998 resultados para Lower third molar


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Selostus: Sian kasvuominaisuuksien perinnölliset tunnusluvut arvioituna kolmannen asteen polynomifunktion avulla


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We present a new model to explain the origin, emplacement and stratigraphy of the Nicoya Complex in the NW part of the Nicoya Peninsula (Costa Rica) based on twenty-five years of field work, accompanied with the evolution of geochemical, vulcanological, petrological, sedimentological and paleontological paradigms. The igneous-sedimentary relation, together with radiolarian biochronology of the NW-Nicoya Peninsula is re-examined. We interpret the Nicoya Complex as a cross-section of a fragment of the Late Cretaceous Caribbean Plateau, in which the deepest levels are exposed in the NW-Nicoya Peninsula. Over 50% of the igneous rocks are intrusive (gabbros and in less proportion plagiogranites) which have a single mantle source; the remainder are basalts with a similar geochemical signature. Ar39/Ar40 radioisotopic whole rock and plagioclase ages range throughout the area from 84 to 83 Ma (Santonian) for the intrusives, and from 139 to 88 Ma (Berriasian-Turonian) for the basalts. In contrast, Mn-radiolarites that crop out in the area are older in age, Bajocian (Middle Jurassic) to Albian (middle Cretaceous). These Mn-radiolaritic blocks are set in a "matrix" of multiple gabbros and diabases intrusions. Chilled margins of magmatites, and hydrothermal baking and leaching of the radiolarites confirm the Ar39/Ar40 dating of igneous rocks being consistently younger than most of the radiolarian cherts. No Jurassic magmatic basement has been identified on the Nicoya Peninsula. We interpret the Jurassic-Cretaceous chert sediment pile to have been disrupted and detached from its original basement by multiple magmatic events that occurred during the formation of the Caribbean Plateau. Coniacian-Santonian (Late Cretaceous), Fe-rich radiolarites are largely synchronous and associated with late phases of the Plateau.


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1. The blood flow, PO2, pH and PCO2 have been estimated in portal and suprahepatic veins as well as in hepatic artery of fed and overnight starved rats given an oral glucose load. From these data the net intestinal, hepatic and splanchnic balances for oxygen and bicarbonate were calculated. The oxygen consumption of the intact animal has also been measured under comparable conditions. 2. The direct utilization of oxygen balances as energy equivalents when establishing the contribution of energy metabolism of liver and intestine to the overall energy expenses of the rat, has been found to be incorrect, since it incorporates the intrinsic error of interorgan proton transfer through bicarbonate. Liver and intestine produced high net bicarbonate balances in all situations tested, implying the elimination (by means of oxidative pathways, i.e. consuming additional oxygen) of high amounts of H+ generated with bicarbonate. The equivalence in energy output of the oxygen balances was then corrected for bicarbonate production to 11-54% lower values. 3. Intestine and liver consume a high proportion of available oxygen, about one-half in basal (fed or starved) conditions and about one-third after gavage, the intestine consumption being about 15% in all situations tested and the liver decreasing its oxygen consumption with gavage.


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There is little information concerning the long term outcome of patients with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD). Thus 109 patients with reflux symptoms (33 with erosive oesophagitis) with a diagnosis of GORD after clinical evaluation and oesophageal testing were studied. All patients were treated with a stepwise approach: (a) lifestyle changes were suggested aimed at reducing reflux and antacids and the prokinetic agent domperidone were prescribed; (b) H2 blockers were added after two months when symptoms persisted; (c) anti-reflux surgery was indicated when there was no response to (b). Treatment was adjusted to maintain clinical remission during follow up. Long term treatment need was defined as minor when conservative measures sufficed for proper control, and as major if daily H2 blockers or surgery were required. The results showed that one third of the patients each had initial therapeutic need (a), (b), and (c). Of 103 patients available for follow up at three years and 89 at six years, respective therapeutic needs were minor in 52% and 55% and major in 48% and 45%. Eighty per cent of patients in (a), 67% in (b), and 17% in (c) required only conservative measures at six years. A decreasing lower oesophageal sphincter pressure (p < 0.001), radiological reflux (p = 0.028), and erosive oesophagitis (p = 0.031), but not initial clinical scores, were independent predictors of major therapeutic need as shown by multivariate analysis. The long term outcome of GORD is better than previously perceived.


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The Virulundo carbonatite in Angola, one of the biggest in the world, contains pyrochlore as an accessory mineral in all of the carbonatite units (calciocarbonatites, ferrocarbonatites, carbonatite breccias, trachytoids). The composition of the primary pyrochlore crystals is very close to fluornatrocalciopyrochlore in all these units. High-temperature hydrothermal processes caused the pseudomorphic replacement of the above crystals by a second generation of pyrochlore, characterized by lower F and Na contents. Low-temperature hydrothermal replacement of the above pyrochlores, associated with production of quartz-carbonates-fluorite veins, controled the development of a third generation of pyrochlore, characterized by high Sr contents. Finally, supergene processes produced the development of a secondary paragenesis in the carbonatite, consisting in late carbonates, goethite, hollandite and REE minerals (mainly synchysite-(Ce), britholite-(Ce), britholite-(La), cerite-(Ce)). Separation of Ce from the other REE was allowed by oxidizing conditions. Therefore, Ce4+ was also incorporated into a late generation of pyrochlore, which is also strongly enriched in Ba and strongly depleted in Ca and Na


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Podiform chromitite bodies occur in highly serpentinized peridotites at Dobromirtsi Ultramafic Massif (Rhodope Mountains, southeastern Bulgaria). The ultramafic body is believed to represent a fragment of Palaeozoic ophiolite mantle. The ophiolite sequence is associated with greenschist - lower-temperature amphibolite facies metamorphosed rocks (biotitic gneisses hosting amphibolite). This association suggests that peridotites, chromitites and metamorphic rocks underwent a common metamorphic evolution. Chromitites at Dobromirtsi have been strongly altered. Their degree of alteration depends on the chromite/silicate ratio and to a lesser extent, on the size of chromitite bodies. Alteration is recorded in individual chromite grains in the form of optical and chemical zoning. Core to rim chemical trends are expressed by MgO- and Al2O3- impoverishment, mainly compensated by FeO and/or Fe2O3 increases. Such chemical variations correspond with three main alteration events. The first one was associated with ocean-floor metamorphism and was characterized by a lizardite replacement of olivine and the absence of chromite alteration. The second event took place during greenchist facies metamorphism. During this event, MgO- and SiO2-rich fluids (derived from low temperature serpentinization of olivine and pyroxenes) reacted with chromite to form chlorite; as a consequence, chromite became altered to a FeO- and Cr2O3-rich, Al2O3-poor chromite. The third event, mainly developed during lower temperature amphibolite facies metamorphism, caused the replacement of the primary and previously altered chromite by Fe2O3-rich chromite (ferritchromite).


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How long induced moods last is a critical question for mood research but has been only poorly addressed. In particular, physiological parameters have been rarely included to assess the effectiveness of mood induction procedures. Adopting a dimensional model of mood, we investigated the persistence of four different moods (positive higharousal, positive low-arousal, negative high-arousal, negative lowarousal) induced by four film clips ("sport", "nature", "torture", "slum") during a 9-minute computer task. We measured subjective mood state (valence and arousal), respiration, skin conductance level (SCL), heart rate, and corrugator activity in 76 subjects. Viewing of the selected film clips induced the expected effects both subjectively and physiologically. Corrugator activity was higher at the end of the negative clips than the positive clips, and ventilation and SCL were higher for the arousing clips than for the less arousing clips. People who watched the negative clips still reported more negative valence after the computer task and also showed more facial frowning (cf. figure) and lower SCL during the task than people who watched the positive clips. No arousal effects persisted throughout the task. The results suggest that induced changes in the valence dimension of moods are maintained throughout an intervening task and are physiologically best reflected by corrugator activity and SCL, whereas induced changes in the arousal dimension dissipate quickly. The findings of this study enrich, first, our knowledge concerning the relationships between subjective feelings and their physiological substrate. Second, they inform us about the effectiveness of film clips as a mood induction instrument. Third and most important, they suggest that induced changes in valence last longer than induced changes in arousal. High-arousal moods can last for an extended period of time in daily life, but they seem to be short-lived when induced in the lab. An important methodological consequence is that investigating the effect of the arousal dimension of a person's mood induced in the lab may be only possible when the subsequent task is relatively short. Finally, the findings show which physiological measures may be useful in tracking mood states.


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Introduction: Delirium is frequent in hospitalized older people, with incidence rate up to 40% in acute care. Delirium is associated with several adverse consequences, including increased mortality and institutionalization. This study aims to investigate the prevalence, incidence, and consequences of delirium in patients hospitalized in an acute care unit for elderly (ACE unit). Methods: Over a 3 months period, every patient (N = 93, mean age 84.1 ± 7.8 years, 66/93(71%) women) admitted to a 28-bed ACE unit were systematically assessed for delirium. Trained nurses used the Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) instrument to determine the presence of delirium at admission and on each subsequent day over patients' stay. Delirium prevalence rate was defined as the proportion of patients with a positive CAM within 24 hours of admission to the ACE unit. Delirium incidence rate was defined as the proportion of patients with a negative CAM at admission whose CAM became positive at least once during their stay. This evaluation was part of a functional assessment, including Basic Activities of Daily Life (Katz BADL, from 0 to 6, higher score indicating better function). Delirium prevention interventions and specific treatment was provided if needed. Results: Overall,25/93(27%)patients had delirium during their stay. Prevalence of delirium at admission was 10/93 (11%), with an incidence of 15/83(18%). Compared with non-delirious patients, those with delirium were more frequently men (10/25(40%) vs 17/68(25%), p <.001) and had reduced functional status at admission(BADL 2.0 ± 1.9 vs 3.6 ± 2.1, p = .004). They tended to be older (86.0 ± 6.7 vs 83.3 ± 8.1 years, p = .110). At discharge, delirium was associated with reduced functional status (BADL 2.0 ± 2.1 vs 4.3 ± 1.9, p <.001), lower rate of home discharge (6/20(30%) vs 28/65 (43%), p = .009) and increased mortality (5/25 (20%) vs 3/68 (5%), p <.001). On average, patients with delirium stayed 5.7 days longer (17.0 ± 9.8 vs 11.31 ± 6.3, p = .011). Conclusion: Delirium occurred in almost a third of these older patients, even though its incidence was relatively low in this frail population. Despite specific management, delirium remained associated with higher risk for adverse outcomes at discharge. These results suggest that early preventive interventions, implemented as soon as possible after hospital admission, might be needed in similar population to achieve better outcomes. Effectiveness of such interventions will be evaluated in future studies.


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This article summarizes the available evidence on the management of patients with subacute or chronic low back pain. The largest part is devoted to nonspecific low back pain but the models of spinal stenosis and disk herniation/sciatica are also specifically addressed. The authors point out the limited evidence available and the importance of a tailored approach for the individual patient. As the effect sizes of most therapies are rather small (close to that of a placebo), patients' preferences and other variables important for individualized management are highlighted. The task for the practitioner is difficult and awareness of this is important. Some speculation regarding potential future ways of improving patient care are presented.


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QUESTION UNDER STUDY: Cognitive impairment occurs during multiple sclerosis (MS) and contributes to the burden of the disease, but its effect in the initial phase of MS still needs to be better understood. METHODS: We prospectively studied 127 early MS patients presenting with a clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) or definite MS, a mean disease duration of 2.6 years, and with minor disability (mean Expanded Disability Status Scale score 1.8). Patients were tested for long-term memory, executive functions, attention, fatigue, mood disorders, functional handicap and quality of life (QoL). Twenty-one CIS patients were excluded from study as the diagnosis of MS could not be confirmed. RESULTS: Over the 106 MS patients analysed, 31 (29.3%) were cognitively impaired (23.6% for memory, 10.4% for attention and 5.7% for executive functions). Cognitive deficits were already present in CIS patients in whom the diagnosis was not yet confirmed (20%). Impaired cognition was associated with anxiety (p = 0.05), depression(p = 0.004), fatigue (p = 0.03), handicap (p <0.001) and a lower QoL (p <0.001). After adjustment for QoL, handicap, depression, anxiety and fatigue were no longer associated with the presence of cognitive deficits. CONCLUSIONS: In this well-defined early MS group one third of the patients already exhibited cognitive deficits, which were usually apparent in an effortful learning situation and were generally mild. Mood disorders, fatigue, handicap and decreased QoL were all associated with the occurrence of cognitive deficits. QoL itself appeared to take all the other factors into account. Our results confirm the existence of an interplay between cognitive, affective and functional changes and fatigue in early MS.


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Background: The goal of the present study was to retrospectively analyze our series of parasagittal meningiomas, treated by either single or combined therapies (surgery and/or SRS and FSRT), in order to determine the factors that influence patient outcome. Methods: Between January 1999 and May 2007, 37 parasagittal meningiomas were treated in our center. We compared the outcome of the parasagittal meningiomas in relation to the treatment and adjuvant treatment given, their location along the SSS, their volume, their histological and resection grade as well as the patient's sex and age to understand which factors influenced their natural history. Findings: Median follow-up was 6.7 years (2.4-12 years). Tumor grades and Simpson resection grade were distributed evenly along the SSS. The actuarial overall tumor control rate was 65.9%. Regression analysis showed, that the tumor histological grade and the Simpson resection grade were two significant factors in determining the tumor control (p<0.002 and p<0.008). Location along the SSS showed a lower control rate in the posterior third (p<0.002). Sex, age and tumor volume, however, were not significant factors. Moreover, and unexpectedly, the In our series, the proportion of adjuvant treatment was much higher than in former described series (39% vs 7%) but with similar control rate and lower morbidity and mortality. Conclusions: In our series, histological grade and Simpson grade are independent factors for recurrence and tumor control. Interestingly, location in the posterior third of the SSS seems to be another independent factor for recurrence. In order to avoid major morbidities related to surgery we advocate earlier use of adjuvant therapies for higher histological grade tumors and for tumors located at the posterior portion of the SSS, but definitive conclusions might warrant a larger series.