824 resultados para MOTIVATION IN SPORTS


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The present study has proposed a structural model to identify the reasons why individuals become voluntary, keep and exit this type of work. The empirical space was the Pastoral da Criança - social action agency of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB) - community-based institution that has its work based on solidarity and the sharing of knowledge. The theoretical framework has the context in which are volunteering studies in Brazilian and world level. Then discuss the various concepts of volunteering and presented the theoretical models of volunteer motivation. Studies of Mostyn (1983) and studies conducted by the BEPEGE-Base for Studies and Research in Management Policies and Strategies - in their line of research GERQUAL - Human Resource Management and Organizational Quality - of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte as Carvalho e Souza(2006), Souza, Medeiros e Fernandes (2006), Souza et al (2009, 2010), Cavalcante et al (2011a, 2011b, 2011c, 2011d) were the main theoretical references for the construction of the model that was tested. Data collection was done through a survey with 71 indicators, in 2 visits to cities from the Diocese of Pesqueira, Pernambuco. The first data collection occurred in the period between May 30 and June 3, 2011, in Buique/PE and the second collection happened in Pesqueira/PE, in St. Joseph Seminary, in the period between July 6-8, 2011. 720 questionnaires were collected. The sample was divided into two parts. Exploratory Factor Analysis was applied in first part and Confirmatory Factor Analysis - structural equation modeling - in the second half. The examination of the results achieved by the expectations, reasons for entry, reasons for staying and exit reasons showed that all hypotheses were accepted. So the motivation of voluntary Pastoral da Criança can be explained by a set of interactions between these five constructs: Altruistic, Affectionate, Amiable, Adjusted and Astute


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De ideella elitidrottsföreningarna börjar till stor del bli kommersialiserade och gränsen mellan dem och vinstdrivande företag är på väg att suddas ut. De är dock fortfarande en ideell idrottsförening till formen som ska vara allmännyttig, demokratisk, ha folkrörelsekaraktär, vara jämlik och jämställd – de ska med andra ord genom sin huvudsakliga verksamhet bidra till samhället. Trots det tenderar elitidrottsföreningarna att ta ytterligare samhällsansvar genom att bedriva olika projekt och verksamheter med syfte att på olika sätt hjälpa till exempel utsatta grupper i samhället. Syftet med studien är att förstå vilken betydelse de sociala samhällsengagemangen har för ideella elitidrottsföreningar i förhållande till deras intressenter. Genom att utföra semistrukturerade intervjuer med representanter från fem olika ideella elitidrottsföreningar har vi skapat en förståelse kring deras sociala ansvarstagande för att därefter tolka vilken betydelse detta har för föreningarna och för vilka de arbetar med socialt ansvarstagande. Uppsatsen bidrar till att förstå att det finns nya strategier att använda sig av när det handlar om att bedriva en ideell elitidrottsförening. Vi önskar att uppsatsen kan bidra till att inspirera personer inom föreningsvärlden att våga gå nya vägar när det kommer till att leda och utveckla Sveriges idrottsföreningar.


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Background: Athletic groin pain (AGP) is prevalent in sports involving repeated accelerations, decelerations, kicking and change-of-direction movements. Clinical and radiological examinations lack the ability to assess pathomechanics of AGP, but three-dimensional biomechanical movement analysis may be an important innovation. Aim: The primary aim was to describe and analyse movements used by patients with AGP during a maximum effort change-of-direction task. The secondary aim was to determine if specific anatomical diagnoses were related to a distinct movement strategy. Methods: 322 athletes with a current symptom of chronic AGP participated. Structured and standardised clinical assessments and radiological examinations were performed on all participants. Additionally, each participant performed multiple repetitions of a planned maximum effort change-of-direction task during which whole body kinematics were recorded. Kinematic and kinetic data were examined using continuous waveform analysis techniques in combination with a subgroup design that used gap statistic and hierarchical clustering. Results: Three subgroups (clusters) were identified. Kinematic and kinetic measures of the clusters differed strongly in patterns observed in thorax, pelvis, hip, knee and ankle. Cluster 1 (40%) was characterised by increased ankle eversion, external rotation and knee internal rotation and greater knee work. Cluster 2 (15%) was characterised by increased hip flexion, pelvis contralateral drop, thorax tilt and increased hip work. Cluster 3 (45%) was characterised by high ankle dorsiflexion, thorax contralateral drop, ankle work and prolonged ground contact time. No correlation was observed between movement clusters and clinically palpated location of the participant's pain. Conclusions: We identified three distinct movement strategies among athletes with long-standing groin pain during a maximum effort change-of-direction task. These movement strategies were not related to clinical assessment findings but highlighted targets for rehabilitation in response to possible propagative mechanisms. Trial registration number NCT02437942, pre results.


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O objeto central deste estudo são os significados que os alunos do curso de Administração atribuem aos valores do ensino do Empreendedorismo em sua formação acadêmica, delineado à luz dos pressupostos teórico-metodológicos da psicologia de Vygotsky e alicerçado com a pesquisa efetuada durante o ano de 2015, com um cariz qualitativo. A proposta metodológica da pesquisa contempla a triangulação de procedimentos, a saber: questionários, entrevistas e grupo focal. Participaram do trabalho de entrevista e grupo focal um total de 14 alunos somados aos 109 que integraram o procedimento metodológico em forma de questionário. Todos os alunos participantes cursavam, no momento da pesquisa, o sexto e sétimos períodos do curso de administração. Como ponto de partida dos núcleos de significação deste trabalho, procurou-se verificar as possíveis formas de apreensão do conhecimento acadêmico com vistas à ação empreendedora dos sujeitos pesquisados, buscando estudá-los nas seguintes dimensões: quem são os alunos universitários; como é a sua vida acadêmica; de que maneira os estudantes constroem e significam a importância do conhecimento empreendedor para a construção de seu caminho na busca de seus objetivos e sonhos. O estudo permite defender a seguinte tese central: os significados atribuídos pelos alunos do Curso de Administração à sua formação empreendedora. A apreensão do conhecimento é significada com responsabilidade, compromisso, persistência e confiança em si mesmos. São pessoas que possuem esperança de ter um futuro promissor, de realizar seus objetivos, coroados de fortes sentimentos advindos de suas vivências, compreendendo o Empreendedorismo como forma de desenvolvimento social. A partir dessa tese central, outra se destacou por ter sido considerada a base de todo o processo empreendedor delineado pelos sujeitos pesquisados: a família. Esta instituição central declarou-se ser a base geradora para a sua motivação na construção de seus caminhos, rumo à conquista dos sonhos e anseios desejados. É ponto de destaque e elo firme em suprir uma das características do empreendedor, que é ter um “modelo”, aquele que o inspira, que o influencia para seguir em frente em sua meta. Outra tese que emergiu neste estudo foi o distanciamento da instituição de ensino das empresas, fato uníssono nas falas dos sujeitos pesquisados. A carência da prática no curso de administração foi sentida e evocada como um óbice a ser resolvido.


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Esta tese de mestrado explora a gestão da inovação nas organizações desportivas. Pretende-se determinar como se inova nos clubes desportivos e determinar os processos, métodos e modelos aplicados e a forma de fomentação da inovação nas organizações desportivas. A avaliação da reação do meio desportivo à inovação é também analisada. Num primeiro momento procura-se as definições de gestão de desporto e de inovação e é realizado um enquadramento da gestão da inovação nas organizações desportivas e na gestão de desporto, através de pesquisas bibliográficas (enquadramento teórico). Na segunda etapa da tese, são realizadas entrevistas a seis coordenadores de formação de clubes de futebol com o objetivo de determinar que processos utilizam para inovar e como é feita a promoção da inovação nessas organizações. Após a análise das entrevistas são apresentadas as conclusões tendo em conta as características das organizações e compara-se as ideias apresentadas no enquadramento teórico com a prática apresentada nas entrevistas.


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Within the business context, communication and interaction tends to be considerably rooted in the use of English (as lingua franca), as well as in ICT use. Thus, professionals have to be able to speak the English language, resorting to specific, internationally recognised terminology and be proficient in the use of manifold ICT tools. In fact, the tendency is for the great majority of higher education (HE) students to own mobile devices (laptops, smartphones and/or tablets) and use them to access information and communicate/interact with content and other people. Bearing this in mind, a teaching and learning strategy was designed, in which m-learning (i.e. learning in which the delivery platform is a mobile device) was used to approach Business English Terminology (BET). The strategy was labelled as ‘BET on Top Hat’, once the selected application was Top Hat (https://tophat.com/) and the idea was for students to face it as if it were a game/challenge. In this scenario, the main goals of this exploratory study were to find evidence as to: i) the utility of m-learning activities for learning BET and ii) if and how m-learning activities can generate intrinsic motivation in students to learn BET. Participants (n=23) were enrolled in English II, a curricular unit of the 1st cycle degree in Retail Management offered at Águeda School of Technology and Management – University of Aveiro (2014/15 edition). The data gathered included the students’ results in quizzes and their answers to a short final evaluation questionnaire regarding their experience with BET on Top Hat. Consequently, data were treated and analysed resorting to descriptive statistical analysis, and, when considered pertinent, the teacher’s observation notes were also considered. The results unveil that, on the one hand, the strategy had a clear positive impact on the students’ intrinsic motivation and, on the other hand, the students’ performance as to BET use tended to improve over time.


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Cremona developed a reduction theory for binary forms of degree 3 and 4 with integer coefficients, the motivation in the case of quartics being to improve 2-descent algorithms for elliptic curves over Q. In this paper we extend some of these results to forms of higher degree. One application of this is to the study of hyperelliptic curves.


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A ausência de motivação, na generalidade, é uma questão atual na escola, patente nas diversas vertentes de ensino, em alunos e professores. Assim, o presente trabalho surge no âmbito do Mestrado em Ensino de Artes Visuais no 3.º ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Ensino Secundário, com o propósito de estudar este problema, em particular nas Artes Visuais. Pretende-se fornecer informações, de modo a ser possível identificar e solucionar problemas relativos à motivação, de professores e alunos, especificamente, na disciplina de Educação Visual. A escolha desta temática partiu da preocupação, sentida não só enquanto aluna, mas também enquanto professora, com a confrontação de falta de motivação em sala de aula. Partindo do princípio que a prática do ensino deve estar em consonância com necessidades emocionais, sociais e cognitivas, foi elaborado o presente estudo que, em simultâneo, sustentou a prática de ensino supervisionada. Nesta pesquisa, procura-se compreender o domínio emocional, ainda que inferiorizado, nas relações existentes na sala de aula, de modo a que estas deem o seu contributo para o processo de aprendizagem. Com particular ênfase na problemática da motivação, são estruturadas estratégias de ação para uso em contexto escolar. Este estudo é complementado com o trabalho prático, decorrido em contexto sala de aula, de forma a verificar o potencial dos conceitos teóricos investigados. Para tal, foram realizados quatro projetos, em duas turmas de diferentes níveis de escolaridade e caraterísticas singulares. Recolhidos e analisados dados, obtidos nesta componente prática, procurou-se validar as vantagens do ensino que responde a necessidades não só cognitivas, como também sociais e emocionais.


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Cette étude vise à connaître la perception et la représentation induite des institutions de sécurité et de justice ivoiriennes par les abidjanais. Les théories de la motivation, notamment celle du contenu motivationnel ont été utilisées pour comprendre le jugement des abidjanais. Un questionnaire et des entretiens ont permis de recueillir des données dont l’analyse relève une image négative du système de sécurité et de justice ivoirien qui s’est progressivement construite dans la conscience de la population. Cette dépréciation du système est motivée par les différentes expériences d’insatisfaction et autres griefs à l’endroit du système et de ses agents. This study aims at knowing the Abidjanian perception and the induced representation of Ivorian institutions of security and justice. We used theories of motivation, in particular the one concerning motivational content, in order to understand the Abidjanian judgments. Data from a questionnaire and some interviews have provided information that highlight a negative image among citizens of the Ivorian system of security and justice. This discrediting of the system is mainly the result of different dissatisfaction experiences and other complaints towards the system and its agents.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Desporto com especialização em Treino Desportivo


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Desporto com especialização em Treino Desportivo


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El propósito de la presente investigación es identificar la relación entre el clima organizacional y la motivación de los empleados en la Clínica Santa Ana de la Ciudad de Cuenca en el año 2013. El tipo de investigación es descriptivo-correlacional. La orientación teórica se orientó al conocimiento del modelo de Clima Organizacional de seis dimensiones de Litwin y Stringer y la teoría de las tres necesidades de McClelland. El coeficiente de confiabilidad se calculó para los cuestionarios dando como resultado para toda la escala de 0,960, para la escala de clima el resultado fue de 0,947 y para la escala de motivación fue de 0,856. En cuanto a la Clínica Santa Ana se expuso un panorama general de la misma, su historia, su visión, su misión, sus valores y su estructura. Entre los resultados más relevantes se puede citar que hay una correlación positiva y alta entre el Clima Organizacional y la Motivación de los empleados. La Clínica Santa Ana tiene un clima que se ubica en la media, es decir, ni satisfactorio ni insatisfactorio. Los resultados de la hipótesis general y las seis hipótesis específicas formuladas se validan totalmente. Se concluye que el estudio realizado en la Clínica Santa respondió a los tres objetivos generales y a los ocho objetivos específicos planteados.


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Pour permettre de mieux comprendre la problématique du désengagement des adolescents en éducation physique et aussi à l’endroit de l’activité physique en général, la présente étude avait pour objectif d’examiner les liens entre, d’une part, le climat motivationnel en classe d’éducation physique (maîtrise et performance) et les besoins psychologiques des élèves des deux sexes (compétence, autonomie et appartenance) et, d’autre part, les buts d’accomplissement (maîtrise, performance-approche et performance-évitement) poursuivis en éducation physique. Elle visait aussi à examiner l’impact des buts d’accomplissement sur les attitudes et habitudes des adolescents à l’endroit de l’activité physique en général. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, 909 élèves (âge moyen = 13,87[0,94]) ont rempli des questionnaires à items auto-révélés à trois reprises pendant l’année scolaire. Des modèles d’équations structurelles (AMOS 22), des analyses d’invariance ainsi que l’approche sans contrainte ont servi à analyser les données. Les résultats indiquent que les buts d’accomplissement des élèves varient en fonction du climat motivationnel perçu et que le sentiment de compétence entretient une relation positive avec les trois buts d’accomplissement. Ces relations étaient invariantes selon le sexe des élèves. Par ailleurs, une seule interaction climat-besoin s’est avérée significative : l’interaction entre le climat de maîtrise et le sentiment d’autonomie prédit négativement l’adoption de buts de performance-évitement. Cela signifie que la perception d’un climat de maîtrise réduit l’adoption de buts de performance-évitement par les élèves, mais seulement lorsque ceux-ci affichent un fort sentiment d’autonomie. Finalement, l’adoption de buts de maîtrise et de buts de performance-approche en éducation physique exerce une influence positive sur les attitudes des élèves qui, à leur tour, influencent leurs habitudes en activité physique. Seule l’adoption de buts de performance-approche entretient une relation positive directe avec les habitudes des élèves. En conclusion, l’enseignant d’éducation physique peut agir sur la motivation et l’engagement des élèves en classe, mais aussi à l’extérieur des cours, en instaurant un climat motivationnel de maîtrise et en aidant les élèves à satisfaire leur besoin de compétence.


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The present study has proposed a structural model to identify the reasons why individuals become voluntary, keep and exit this type of work. The empirical space was the Pastoral da Criança - social action agency of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB) - community-based institution that has its work based on solidarity and the sharing of knowledge. The theoretical framework has the context in which are volunteering studies in Brazilian and world level. Then discuss the various concepts of volunteering and presented the theoretical models of volunteer motivation. Studies of Mostyn (1983) and studies conducted by the BEPEGE-Base for Studies and Research in Management Policies and Strategies - in their line of research GERQUAL - Human Resource Management and Organizational Quality - of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte as Carvalho e Souza(2006), Souza, Medeiros e Fernandes (2006), Souza et al (2009, 2010), Cavalcante et al (2011a, 2011b, 2011c, 2011d) were the main theoretical references for the construction of the model that was tested. Data collection was done through a survey with 71 indicators, in 2 visits to cities from the Diocese of Pesqueira, Pernambuco. The first data collection occurred in the period between May 30 and June 3, 2011, in Buique/PE and the second collection happened in Pesqueira/PE, in St. Joseph Seminary, in the period between July 6-8, 2011. 720 questionnaires were collected. The sample was divided into two parts. Exploratory Factor Analysis was applied in first part and Confirmatory Factor Analysis - structural equation modeling - in the second half. The examination of the results achieved by the expectations, reasons for entry, reasons for staying and exit reasons showed that all hypotheses were accepted. So the motivation of voluntary Pastoral da Criança can be explained by a set of interactions between these five constructs: Altruistic, Affectionate, Amiable, Adjusted and Astute