993 resultados para Lingual orthodontics
The aim of this study was to evaluate the short-and long-term treatment effects of rapid maxillary expansion (RME) on the soft tissue facial profile of subjects treated with a modified acrylic-hyrax device. The sample comprised 10 males and 10 females in the mixed dentition. Their average age was 9.3 years +/- 10 months pre-treatment (T1), with a narrow maxilla and posterior crossbite, treated with a modified fixed maxillary expander with an occlusal splint. Lateral cephalometric radiographs obtained at T1, immediately post-expansion (T2), and after retention (T3) were used to determine possible changes in the soft tissue facial profile. The means and standard deviations for linear and angular cephalometric measurements were analysed statistically using analysis of variance and Tukey's test (alpha = 0.05). The measurements at T2 differed significantly from those at T1 and T3. However, RME did not produce any statistically significant alteration (P > 0.05) in the soft tissue profile for any of the cephalometric landmarks evaluated when compared at T1 and T3. The use of a fixed expander associated with an occlusal splint did not cause significant alterations in the soft tissue facial profile at T3. This modified device is effective for preventing the adverse vertical effects of RME such as an increase anterior face height in patients with a crossbite.
Objectives: To verify the thickness and level of alveolar bone around the teeth adjacent to the cleft by means of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in patients with complete bilateral cleft lip and palate prior to bone graft surgery and orthodontic intervention. Method: The sample comprised 10 patients with complete bilateral cleft lip and palate (five boys and five girls) in the mixed dentition. The mean age was 9.5 years, and all subjects showed a G3 interarch relationship according to the Bauru index. The thickness of alveolar bone surrounding the maxillary incisors and the maxillary canines was measured in CBCT axial section using the software iCAT Xoran System. The distance between the alveolar bone crest and the cement-enamel junction (CEJ) was measured in cross sections. Results: The tomography images showed a thin alveolar bone plate around teeth adjacent to clefts. No bone dehiscence was observed in teeth adjacent to clefts during the mixed dentition. A slight increase in the distance between the alveolar bone crest and the CEJ was observed in the mesial and lingual aspects of canines adjacent to cleft. Conclusion: In patients with BCLP in the mixed dentition, teeth adjacent to the alveolar cleft are covered by a thin alveolar bone plate. However, the level of alveolar bone crest around these teeth seems to be normal, and no bone dehiscence was identified at this age.
This study evaluated the influence of intrusion mechanics combined with anterior retraction on root resorption of the maxillary incisors. A sample of 56 patients was divided into two groups: group 1 comprised 28 patients (12 females and 16 males), presenting with an increased overjet and deep overbite (6.48 and 4.78 mm, respectively) treated with reverse curve of Spee intrusion mechanics and group 2 comprised 28 patients (12 females and 16 males) with an increased overjet of 5.67 mm and a normal overbite of 1.12 mm. The initial mean ages for groups 1 and 2 were 13.41 and 13.27 years, respectively. Pre- (T1) and post- (T2) treatment periapical radiographs were used to evaluate root resorption. The groups were compared using the Mann- Whitney U- test. Correlation between root resorption and tooth movement was investigated with Spearman's correlation coefficient. The subjects in group 1 had statistically greater root resorption (P < 0.05) than those in group 2. The initial overbite severity and the amount of correction had significant positive correlations with root resorption (r = 0.324 and r = 0.320, respectively). The combination of anterior retraction with intrusive mechanics causes more root resorption than anterior retraction of the maxillary incisors alone.
We performed a macroscopic and microscopic study of the tongues of common opossums, Didelphis marsupialis, from South America. We studied two males and two females. We collected morphometric data on the tongue with precision calipers. For the light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy analyses, we fixed tissue fragments in 10% formaldehyde and 2.5% glutaraldehyde, respectively. The opossum tongues averaged 5.87 +/- 0.20 cm in length, 3.27 +/- 0.15 cm in width at the lingual body, and 3.82 +/- 0.15 cm in width at the root. The mean thickness of the lingual body was 1.8 +/- 0.1 cm, and the thickness of the root was 3.82 +/- 0.15 cm. Sharp filiform papillae were scattered across the entire tongue; conical filiform papillae occurred on the lingual body and tongue tip; fungiform papillae were scattered among the filiform papillae on the lingual body and tongue tip; and there were three vallate papillae at the root of the tongue. We found two strands of papillary projections in the tongue root. Despite the low variability observed in the lingual papillae, the morphological data obtained in this study may be related to the opossum's diverse food habits and the extensive geographic distribution of the species throughout America. Microsc. Res. Tech. 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
The treatment of a transverse maxillary deficiency in skeletally mature individuals should include surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion. This study evaluated the distribution of stresses that affect the expander's anchor teeth using finite element analysis when the osteotomy is varied. Five virtual models were built and the surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion was simulated. Results showed tension on the lingual face of the teeth and alveolar bone, and compression on the buccal side of the alveolar bone. The subtotal Le Fort I osteotomy combined with intermaxillary suture osteotomy seemed to reduce the dissipation of tensions. Therefore, subtotal Le Fort I osteotomy without a step in the zygomaticomaxillary buttress, combined with intermaxillary suture osteotomy and pterygomaxillary disjunction may be the osteotomy of choice to reduce tensions on anchor teeth, which tend to move mesiobuccally (premolar) and distobuccally (molar)
Objective: To assess the effects produced by the MARA appliance in the treatment of Angle’s Class II, division 1 malocclusion. Methods: The sample consisted of 44 young patients divided into two groups: The MARA Group, with initial mean age of 11.99 years, treated with the MARA appliance for an average period of 1.11 years, and the Control Group, with initial mean age of 11.63 years, monitored for a mean period of 1.18 years with no treatment. Lateral cephalograms were used to compare the groups using cephalometric variables in the initial and final phases. For these comparisons, Student’s t test was employed. Results: MARA appliance produced the following effects: Maxillary growth restriction, no change in mandibular development, improvement in maxillomandibular relationship, increased lower anterior facial height and counterclockwise rotation of the functional occlusal plane. In the upper arch, the incisors moved lingually and retruded, while the molars moved distally and tipped distally. In the lower arch, the incisors proclined and protruded, whereas the molars mesialized and tipped mesially. Finally, there was a significant reduction in overbite and overjet, with an obvious improvement in molar relationship. Conclusions: It was concluded that the MARA appliance proved effective in correcting Angle’s Class II, division 1 malocclusion while inducing skeletal changes and particularly dental changes.
Um questionamento muito frequente: qual o tempo que se deve esperar para movimentar um dente submetido a tratamento endodôntico, inclusive os de perfuração radicular? A extrapolação dos fenômenos observados em outras regiões da raiz e a fundamentação experimental com base em situações correlatas permitem afirmar que 30 dias correspondem a um período mais do que razoável para o reparo periapical estar em fase avançada de maturação e síntese. As forças ortodônticas são muito leves e dissipantes - muito mais do que o traumatismo dentário, o trauma oclusal e as forças mastigatórias normais -, e não devem interferir na patogenicidade e virulência das microbiotas envolvidas nas necroses e lesões periapicais crônicas, assim como não devem interferir nos fenômenos celulares e teciduais durante a reorganização dos tecidos apicais e periapicais.
The occurrence of chronic inflammatory periodontal disease due to dental plaque in adults over 30 years of age was noticed in 47.2% of the 3,742 subjects studied, representing a 64.7 million people population in the 50 states of the U.S. and the District of Columbia. The methods used by the authors were uniquely precise and the results brought us to great insight on the correlation between orthodontic treatment and periodontal health, which is described below.
Introduction: In recent years, the benefits associated with the use of cochlear implants (CIs), especially with regard to speech perception, have proven to surpass those produced by the use of hearing aids, making CIs a highly efficient resource for patients with severe/profound hearing loss. However, few studies so far have assessed the satisfaction of adult users of CIs. Objective: To analyze the relationship between the level of speech perception and degree of satisfaction of adult users of CI. Method: This was a prospective cross-sectional study conducted in the Audiological Research Center (CPA) of the Hospital of Craniofacial Anomalies, University of São Paulo (HRAC/USP), in Bauru, São Paulo, Brazil. A total of 12 users of CIs with pre-lingual or post-lingual hearing loss participated in this study. The following tools were used in the assessment: a questionnaire, "Satisfaction with Amplification in Daily Life" (SADL), culturally adapted to Brazilian Portuguese, as well as its relationship with the speech perception results; a speech perception test under quiet conditions; and the Hearing in Noise Test (HINT)Brazil under free field conditions. Results: The participants in the study were on the whole satisfied with their devices, and the degree of satisfaction correlated positively with the ability to perceive monosyllabic words under quiet conditions. The satisfaction did not correlate with the level of speech perception in noisy environments. Conclusion: Assessments of satisfaction may help professionals to predict what other factors, in addition to speech perception, may contribute to the satisfaction of CI users in order to reorganize the intervention process to improve the users' quality of life.
Introduction: The aims of this meta-analysis were to quantify and to compare the amounts of distalization and anchorage loss of conventional and skeletal anchorage methods in the correction of Class II malocclusion with intraoral distalizers. Methods: The literature was searched through 5 electronic databases, and inclusion criteria were applied. Articles that presented pretreatment and posttreatment cephalometric values were preferred. Quality assessments of the studies were performed. The averages and standard deviations of molar and premolar effects were extracted from the studies to perform a meta-analysis. Results: After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 40 studies were included in the systematic review. After the quality analysis, 2 articles were classified as high quality, 27 as medium quality, and 11 as low quality. For the meta-analysis, 6 studies were included, and they showed average molar distalization amounts of 3.34 mm with conventional anchorage and 5.10 mm with skeletal anchorage. The meta-analysis of premolar movement showed estimates of combined effects of 2.30 mm (mesialization) in studies with conventional anchorage and 4.01 mm (distalization) in studies with skeletal anchorage. Conclusions: There was scientific evidence that both anchorage systems are effective for distalization; however, with skeletal anchorage, there was no anchorage loss when direct anchorage was used.
Introduction: The aim of this prospective clinical study was to investigate the cephalometric changes produced by bonded spurs associated with high-pull chincup therapy in children with Angle Class I malocclusion and anterior open bite. Methods: Thirty patients with an initial mean age of 8.14 years and a mean anterior open bite of 3.93 mm were treated with bonded spurs associated with chincup therapy for 12 months. An untreated control group of 30 subjects with an initial mean age of 8.36 years and a mean anterior open bite of 3.93 mm and the same malocclusion was followed for 12 months for comparison. Student t tests were used for intergroup comparisons. Results: The treated group demonstrated a significantly greater decrease of the gonial angle, and increase in overbite, palatal tipping of the maxillary incisors, and vertical dentoalveolar development of the maxillary and mandibular incisors compared with the control group. Conclusions: The association of bonded spurs with high-pull chincup therapy was efficient for the correction of the open bite in 86.7% of the patients, with a 5.23-mm (SD, 61.69) overbite increase.
Introduction: The aim of this study was to compare the dentoskeletal changes of patients with Class II Division 1 malocclusion treated with either the Jasper jumper appliance or the activator-headgear combination, both associated with fixed appliances. Methods: The sample comprised 72 subjects with Class II Division 1 malocclusion divided into 3 groups: group 1 included 25 subjects treated with fixed appliances and the force modules of the Jasper jumper at an initial mean age of 12.72 years, group 2 included 25 subjects treated with the activator-headgear combination followed by fixed appliances at an initial mean age of 11.07 years, and group 3 included 22 untreated subjects at an initial mean age of 12.67 years. Initial cephalometric characteristics and dentoskeletal changes were compared with analysis of variance. Results: Both experimental groups had similar dentoskeletal changes: restrictive effect on the maxilla, clockwise mandibular rotation and a slight increase in anterior face height, retrusion of the maxillary incisors, distalization of the maxillary molars, protrusion of the mandibular incisors, extrusion of the mandibular molars, and significant improvements of the maxillomandibular relationship, overjet, overbite, and the molar relationship. Conclusions: The effects of the Jasper jumper and the activator-headgear combination followed by fixed orthodontic appliances were similar in Class II malocclusion treatment.
Objective: To evaluate healing time before loading, areas compression and tension and location of insertion on mini-implant stability. Design: Six minipigs were used. Each animal received 3 mini-implants in each quadrant: 1 mini-implant was used as an unloaded control (G1, n = 24); the other 2 were loaded with 150 g-force at three time intervals (G2: immediate loading, G3: after 15 days and G4: after 30 days), with 16 mini-implant in each experimental group. After 120 days, tissue blocks of the areas of interest were harvested. Clinical analysis (exact Fisher test) determined the survival rate. Histological analysis (Kontron KS 300TM, Zeiss) quantified the fractional bone-toimplant contact (%BIC) and bone area (%BA) at each healing time point, areas of interest, and insertion site (ANOVA and t tests for dependent and independent samples). Results: The mini-implant survival rates were G1: 71%, G2: 50%, G3: 75% and G4: 63%, with no statistical differences between them. The groups presented similar %BIC and %BA. There were no differences between the compression and tension sides or maxillary and mandibular insertion sites. Conclusions: These results suggest that low-intensity immediate or early orthodontic loading does not affect mini-implant stability, because similar histomorphometric results were observed for all the groups, with partial osseointegration of the mini-implants present.
Introduction: This study aimed to describe the anatomy of mandibular premolars with type IX canal configuration by using micro–computed tomography. Methods: Mandibular premolars with radicular grooves (n = 105) were scanned, and 16 teeth with type IX configuration were selected. Number and location of canals, distances between anatomic landmarks, occurrence of apical delta, root canal fusion, and furcation canals, as well as 2-dimensional (area, perimeter, roundness, major and minor diameters) and 3-dimensional (volume, surface area, and structuremodel index) analysis were performed. Data were statistically compared by using analysis of variance and Kruskal-Wallis tests (a = 0.05). Results: Overall, specimens had 1 root with a main canal that divided into mesiobuccal, distobuccal, and lingual canals at the furcation level. Mean length of the teeth was 22.9 2.06 mm, and the configuration of the pulp chamber was mostly triangle-shaped. Mean distances from the furcation to the apex and cementoenamel junction were 9.14 2.07 and 5.59 2.19 mm, respectively. Apical delta, root canal fusion, and furcation canals were present in 4, 5, and 10 specimens, respectively. No statistical differences were found in the 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional analyses between root canals (P > .05). Conclusions: Type IX configuration of the root canal system was found in 16 of 105 mandibular premolars with radicular grooves. Most of the specimens had a triangle-shaped pulp chamber. Within this anatomic configuration, complexities of the root canal systems such as the presence of furcation canals, fusion of canals, oval-shaped canals in the apical third, small orifices at the pulp chamber level, and apical delta were also observed
Objective: This study evaluated the variations in the anterior cranial base (S-N), posterior cranial base (S-Ba) and deflection of the cranial base (SNBa) among three different facial patterns (Pattern I, II and III). Method: A sample of 60 lateral cephalometric radiographs of Brazilian Caucasian patients, both genders, between 8 and 17 years of age was selected. The sample was divided into 3 groups (Pattern I, II and III) of 20 individuals each. The inclusion criteria for each group were the ANB angle, Wits appraisal and the facial profile angle (G’.Sn.Pg’). To compare the mean values obtained from (SNBa, S-N, S-Ba) each group measures, the ANOVA test and Scheffé’s Post-Hoc test were applied. Results and Conclusions: There was no statistically significant difference for the deflection angle of the cranial base among the different facial patterns (Patterns I, II and III). There was no significant difference for the measures of the anterior and posterior cranial base between the facial Patterns I and II. The mean values for S-Ba were lower in facial Pattern III with statistically significant difference. The mean values of S-N in the facial Pattern III were also reduced, but without showing statistically significant difference. This trend of lower values in the cranial base measurements would explain the maxillary deficiency and/or mandibular prognathism features that characterize the facial Pattern III.