999 resultados para Lake sediment


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The oxygen isotopic composition of ostracod shells in lakes has been used as a useful indicator in palaeolimnological research and has provided some important contributions to the understanding of lacustrine systems. Usually, the oxygen isotopic compositions of ostracods from the lake sediments are interpreted as changes in effective precipitation, temperature and evaporation/input water ratio in a sub-arid or arid area. Here, we compare a 150-year-long oxygen-isotope record that was derived from ostracod carbonate from the sediments of Lake Gahai in the Qaidam Basin with meteorological data (precipitation) and tree-ring evidence for changing precipitation. Our results show that the oxygen isotopic compositions of ostracod shells are related to precipitation over the past 150 years. In general, increased precipitation accompanied a shift to less positive d18O values in the lake water, and thus in the ostracod shells, whereas decreased precipitation coincided with the opposite in Lake Gahai over the past 150 years. Therefore, we conclude that the oxygen isotopic compositions of ostracod shells can be used to indicate changes in precipitation over a short time scale in Lake Gahai.


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Studies combining sedimentological and biological evidence to reconstruct Holocene climate beyond the major changes, and especially seasonality, are rare in Europe, and are nearly completely absent in Germany. The present study tries to reconstruct changes of seasonality from evidence of annual algal successions within the framework of well-established pollen zonation and 14C-AMS dates from terrestrial plants. Laminated Holocene sediments in Lake Jues (10°20.70' E, 51°39.30' N, 241 m a.s.l.), located at the SW margin of the Harz Mountains, central Germany, were studied for sediment characteristics, pollen, diatoms and coccal green algae. An age model is based on 21 calibrated AMS radiocarbon dates from terrestrial plants. The sedimentary record covers the entire Holocene period. Trophic status and circulation/stagnation patterns of the lake were inferred from algal assemblages, the subannual structure of varves and the physico-chemical properties of the sediment. During the Holocene, mixing conditions alternated between di-, oligo- and meromictic depending on length and variability of spring and fall periods, and the stability of winter and summer weather. The trophic state was controlled by nutrient input, circulation patterns and the temperature-dependent rates of organic production and mineralization. Climate shifts, mainly in phase with those recorded from other European regions, are inferred from changing limnological conditions and terrestrial vegetation. Significant changes occurred at 11,600 cal. yr. BP (Preboreal warming), between 10,600 and 10,100 cal. yr. BP (Boreal cooling), and between 8,400 and 4,550 cal. yr. BP (warm and dry interval of the Atlantic). Since 4,550 cal. yr. BP the climate became gradually cooler, wetter and more oceanic. This trend was interrupted by warmer and dryer phases between 3,440 and 2,850 cal. yr. BP and, likely, between 2,500 and 2,250 cal. yr. BP.


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The composition of algal pigments and extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) was determined in microbial mats from two lakes in Victoria Land (Continental Antarctica) with different lithology and environmental features. The aim was to expand knowledge of benthic autotrophic communities in Antarctic lacustrine ecosystems, providing reference data for future assessment of possible changes in environmental conditions and freshwater communities. The results of chemical analyses were supported by microscopy observations. Pigment profiles showed that filamentous cyanobacteria are dominant in both lakes. Samples from the water body at Edmonson Point had greater biodiversity, fewer pigments and lower EPS ratios than those from the lake at Kar Plateau. Differences in mat composition and in pigment and EPS profile between the two lakes are discussed in terms of local environmental conditions such as lithology, ice-cover and UV radiation. The present study suggests that a chemical approach could be useful in the study of benthic communities in Antarctic lakes and their variations in space and time.


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1. Late glacial and postglacial sediments from three former lakes in the Lake Garda area (Southern Alps) were investigated. 2. The pollen diagram from Bondone (1550 m) shows an older phase rich in NAP. A younger one corresponds with the Younger Dryas time according to two radiocarbon determinations. In the Preboreal no climatic deterioration could be found. 3. At first plants, which are nowadays typical for snow-ground, pioneer and dwarf shrub associations, immigrated into the surroundings of Bondone. In Alleröd times larch and pine appeared as the first trees. At the beginning of the Preboreal dense forest existed in that region. During the Alleröd timber line was at about 1500 m. 4. In the pollen diagrams from Saltarino (194 m) and Fiavè (654 m) an oldest period rich in NAP is followed by two stadial and two interstadial phases. Tree birches and larches immigrated during the oldest interstadial phase. 5. In the case of Saltarino and Fiavè only a preliminary dating could be made. A correlation seems to be possible with diagrams published by Zoller as well as with the diagram of Bondone. Discrepances in dating, which arise then, are discussed. According to the two possibilities of dating the youngest stadial is synchronous either with the so-called Piottino stadial or the Younger Dryas time. Consequently the oldest interstadial phase of Saltarino corresponds either with the Bölling or with a pre-Bölling interstadial. The last possibility seems to be more probable. 6. In the southern part of the Lake Garda area reforestation was preceded by a long shrub phase mainly with Juniperus. At about 650 m there was a period with Pinus mugo and only with a small amount of Juniperus before reforestation. A phase with Betula nana well known from areas north of the Alps could nowhere be found. 7. In the area under study larch appeared as the first tree. Lateron it has been the most important constituent of the forests near timber line. Birch, which plays an important role as a pioneer tree in Denmark - for instance at the transition of the pollen zones III/IV - as well as in Southern Germany during Bölling time, was of less importance at the southern border of the Alps. In that area the spreading of Pinus occurred very early causing dense forests. 8. During the last stadial phase (probably Younger Dryas time) dense forests with Pinus and Larix existed at 650 m. In the lower part of the Lake Garda area, however, both thermophilous trees as Quercus and herbs frequently occurred. This leads to the conclusion that during this time tree growth was limited by dryness in lower altitudes of the border of the Southern Alps. Pinus and Juniperus, however, do not show higher values in this period, a fact which cannot yet be explained. 9. A list of plants, which were found in the sediments, is compiled. Helodium lanatum, Dictamnus albus, Mercurialis cf. ovata, Buxus, Cerinthe cf. minor, Onosma, Anthericum and Asphodelus albus are findings, which are of special interest for the history of the flora of that region.


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Microfacies analyses and X-ray fluorescence scanning (µ-XRF) at sub-mm resolution were conducted on the varved Mid- to Late Holocene interval of two sediment profiles from pre-alpine Lake Ammersee (southern Germany). The coring sites are located in a proximal (AS10prox) and distal (AS10dist) position towards the main tributary River Ammer, in 1.8 km distance from each other. To shed light on sediment distribution within the lake, particular emphasis was (1) the detection of intercalated detrital layers and their micro-sedimentological features, and (2) intra-basin correlation of these event deposits. Detrital layers were dated by microscopic varve counting, verified by accelerator mass spectrometry 14C dating of terrestrial plant macrofossils. Since ~5500 varve years (vyr) BP, in total 1573 detrital layers were detected in either one or both of the investigated sediment profiles. Based on their microfacies, geochemistry, and proximal-distal deposition pattern, detrital layers were interpreted as River Ammer flood deposits. Earlier studies on flood layer seasonality have proven that flood layer deposition occurs predominantly during spring and summer, the flood season at Lake Ammersee. Most prominent features of the record are the onset of regular flood layer deposition at ~5500 vyr BP in AS10prox and ~ 2800 vyr BP in AS10dist as well as three major increases in mean flood layer thickness at ~5500, 2800, and 400 vyr BP. Integrating information from both sediment profiles allowed to interpret these changes in terms of shifts towards higher mean flood intensity. Proposed triggering mechanisms are gradual reduction in Northern Hemisphere orbital summer forcing and superimposed centennial-scale solar activity minima. Likely responses to this forcing are enhanced equator-to-pole temperature gradients and changes in synoptic-scale atmospheric circulation. The consequences for the Ammersee region are more intense cyclones leading to extremer rainfall and flood events in spring and summer.


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To gain insights into the mechanisms of abrupt climate change within interglacials, we have examined the characteristics and spatial extent of a prominent, climatically induced vegetation setback during the Holsteinian interglacial (Marine Isotope Stage 11c). Based on analyses of pollen and varves of lake sediments from Dethlingen (northern Germany), this climatic oscillation, here termed the "Older Holsteinian Oscillation" (OHO), lasted 220 years. It can be subdivided into a 90-year-long decline of temperate tree taxa associated with an expansion of Pinus and herbs, and a 130-year-long recovery phase marked by the expansion of Betula and Alnus, and the subsequent recovery of temperate trees. The climate-induced nature of the OHO is corroborated by changes in diatom assemblages and ?18O measured on biogenic silica indicating an impact on the aquatic ecosystem of the Dethlingen paleolake. The OHO is widely documented in pollen records from Europe north of 50° latitude and is characterized by boreal climate conditions with cold winters from the British Isles to Poland, with a gradient of decreasing temperature and moisture availability, and increased continentality towards eastern Europe. This pattern points to a weakened influence of the westerlies and/or a stronger influence of the Siberian High. A comparison of the OHO with the 8.2 ka event of the Holocene reveals close similarities regarding the imprint on terrestrial ecosystems and the interglacial boundary conditions. Hence, in analogy to the 8.2 ka event, a transient, meltwater-induced slowdown of the North Atlantic Deep Water formation appears as a plausible trigger mechanism for the OHO. If correct, meltwater release into the North Atlantic may be a more common agent of abrupt climate change during interglacials than previously thought. We conclude that meltwater-induced climate setbacks during interglacials preferentially occurred when low rates of summer insolation increase during the preceding terminations facilitated the persistence of large-scale continental ice-sheets well into the interglacials.


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Hydro-acoustic surveys and coring campaigns at Lake Prespa were carried out between 2007 and 2009. This paper presents hydro-acoustic profiles and provide lithological and chronostratigraphical information from three up to 15.75 m long sediment sequences from the Macedonian side of the lake. The sediment sequences comprise glacial and interglacial sediments likely deposited from the end of Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5 to present day. The information implies a distinct change of sedimentation patterns at the Pleistocene/Holocene transition and the establishment of a relatively strong Holocene current system and deposition of channel-related contourite drift in Lake Prespa. Potential causes for the establishment of this current during the Holocene include significant lake level change, reduced winter ice cover, and/or higher aeolian activity.


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226Ra is used to document the growth histories of six manganese nodules from Oneida Lake, New York. Detailed sectioning and analysis reveal that there are discontinuous gradients in 226Ra content in these samples. These gradients result from periods of rapid growth (>1 mm/100 years) separated by periods of no growth of erosion. Although the 226Ra 'age' of the nodules approximates the age of Oneida Lake, the nodules are not sediment-covered because they occur only in areas of the lake where fine-grained sediments are not accumulating.


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The rapid warming of arctic regions during recent decades has been recorded by instrumental monitoring, but the natural climate variability in the past is still sparsely reconstructed across many areas. We have reconstructed past climate changes in subarctic west-central Canada. Stable carbon and oxygen isotope ratios (d13C, d18O) were derived from a single Sphagnum fuscum plant component; alpha-cellulose isolated from stems. Periods of warmer and cooler conditions identified in this region, described in terms of a "Mediaeval Climatic Anomaly" and "Little Ice Age" were registered in the temperature reconstruction based on the d13C record. Some conclusions could be drawn about wet/dry shifts during the same time interval from the d18O record, humification indices and the macrofossil analysis. The results were compared with other proxy data from the vicinity of the study area. The amplitude of the temperature change was similar to that in chironomid based reconstructions, showing c. 6.5 ±2.3 °C variability in July temperatures during the past 6.2 ka.


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The differential solubility of ferromanganese oxides can lead to stratigraphic separation of iron and manganese. Results of chemical analysis of a sequence of ferromanganese nodules overlying iron-rich crusts in northern Green Bay show that selec¬tive ion transport is important in concentrating manganese and associated trace elements near the oxygenated water-sediment interface. Manganese carbonate, which cements ferromanganese nodules, occurs in dark-gray silty sands that are located adjacent to the organic-rich muds of southern Green Bay. These muds contain an average of approximately 3.5 ppm (6x10-5M) interstitial Mn with 2.8 meq/l carbonate alkalinity. Thermodynamic calculation shows that interstitial water approaches equilibrium with MnCO3 in the upper 10 cm of sediment. This carbonate has a composition (Mn73Ca22Fe5)CO3 and has been identified as rhodochrosite.


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Results of investigations of Baikal bottom sediments from a long core (BDP-97) and several short (0-1 m) cores are presented. It can be shown that Holocene sediments in the Baikal basins consist of biogenic-terrigenous muds accumulated under still sedimentation conditions, and of turbidites formed during catastrophic events. The turbidites can be distinguished from the host sediments by their enrichment in heavy minerals and thus their high magnetic susceptibility. Often, Pliocene and Pleistocene diatom species observed in the Holocene sediments (mainly in the turbidites) point to redeposition of ancient offshore sediments. Our results indicate that deltas, littoral zones, and continental slopes are source areas of turbidites. The fact that the turbidites occur far from their sources confirms existence of high-energy turbidity currents responsible for long-distance lateral-sediment transport to the deep basins of the lake.


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A large deposit of ferromanganese oxide coated sands and scattered manganese nodules occurs in the northern portion of Lake Ontario. The Mn and Fe contents of the concretions are similar to those in concretions from other environments, while their Ni, Cu, and Co contents are lower than in deep-sea nodules, but higher than in most previously described lacustrine concretions. Pb and Zn are high in the coatings and exceed the concentrations found in many previously analyzed Mn deposits. Within the deposit, Mn, Ni, Co, and Zn contents are correlated, and they vary inversely with Fe. Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, and Pb are present in the interstitial waters of the sediments underlying the deposit in higher concentrations than in the overlying lake waters, thus providing a potential source of metals for concretion formation.The origin and compositional variations in the deposit possibly can be explained in terms of the fractionation and precipitation of Fe and Mn as a result of redox variations in the lake sediments. Eh increases from south to north across the deposit in such a way that iron may be selectively oxidized and precipitated in the south and manganese, in the north. The upward diffusion of Mn, Fe, and associated elements from the underlying sediments probably provides the principal source of the metals in the south of the deposit, while metal-enriched bottom waters are probably the principal source in the north.