985 resultados para Light limited
We discuss coupling of ultrashort light pulses into waveguides by use of a prism waveguide coupler configuration. Theoretical analysis indicates that an extra loss induced by the short coherence times of ultrashort pulses, which has a strong effect on the reflected light and the optimum coupling condition, appears in the waveguide. Numerical simulations show that the reflectance strongly depends on the coherence times of ultrashort pulses. A method for realizing optimum coupling by compensating for the extra loss is proposed as well in this paper. A preliminary experiment of employing ultrashort pulses with different coherence times was carried out, and good agreement between theory and experiment was obtained. (c) 2006 Optical Society of America.
150 p.
根据菲涅尔全内反射相变理论,给出了双菱体λ/4消色差器的结构设计、性能分析和测量方法.由有效通光孔径和光线追迹设计出BK7玻璃在波长532 nm时相位延迟λ/4的双菱体的结构,用作532 nm至1 064 nm波长范围的标准λ/4相位延迟器.理论分析了入射角变化和波长变化对双菱体相位延迟的影响,当入射角变化限制在±4.3°以内时,其影响得到补偿;波长从532 nm到1 064 nm产生的误差为-0.65°.采用椭偏法中的消光技术,分别实测了双菱体在532 nm和1 064 nm波长下的相位延迟为:90.08±0.14°和88.99±0.1°,可知两不同波长产生的相位延迟误差为-1.09°.
Over the last decad , the paradigm of Total Quality Management (TQM) has been successfully forged in our business world. TQM may be defined as something that is both complex and ambiguous; nevertheless, some key elements or principles can be mentioned which are common to all of them: customer satisfaction, continuous improvement, commitment and leadership on the part of top management, involvement and support on the part of employees, teamwork, measurement via indicators and feedback. There are, in short, two main reasons for it having spread so widely: on the one hand, the successful diffusion of ISO 9000 standards for the implementation and certification of quality management systems, standards that have been associated to the TQM paradigm, and, on the other, the also successful diffusion of self evaluation models such as the EFQM promoted by the European Foundation for Quality Management and the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in the USA, promoted by the Foundation for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. However, the quality movement is not without its problems as far as its mid and long term development is concerned. In this book some research findings related to these issues are presented.