887 resultados para Metodologia observacional


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Epidemiological surveys are important for obtaining information on the prevalence and etiology of mouth diseases, since the data collected permit health actions to be planned, performed, and assessed. Methodological uniformity is necessary, however, to maintain reproductibility, validity, and reliability, and to allow national and international comparisons. The initiative of the World Health Organization (WHO) as an advisor in ongoing surveys has been extremely useful, stimulating standardization in all countries. In 1991, a Portuguese version of the 1987 third edition of Oral Health Surveys - basic methods, an instruction manual for performing epidemiological surveys, was published and became a reference for many parts of Brazil and the World. The present analysis found conflicting points in relation to the sample size, calibration of the examiners, and criteria for evaluating oral health and treatment needs. In conclusion, due to the dynamic characteristics of scientific knowledge and, considering the regional differences in relation to the development of oral diseases, we recommend that proposals for standardizing surveys be checked periodically. Other important issues may have not been detected in this analysis, urging a thorough discussion within the dentistry community as a whole.


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Smart Grids are a new trend of electric power distribution, the future of current systems. These networks are continually being introduced in order to improve the reliability of systems, providing alternatives to energy supply and cost savings. Faced with increasing electric power grids complexity, the energy demand and the introduction of alternative sources to energy generation, all components of system require a fully integration in order to achieve high reliability and availability levels (dependability). The systematization of a Smart Grid from the Fault Tree formalism enable the quantitative evaluation of dependability of a specific scenario. In this work, a methodology for dependability evaluation of Smart Grids is proposed. A study of case is described in order to validate the proposal. With the use of this methodology, it is possible to estimate during the early design phase the reliability, availability of Smart Grid beyond to identify the critical points from the failure and repair distributions of components.


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Based on the possibility of real-time interaction with three-dimensional environments through an advanced interface, Virtual Reality consist in the main technology of this work, used in the design of virtual environments based on real Hydroelectric Plants. Previous to the process of deploying a Virtual Reality System for operation, three-dimensional modeling and interactive scenes settings are very importante steps. However, due to its magnitude and complexity, power plants virtual environments generation, currently, presents high computing cost. This work aims to present a methodology to optimize the production process of virtual environments associated with real hydroelectric power plants. In partnership with electric utility CEMIG, several HPPs were used in the scope of this work. During the modeling of each one of them, the techiniques within the methodologie were addressed. After the evaluation of the computional techniques presented here, it was possible to confirm a reduction in the time required to deliver each hydroelectrical complex. Thus, this work presents the current scenario about development of virtual hydroelectric power plants and discusses the proposed methodology that seeks to optimize this process in the electricity generation sector.


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O crescimento da utilização de energia nas diversas organizações tem levado a uma maior preocupação com a gestão dessa energia. Sendo assim, têm sido desenvolvidas ferramentas que pretendem melhorar a gestão da energia, como o caso dos Sistemas de Gestão de Energia (SGE). Nesta dissertação, pretende-se estudar a metodologia para a implementação de um SGE num edifício escolar, com base na Norma ISO 50001. Para testar esta implementação utilizou-se como caso de estudo a Escola Secundária de Pombal. Para a implementação do SGE, foram seguidos todos os requisitos presentes na Norma ISO 50001, iniciando-se com uma análise energética ao edifício, através de uma análise dos dados energéticos desde o ano letivo 2012/2013 até ao ano letivo 2014/2015. Numa segunda fase, procurar-se-á explicar como cumprir todos os pontos da norma, explicando o que fazer em cada caso, as ações que se devem realizar, assim como os documentos que devem existir. Por fim será desenvolvida uma abordagem à forma como se deve auditar um SGE, segundo a mesma norma, com aplicação a esta escola mas com potencial de aplicação a todos os edifícios que se assemelhem a este.


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VARELA, M.L. et al. Otimização de uma metodologia para análise mineralógica racional de argilominerais. Cerâmica, São Paulo, n. 51, p. 387-391, 2005.


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GOMES FILHO, Tarcísio. A união entre técnica e musicalidade na metodologia de ensino do piano da professora Isabelle Vengerova. In: Encontro Regional da ABEM Nordeste, 7., João Pessoa, PB, 2008. Anais ... João Pessoa, PB, 2008.


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Programa de doctorado: Avances en Medicina Interna, Bienio 2008/10. La fecha de publicación es la fecha de lectura