952 resultados para Judith Butler


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The Australian National Homelessness Research Agenda funded this study which explored post-care homelessness experiences of young people, asked them what they considered helpful, and identified practice and policy implications. Participants were 48 care leavers aged 19 to 23 years in Queensland and Victoria. Of these 17 young people were interviewed twice over a four month period. In addition focus groups were held with service providers and current postcare service arrangements in the two states mapped. The study found there is a need for policy and practice to more effectively orient towards a holistic and future oriented view of outcomes for young people transitioning from care.


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A guide to utilising multi-media for teaching and learning.


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This paper highlights the hypercompetitive nature of the current pharmacy landscape in Australia and to suggest either a superior level of differentiation strategy or a focused differentiation strategy targeting a niche market as two viable, alternative business models to cost leadership for small, independent community pharmacies. A description of the Australian health care system is provided as well as background information on the current community pharmacy environment in Australia. The authors propose a differentiation or focused differentiation strategy based on cognitive professional services (CPS) which must be executed well and of a superior quality to competitors' services. Market research to determine the services valued by target customers and that they are willing to pay for is vital. To achieve the superior level of quality that will engender high patient satisfaction levels and loyalty, pharmacy owners and managers need to develop, maintain and clearly communicate service quality specifications to the staff delivering these services. Otherwise, there will be a proliferation of pharmacies offering the same professional services with no evident service differential. However, to sustain competitive advantage over the long-term, these smaller, independent community pharmacies will need to exploit a broad core competency base in order to be able to continuously introduce new sources of competitive advantage. With the right expertise, the authors argue that smaller, independent community pharmacies can successfully deliver CPS and sustain profitability in a hypercompetitive market.


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Background A goal of the postgraduate clinical pharmacy programme (PGCPP) at the University of Queensland is to enhance clinical practice. Aims To evaluate student perceptions of the impact of the PGCPP on practice and the inclusion of a competency-based performance evaluation as a formative component of the curriculum. Method In 2010, students completed a questionnaire to evaluate the impact of the PGCPP. In 2011, formative competency-based performance evaluations were conducted as a component of the course and the questionnaire was repeated. Responses, competency ratings and evaluation feedback were collated. Data were analysed using descriptive statistics. Results 51/57 (89%) of students completed the questionnaire in 2010 and 2011. Over 90% of students agreed or strongly agreed that the PGCPP enhanced practice, knowledge, confidence and contribution to patient care. Responses were similarly positive after the inclusion of the performance evaluation. Conclusion This study demonstrated that the PGCPP is achieving the goal of enhancing the practice of pharmacists.


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Background Bachelor of Pharmacy programs were introduced in 2006 into two Sri Lankan universities - University of Peradeniya and University of Sri Jayewardenepura. Due to minimal clinical pharmacy experience in the country, these universities invited international colleagues to develop and teach the clinical pharmacy course. Aims To describe development, delivery and evaluation of both a clinical pharmacy undergraduate course and a "Train-thetrainer”program provided to local academics delivering undergraduate pharmacy programs. Method In 2009, Australian pharmacist academics developed and piloted an undergraduate clinical pharmacy course at University of Peradeniya. In 2010, this was refined and delivered at University of Sri Jayewardenepura, along with a “train-thetrainer”program for local academics. These were evaluated using surveys. Results Most students considered lecture delivery speed and use of audio visual aids appropriate, and lecture content relevant.Most academics found the “Train-the-Trainer” program increased their knowledge and improved their teaching skills. Conclusion Experienced pharmacist academics can improve the quality of clinical pharmacy teaching in developing countries such as Sri Lanka.


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The development of effective therapeutic strategies against prostate cancer bone metastases has been impeded by the lack of adequate animal models that are able to recapitulate the biology of the disease in humans. Bioengineered approaches allow researchers to create sophisticated experimentally and physiologically relevant in vivo models to study interactions between cancer cells and their microenvironment under reproducible conditions. The aim of this study was to engineer a morphologically and functionally intact humanized organ bone which can serve as a homing site for human prostate cancer cells. Transplantation of biodegradable tubular composite scaffolds seeded with human mesenchymal progenitor cells and loaded with rhBMP-7 resulted in the development of a chimeric bone construct including a large number of human mesenchymal cells which were shown to be metabolically active and capable of producing extracellular matrix components. Micro-CT analysis demonstrated that the newly formed ossicle recapitulated the morphological features of a physiological organ bone with a trabecular network surrounded by a cortex-like outer structure. This microenvironment was supportive of the lodgement and maintenance of murine haematopoietic cell clusters, thus mimicking a functional organ bone. Bioluminescence imaging demonstrated that luciferase-transduced human PC3 cells reproducibly homed to the humanized tissue engineered bone constructs, proliferated, and developed macro-metastases. This model allows the analysis of interactions between human prostate cancer cells and a functional humanized bone organ within an immuno-incompetent murine host. The system can serve as a reproducible platform to study effects of therapeutics against prostate cancer bone metastases within a humanized microenvironment.


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Current routine cell culture techniques are only poorly suited to capture the physiological complexity of tumor microenvironments, wherein tumor cell function is affected by intricate three-dimensional (3D), integrin-dependent cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions. 3D cell cultures allow the investigation of cancer-associated proteases like kallikreins as they degrade ECM proteins and alter integrin signaling, promoting malignant cell behaviors. Here, we employed a hydrogel microwell array platform to probe using a high-throughput mode how ovarian cancer cell aggregates of defined size form and survive in response to the expression of kallikreins and treatment with paclitaxel, by performing microscopic, quantitative image, gene and protein analyses dependent on the varying microwell and aggregate sizes. Paclitaxel treatment increased aggregate formation and survival of kallikrein-expressing cancer cells and levels of integrins and integrin-related factors. Cancer cell aggregate formation was improved with increasing aggregate size, thereby reducing cell death and enhancing integrin expression upon paclitaxel treatment. Therefore, hydrogel microwell arrays are a powerful tool to screen the viability of cancer cell aggregates upon modulation of protease expression, integrin engagement and anti-cancer treatment providing a micro-scaled yet high-throughput technique to assess malignant progression and drug-resistance.


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The quality of data collection methods selected and the integrity of the data collected are integral tot eh success of a study. This chapter focuses on data collection and study validity. After reading the chapter, readers should be able to define types of data collection methods in quantitative research; list advantages and disadvantages of each method; discuss factors related to internal and external validity; critically evaluate data collection methods and discuss the need to operationalise variables of interest for data collection.


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The scientific job market has evolved to a truly globalized market. This is epitomized not only by the English language being the de facto scientific language but also by the increasing share of native language journals that are being offered in multiple languages or have or will fully converted to English (such as, for example, the BISE journal in 2015). Similarly, a plethora of exchange programs exists that allow students and academic staff to visit other institutions and exchange knowledge, ideas, and learning opportunities. While student migration across scientific institutions is an established phenomenon (Gribble, 2008) with ample structures, policies, and schemes such as ERASMUS1 in place, academic staff migration between countries is still a challenge, even if exchange programs exist (Enders, 1998). One reason may be that different career paths, varying teaching loads and different evaluation schemes for what constitutes scientific excellence are notable. This also influences the decision of where to start and continue an academic career. While the university systems themselves have been examined previously (Galliers and Whitley, 2007; Lyytinen et al., 2007) and while there is knowledge about career requirements in different university systems (Dennis et al., 2006; Dean et al., 2011; Loos et al., 2013; Recker, 2013), we still do not know much about individual and contextual decisions of academics that either consider or execute a migration between university systems.


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This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows: To determine the evidence supporting the use of recruitment manoeuvres in mechanically ventilated neonates and identify the optimal method of lung recruitment. To determine the effects of lung recruitment manoeuvres in neonates receiving ventilatory support on neonatal mortality and development of chronic lung disease when compared to no recruitment. If data are available, subgroup analyses will include: chronological age, gestational age, lung pathophysiology and pre-existing lung disease, mode and length of ventilation, timing and frequency of recruitment techniques.


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Rapidly developing proteomic tools are improving detection of deregulated kallikrein-related peptidase (KLK) expression, at the protein level, in prostate and ovarian cancer, as well as facilitating the determination of functional consequences downstream. Mass spectrometry (MS)-driven proteomics uniquely allows for the detection, identification and quantification of thousands of proteins in a complex protein pool, and this has served to identify certain KLKs as biomarkers for these diseases. In this review we describe applications of this technology in KLK biomarker discovery, and elucidate MS-based techniques which have been used for unbiased, global screening of KLK substrates within complex protein pools. Although MS-based KLK degradomic studies are limited to date, they helped to discover an array of novel KLK substrates. Substrates identified by MS-based degradomics are reported with improved confidence over those determined by incubating a purified or recombinant substrate and protease of interest, in vitro. We propose that these novel proteomic approaches represent the way forward for KLK research, in order to correlate proteolysis of biological substrates with tissue-related consequences, toward clinical targeting of KLK expression and function for cancer diagnosis, prognosis and therapies.


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A health workforce ready for safe practice is a government priority, and particularly critical to support indigenous communities closing ‘the gap’. Increased pressure exists on dietetic training programs for quality placements, with fewer opportunities for immersion in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to demonstrate cultural competence. In 2012, Queensland University of Technology established a partnership with Apunipima Cape York Health Council with 56 weeks of dietetic placement for 8 students provided to achieve these aims. Clinical practice in Community Public Health Nutrition (CPHN) was structured in a standard 6 week placement, with Individual Case Management (ICM) and Foodservice Management (FSM) integrated across 8 weeks (4 each), with an additional 2 weeks ICM prior in a metropolitan indigenous health service. Students transitioned from urban to rural then remote sites, with new web-based technologies used for support. Strong learning opportunities were provided, with CPHN projects in antenatal and child health, FSM on standardisation of procedures in a 22 bed health facility, and ICM exposing students to a variety of cases via hospital in/outpatients, general clinics and remote community outreach. Supervisor focus group evaluation was positive, with CPHN and FSM enhancing capacity of service. Student focus group evaluation revealed placements exceeded expectations, with rating high, and strong confidence in cultural competence described. Students debriefed final and third year cohorts on their experiences, with increased awareness and enthusiasm for work with indigenous communities indicated by groups. With the success of this partnership, placements are continuing 2013, and new boundaries in dietetic training established.


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Providing culturally appropriate health communication tools at a community level, whilst meeting funding objectives set by Government led initiatives, can be challenging. Literature states that a translational research framework fostering community communication can encourage the development of appropriate communication tools to facilitate transfer of health information between community and researchers. Reflections from initial Need for Feed cooking and nutrition education program trials in remote Indigenous communities across Cape York indicated program resources were neither meeting community nor researchers needs. In response, a translational research framework was modelled with collaborative partnerships formed between researchers and community with the aim of modifying current resources. Local working groups were established to facilitate communication and guide continual remodelling and retrial of resources for successive programs. Feedback from working groups indicated community members wanted resources with more pictures and less words. Partnership with Chronic Disease Resources Online (CDRO) led to the development of pictorial resources including 3 evaluation tools, 27 recipe sets and 10 education support materials. Between June to December 2012 resources were trialled across 4 Cape York communities with 69 school aged children and 4 community elders. Qualitative data has indicated high satisfaction with modified pictorial resources, proving pictorial resources to be an effective and culturally appropriate method to both communicate health messages to community and facilitate flow of evaluation data to researchers. A translational research framework fostering communication between community and researchers can potentially enhance the quality of health communication tools.


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Purpose Pharmaceuticals have played an important role in improving the quality of life of the human population in modern times. However, it must also be acknowledged that both the production and use of pharmaceuticals have a significant, negative impact on the environment and consequently, a negative impact on the health of humans and wildlife. This negative impact is due to the embedded carbon in pharmaceuticals' manufacture and distribution and the waste generated in their manufacture, consumption and disposal. Pharmaceutical waste is comprised of contaminated waste (unwanted pharmaceuticals and their original containers) and non-contaminated waste (non-hazardous packaging waste). The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach The article is a literature review. Findings The article identified a gap in the literature around pharmacist attitudes and behaviour toward the environmentally responsible handling of pharmaceutical waste. Originality/value Pharmacists, with their professional commitment to the quality use of medicines and their active participation in the medicines management pathway, already play an important role in the more sustainable use of pharmaceuticals. Even so, they have the potential to play an even greater role with the environmentally responsible disposal of pharmaceutical waste (including packaging waste) and the education of other health professionals and the general public on this topic.


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In this article, we investigate eight and nine year old girls’ school and home use of the popular game Minecraft and the ways in which the girls ‘bring themselves into being’ through talk and digital production in the social spaces of the classroom and within the game’s multiplayer online world. This work was conducted as part of a broader digital games in education project involving primary and secondary school-aged students in Australia and focuses specifically on data collected from an all-girls primary school in Brisbane. We investigate the processes of identity construction that occur as the girls undertake practices of curatorship (Potter, 2012) to display their knowledge of Minecraft through discussion of the game, both ‘in world’ and in face-to-face interactions, and as they assemble resources within and around the game to design, build and display their creations and share stories about their game play. The article begins with a consideration of recent scholarship focussing on children, learning and digital culture and literacy practices before explaining how Minecraft is, in many ways, an exemplary instance of a digital game that promotes and enables complex practices of digital participation. We then introduce the concepts of performativity and recognition (Butler 1990, 2004, 2005) which, we argue, provide productive ways to theorise identity work within affinity groups. The article then outlines some background to the research project and our methodology before providing analysis of the data in the second half of the article. We conclude by outlining the implications of our investigation for the conceptualisation of learning spaces as affinity groups and for considering digital participation as curatorship.