902 resultados para Mato Grosso - Estado


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We interviewed 21 farmers in order to access which sanitary practices adopted in the production systems of beef cattle on farms located in São Paulo, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul and Rondonia. The survey was conducted through a qualitative approach to the collection of data obtained through questionnaire and personal interview with the landowners. We questioned the attitudes and sanitation procedures in these current production systems such as veterinary assistance, preventive health practices and disease surveillance, knowledge of health hazards for the safe production of food, animal feed, vaccine and immunizations, registration system, measures with newborns, products used in the environment and animals, grace period, employee training, destination of the dead animals, among others. Along with the data found that only 30% of properties had veterinary care, 67% said they meet the expiration dates of the products, although it was not mentioned on the products if there were any. In only 48% of properties were veterinarians who prescribed drugs to animals. Only two of the owners confirmed buying and using expired products in animals and only 48% have received some training on the property. In this setting, it is evident that farmers should be better prepared for insertion of its products in a highly demanding and competitive market. In this context, add value to the product depends mainly on the condition of sanitation of the herds.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Violence in adolescence, specifically sexual violence, is a topic of great relevance. Not only in Brazil but the world has witnessed the increase of sexual violence, becoming the most prevalent morbid occurrence in adolescence. Draws attention to the phenomenon of sexual violence against children and adolescents not only the fact that most of the victims are assaulted in their own home environment, but also the type of relationship between victim and aggressor. Thus, based on systemic approach, this study aimed to compose eend family dynamics of adolescent victims of sexual intra-familial. Participants were seven teenagers and their parents, users and beneficiaries of services offered by CREAS - Reference Center for Specialized Social Assistance in a municipality of Mato Grosso do Sul. The instruments used were the Test of Drawing in Colour of the Family (FCDT) and a questionnaire about the pictures taken and family interactions. The results indicated the difficulty in differentiating family roles, especially regarding the differentiation of the mother and daughter, a fact that seemed to be the motivator for the impoverishment of individuation in groups. Also noted the presence of conflict between the familiar figures probably originated from this abusive situation. In this context, the studied families showed communication difficulties between family members, hindering the integration between them, as well as the existence of an authoritarian leadership and strict rules performed by the father figure. These results may support preventive and therapeutic actions to situations of sexual violence against children and adolescents. Thus, it is suggested that psychological counseling for the study participants and other stakeholders with a view to reducing damage and recovery of quality of life for all family members, as well as the need for further studies in the area in question.


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This present article aims to present some results of a PhD research in which intended to answer the following investigation question: In which extent a Program of Teacher Education in service in the early years of elementary school, GESTAR, contributed to the development of positive attitudes about Geometry? The participants were twelve teachers from two schools in the State of Mato Grosso. The instruments for data collection were a range of attitudes towards Geometry (EARG) developed and experimented by Viana and Brito (2004). The results showed a meaningful change in Geometry of the data pre and post-experiment.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The objective of the present work is the construction of percentual indexes of sustainable development "Status" - PIDSD (%) aiming to order and classify the rural settlements, considering agricultural, socioeconomic and environmental aspects, in order to diagnose their sustainable reality. This way, we considered multivariate statistical procedure to establish analytical descriptors - indexes - like the principal components technique (CP). The CP technique was used in a matrix formed by 47 variables observed in 50 rural settlements, distributed in seven different regions of the state of Mato Grosso, obtained from diagnostics, provided by "Mato-Grossense" Enterprise of Research, Assistance and Rural Extension S/A - EMPAER - MT, in order to obtain the indexes used in the construction of PIDSD (%). The settlements with higher PIDSD (%) were considered "higher potential" or "higher sustainable" in relation to the analyzed variables, making the establishment of assistance strategies and cooperation possible, allowing the government and civil society in general, to improve those with worse results ("lower potential" or "lower sustainable"), and search for ways to strengthen and multiply the results of the "higher potential" settlements. Vale do Seringal settlement had the best conditions in relation to the variables, mainly those of higher weigh and was considered the one with "higher potential". São Sebastião had the worst conditions and was considered "lower potential".


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the evolution of calibration and maintenance practices for crop sprayers on soybean production areas in Brazil, in the 2006 and 2007 seasons, based on the Project IPP data. Therefore, the evaluation covered issues related to calibration, maintenance condition and the main components of 103 sprayers distributed in the following states: Rio Grande do Sul (35), Paraná (60), and, Mato Grosso do Sul (8). The evaluations were done at the rate of one sprayer per farm. The most frequent problems were related to the pressure gauge, spray leaks and calibration errors greater than 50% of the desired volume rate. The analysis of the application rate showed a tendency for the farmers to apply volume rates below the desired value. In 2006 the errors of the application rate were significant, with 70.4% for Rio Grande do Sul State, 74.5% for Paraná State and 37.5% for Mato Grosso do Sul State. In 2007 there was a reduction of errors, with averages of 50.0% for Rio Grande do Sul and 66.7% for Paraná. In general terms, the results showed improvements on the use, maintenance and calibration processes for crop sprayers on the areas covered by the Project IPP, with reductions on average indexes for calibration errors, leaks and bad tips, among other issues.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Embora até hoje incipiente, não se pode dizer que o cinema paraense inexista. Alguns filmes realizados têm apresentado esparsas demonstrações, por vezes corajosas, de cineastas conterrâneos esforçados em usar a linguagem das imagens para captar aspectos documentais e/ ou ficcionais da sociedade, em épocas variadas. Libero Luxardo, paulista de Sorocaba, radicado em Belém desde a década de 40, insere-se entre os que já tentaram fazer cinema no Pará. Com uma obra premiada e clássica (Alma do Brasil - A Retirada da Laguna/ Mato Grosso/ 1931), pode ser visto competindo com alguns cineastas da sua época. Introduziu-se no meio paraense através da profissão que abraçara no sul, realizando documentários. Os filmes de ficção vieram depois, mas os dois gêneros usaram como background, a místico-exótica Amazônia. Uma de suas primeiras iniciativas cinematográficas para fixar-se no Pará foi Amanhã Nos Encontraremos, filme inacabado realizado na década de 40. Na segunda Interventoria de Magalhães Barata, o cineasta procurou registrar as benfeitorias governamentais dessa fase populista da política paraense. Entre os dados recolhidos da imprensa deste período, há notícias sobre os projetos a serem desenvolvidos por ele. Um outro dado muito significativo é dado pelo pesquisador Alfredo Wagner sobre a existência, na Região do Arari, de um caboclo que teria sido ator de filmes de Luxardo. A cinebiografia mais recente do cineasta aponta os seguintes filmes: Um Dia Qualquer (1962), Marajó, Barreira do Mar (1964), Um Diamante e Cinco Balas (1966) e Brutos Inocentes (1974). Da fase partidária e política, ressalta-se o documentário O Enterro de Magalhães Barata (1959), entre os inúmeros que realizou ao registrar as obras oficiais do governo baratista. O resgate histórico da passagem de Libero Luxardo pelo Pará está merecendo a atenção do pesquisador de cinema. Por ora, meu interesse em contextualizar sua obra deve-se a um tópico instigativo a ser desenvolvido: qual o olhar de Libero sobre as mulheres paraenses da década de 60 no filme Um Dia Qualquer? O tema pretende recobrir uma fase do cinema paraense, momento em que as mudanças culturais e sociais estão fazendo-se no mundo. Objetiva pensar também, nestes cem anos de cinema, as contribuições a ele dadas pela cultura paraense.