798 resultados para Linden


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Het doel van dit onderzoek is om inzicht te geven in de ontwikkeling van de rol van de controller en te onderzoeken hoe de rol van de controller zich verhoudt tot het gebruik van hard en soft controls. Het onderzoek is uitgevoerd in de vorm van een case study waarbij de onderzoeksdata op twee manieren is verzameld. Ten eerste is door middel van desk research op basis van brondocumenten een overzicht in de tijd gemaakt van de gehanteerde management control systemen bij de casusorganisatie, zijnde vier lokale Rabobank vestigingen. Ten tweede is voor het beantwoorden van de deelvragen en hoofdvraag gebruik gemaakt van semigestructureerde interviews. De ontwikkelingen binnen management control laten zien dat de invulling hiervan bij de casusorganisatie veranderd is en dat management control niet meer alleen vraagt om hard controls. In de casusorganisatie zijn de hard controls duidelijk ingericht en laten de onderzoeksresultaten zien dat soft controls wel worden uitgevoerd maar niet concreet zijn geformuleerd en ingericht. Ten aanzien van het toepassen van hard of soft controls blijkt dat de nadruk ligt op hard controls. De verhouding lijkt samen te hangen met de verschillen in inrichting van de control afdeling en fase waarin de vier verschillende lokale banken zich bevinden. De ontwikkeling die reeds heeft plaatsgevonden en de verwachte ontwikkelingen ten aanzien van de taken van de controller en het toepassen van het type controls, duiden op een verschuiving van traditioneel controlewerk naar een controller die steeds meer betrokken is bij de business en gesprekspartner is van management en directie. De rol van de controller heeft zich doorontwikkeld en is veranderd van achteraf controle uitvoeren (controleur-rol) naar een veel bredere partner-rol die ook aan de voorkant met de business probeert mee te denken en management en directie ondersteunt bij organisatieveranderingen. Het bewustzijn ten aanzien van het inzetten van verschillende type controls, passend bij de doelstelling en situatie, is de laatste jaren toegenomen. Naast sturing op resultaat-, vindt nu ook actiesturen en medewerker- en leiderschapssturing plaats. De rol van de controller is over tijd veranderd, maar er heeft geen duidelijke verschuiving plaatsgevonden in het toepassen van het type controls van hard naar soft.


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INTRODUCTION: The transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channels have emerged as important cellular sensors in both neuronal and non-neuronal cells, with TRPA1 playing a central role in nociception and neurogenic inflammation. The functionality of TRP channels has been shown to be modulated by inflammatory cytokines. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of inflammation on odontoblast TRPA1 expression and to determine the effect of Biodentine (Septodent, Paris, France) on inflammatory-induced TRPA1 expression.

METHODS: Immunohistochemistry was used to study TRPA1 expression in pulp tissue from healthy and carious human teeth. Pulp cells were differentiated to odontoblastlike cells in the presence of 2 mmol/L beta-glycerophosphate, and these cells were used in quantitative polymerase chain reaction, Western blotting, calcium imaging, and patch clamp studies.

RESULTS: Immunofluorescent staining revealed TRPA1 expression in odontoblast cell bodies and odontoblast processes, which was more intense in carious versus healthy teeth. TRPA1 gene expression was induced in cultured odontoblastlike cells by tumor necrosis factor alpha, and this expression was significantly reduced in the presence of Biodentine. The functionality of the TRPA1 channel was shown by calcium microfluorimetry and patch clamp recording, and our results showed a significant reduction in tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced TRPA1 responses after Biodentine treatment.

CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, this study showed TRPA1 to be modulated by caries-induced inflammation and that Biodentine reduced TRPA1 expression and functional responses.


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Aims: Epidemiological evidence suggests that adipokines may be associated with the onset of type 2 diabetes, but the evidence to date is limited and inconclusive. This study examined the association between adiponectin and leptin and the subsequent diagnosis of type 2 diabetes in a UK population based cohort of non-diabetic middle-aged men.
Methods: Baseline serum levels of leptin and adiponectin were measured in 1839 nondiabetic men aged 50–60 years who were participating in the prospective populationbased PRIME study. Over a mean follow-up of 14.7 years, new cases of type 2 diabetes were determined from self-reported clinical information with subsequent validation by general practitioners.
Results: 151 Participants developed type 2 diabetes during follow-up. In Cox regression models adjusted for age, men in the top third of the leptin distribution were at increased risk (hazard ratio (HR) 4.27, 95% CI 2.67–6.83) and men in the top third of the adiponectin
distribution at reduced risk (HR 0.24, 95% CI 0.14–0.42) relative to men in the bottom third. However, significance was lost for leptin after additional adjustment for BMI, waist to hip ratio, lifestyle factors and biological risk factors, including C-reactive protein (CRP). Further adjustment for HOMA-IR also resulted in loss of significance for adiponectin.
Conclusions: This study provides evidence that adipokines are associated with men’s future type 2 diabetes risk but not independently of other risk factors.


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AIMS: Our aims were to evaluate the distribution of troponin I concentrations in population cohorts across Europe, to characterize the association with cardiovascular outcomes, to determine the predictive value beyond the variables used in the ESC SCORE, to test a potentially clinically relevant cut-off value, and to evaluate the improved eligibility for statin therapy based on elevated troponin I concentrations retrospectively.

METHODS AND RESULTS: Based on the Biomarkers for Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in Europe (BiomarCaRE) project, we analysed individual level data from 10 prospective population-based studies including 74 738 participants. We investigated the value of adding troponin I levels to conventional risk factors for prediction of cardiovascular disease by calculating measures of discrimination (C-index) and net reclassification improvement (NRI). We further tested the clinical implication of statin therapy based on troponin concentration in 12 956 individuals free of cardiovascular disease in the JUPITER study. Troponin I remained an independent predictor with a hazard ratio of 1.37 for cardiovascular mortality, 1.23 for cardiovascular disease, and 1.24 for total mortality. The addition of troponin I information to a prognostic model for cardiovascular death constructed of ESC SCORE variables increased the C-index discrimination measure by 0.007 and yielded an NRI of 0.048, whereas the addition to prognostic models for cardiovascular disease and total mortality led to lesser C-index discrimination and NRI increment. In individuals above 6 ng/L of troponin I, a concentration near the upper quintile in BiomarCaRE (5.9 ng/L) and JUPITER (5.8 ng/L), rosuvastatin therapy resulted in higher absolute risk reduction compared with individuals <6 ng/L of troponin I, whereas the relative risk reduction was similar.

CONCLUSION: In individuals free of cardiovascular disease, the addition of troponin I to variables of established risk score improves prediction of cardiovascular death and cardiovascular disease.


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Objective: Real-time functional magnetic resonance imaging (rt-fMRI) neurofeedback (NF) uses feedback of the patient’s own brain activity to self-regulate brain networks which in turn could lead to a change in behaviour and clinical symptoms. The objective was to determine the effect of neurofeedback and motor training and motor training (MOT) alone on motor and non-motor functions in Parkinson’s disease (PD) in a 10-week small Phase I randomised controlled trial. Methods: 30 patients with PD (Hoehn & Yahr I-III) and no significant comorbidity took part in the trial with random allocation to two groups. Group 1 (NF: 15 patients) received rt-fMRI-NF with motor training. Group 2 (MOT: 15 patients) received motor training alone. The primary outcome measure was the Movement Disorder Society – Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale-Motor scale (MDS-UPDRS-MS), administered pre- and post-intervention ‘off-medication’. The secondary outcome measures were the ‘on-medication’ MDS-UPDRS, the Parkinson’s disease Questionnaire-39, and quantitative motor assessments after 4 and 10 weeks. Results: Patients in the NF group were able to upregulate activity in the supplementary motor area by using motor imagery. They improved by an average of 4.5 points on the MDS-UPDRS-MS in the ‘off-medication’ state (95% confidence interval: -2.5 to -6.6), whereas the MOT group improved only by 1.9 points (95% confidence interval +3.2 to -6.8). However, the improvement did not differ significantly between the groups. No adverse events were reported in either group. Interpretation: This Phase I study suggests that NF combined with motor training is safe and improves motor symptoms immediately after treatment, but larger trials are needed to explore its superiority over active control conditions. Clinical Trial website : Unique Identifier: NCT01867827 URL: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01867827?term=NCT01867827&rank=1


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Purpose of review Recent developments in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have catalyzed a new field of translational neuroscience. Using fMRI to monitor the aspects of task-related changes in neural activation or brain connectivity, investigators can offer feedback of simple or complex neural signals/patterns back to the participant on a quasireal-time basis [real-time-fMRI-based neurofeedback (rt-fMRI-NF)]. Here, we introduce some background methodology of the new developments in this field and give a perspective on how they may be used in neurorehabilitation in the future. Recent findings The development of rt-fMRI-NF has been used to promote self-regulation of activity in several brain regions and networks. In addition, and unlike other noninvasive techniques, rt-fMRI-NF can access specific subcortical regions and in principle any region that can be monitored using fMRI including the cerebellum, brainstem and spinal cord. In Parkinson’s disease and stroke, rt-fMRI-NF has been demonstrated to alter neural activity after the self-regulation training was completed and to modify specific behaviours. Summary Future exploitation of rt-fMRI-NF could be used to induce neuroplasticity in brain networks that are involved in certain neurological conditions. However, currently, the use of rt-fMRI-NF in randomized, controlled clinical trials is in its infancy.


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The process of developing software is a complex undertaking involving multiple stakeholders. While the intentions of these parties might vary to some extent, the ultimate goal can be seen as a satisfactory product. Lean and agile software development practices strive toward this and they place customer contentment as one of the highest aims of the process. An important aspect of any development process is the act of innovation. Without it, nothing progresses and the whole process is unnecessary. As a target domain expert, the customer is an important part of effective innovation. Problems arise, however, when the customer is not actively taking part in the activities. Lack of familiarity with software development can easily cause such issues. Unfortunately, the amount of research conducted on product innovation is unimpressive. This makes it difficult to formulate a recommended approach on stimulating the customer and encouraging a more active participation. Ultimately, a small set of high-level guidelines were identified from the available literary resources for inducing innovation. To conclude, this thesis presents the findings made during the development of a small web application and compares them to the aforementioned literature findings. While the guidelines seem to provide promising results, further empirical research is needed to attain more significant conclusions.


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Nowadays, despite anti-discrimination policies, women suffer frequently from a lack of consideration from their male colleagues, altering their well-being and motivation to work. More precisely, perceived personal or groupal discrimination, could have a distinct influence on work motivation. Previous studies showed that the impact on women varies in function of the type of perceived discrimination (Bourguignon et al. 2006). Based on the self-categorization and the social identity theory, work motivation is differently structured as if employees categorized themselves as individuals or as part of a group. As a result, a different impact from personal and group discrimination on work motivation is expected. Moreover, it has been proved that typical men behavior is heavily associated with competence compared to women behavior (Marchand, Saint-Charles & Corbeil, 2007). Therefore, it is hypothesized that women with more masculine traits will suffer from less perceived discrimination, and work motivation. An online survey was created in order to collect data over work motivation, perceived personal and group discrimination. The respondents were also questioned on typical men and women behavior to determine their gender-conformity. To test our hypotheses, data were collected from 57 women stemming from the labour force, aged from 21 to 63 years old. Results indicate that perceived personal discrimination was negatively related to work motivation and that perceived group discrimination was negatively correlated with masculine behavior. Thereby, our study enhances the importance of work environment, and especially discrimination, on work motivation. This research also corroborates the self-categorization and the social identity theory framework to study these issues.


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Five new organotin(IV) complexes of composition [Bz2SnL1]n (1), [Bz3SnL1HH2O] (2), [Me2SnL2H2O] (3), [Me2SnL3] (4) and [Bz3SnL3H]n (5) (where L1 = (2S)-2-([(E)-(4-hydroxypentan-2-ylidene)]amino)-4-methylpentanoate, L2 = (rac)-2-([(E)-1-(2-hydroxyphenyl)methylidene]amino)-4-methylpentanoate and L3 = (2S)- or (rac)-2-([(E)-1-(2-hydroxyphenyl)ethylidene]amino)-4-methylpentanoate) were synthesized and characterized using 1H NMR, 13C NMR, 119Sn NMR and infrared spectroscopic techniques. The crystal structure of 2 reveals a distorted trigonal-bipyramidal geometry around the tin atom where the oxygen atoms of the carboxylate ligand and a water ligand occupy the axial positions, while the three benzyl ligands are located at the equatorial positions. On the other hand, the analogous derivative of enantiopure L3H (5) consists of polymeric chains, in which the ligand-bridged tin atoms adopt the same trans-Bz3SnO2 trigonal-bipyramidal configuration and are now coordinated to a phenolic oxygen atom instead of H2O. In 2, the OH hydrogen of the ketoimine substituent has moved to the nearby nitrogen atom while in the salicylidene derivative 5, the OH is located almost midway between the phenolic oxygen atom and the nitrogen atom of the C=N group. For the dibenzyltin derivative 1, a polymeric chain structure is observed as a result of a long intermolecular SnO bond involving the exocyclic carbonyl oxygen atom from the tridentate ligand of a neighbouring tin-complex unit. The tin atom in this complex has distorted octahedral coordination geometry. In contrast, the racemic dimethyltin(IV) complexes 3 and 4 display discrete monomeric structures with a distorted octahedral- and trigonal-bipyramidal geometry, respectively. The structures show that the coordination mode of the Schiff base ligand depends primarily on the number of bulky benzyl ligands (R) at the tin atom, as indeed found in the structures of related complexes where R = phenyl. With three bulky R groups, the tridentate chelating O,N,O coordination mode is preferred, whereas with fewer or less bulky R ligands, only the carboxylate and hydroxy groups are involved, which leads to polymers. Larvicidal efficacies of two of the new tribenzyltin(IV) complexes (2 and 5) were assessed on the second larval instar of Anopheles stephensi mosquito larvae and compared with two triphenyltin(IV) analogues, [Ph3SnL1H]n and [Ph3SnL3H]n. The results demonstrate that the compounds containing Sn-Ph ligands are more effective than those with Sn-Bz ligands.