977 resultados para Llasere frequency measurements


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We address the issue of noise robustness of reconstruction techniques for frequency-domain optical-coherence tomography (FDOCT). We consider three reconstruction techniques: Fourier, iterative phase recovery, and cepstral techniques. We characterize the reconstructions in terms of their statistical bias and variance and obtain approximate analytical expressions under the assumption of small noise. We also perform Monte Carlo analyses and show that the experimental results are in agreement with the theoretical predictions. It turns out that the iterative and cepstral techniques yield reconstructions with a smaller bias than the Fourier method. The three techniques, however, have identical variance profiles, and their consistency increases linearly as a function of the signal-to-noise ratio.


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The adequacy of anesthesia has been studied since the introduction of balanced general anesthesia. Commercial monitors based on electroencephalographic (EEG) signal analysis have been available for monitoring the hypnotic component of anesthesia from the beginning of the 1990s. Monitors measuring the depth of anesthesia assess the cortical function of the brain, and have gained acceptance during surgical anesthesia with most of the anesthetic agents used. However, due to frequent artifacts, they are considered unsuitable for monitoring consciousness in intensive care patients. The assessment of analgesia is one of the cornerstones of general anesthesia. Prolonged surgical stress may lead to increased morbidity and delayed postoperative recovery. However, no validated monitoring method is currently available for evaluating analgesia during general anesthesia. Awareness during anesthesia is caused by an inadequate level of hypnosis. This rare but severe complication of general anesthesia may lead to marked emotional stress and possibly posttraumatic stress disorder. In the present series of studies, the incidence of awareness and recall during outpatient anesthesia was evaluated and compared with that of in inpatient anesthesia. A total of 1500 outpatients and 2343 inpatients underwent a structured interview. Clear intraoperative recollections were rare the incidence being 0.07% in outpatients and 0.13% in inpatients. No significant differences emerged between outpatients and inpatients. However, significantly smaller doses of sevoflurane were administered to outpatients with awareness than those without recollections (p<0.05). EEG artifacts in 16 brain-dead organ donors were evaluated during organ harvest surgery in a prospective, open, nonselective study. The source of the frontotemporal biosignals in brain-dead subjects was studied, and the resistance of bispectral index (BIS) and Entropy to the signal artifacts was compared. The hypothesis was that in brain-dead subjects, most of the biosignals recorded from the forehead would consist of artifacts. The original EEG was recorded and State Entropy (SE), Response Entropy (RE), and BIS were calculated and monitored during solid organ harvest. SE differed from zero (inactive EEG) in 28%, RE in 29%, and BIS in 68% of the total recording time (p<0.0001 for all). The median values during the operation were SE 0.0, RE 0.0, and BIS 3.0. In four of the 16 organ donors, EEG was not inactive, and unphysiologically distributed, nonreactive rhythmic theta activity was present in the original EEG signal. After the results from subjects with persistent residual EEG activity were excluded, SE, RE, and BIS differed from zero in 17%, 18%, and 62% of the recorded time, respectively (p<0.0001 for all). Due to various artifacts, the highest readings in all indices were recorded without neuromuscular blockade. The main sources of artifacts were electrocauterization, electromyography (EMG), 50-Hz artifact, handling of the donor, ballistocardiography, and electrocardiography. In a prospective, randomized study of 26 patients, the ability of Surgical Stress Index (SSI) to differentiate patients with two clinically different analgesic levels during shoulder surgery was evaluated. SSI values were lower in patients with an interscalene brachial plexus block than in patients without an additional plexus block. In all patients, anesthesia was maintained with desflurane, the concentration of which was targeted to maintain SE at 50. Increased blood pressure or heart rate (HR), movement, and coughing were considered signs of intraoperative nociception and treated with alfentanil. Photoplethysmographic waveforms were collected from the contralateral arm to the operated side, and SSI was calculated offline. Two minutes after skin incision, SSI was not increased in the brachial plexus block group and was lower (38 ± 13) than in the control group (58 ± 13, p<0.005). Among the controls, one minute prior to alfentanil administration, SSI value was higher than during periods of adequate antinociception, 59 ± 11 vs. 39 ± 12 (p<0.01). The total cumulative need for alfentanil was higher in controls (2.7 ± 1.2 mg) than in the brachial plexus block group (1.6 ± 0.5 mg, p=0.008). Tetanic stimulation to the ulnar region of the hand increased SSI significantly only among patients with a brachial plexus block not covering the site of stimulation. Prognostic value of EEG-derived indices was evaluated and compared with Transcranial Doppler Ultrasonography (TCD), serum neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and S-100B after cardiac arrest. Thirty patients resuscitated from out-of-hospital arrest and treated with induced mild hypothermia for 24 h were included. Original EEG signal was recorded, and burst suppression ratio (BSR), RE, SE, and wavelet subband entropy (WSE) were calculated. Neurological outcome during the six-month period after arrest was assessed with the Glasgow-Pittsburgh Cerebral Performance Categories (CPC). Twenty patients had a CPC of 1-2, one patient had a CPC of 3, and nine patients died (CPC 5). BSR, RE, and SE differed between good (CPC 1-2) and poor (CPC 3-5) outcome groups (p=0.011, p=0.011, p=0.008, respectively) during the first 24 h after arrest. WSE was borderline higher in the good outcome group between 24 and 48 h after arrest (p=0.050). All patients with status epilepticus died, and their WSE values were lower (p=0.022). S-100B was lower in the good outcome group upon arrival at the intensive care unit (p=0.010). After hypothermia treatment, NSE and S-100B values were lower (p=0.002 for both) in the good outcome group. The pulsatile index was also lower in the good outcome group (p=0.004). In conclusion, the incidence of awareness in outpatient anesthesia did not differ from that in inpatient anesthesia. Outpatients are not at increased risk for intraoperative awareness relative to inpatients undergoing general anesthesia. SE, RE, and BIS showed non-zero values that normally indicate cortical neuronal function, but were in these subjects mostly due to artifacts after clinical brain death diagnosis. Entropy was more resistant to artifacts than BIS. During general anesthesia and surgery, SSI values were lower in patients with interscalene brachial plexus block covering the sites of nociceptive stimuli. In detecting nociceptive stimuli, SSI performed better than HR, blood pressure, or RE. BSR, RE, and SE differed between the good and poor neurological outcome groups during the first 24 h after cardiac arrest, and they may be an aid in differentiating patients with good neurological outcomes from those with poor outcomes after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest.


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The BeiDou system is the first global navigation satellite system in which all satellites transmit triple-frequency signals that can provide the positioning, navigation, and timing independently. A benefit of triple-frequency signals is that more useful combinations can be formed, including some extrawide-lane combinations whose ambiguities can generally be instantaneously fixed without distance restriction, although the narrow-lane ambiguity resolution (NL AR) still depends on the interreceiver distance or requires a long time to achieve. In this paper, we synthetically study decimeter and centimeter kinematic positioning using BeiDou triple-frequency signals. It starts with AR of two extrawide-lane signals based on the ionosphere-free or ionosphere-reduced geometry-free model. For decimeter positioning, one can immediately use two ambiguity-fixed extrawide-lane observations without pursuing NL AR. To achieve higher accuracy, NL AR is the necessary next step. Despite the fact that long-baseline NL AR is still challenging, some NL ambiguities can indeed be fixed with high reliability. Partial AR for NL signals is acceptable, because as long as some ambiguities for NL signals are fixed, positioning accuracy will be certainly improved.With accumulation of observations, more and more NL ambiguities are fixed and the positioning accuracy continues to improve. An efficient Kalman-filtering system is established to implement the whole process. The formulated system is flexible, since the additional constraints can be easily applied to enhance the model's strength. Numerical results from a set of real triple-frequency BeiDou data on a 50 km baseline show that decimeter positioning is achievable instantaneously.With only five data epochs, 84% of NL ambiguities can be fixed so that the real-time kinematic accuracies are 4.5, 2.5, and 16 cm for north, east, and height components (respectively), while with 10 data epochs more than 90% of NL ambiguities are fixed, and the rea- -time kinematic solutions are improved to centimeter level for all three coordinate components.


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The emergence of multiple satellite navigation systems, including BDS, Galileo, modernized GPS, and GLONASS, brings great opportunities and challenges for precise point positioning (PPP). We study the contributions of various GNSS combinations to PPP performance based on undifferenced or raw observations, in which the signal delays and ionospheric delays must be considered. A priori ionospheric knowledge, such as regional or global corrections, strengthens the estimation of ionospheric delay parameters. The undifferenced models are generally more suitable for single-, dual-, or multi-frequency data processing for single or combined GNSS constellations. Another advantage over ionospheric-free PPP models is that undifferenced models avoid noise amplification by linear combinations. Extensive performance evaluations are conducted with multi-GNSS data sets collected from 105 MGEX stations in July 2014. Dual-frequency PPP results from each single constellation show that the convergence time of undifferenced PPP solution is usually shorter than that of ionospheric-free PPP solutions, while the positioning accuracy of undifferenced PPP shows more improvement for the GLONASS system. In addition, the GLONASS undifferenced PPP results demonstrate performance advantages in high latitude areas, while this impact is less obvious in the GPS/GLONASS combined configuration. The results have also indicated that the BDS GEO satellites have negative impacts on the undifferenced PPP performance given the current “poor” orbit and clock knowledge of GEO satellites. More generally, the multi-GNSS undifferenced PPP results have shown improvements in the convergence time by more than 60 % in both the single- and dual-frequency PPP results, while the positioning accuracy after convergence indicates no significant improvements for the dual-frequency PPP solutions, but an improvement of about 25 % on average for the single-frequency PPP solutions.


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Carrier phase ambiguity resolution over long baselines is challenging in BDS data processing. This is partially due to the variations of the hardware biases in BDS code signals and its dependence on elevation angles. We present an assessment of satellite-induced code bias variations in BDS triple-frequency signals and the ambiguity resolutions procedures involving both geometry-free and geometry-based models. First, since the elevation of a GEO satellite remains unchanged, we propose to model the single-differenced fractional cycle bias with widespread ground stations. Second, the effects of code bias variations induced by GEO, IGSO and MEO satellites on ambiguity resolution of extra-wide-lane, wide-lane and narrow-lane combinations are analyzed. Third, together with the IGSO and MEO code bias variations models, the effects of code bias variations on ambiguity resolution are examined using 30-day data collected over the baselines ranging from 500 to 2600 km in 2014. The results suggest that although the effect of code bias variations on the extra-wide-lane integer solution is almost ignorable due to its long wavelength, the wide-lane integer solutions are rather sensitive to the code bias variations. Wide-lane ambiguity resolution success rates are evidently improved when code bias variations are corrected. However, the improvement of narrow-lane ambiguity resolution is not obvious since it is based on geometry-based model and there is only an indirect impact on the narrow-lane ambiguity solutions.


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A key challenge of wide area kinematic positioning is to overcome the effects of the varying hardware biases in code signals of the BeiDou system. Based on three geometryfree/ionosphere-free combinations, the elevation-dependent code biases are modelled for all BeiDou satellites. Results from the data sets of 30-day for 5 baselines of 533 to 2545 km demonstrate that the wide-lane (WL) integer-fixing success rates of 98% to 100% can be achieved within 25 min. Under the condition of HDOP of less than 2, the overall RMS statistics show that ionospheric-free WL single-epoch solutions achieve 24 to 50 cm in the horizontal direction. Smoothing processing over the moving window of 20 min reduces the RMS values by a factor of about 2. Considering distance-independent nature, the above results show the potential that reliable and high precision positioning services could be provided in a wide area based on a sparsely distributed ground network.


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Crickets have two tympanal membranes on the tibiae of each foreleg. Among several field cricket species of the genus Gryllus (Gryllinae), the posterior tympanal membrane (PTM) is significantly larger than the anterior membrane (ATM). Laser Doppler vibrometric measurements have shown that the smaller ATM does not respond as much as the PTM to sound. Hence the PTM has been suggested to be the principal tympanal acoustic input to the auditory organ. In tree crickets (Oecanthinae), the ATM is slightly larger than the PTM. Both membranes are structurally complex, presenting a series of transverse folds on their surface, which are more pronounced on the ATM than on the PTM. The mechanical response of both membranes to acoustic stimulation was investigated using microscanning laser Doppler vibrometry. Only a small portion of the membrane surface deflects in response to sound. Both membranes exhibit similar frequency responses, and move out of phase with each other, producing compressions and rarefactions of the tracheal volume backing the tympanum. Therefore, unlike field crickets, tree crickets may have four instead of two functional tympanal membranes. This is interesting in the context of the outstanding question of the role of spiracular inputs in the auditory system of tree crickets.


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Dielectric properties of the homologous series of newly synthesized nonchiral compounds N-(4-n-alkyloxy-2-hydroxy-benzylidene)-4-carbethoxyaniline, (n = 6, 8, 10, 12) having wide temperature range (∼60°C) smectic A (SmA) phase, have been studied by the impedance spectroscopy in the frequency range of 100 Hz to 1 MHz. Measurements have been carried out for two principal alignments (planar as well as homeotropic) of the SmA phase. Dielectric anisotropy (Δε' = ε'∥ - ε'⊥) for all the members of the series has been found to be negative for the whole temperature range of SmA phase. Magnitude of the dielectric anisotropy (|Δε'|) has been found to decrease with the number of alkyl chains. Relaxation frequencies corresponding to the rotation of the individual molecules about their short axes, lie below 1 MHz and obey the Arrhenius law by which activation energies have been determined. However, the relaxation frequencies corresponding to the rotation of the molecules about their short axes apparently lie above 10 MHz.


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Sol-gel route was employed to grow polycrystalline thin films of Li-doped ZnO thin films (Zn1-xLixO, x=0.15). Polycrystalline films were obtained at a growth temperature of 400-500 degrees C. Ferroelectricity in Zn0.85Li0.15O was verified by examining the temperature variation of the real and imaginary parts of dielectric constant, and from the C-V measurements. The phase transition temperature was found to be 330 K. The room-temperature dielectric constant and dissipation factor were 15.5 and 0.09 respectively, at a frequency of 100 kHz. The films exhibited well-defined hysteresis loop, and the values of spontaneous polarization (P-s) and coercive field were 0.15 mu C/cm(2) and 20 kV/cm, respectively, confirming the presence of ferroelectricity.


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The “distractor-frequency effect” refers to the finding that high-frequency (HF) distractor words slow picture naming less than low-frequency distractors in the picture–word interference paradigm. Rival input and output accounts of this effect have been proposed. The former attributes the effect to attentional selection mechanisms operating during distractor recognition, whereas the latter attributes it to monitoring/decision mechanisms operating on distractor and target responses in an articulatory buffer. Using high-density (128-channel) EEG, we tested hypotheses from these rival accounts. In addition to conducting stimulus- and response-locked whole-brain corrected analyses, we investigated the correct-related negativity, an ERP observed on correct trials at fronto-central electrodes proposed to reflect the involvement of domain general monitoring. The wholebrain ERP analysis revealed a significant effect of distractor frequency at inferior right frontal and temporal sites between 100 and 300-msec post-stimulus onset, during which lexical access is thought to occur. Response-locked, region of interest (ROI) analyses of fronto-central electrodes revealed a correct-related negativity starting 121 msec before and peaking 125 msec after vocal onset on the grand averages. Slope analysis of this component revealed a significant difference between HF and lowfrequency distractor words, with the former associated with a steeper slope on the time windowspanning from100 msec before to 100 msec after vocal onset. The finding of ERP effects in time windows and components corresponding to both lexical processing and monitoring suggests the distractor frequency effect is most likely associated with more than one physiological mechanism.


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The paper presents the results of a computational modeling for damage identification process for an axial rod representing an end-bearing pile foundation with known damage and a simply supported beam representing a bridge girder. The paper proposes a methodology for damage identification from measured natural frequencies of a contiguously damaged reinforced concrete axial rod and beam, idealized with distributed damage model. Identification of damage is from Equal_Eigen_value_change (Iso_Eigen_value_Change) contours, plotted between pairs of different frequencies. The performance of the method is checked for a wide variation of damage positions and extents. An experiment conducted on a free-free axially loaded reinforced concrete member and a flexural beam is shown as examples to prove the pros and cons of this method. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Use of space-frequency block coded (SFBC) OFDM signals is advantageous in high-mobility broadband wireless access, where the channel is highly time- as well as frequency-selective because of which the receiver experiences both inter-symbol interference (ISI) as well as inter-carrier interference (10). ISI occurs due to the violation of the 'quasi-static' fading assumption caused due to frequency- and/or time-selectivity of the channel. In addition, ICI occurs due to time-selectivity of the channel which results in loss of orthogonality among the subcarriers. In this paper, we are concerned with the detection of SFBC-OFDM signals on time- and frequency-selective MIMO channels. Specifically, we propose and evaluate the performance of an interference cancelling receiver for SFBC-OFDM which alleviates the effects of ISI and ICI in highly time- and frequency-selective channels.


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Multicode operation in space-time block coded (STBC) multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems can provide additional degrees of freedom in code domain to achieve high data rates. In such multicode STBC systems, the receiver experiences code domain interference (CDI) in frequency selective fading. In this paper, we propose a linear parallel interference cancellation (LPIC) approach to cancel the CDI in multicode STBC in frequency selective fading. The proposed detector first performs LPIC followed by STBC decoding. We evaluate the bit error performance of the detector and show that it effectively cancels the CDI and achieves improved error performance. Our results further illustrate how the combined effect of interference cancellation, transmit diversity, and RAKE diversity affect the bit error performance of the system.


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Synchronization issues pose a big challenge in cooperative communications. The benefits of cooperative diversity could be easily undone by improper synchronization. The problem arises because it would be difficult, from a complexity perspective, for multiple transmitting nodes to synchronize to a single receiver. For OFDM based systems, loss of performance due to imperfect carrier synchronization is severe, since it results in inter-carrier interference (ICI). The use of space-time/space-frequency codes from orthogonal designs are attractive for cooperative encoding. But orthogonal designs suffer from inter-symbol interference (ISI) due to the violation of quasi-static assumption, which can arise due to frequency- or time-selectivity of the channel. In this paper, we are concerned with combating the effects of i) ICI induced by carrier frequency offsets (CFO), and ii) ISI induced by frequency selectivity of the channel, in a cooperative communication scheme using space-frequency block coded (SFBC) OFDM. Specifically, we present an iterative interference cancellation (IC) algorithm to combat the ISI and ICI effects. The proposed algorithm could be applied to any orthogonal or quasi-orthogonal designs in cooperative SFBC OFDM schemes.


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Fractal Minkowski curves to design a compact dual-frequency microstrip ring antenna are proposed. Sides of a square ring have been selectively replaced with first and second iterations of the generalised fractal geometry to design a smaller antenna with dual-frequency operation. This behaviour has been explained based on current distributions on the antenna structure. Measured results compare well with electromagnetic simulations.