854 resultados para Ley 816 de 2003 - Artículo 2


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Bottom-simulating reflectors were observed beneath the southeastern slope of the Dongsha Islands in the South China Sea, raising the potential for the presence of gas hydrate in the area. We have analyzed the chemical and isotopic compositions of interstitial water, headspace gas, and authigenic siderite concretions from Site 1146. Geochemical anomalies, including a slight decrease of chlorine concentration in interstitial water, substantial increase of methane concentration in headspace gas, and 18O enrichment in the authigenic siderite concretion below 400 meters below seafloor are probably caused by the decomposition of gas hydrate. The low-chlorine pore fluids contain higher molecular-weight hydrocarbons and probably migrate to Site 1146 along faults or bedded planes.


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Complex geological-geochemical studies of water column and bottom sediments were carried out during Cruise 49 of R/V "Dmitry Mendeleev" in the Kara Sea shelf zone along the Obskaya Guba (Ob River estuary) from the Pur River and Taz River mouths to 76°N. Carbon-14 concentrations in organic matter from bottom sediments were determined at 5 stations. Constant initial 14C concentration model was used to determine sedimentation rates that were taken as a basis for calculating ages of sediment cores and their separate parts and for inferring location of a depocenter, i.e. a region of maximal discharge of fine-dispersed fraction of suspended matter of river run-off. Sedimentation rate in the depocenter is 170 cm/ka. Southward moves of the depocenter were recorded for periods of sea-level rises 2 and 5 thousand years ago. Bottom sediments in the depocenter contain 45% of organic matter primary produced in the Obskaya Guba. This organic matter is an energetic basis for bottom fauna life. About 55% of organic matter comes with river run-off.


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Carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of authigenic carbonate nodules or layers reflect the diagenetic conditions at the time of nodule growth. The shallowest samples of carbonate nodules and dissolved inorganic carbon of pore water samples beneath the sulfate reduction zone (0-160 meters below seafloor [mbsf]) at Site 1165 have extremely negative d13C values (-50 per mil and -62 per mil, respectively). These negative d13C values indicate nodule formation in association with anaerobic methane oxidation coupled with sulfate reduction. The 34S of residual sulfate at Site 1165 shows only minor 34S enrichment (+6 per mil), even with complete sulfate reduction. This small degree of apparent 34S enrichment is due to extreme "open-system" sulfate reduction, with sulfate abundantly resupplied by diffusion from overlying seawater. Ten calcite nodules from Site 1165 contain minor quartz and feldspar and have d13C values ranging from -49.7 per mil to -8.2 per mil. The nodules with the most negative d13C values currently are at depths of 273 to 350 mbsf and must have precipitated from carbonate largely derived from subsurface anaerobic methane oxidation. The processes of sulfate reduction coupled with methane oxidation in sediments of Hole 1165B are indicated by characteristic concentration and isotopic (d34S and d13C) profiles of dissolved sulfate and bicarbonate. Three siderite nodules from Site 1166 contain feldspar and mica and one has significant carbonate-apatite. The siderite has d13C values ranging from -15.3 per mil to -7.6 per mil. These siderite nodules probably represent early diagenetic carbonate precipitation during microbial methanogenesis.


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En el presente trabajo se analizan los distintos aspectos de una previsión normativa de especial relevancia dentro del ordenamiento jurídico español como es la responsabilidad concursal. La importancia de la norma como mecanismo de protección tanto de acreedores como del tráfico jurídico, la controversia acerca de determinados aspectos de la misma y la novedad que supuso la inclusión de la misma en la Ley Concursal de 2003 justifican la exégesis del precepto en pos de una mejor comprensión y aplicación del mismo.


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A multidisciplinary oceanographic survey of the White Sea was carried out in the Gorlo Straight, Basin, and Kandalaksha Bay regions including estuaries of Niva, Kolvitza and Knyazhaya rivers. Hydrophysical study in the northern part of the Basin revealed long-lived step-like structures and inversions in vertical profiles of temperature and salinity, which formed due to tidal mixing of saline and cold Barents Sea waters and warmer White Sea waters in the Gorlo Straight. Biological studies revealed the main features of spatial distribution, as well as qualitative and quantitative composition of phyto- and zooplankton in all studied areas; tolerance of main zooplankton species to fresh water influence in estuaries was shown. Study of suspended matter in estuaries clearly demonstrated physicochemical transformations of material supplied by the rivers. Data on vertical particle flux in the deep part of the Kandalaksha Bay showed difference between the upper and near-bottom layers, which could result from sinking of spring phytoplankton bloom products and supply of terrigenic suspended matter from the nepheloid layer formed by tidal currents.