927 resultados para Lovejoy Award


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Internetbasierte Jobportale liefern in Form von Stellenanzeigen eine interessante Datengrundlage, um Qualifikationsanforderungen von nachfragenden Unternehmen an potenzielle Hochschulabsolventen transparent zu machen. Hochschulen können durch Analyse dieser Qualifikationsanforderungen das eigene Aus- und Weiterbildungsangebot arbeitsmarktorientiert weiterentwickeln und sich somit in der Hochschullandschaft profilieren. Hierfür ist es indes erforderlich, die Stellenanzeigen aus Jobportalen zu extrahieren und mithilfe adäquater analytischer Informationssysteme weiter zu verarbeiten. In diesem Beitrag zum CampusSource White Paper Award wird ein Konzept für Job Intelligence-Services vorgestellt, die die systematische Analyse von Qualifikationsanforderungen auf Grundlage von Stellenanzeigen aus Jobportalen gestatten.


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ContentsLaunching his legacyOpen house unveils renovated State GymFirst-time voters impact results of Iowa caucusesFriends, teammates remember AndaryDwolla COO earns award for innovationTaking action, giving voice at caucuses


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Semantic Web technologies offer a promising framework for integration of disparate biomedical data. In this paper we present the semantic information integration platform under development at the Center for Clinical and Translational Sciences (CCTS) at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHSC-H) as part of our Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) program. We utilize the Semantic Web technologies not only for integrating, repurposing and classification of multi-source clinical data, but also to construct a distributed environment for information sharing, and collaboration online. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is used to modularize and distribute reusable services in a dynamic and distributed environment. Components of the semantic solution and its overall architecture are described.


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Auf der Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung 2013 in Graz wurden zum achten Mal die Preisträger des "GMA-Preis für Junge Lehrende“ für herausragende Leistungen in der Medizinischen Hochschullehre vom Vorstand der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung e.V. (GMA) ausgezeichnet. Dieser Preis wurde durch die Arbeitsgemeinschaft "Junge Lehrende“ der Gesellschaft für Medizinische Ausbildung e.V. initiiert, die sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, die Wertschätzung, Unterstützung und die Ausbildungssituation für junge Berufstätige in der Hochschullehre zu verbessern und zu stärken. An der Ausschreibung nahmen insgesamt 6 Bewerbungen von 6 Standorten teil (Zürich/Frankfurt, Bonn, Giessen, Frankfurt, Erlangen, Hamburg). Zum ersten Mal hat sich dabei auch ein Team mit der Hauptantragstellerin einer Wahlschweizerin für diesen Preis beworben.


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Eine vom Centre for Develpment and Environment (CDE) der Universität Bern gestaltete Karte der südsudanesischen Region East Equatoria hat den „New Mapmaker Award 2009“ gewonnen. Der Preis wird gemeinsam von der britischen Kartografiegesellschaft und der amerikanischen National Geographic Society vergeben. Die im Rahmen eines Capacity-Development- Programms für Geoinformationsmanagement entworfene Karte wurde vollumfänglich in ArcMap aufgebaut, ohne Einsatz von Graphiksoftware.


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These proceedings on ‘Achievements and Prospects of tef Improvement’ is the outcome of the Second International Tef Workshop held at Debre Zeit (Ethiopia), the location which represents the major tef growing areas in the country as well as the oldest and biggest center on tef research. As an indigenous crop, the bulk of tef research is carried out in the country by scientists based at various higher-learning and research institutions. Hence, unlike major crops of the world such as wheat and rice, research on tef benefited little from modern improvement techniques. However, in the recent years, there is an increasing interest by several researchers and funding organizations in developed nations to promote tef research and development through implementation of modern genetic and genomic tools. The recent efforts and progresses made on tef research and development were presented and discussed in detail at the workshop. The tef research and development in Ethiopia has recently shown tremendous improvement. This is witnessed by the decision of the Ethiopian government to award a Gold Medal in November 2012 to our Institute for the discovery and promotion of a very popular Quncho variety. At this juncture, I would like to congratulate all involved in research and development of tef as the achievement was obtained due to concerted efforts of the tef community. The editors of the proceedings did a wonderful job of undertaking the painstaking task of editing all 23 manuscripts presented at the workshop. In addition, the proceedings include a 44-point roadmap for future tef research and development which can be used as a guideline for researchers, development workers and policy makers. I would like to extend my thanks to sponsors of the workshop and the publication of the proceedings.


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113 Briefe zwischen Max Horkheimer und Leo Löwenthal; 3 Briefe von Max Horkheimer an Franz Neumann, 1942; 1 Brief von Felix Weil an Leo Löwenthal, 08.10.1942; 1 Brief von Max Horkheimer an Paul Tillich, 12.08.1942; 1 Brief von Leo Löwenthal an Margot von Mendelssohn, 10.07.1942; 1 Brief von Ralph O. Nafziger an Leo Löwenthal, 09.06.1942; 1 Rundschreiben vom Forest Lawn Memorial Park (Glendale), 27.05.1942; 1 Brief von Arthur O. Lovejoy an Leo Löwenthal;


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En los últimos tiempos, el estudio japonés SANAA ha realizado una serie de obras que le han puesto en el punto de mira de la arquitectura internacional, y que se ha visto reflejado en la concesión en el año 2010 del premio Pritzker a Kazuyo Sejima y Ryue Nishizawa por toda una carrera de trabajo ininterrumpido. SANAA ha construido una serie de edificios que han supuesto una gran influencia en el contexto de la arquitectura mundial y que está contribuyendo al trabajo de muchísimos arquitectos jóvenes, tanto en Japón como fuera de él, y su trabajo se estudia y analiza en las escuelas de arquitectura de medio mundo. La tesis doctoral, estudia el parque de SANAA desde las diversas formas en las que éste se presenta, parques por continuidad, o parques por acumulación, como una excusa para el estudio de los diferentes mecanismos arquitectónicos en los que se basa su modo de proyectar. Dichos mecanismos forman parte ya de una forma de proyectar contemporánea y su estudio permite la comprensión de algunos de los fenómenos arquitectónicos más interesantes que se están produciendo en la arquitectura de nuestro tiempo. La revelación de estos mecanismos supone el sacar a la luz gran parte de los procesos y desarrollos de proyecto, que por la lacónica manera de dibujar de SANAA, quedan ocultos la mayoría de las veces y, tan solo es percibido en una visita lenta y pausada por el edificio. El documento aquí presentado se convierte entonces, en una investigación, en la que el doctorando, como un detective, rastrea los proyectos de SANAA buscando aquellos mecanismos que permiten discernir el verdadero significado de conceptos como laberinto, jerarquía, orden, atmósfera o experiencia a lo largo de los principales proyectos de espacio horizontal de Sejima y Nishizawa. La tesis intenta por tanto dar forma a las principales referencias que constituyen el universo imaginario del estudio japonés y que, ya son parte de la cultura arquitectónica contemporánea. ABSTRACT In recent times, the Japanese Studio SANAA has produced a number of works that have taken it to the front sight of international architecture. This has led Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa to receiving the 2010 Pritzer award for an uninterrupted career. SANAA has built a series of buildings that have greatly influenced global architecture. Moreover, it is contributing to the work of many young architects, both in Japan and outside Japan. Its work is studied and assessed by architecture schools all over the world. This Doctoral thesis analyses the SANAA Park from all the perspectives it shows, parks by continuity or parks by accumulation, as an excuse to study different architectural mechanisms in which its way of projecting is based. Such mechanisms already are part of a contemporaneous way of projecting. In addition, its analysis allows for the further understanding of some of the most interesting architectural phenomena that are being produced nowadays. The release of these mechanisms entails shedding a light to most of the proceedings and courses of the project that, because of the SANAA’s laconic way of designing, remain hidden most of the times and are often noticed through a slow and thorough look at the building. This document becomes then a work of research, where the Doctorate, as a detective, tracks SANAA’s projects, searching for those mechanisms that allow for truly defining the meaning of concepts such as maze, hierarchy, order, atmosphere and experience throughout Sejima’s and Nishizawa’s main horizontal space projects. Therefore, this thesis aims at shaping key references that constitute the imaginary universe of the Japanese study and that already are part of the contemporaneous architectural culture.


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The award of the digital dividend can consolidate auctions as the preferred mechanism for spectrum allocation. Knowing in advance an estimate of what the results of an auction with these characteristics could be would be unquestionably useful for those in charge of designing the process, even if at the end another method such as a beauty contest is chosen. This article provides a simulation of a digital dividend auction in a major-type European country. In one of the scenarios, the spectrum is not pre-allocated to any service in particular (service neutrality) while in the remaining four, blocks of spectrum are pre-allocated to DTT, mobile multimedia and mobile broadband communications. The results of the simulations reveal that the service neutrality scenario maximizes revenues for the seller and that, in general, DTT operators would seem to have fewer opportunities as the spectrum packaging is less protective for them.


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Twelve years ago a group of teachers began to work in educational innovation. In 2002 we received an award for educational innovation, undergoing several stages. Recently, we have decided to focus on being teachers of educational innovation. We create a web scheduled in Joomla offering various services, among which we emphasize teaching courses of educational innovation. The “Instituto de Ciencias de la Educacion” in “Universidad Politécnica de Madrid” has recently incorporated two of these courses, which has been highly praised. These courses will be reissued in new calls, and we are going to offer them to more Universities. We are in contact with several institutions, radio programs, the UNESCO Chair of Mining and Industrial Heritage, and we are working with them in the creation of heritage courses using methods that we have developed.


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The PIBAMARMI pavilion at the 2013 edition of MARMOMACC in Verona was designed by the Spanish architect Alberto CAMPO BAEZA, winner of the Fair’s International Award Architecture in Stone 2013 for the office building of the Castilla León Junta in front of the Cathedral in Zamora.


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Many diversified activities can be reported from the Spanish INHIGEO group. Professor Emerita, Carmina Virgili-Rodón, was awarded the Medal of Honour of the Complutense University of Madrid. Due to ill-health she was unable to attend the award ceremony and received the medal at her home in Barcelona.


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This is the final report on reproducibility@xsede, a one-day workshop held in conjunction with XSEDE14, the annual conference of the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE). The workshop's discussion-oriented agenda focused on reproducibility in large-scale computational research. Two important themes capture the spirit of the workshop submissions and discussions: (1) organizational stakeholders, especially supercomputer centers, are in a unique position to promote, enable, and support reproducible research; and (2) individual researchers should conduct each experiment as though someone will replicate that experiment. Participants documented numerous issues, questions, technologies, practices, and potentially promising initiatives emerging from the discussion, but also highlighted four areas of particular interest to XSEDE: (1) documentation and training that promotes reproducible research; (2) system-level tools that provide build- and run-time information at the level of the individual job; (3) the need to model best practices in research collaborations involving XSEDE staff; and (4) continued work on gateways and related technologies. In addition, an intriguing question emerged from the day's interactions: would there be value in establishing an annual award for excellence in reproducible research? Overview