916 resultados para Mayr, Ernst: This is biology - the science of living world
Vol. 2 has title: An account of travels into the interior of Southern Africa; in which is considered, the importance of the Cape of Good Hope to the different European powers, as a naval and military station ; as a territorial acquisition and commercial emporium in time of peace : with a statistical sketch of the whole colony ; comp. from authentic documents.
Series title also at head of t.-p.
Shaw & Shoemaker 24472.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Recent research suggests that early in learning, students primarily use episodic memory when recalling information, but as learning develops and schematisation occurs, students' knowledge is likely to be dominated by semantic memory. This shift has been examined through student's memory awareness; 'remembering' is linked to episodic memory and 'knowing' is linked to semantic memory. This paper explores the effect of different review opportunities on students' memory awareness and schematisation, and reports on findings that indicate students are more likely to shift from 'remembering' to 'knowing' if they have the opportunity to review the learning material, but regularly and in different formats. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
This article uses the concept of social positioning to explore the construction of a youth sports club by young people, their parents and coaches. The year-long ethnography of Forest Athletics Club (FAC) identified two athlete positions of Samplers and Beginning Specializers. Four parents’ positions were identified, those of Non-Attenders, Spectators, Helpers and Committed Members. One coach position was the Committed Volunteer. Each of these positions was interdependent. Particular expectations, practices and values were attached to these positions. It is argued that the club operates according to multiple agendas and that FAC is a complex and dynamic social phenomenon that is practised differently by the three groups of key players.
The focus of this paper is on the effect of gravity stretching on disturbed capillary jet instability. Break-up and droplet formation under low flows are simulated using finite difference solution of a one-dimensional approximation of disturbed capillary jet instability chosen from the work by Eggers and Dupont (J. Fluid Mech. 155 (1994) 289). Experiments were conducted using water and aqueous glycerol solutions to compare with simulations. We use a gravity parameter, G, which quantifies gravity stretching by relating flow velocity, orifice size and acceleration and is the reciprocal of the Fronde number. The optimum disturbance frequency Omega(opt) was found to be inversely proportional to G. However, this relationship appears to be complex for the range of G's investigated. At low G, the relationship between Omega(opt) and G appears to be linear but takes on a weakly decaying like trend as G increases. As flows are lowered, the satellite-free regime decreases, although experimental observation found that merging of main and satellite drops sometimes offset this effect to result in monodispersed droplet trains post break-up. Viscosity did not significantly affect the relationship between the disturbance frequency and G, although satellite drops could be seen more clearly close to the upper limit for instability at high G's. It is possible to define regimes of satellite formation under low flows by considering local wavenumbers at the point of instability. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study investigates the sense of belonging to a neighbourhood among 9445 women aged 73-78 years participating in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health. Thirteen items designed to measure sense of neighbourhood were included in the survey of the older women in 1999. Survey data provided a range of measures of demographic, social and health-related factors to assess scale construct validity. Factor analysis showed that seven of the items loaded on one factor that had good face validity and construct validity as a measure of the sense of neighbourhood. Two of the remaining items related to neighbourhood safety and comprised a factor. A better sense of neighbourhood was associated with better physical and mental health, lower stress, better social support and being physically active. Women who had lived longer at their present address had a better sense of belonging to their neighbourhood, as did women living in non-urban areas and who were better able to manage on their income. Feeling safe in the neighbourhood was least likely in urban areas, increased in rural townships, and was most likely in rural and remote areas. Older women living alone felt less safe, as did women who were less able to manage on their income. This study has identified two sets of items that form valid measures of aspects of the social environment of older women, namely the sense of neighbourhood and feelings of safety. These findings make a contribution to our understanding of the relationship between feelings of belonging to a neighbourhood and health in older women. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This article investigates the ethics of intervention and explores the decision to invade Iraq. It begins by arguing that while positive international law provides an important framework for understanding and debating the legitimacy of war, it does not cover the full spectrum of moral reasoning on issues of war and peace. To that end, after briefly discussing the two primary legal justifications for war (implied UN authorization and pre-emptive self-defence), and finding them wanting, it asks whether there is a moral 'humanitarian exceptions to this rule grounded in the 'just war' tradition. The article argues that two aspects of the broad tradition could be used to make a humanitarian case for war: the 'holy war' tradition and classical just war thinking based on natural law. The former it finds problematic, while the latter it argues provides a moral space to justify the use of force to halt gross breaches of natural law. Although such an approach may provide a moral justification for war, it also opens the door to abuse. It was this very problem that legal positivism from Vattel onwards was designed to address. As a result, the article argues that natural law and legal positivist arguments should be understood as complementary sets of ideas whose sometimes competing claims must be balanced in relation to particular cases. Therefore, although natural law may open a space for justifying the invasion of Iraq on humanitarian terms, legal positivism strictly limits that right. Ignoring this latter fact, as happened in the Iraq case, opens the door to abuse.
A porous, high surface area TiO2 with anatase or rutile crystalline domains is advantageous for high efficiency photonic devices. Here, we report a new route to the synthesis of mesoporous titania with full anatase crystalline domains. This route involves the preparation of anatase nanocrystalline seed suspensions as the titania precursor and a block copolymer surfactant, Pluronic P123 as the template for the hydrothermal self-assembly process. A large pore (7 - 8 nm) mesoporous titania with a high surface area of 106 - 150 m(2)/g after calcination at 400degreesC for 4 h in air is achieved. Increasing the hydrothermal temperature decreases the surface area and creates larger pores. Characteristics of the seed precursors as well as the resultant mesoporous titania powder were studied using XRD analysis, N-2-adsorption/desorption analysis, and TEM. We believe these materials will be especially useful for photoelectrochemical solar cell and photocatalysis applications.
Bt transgenic cotton has not shown the same level of resistance to bollworm in China, as in other major Bt cotton growing areas of the world. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of high temperature on the CryIA insecticidal protein content and nitrogen metabolism, in the leaf of Bt transgenic cotton. The study was undertaken on two transgenic cotton cultivars, one conventional (Xinyang 822) and the other a hybrid (Kumian No. 1), during the 2001 and 2002 growing seasons at the Yangzhou University Farm, Yangzhou, China. In the 2001 study, potted cotton plants were exposed to 37 C for 24 h under glasshouse conditions at three growth stages peak square, peak flowering and peak boll developing periods. Based on the 2001 results, in 2002 the same two cultivars were exposed to the same temperature for 48 h at two growth stages-peak flowering and boll developing periods. The results of the study indicated that the insecticidal protein content of the leaf was not significantly affected by the stress during the square and flowering periods. However, exposure to high temperature for 24h during the boll period reduced the CryIA protein content by approximately 51% in the cultivar Kumian No 1, and 30% in Xinyang 822 in the 2001 study, and by approximately 73 and 63% for 48 h with the same cultivars, respectively, in the 2002 study. Glutamic-pyruvic transaminase (GPT) activity, total free amino acid and soluble protein content, and the activity of protease in the leaf, showed relatively little change in response to high temperature in the flowering period. However, exposure to high temperature in the boll period resulted in the following changes - a reduction of GPT activity, a sharp increase in free amino acid content, a significant decrease in soluble protein content, and significant increases in the activity of protease. The results suggest that high temperature may result in the degradation of soluble protein in the leaf, with a resulting decline in the level of the toxin CryIA. It is believed that this may be the cause of the reduced efficacy of Bt cotton in growing conditions in China, where temperatures during the boll period often reach 36-40° C. © 2004 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
This paper examines the complexity of collaboration between child protection and mental health services, where a parent has a mental illness and there are protection concerns for children. The paper reports on data from focused in-depth interviews with 36 child protection workers, adult mental health workers and child and youth mental health workers. Data were analysed thematically, using NVivo to facilitate data management and analysis. Two dimensions were identified. The first, the process of collaboration, relates to four factors that assisted the collaborative process: communication, knowledge, role clarity and resources. The second dimension considers the challenges presented to collaborative work when a parent has a mental illness and a child is in need of protection, and identifies issues that are inherent in cases of this kind. Two types of challenge were identified. The first related to characteristics of mental illness, and included the episodic and/or unpredictable nature of mental illness, incorporating information from psychiatric and parenting capacity assessments, and the provision of ongoing support. The second type of challenge concerned the tension between the conflicting needs of parents and their children, and how this was viewed from both the adult mental health and the child protection perspective. Implications for policy and practice are identified in relation to the need for service models that provide ongoing, flexible support that can be intensified or held back as needed.
Although information systems (IS) problem solving involves knowledge of both the IS and application domains, little attention has been paid to the role of application domain knowledge. In this study, which is set in the context of conceptual modeling, we examine the effects of both IS and application domain knowledge on different types of schema understanding tasks: syntactic and semantic comprehension tasks and schema-based problem-solving tasks. Our thesis was that while IS domain knowledge is important in solving all such tasks, the role of application domain knowledge is contingent upon the type of understanding task under investigation. We use the theory of cognitive fit to establish theoretical differences in the role of application domain knowledge among the different types of schema understanding tasks. We hypothesize that application domain knowledge does not influence the solution of syntactic and semantic comprehension tasks for which cognitive fit exists, but does influence the solution of schema-based problem-solving tasks for which cognitive fit does not exist. To assess performance on different types of conceptual schema understanding tasks, we conducted a laboratory experiment in which participants with high- and low-IS domain knowledge responded to two equivalent conceptual schemas that represented high and low levels of application knowledge (familiar and unfamiliar application domains). As expected, we found that IS domain knowledge is important in the solution of all types of conceptual schema understanding tasks in both familiar and unfamiliar applications domains, and that the effect of application domain knowledge is contingent on task type. Our findings for the EER model were similar to those for the ER model. Given the differential effects of application domain knowledge on different types of tasks, this study highlights the importance of considering more than one application domain in designing future studies on conceptual modeling.
The last two decades has seen a proliferation in the provision of and importance attached to coach education in many Western countries. Pivotal to many coach education programmes is the notion of apprenticeship. Increasingly, mentoring is being positioned as a possible tool for enhancing coach education and professional expertise. However, there is a paucity of empirical data on interventions in and evaluations of coach education programmes. In their recent evaluation of a coach education programme, Cassidy, Potrac & McKenzie conclude that the situated learning literature could provide coach educators with a generative platform for the (re)examination of apprenticeships and mentoring in a coach education context. This paper discusses the merits of using Situated Learning theory and the associated concept of Communities of Practice (CoP) to stimulate discussion on developing new understandings of the practices of apprenticeship and mentoring in coach education.