999 resultados para Meios de armazenamento


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o tempo que as sementes podem ser armazenadas sem que ocorra prejuízo à manutenção da sua germinabilidade.


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Dodonaea viscosa Jacq. (vassoura-vermelha; Sapindaceae) é uma arvoreta comportamento agressivo, pioneira, de dispersão anemocórica, com grande produção de sementes ortodoxas e distribuição cosmopolita. Com base na necessidade de se conhecer o período adequado de armazenamento de D. viscosa, foi realizado experimento de emergência de plântulas em sistema floating, com substrato comercial.


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Segundo estudos do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística, a mangueira, cultivada em aproximadamente 70.000 a 75.000 hectares do território nacional, propicia uma produção anual estimada em 1.200.000 toneladas. Os principais polos produtores do país são o Vale do Submédio São Francisco, os municípios de Livramento e Dom Basílio, na Bahia, os municípios de Monte Alto e Taquaritinga, em São Paulo, e os municípios de Janaúba e Jaíba, em Minas Gerais. As áreas que são destinadas à cultura correspondem, respectivamente, a aproximadamente 25.000, 12.000, 7.000 e 5.000 hectares. Os 25.000 hectares cultivados no Vale do Submédio São Francisco concentram-se sobretudo em perímetros irrigados instalados nos municípios de Juazeiro, na Bahia, e Petrolina, em Pernambuco, responsabilizando-se por 85% das exportações brasileiras (ANUÁRIO BRASILEIRO DA FRUTICULTURA, 2011; 2012; 2013; 2014; 2015; 2016). A variedade Tommy Atkins, dos Estados Unidos, conquistou mercados internacionais em virtude de atributos como consistência da polpa, baixo teor de fibras e resistência à deterioração. Os consumidores brasileiros, contudo, comumente demandam variedades nacionais, presentes em áreas residenciais ou exploradas por extrativismo em ambientes naturais, excetuando-se a variedade Ubá, cultivada em pomares para o aproveitamento no processamento industrial (PINTO et al., 2002).A diversificação de variedades é fundamental para a mangicultura brasileira. O objetivo do trabalho consistiu na avaliação de progênies de polinização livre das variedades Haden e Surpresa, em uma safra (2015-2016), no Semiárido Brasileiro, baseando-se em atributos referentes aos frutos.


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Este objeto começa enaltecendo a fluoretação da água como sendo um método seguro, simples, efetivo, econômico, coletivo e recomendado por praticamente todas as organizações de saúde e que há mais de cinco décadas vem sendo utilizado no controle da cárie dentária, resultando em uma redução nos índices de cárie de até 60%. Comenta sobre os aspectos legais que tornaram obrigatória a fluoretação em sistemas de abastecimento públicos, o monitoramento constante dos níveis de flúor na água e seus limites recomendados. Propõe também questionamento quanto a oferta de água fluoretada no abastecimento público, os níveis de flúor presentes e a realização da vigilância dos níveis de flúor. Apresenta ainda uma tabela com as recomendações sobre o uso de produtos fluorados e orienta para os cuidados especiais no uso de dentifrícios fluoretados para crianças menores de 6 anos, ressaltando a supervisão para crianças com até 2 anos. Termina atentando para a fluorose, distúrbio de formação dentária, onde graus de opacidade e pigmentação, desde cor amarela até manchas mais escuras, são detalhados, além de ser esclarecida a razão da utilização de dentifrícios com alto teor de flúor. Unidade 4 do módulo 5 que compõe o Curso de Especialização em Saúde da Família.


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A eficiência do gerenciamento de estoques de medicamentos é fundamental para suprir as necessidades de medicamentos das instituições de saúde, além de colaborar também para diminuir gastos. Baseado nisso, a proposta de conteúdo visa detalhar as etapas de programação, aquisição, distribuição e armazenamento de medicamentos. Inicialmente, o conteúdo discutirá como desenvolver a atividade de programação nos serviço público, detalhando os diferentes métodos para este fim (consumo histórico, perfil epidemiológico, oferta de serviços, consumo ajustado...). Na sequência, serão abordadas as etapas da aquisição dos medicamentos, de modo a esclarecer os trâmites burocráticos desse processo. E, por fim, serão apresentados os cuidados no armazenamento e na distribuição, para evitar perdas e organizar o estoque de medicamentos, bem como o manejo dos resíduos de saúde. Ao final do desta unidade, espera-se que o especializando compreenda a importância do que foi discutido, para o gerenciamento da assistência farmacêutica.


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Aborda as técnicas e orientação para o armazenamento do leite materno com ênfase na higienização. Vídeo que compõe o Curso Autoinstrucional de Capacitação em Atenção Integral à Saúde Sexual e Reprodutiva I.


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Aula que apresenta as Intervenções para mudança de estilo de vida e autocuidado apoiado no Diabetes Mellitus, com enfoque no armazenamento e cuidados com medicamentos orais e insulina no domicílio do usuário.


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Exercícios de Verdadeiro ou Falso que retomam os conhecimentos adquiridos a partir do conteúdo da aula: Intervenções para mudança de estilo de vida e autocuidado apoiado no Diabetes Mellitus, com enfoque no armazenamento e cuidados com medicamentos orais e insulina no domicílio do usuário.


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O conteúdo trata do desenvolvimento de atividades de armazenamento e de distribuição de medicamentos. Aborda os procedimentos para a organizaçâo da Central de Abastecimento Farmacêutico e a maneira correta de realizar o descarte de resíduos de saúde.


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This research studied the effect of low density polyethylene packaging and storage temperature on the preservation of fresh-cut (minimally processed) cabbage. The cabbages, previously cooled to a temperature of 10 ºC, were selected, washed, cut in four parts (with the central stalk removed), sanitized, cut in strips, rinsed, put in the centrifuge, weighed and stored in plastic packaging of low density polyethylene (70 µm), and then stored in cold chambers at temperatures of 1 and 10 ºC for 20 days. The following aspects were evaluated: carbon dioxide, oxygen and ethylene in the internal atmosphere of the package as well as, pH, titratable acidity, total soluble solids, vitamin C, loss of fresh mass and the total soluble solids/acidity in the fresh-cut cabbage ratio. The experimental design was entirely casual, with three repetitions. The analysis parameters, except for the vitamin C, loss of fresh mass and ethylene, presented significant variation between the temperatures and days of storage. The cabbage stored at a temperature of 1 ºC presented a shelf life of around 15 days, significantly higher than that stored at 10 ºC. At this temperature, on the 8th day of storage, the product was completely decayed, unfit for commercialization or consumption.


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The covering of the soil is an agricultural practice that intends to control the harmful herbs, to reduce the losses of water by evaporation of the soil, and to facilitate the harvest and the commercialization, once the product is cleaner and healthier. However, when the soil is covered important microclimatic parameters are also altered, and consequently the germination of seeds, the growth of roots, the absorption of water and nutrients, the metabolic activity of the plants and the carbohydrates storage. The current trial intended to evaluate the effect of soil covering with blue colored film on consumptive water-use in a lettuce crop (Lactuca sativa, L.). The experiment was carried out in a plastic greenhouse in Araras - São Paulo State, Brazil from March 3rd, 2001 to May 5th, 2001. The consumptive water-use was measured through two weighing lysimeter installed inside the greenhouse. Crop spacing was 0.25 m x 0.25 m and the color of the film above soil was blue. Leaf area index (IAF), was measured six times (7; 14; 21; 28; 35; 40 days after transplant) and the water-use efficiency (EU) was measured at the end. The experimental design was subdivided portions with two treatments, bare soil and covered soil. The average consumptive water-use was 4.17 mm day-1 to the bare soil treatment and 3.11 mm day-1 to the covered soil treatment. The final leaf area index was 25.23 to the bare soil treatment and 24.39 to the covered soil treatment, and there was no statistical difference between then.


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Tomato postharvest losses are very high in Brazil and the goal of this research was to evaluate the effect of handling and the transport of tomato fruits, cultivar Romana on the steps of harvesting, weight and transportation to the packinghouse, pointing some critical points. Tomatoes were harvested at plastic boxes, weighted and shipped to a packinghouse. Fruits taken directly from the plant were determined as reference. The parameters evaluated were weight loss and mechanical injury and tomato physical quality after storage during 21 days. It was observed an increasing on the weight loss, external damage, and postharvest losses, after storage. Handling and transportation were the cause of an increase in 6.6% in external damage and 1.93% of weight loss after storage, when comparing harvested fruits and fruits evaluated on the packing-house. The main reason for postharvest losses was due to mechanical injury caused during transportation mainly due to the compressure force among fruits and against the plastic boxes.


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Postharvest losses vary among the different vegetable products. However, among fruits and vegetables the losses generally range from 30% to 50%. Thus, this paper aimed the application of 1-methylcycloprene (1-MCP) and fast cooling with forced air (PC) on peaches, in order to estimate their effects in the ripening process of this fruit. Physiological analyses were performed, such as loss of fresh mass, firmness, pH, titratable acidity, soluble solids, ratio and CO2 production, as well as sensorial analyses such as color, texture and flavor. The experiment was divided in two phases. In the first one, concentrations of 30, 60, and 90 nL/L 1-MCP, applied at 0 ºC and 20 ºC, were tested. The fruits treated without 1-MCP were denominated control for both temperatures studied. The second phase was composed by the following treatments: cold storage (CS) or control, cooling with forced air (CFA), cooling with forced air followed by 1-MCP application (CFA + 1-MCP) and 1-MCP application (1-MCP). Among these, the CFA + 1-MCP treatment provided more firmness of the fruits in comparison to the control fruits. The respiratory rate of peaches under CFA and CFA + 1-MCP treatments decreased in comparison to the control fruit respiratory rates.


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The application of sand filters in localized irrigation systems is recommended in the presence of organic and algae contamination. The proper design and maintenance of these equipments are essential to assure an effective water quality control, in order to reduce the emitters clogging, to keep its water application uniformity, and to prevent increasing in the system operation costs. Despite the existence of some references about design, operation and maintenance of these filters, they are dispersed, with not enough details to guarantee the optimization of its hydraulics structure design and the proper selection of porous media to be used. Therefore, the objective of this work was to report a current literature review, relating practical information with scientific knowledge. The content of this review would help to induce and intensify the research on this subject and to contribute so the operational functions for the equipment are reached. It is also expected to assist the improvement of the filtration and flushing processes in the agricultural irrigation and the development of original design procedures and the rational use of these devices.


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Excessive and inadequate handling of fruits and vegetables provides high incidences of physical damage, consequently, post harvest losses. The main goal of this work was to evaluate the impact magnitude in persimmon packing lines, Rama Forte, and to determine, at the laboratory, its impact limits. For evaluating the critical points it was used an instrumented sphere of 76 mm of diameter (Technmark, Inc, Lansing, USA), which registered the impact magnitude in seven distinctive impact lines located in four packing houses. For determining physical damages, tests were carried out at the laboratory, where fruit drop was related to impact magnitude, physical damage incidence and fruit post harvest losses. At the packing lines, the values found varied from 21 to 87 G on the transfer points and the majority of registered impacts (over 94%) were down 50G. Drops from 20 cm caused an increase in weight losses after six days of storage at room temperature. Drops from 20 and 30 cm caused skin darkness (low L values), associated to a decrease in color intensity (chroma). Impact drop did not affect pulp fruit chemical features.