924 resultados para Logistica layout


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Based on the fierce competitiveness of manufacturing companies and the planning problems arising from the lack of flexibility and forecasting demand, companies are increasingly looking to reflect on the most appropriate methods to manage its manufacture. Today it is possible to obtain higher gains and lower costs through very efficient tools, this paper uses action-research to model and implement the physical layout of a manufacturing cell, with strong theoretical basement returned to Lean Production System and acting systematically in flexibility in mounting. Through observation and joint action of the observer and staff can report problems that occurred during the phases of planning and implementation of improvements. With the improvement of the physical arrangement in the assembly was possible to obtain significant gains by reducing the production cycle, the manpower required, spending of non-compliance and increasing productivity, final product quality and health in the workplace


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The easy access to information has been accelerating even more business competitiveness nowadays. To turn a foreign trade company into a more competitive company by improving its services, this work aims the analysis of the Supply Chain processes to enable greater productivity. Using powerful tools of great historical success in the business world – such as Flowcharts, VSM Lean and PDCA –, a structure was created that adapted its main concepts and produced a method which enabled not only improvements on modified processes but also on the subsequent ones. Productivity data were collected, where evidence of quantitative improvements were found in the expedition macro process. Due to a process analysis theme, this paper gives also the thought about process approach, vital step to create a future Quality Management System


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Due to globalization, is increasingly common for companies to make their products more competitive. With this background, the industries seek more efficient ways to produce. This paper aims to examine the tools of Lean Manufacturing applied in an industry luminaries ,addressing the positive aspects. Were applied tools like value stream mapping, Kanban, setup reduction and 5S program. With the application of these tools obtained improvements in processes, reducing lead time from factory and reducing the cost of the luminaries


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The world is an environment in constant process of globalization, where physical boundaries are no longer limits. The competitiveness has also evolved, forcing companies to adopt efficient practices in order to increase productivity gains, reduce losses and improve quality. Nowadays, the supply chain management and its element, including the internal logistics, is regarded as a key element for gaining competitiveness. Thus, this study focused on identifying and implementing improvements in the internal raw materials transport operations of a consumer goods company, based on concepts and tools of the lean thinking. The results showed considerable gains in productivity with consequent cost reduction, proving the efficiency of the methodology lean even in support areas of an organization.


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In this study was shown the historical uses of compressed air by humanity, the general scenario of its uses and the most important steps of a project to set up an industrial network of compressed air, from the selection of a suitable compressor to the design of a distribution network, discussing all the possibilities and their characteristics as well as the feasibility of them. A case study was conducted in a food company where was implemented an industrial compressed air network. Information was collected regarding the consumers points of compressed air, as well as the layout of the new facility, necessary for the development of the distribution system. Two methods were used, analytical and nomogram, which complemented each other to the definition of appropriated tubing, both financially and physically


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This paper presents a case study in a largebeverage company,which suffers fromlack of inputs. Through 5 Whys analysis,it was possible to find the root causes of the problem: the bad fleet sizing deliveriesand low capacityof storage of inputs. Through the use of simulation, it was possible to determine theactual fleet required, and it was alsoquantified thespace required for thestorage ofloads.Based on these results andconsidering the cost, it waspossible todetermine which the most effective solutions toreducing the initialproblem: the increase of storage capacity, considered the best option, even demanding time, or the increase of the fleet, considered a stopgap measure to partially solve the problem until the first solution is finalized


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La performance desentreprises ça dépend, engrande partie, deses chaînesd’approvisionnement. Celas peuvent entretrès complexe, car elle implique tout le processus avant, pendant et après l’assemblage duproduit fini. Ce travaila donc comme objectifl’amélioration de lagestion des imprévus qu’arrivent audébutdela chaîne d’approvisionnement et lesimpacts sur l’approvisionnement de la ligne d’assemblage d’une usine. L’approche méthodologique utilisée est la recherche-action. De cette façon, ce travail présente une standardisation des processusquechaque département doit fairedans uncas de rupture dans la chaîne. D’après entretiens, analyses de document, standardisation des organigrammes et graphiques croisés dynamiques, ila été possible proposer un moyen plus critique d’analyser et résoudre certains problèmes. En tant que résultats, viennent un organigramme défini, une divulgation des informations plus précises pour la prise en décision et unes l’analyse critique de l’historique des imprévus. Il s’agit d’un ensemble des processus meilleur pour une bonne prise en décision de court, moyen et long terme pour les dépenses avec des imprévus dans l’approvisionnement de matière-première de l’usine


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This project aims to explore the many methods used for the development of recommendation systems to user ’ s items and apply the content - based recommendation method on a prototype system whose purpose is to recommend books to users. This paper exposes the most popular methods for creating systems capable of providing items (products) according to user preferences, such as collaborat ive filtering and content - based. It also point different techniques that can be applied to calculate the similarity between two entities, for items or users, as the Pearson ’s method, calculating the cosine of vectors and more recently, a proposal to use a Bayesian system under a Dirichlet distribution. In addition, this work has the purpose to go through various points on the design of an online application, or a website, dealing not only oriented algorithms issues, but also the definition of development to ols and techniques to improve the user’s experience. The tools used for the development of the page are listed, and a topic about web design is also discussed in order to emphasize the importance of the layout of the application. At the end, some examples of recommender systems are presented for curiosity , learning and research purposes


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This paper aims to discuss the system of inventory management in a public university. The present paper shows the definitions, classification of materials and the advantages and disadvantages of storage, besides exposing the public procurement bidding system since the acquisition until receipt of materials to be stored. This paper presents a survey of the items stored in the warehouse and use of control tools such as ABC curve to demand flow prized for verification of critical items and idle items. Displays also a calculation for the minimum value of stock and replacement of an item in inventory and an analysis of the conditions of the warehouse layout. As a result, knowledge is acquired and a revised system of inventory management of the institution was proposed


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The research addresses the need for detailed geological and geotechnical investigations in pipeline’s design, given the diversity of geological units crossed by these works along its layout, which often extends for hundreds of miles. For its large size, this type of work often goes through different states and regions with very different characteristics in terms of topography, vegetation, geology and geotechnical conditions. For a better use of these investigations in order to avoid unnecessary costs and inefficient results, some authors recommend that steps be taken to study, seeking a progressive detail of the pipeline’s implantation area. The main objective of the study is to describe, analyze and correlate the proposals for geological and geotechnical’s investigation recommended by the authors selected. Nogueira Junior & Marques (1998) suggest that for better effectiveness of geological and geotechnical investigations associated with the deployment of pipelines, different research methods are applied sequentially in five major stages of the building. Rocha et al (2008) recommend that, for the pipeline’s implantation using horizontal directional drilling, investigations are performed in three phases of study, to be developed in coordination with the project stages. For Gelinas & Mathy (2004), when time and budget constraints permit, geotechnical investigations for directional drilling projects for pipelines must be made in four sequential phases. Heinz (2008) suggests that the geotechnical investigations for pipeline’s implantation using horizontal directional drilling at crossings of water bodies are carried out in three successive stages. By the development of research, we could see that all the different proposals recommend studies in sequential phases, starting from a more general scale for a more specific, seeking a progressive understanding of the geological model of the area where you intend to deploy the pipeline


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The optimal supply chain management (SCM) is considered by the companies a new frontier in order to gain efficiently competitive advantage. Through the SCM companies must define their competitive strategies by positioning inside the supply chain wich belongs both as suppliers and as consumers. The main objectives of SCM is integrate multiple suppliers to satisfy the market demand and make possible the synergies between the parts of the supply chain in order to better serve the consumer Meanwhile, selection, evaluation and development of suppliers play important roles in establishing an efficient supply chain. Thus, the SCM covers elements such as manufacturing, assembly, raw materials, and distribution to the final consumer. Due to the factors described, the focus of this paper is to present the Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP) application as an appropriate and structured method for the supplier selection of a strategic line of low voltage transformers of a transformers industry and compare it with the selection process currently used by this industry, showing the advantages of applying a multiple criteria decision making method. In this study, the research methodology used was modeling and simulation


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In the supply chain management there are several risk factors that must be mitigated to increase the flow of production and as a possible solution the literature cites the implementation of a warehouse management system, but this subject is few explored. This thesis has as main objective the study of the implementation of a warehouse management system in a company from the automotive sector that produces clutches. As results, are shown data of the characterization of items; as well as data and comparisons between disruptions in production reports due to lack of material before and after the implementation of WMS and is presented the result of a questionnaire applied to the involved on the implementation of the system, the results were associated with the risk factors on the implementation of the system studied on the literature review, and enumeration of the results that are not associated with any factors previously studied. And finally, the study is concluded and are recommended future studies related to the theme


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Due to the high level of service required by customers and the constant need to reduce costs, the logistics can be considered as a strategic area for a company. In particular, the order picking is responsible for most of the operating costs in a warehouse. Therefore it’s necessary to plan the materials storage in order to maximize the space available and minimize the total distance traveled to meet customer orders. For these reasons, this study aims to examine and propose a way to organize the electrical materials storage in distribution centers through a study on an electronics company in Cajamar


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In this work are discussed the main types of rivets, their characteristics and applicability within the Aeronautical Industry branch. Here are highlighted the solid rivets, showing off its layout, forms and limits of installation, that are required by aviation regulators. The riveting is a popular and simple procedure of fixing and joining two or more parts, and like any other manufacturing process is subject to process deviations that in some situations are beyond the limits of tolerance. One of these deviations is when the hole diameter exceeds the one proposed in project and which is limited by the rule of edge distance. The overall objective here is to study a possible solution to this problem: the installation of a rivet that has his diameter previously increased by compression. Observe the hole filling after riveting, detect the presence of cracks, discover the yield curve of the fasteners and their the crushing limits for failure prediction are tools used to verify this proposal. They demonstrate, at the end of study, the inefficiency of this procedure, with results that go against the safe fixing of parts in a structure


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This work aims the design and analysis of a thrust frame system for a liquid fuel rocket engine. The project was developed following the design requirements established by the Division of Space Propulsion of the Institute of Aeronautics and Space. The layout of the structure was developed with the aid of a software of 3D modeling and static and dynamic analysis were performed by using a finite element package. The results of the analyzes helped in defining the layout of the structure which met all design requirements. The safety factor and the mass achieved were comfortably low, which may be useful in the future because the liquid fuel rocket engine is still in development