux observés. Il apparaît que ces musiciens construisent leurs carrières montréalaises grâce à une actualisation et réappropriation originale des sources et influences musicales accumulées au fil de leur vie, processus néanmoins tributaire des rouages du milieu musical. Celui-ci est constitué de multiples acteurs ayant chacun leurs objectifs, intérêts, contraintes vis-à-vis desquels les musiciens doivent s’ajuster, négocier, faire des compromis. Puis, l’ethnicité arabe qui est construite et mise en scène par les performances musicales peut vraisemblablement agir comme outil pour se démarquer dans le contexte montréalais. Cependant, les dynamiques qui sous-tendent les rapports sociaux que ces artistes entretiennent dans la métropole font en sorte qu’ils ont ultimement peu d’emprise sur la manière dont se manifeste la reconnaissance à leur égard et vis-à-vis de leurs pratiques musicales.


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requirements for Filipino performing artists, effectively closing this migration channel. I employ a difference-in-differences estimation strategy using the share of performing artists at baseline in each Philippine province as a continuous policy variable. International migration falls in response to the policy change by 1.2%. The effect on international migration is larger than the policy change itself would suggest, indicating the importance of spillovers across migrant occupations. Domestically, more children are employed, and adults are more likely to be unemployed or engaged in short-term work.


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Includes bibliographical references.


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Cover title.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Cover title: OEO programs for migrant and seasonal farm workers.


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"Revised version of a paper presented to the annual meeting of the Rural Sociological Society, San Francisco, Calif., August 1975."


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"Jointly funded by the Department of Health, Education & Welfare and the Office of Economic Opportunity."