987 resultados para MARÍN CAÑAS, JOSÉ, 1904 - 1980
This document is the State Map of Iowa, both front and back of the year in the title. All maps were are in pdf format and can be used as a historical reference.
BACKGROUND: Over the last few decades, esophageal cancer incidence and mortality trends varied substantially across Europe, with important differences between sexes and the two main histological subtypes, squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) and adenocarcinoma (EAC). PATIENTS AND METHODS: To monitor recent esophageal cancer mortality trends and to compute short-term predictions in the European Union (EU) and selected European countries, we analyzed data provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) for 1980-2011. We also analyzed incidence trends and relative weights of ESCC and EAC across Europe using data from Cancer Incidence in Five Continents. RESULTS: Long-term decreasing trends were observed for male esophageal cancer mortality in several southern and western European countries, whereas in central Europe mortality increased until the mid-1990s and started to stabilize or decline over the last years. In some eastern and northern countries, the rates were still increasing. Mortality among European women remained comparatively low and showed stable or decreasing trends in most countries. Between 2000-2004 and 2005-2009, esophageal cancer mortality declined by 7% (from 5.34 to 4.99/100 000) in EU men, and by 3% (from 1.12 to 1.09/100 000) in EU women. Predictions to 2015 show persistent declines in mortality rates for men in the EU overall, and stable rates for EU women, with rates for 2015 of 4.5/100 000 men (about 22 300 deaths) and 1.1/100 000 women (about 7400 deaths). In northern Europe, EAC is now the predominant histological type among men, while for European women ESCC is more common and corresponding rates are still increasing in several countries. CONCLUSION(S): The observed trends reflect the variations in alcohol drinking, tobacco smoking and overweight across European countries.
Comprend : Histoire de la vie et des ouvrages d'Alexandre Pope ; La boucle de cheveux enlevée / [traduction en prose de l'abbé Desfontaines ; et en vers de Marmontel] ; traduction libre par feu M. Colardeau ; Essai sur l'homme / par M. de Silhouette ; par M. l'abbé Duresnel ; Épîtres morales / traduites par M. Fréron ; La Dunciade / par Martinus Scriblerus ; Mémoires de Martin Scriblerus / par Martin Scriblerus ; Lettres de Pope à différentes dames ; Correspondance de Pope avec Gay et Parnell
The public library movement f the early twentieth century was a national phenomenon, in which Iowa, along with its neighboring states, played a prominent role. In 1900, the Iowa Library Commission noted 48 free public libraries in the state. Today there are approximately 500, in towns ranging in size from Beaman, with a population of 222, the Des Moines, the state capitol. Iowans took enthusiastic advantage of Andre Carnegie's library philanthropy. In 1919, the Carnegie Corporation stopped funding libraries, 101 building has been erected in Iowa with Carnegie funds. Iowa place fourth among the states in terms of the number of communities obtaining Carnegie buildings, fifth in dollar appropriation per one hundred population and eighth in the total amount of money given by Carnegie to a state. These figures provide some measure by which interest in popular education among Iowans of the period can be judged. Today these early libraries, often the most distinctive public libraries in small or medium-sized towns, are physical foci in the townscapes of their communities and centers for a variety of educational and social activities. This survey was initiated by the Division of Historic Preservation in 1977. It grew out of the need to provide a framework within which libraries could be evaluated for National Register action. Several libraries (Des Moines, Grinnell, Eagle Grove, Carroll) has been recent candidates for the Register. There was every indication that enthusiasm for old library buildings was increasing and that more nominations could be expected in the future. The attrition rate among early library buildings was (and is) growing. Most libraries were built on limited budgets (Carnegie did not squander his money) and, despite the fact that future expansion was usually a conscious consideration in their design, they are rapidly becoming obsolete, due to expanding collections and changing styles of librarianship. If the protection of the threatened with demolition or alteration, action needed to be taken.
O controle da capacidade de suporte à carga do solo pode minimizar os efeitos danosos da compactação. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o uso de métodos de determinação da tensão de pré-consolidação num Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo cultivado e submetido a diferentes condições. Os tratamentos empregados foram: semeadura direta (testemunha), semeadura direta com intensidade de tráfego de 24,79 Mg km ha-1 e 49,59 Mg km ha-1, cultivo mínimo há cinco meses e cultivo mínimo em solo compactado pelo tráfego de uma pá-carregadora (260 kPa de pressão ao solo e 24,67 Mg km ha-1). Os métodos usados para estimação da capacidade de suporte foram: (1) interseção da reta de compressão virgem (RCV) com o eixo x na deformação zero; (2) intercepto da RCV pela regressão com os primeiros dois pontos da curva; (3) intercepto da RCV pela regressão com os três pontos da curva; (4) resistência do solo a 2,5 % da deformação; (5) Casagrande, por meio do ajuste sigmoidal da equação de van Genuchten (1980); e (6) Pacheco & Silva (ABNT, 1990), também por esse meio. Os métodos de 2,5 % da deformação e a interseção da RCV com eixo x estimaram, no geral, valores abaixo da referência ao longo de todas as camadas analisadas. Já o método de regressão teve comportamento dependente da inclinação da RCV; em inclinações elevadas houve superestimação; e em inclinações baixas, ocorreu o contrário.
Through an imaginary change of coordinates in the Galilei algebra in 4 space dimensions and making use of an original idea of Dirac and Lvy-Leblond, we are able to obtain the relativistic equations of Dirac and of Bargmann and Wigner starting with the (Galilean-invariant) Schrdinger equation.