957 resultados para Intra-European mobility


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The distribution and mobility of heavy metals in the paddy soils surrounding a copper smelting plant in south China was investigated. We assessed the degree of metal contamination using an index of geoaccumulation. The metals were divided into two groups: (1) Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd, whose concentrations were heavily affected by anthropogenic inputs, and (2) Ni, Co and Cr, which were mainly of geochemical origin. Concentrations of Cu, Cd, Zn, and Pb in the polluted soils were higher than the Chinese soil quality criteria. The chemical partitioning patterns of Pb, Zn and Cu indicated that Pb was largely associated with the residual and NH2OH HCl extractable fractions. In contrast, Cd was predominantly associated with the MgCl2 extractable fraction. A large proportion of Cu was bound to the acidic H2O2 extractable fractions, while Zn was predominantly found in the residual phase. The fraction of mobile species, which potentially is the most harmful to the environment, was found to be elevated compared to unpolluted soils in which heavy metals are more strongly bound to the matrix. The mobility of the metals was studied by water extraction using a modification of Tessier's procedure, and the order of mobility was Zn > Cd > Cu > Ce > Pb.


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利用ERA40逐日再分析资料、NCEP/NCAR2逐日再分析资料、中国740个测站日降水资料、上海台风研究所提供的西太平洋热带气旋资料、Kaplan等重建的月平均SSTA资料、NOAA逐日长波辐射(OLR)等资料,应用离散功率谱分析、带通滤波、EOF分析等统计方法,研究了东亚夏季风(EASM)的移动特征、东亚地区季节内振荡(ISO)的基本特征、季节内振荡对东亚夏季风活动的影响、季节内振荡对东亚夏季风异常活动的影响机理。主要结论如下: (1)综合动力和热力因素定义了可动态描述东亚夏季风移动和强度的指数,并利用该指数研究了东亚夏季风的爆发和移动的季节内变化及其年际和年代际变化特征。研究发现,气候平均东亚夏季风前沿分别在28候、33候、36候、38候、40候、44候出现了明显的跳跃。东亚夏季风活动具有显著的年际变率,主要由于季风前沿在某些区域异常停滞和突然跨越北跳或南撤引起,造成中国东部旱涝灾害频繁发生。东亚夏季风的活动具有明显的年代际变化,在1965年、1980年、1994年发生了突变,造成中国东部降水由“南旱北涝”向“南涝北旱”的转变。 (2)东亚季风区季节内变化具有10~25d和30~60d两个波段的季节内振荡周期,以30-60d为主。存在三个主要低频模态,第一模态主要表征了EASM在长江中下游和华北地区活动期间的低频形势;第二模态印度洋-菲律宾由低频气旋式环流控制,主要表现了ISO在EASM爆发期间的低频形势;第三模态主要出现在EASM在华南和淮河活动期间的低频形势。第一模态和第三模态是代表东亚夏季风活动异常的主要低频形势。 (3)热带和副热带地区ISO总是沿垂直切变风的垂直方向传播。因此,在南海-菲律宾东北风垂直切变和副热带西太平洋北风垂直切变下,大气热源激发菲律宾附近交替出现的低频气旋和低频反气旋不断向西北传播,副热带西太平洋ISO以向西传播为主。中高纬度地区,乌拉尔山附近ISO以向东、向南移动或局地振荡为主;北太平洋中部ISO在某些情况下向南、向西传播。 (4)季风爆发期,伴随着热带东印度洋到菲律宾一系列低频气旋和低频反气旋, 冷空气向南输送,10~25天和30~60天季节内振荡低频气旋同时传入南海加快了南海夏季风的爆发。在气候态下,ISO活动表现的欧亚- 太平洋(EAP)以及太平洋-北美(PNA)低频波列分布特征(本文提出的EAP和PNA低频波列与传统意义上的二维定点相关得到的波列不同)。这种低频分布形式使得欧亚和太平洋中高纬度的槽、脊及太平洋副热带高压稳定、加强,东亚地区的低频波列则成为热带和中高纬度ISO相互作用影响东亚夏季风活动的纽带。不同的阶段表现不同的低频模态,30~60d低频模态的转变加快了EASM推进过程中跳跃性;30-60d低频模态的维持使得EASM前沿相对停滞。 (5)30-60d滤波场,菲律宾海域交替出现的低频气旋和低频反气旋不断向西北传播到南海-西太平洋一带。当南海-西太平洋地区低频气旋活跃时,季风槽加强、东伸,季风槽内热带气旋(TC)频数增加;当南海-西太平洋低频反气旋活跃时,季风槽减弱、西退,TC处于间歇期,生成位置不集中。 (6)在El Nino态下,大气季节内振荡偏弱,北传特征不明显,但ISO由中高纬度北太平洋中部向南和副热带西太平洋向西的传播特征显著,东亚地区ISO活动以第三模态为主,EASM集中停滞在华南和淮河流域,常伴随着持续性区域暴雨的出现,易造成华南和江淮流域洪涝灾害,长江和华北持续干旱。在La Nina态下,大气季节内振荡活跃,且具有明显的向北传播特征,PNA低频波列显著,东亚地区ISO活动以第一模态单峰为主;EASM主要停滞在长江中下游和华北地区,这些地区出现异常持续强降水,华南和淮河流域多干旱;在El Nino态向La Nina态转换期,ISO活动以第一模态双峰为主,长江中下游常常出现二度梅。


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Planktonic microbial community structure and classical food web were investigated in the large shallow eutrophic Lake Taihu (2338 km(2), mean depth 1.9 m) located in subtropical Southeast China. The water column of the lake was sampled biweekly at two sites located 22 km apart over a period of twelve month. Site 1 is under the regime of heavy eutrophication while Site 2 is governed by wind-driven sediment resuspension. Within-lake comparison indicates that phosphorus enrichment resulted in increased abundance of microbial components. However, the coupling between total phosphorus and abundance of microbial components was different between the two sites. Much stronger coupling was observed at Site 1 than at Site 2. The weak coupling at Site 2 was mainly caused by strong sediment resuspension, which limited growth of phytoplankton and, consequently, growth of bacterioplankton and other microbial components. High percentages of attached bacteria, which were strongly correlated with the biomass of phytoplankton, especially Microcystis spp., were found at Site 1 during summer and early autumn, but no such correlation was observed at Site 2. This potentially leads to differences in carbon flow through microbial food web at different locations. Overall, significant heterogeneity of microbial food web structure between the two sites was observed. Site-specific differences in nutrient enrichment (i.e. nitrogen and phosphorus) and sediment resuspension were identified as driving forces of the observed intra-habitat differences in food web structure.


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Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis é o agente etiológico da linfadenite caseosa em ovinos e caprinos, uma doença infectocontagiosa crônica caracterizada por abscessos em linfonodos superficiais ou internos. Os animais acometidos podem apresentar lesões internas ou externas, o que representa perdas econômicas graves na caprinovinocultura, como o comprometimento da produção de lã em ovinos, deficiência reprodutiva, condenação da carne ou morte do animal. Uma vez estabelecida a infecção no rebanho, torna-se difícil sua erradicação. Com o objetivo de avaliar a variabilidade genética intra-espécie em C. pseudotuberculosis, 31 isolados provenientes de seis municípios do Estado de Pernambuco, sendo 23 de caprinos e oito de ovinos, tiveram os seus DNAs genômicos extraídos e analisados por reação em cadeia da polimerase e análise de polimorfismos por tamanho de fragmentos de restrição (PCR-RFLP). Os locis escolhidos foram os genes pld e rpoB, cujas seqüências dos oligonucleotídeos amplificaram fragmentos de 924 e 447 pares de bases (pb), respectivamente. Os produtos da amplificação foram digeridos com as enzimas Pst I e Msp I (gene pld) e HpyCh4 IV e Msp I (gene rpoB). Os fragmentos de restrição foram corridos em gel de poliacrilamida a 15%, os quais foram corados com brometo de etídeo. Para o gene pld, digerido com a enzima Pst I, foram obtidos fragmentos de 566, 195, 91 e 72 pb; e com a enzima Msp I, fragmentos de 395, 369, 108 e 52 pb. O gene rpoB digerido com a enzima HpyCh4 IV apresentou fragmentos de 235, 126 e 86 pb; e com a enzima Msp I apresentou fragmentos de 222, 93, 78 e 54 pb. O padrão de bandas obtido para os 31 isolados de C. pseudotuberculosis, analisados neste estudo, foi monomórfico, não havendo, portanto, polimorfismo entre os diferentes isolados, independentes da espécie hospedeira ou da área geográfica estudada, o que corrobora com o padrão homogêneo da infecção para a região.


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Esse trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar diferentes índices de agregação e teores de carbono em diferentes classes de agregados como ferramenta de diagnóstico de qualidade da estrutura do solo. O estudo foi realizado em uma microbacia localizada no Município de São Francisco de Itabapoana-RJ. Foram estudados três usos da terra: uma sucessão de abacaxi-aipim; um pastoreio-rotacionado e um remanescente de mata (referência), todos sob Latossolo Amarelo. Utilizou-se estatística multivariada (análise discriminante e canônica) para seleção dos índices que melhor indicam as mudanças na estrutura do solo e teste Dunnett para comparação de médias dos índices e do carbono em agregados. A mata e o pastoreio-rotacionado apresentaram os valores mais altos para as variáveis: Diâmetro Médio Ponderado (DMP), Diâmetro Médio Geométrico (DMG) e Índice de Estabilidade de Agregados (IEA), sendo respectivamente 2,94 mm, 2,83 mm, 92% e 2,92 mm, 2,75 mm, 91%. A sucessão de abacaxi-aipim apresentou os menores valores para esses índices, sendo 2,22 mm, 0,95 mm, 58% respectivamente. As variáveis que foram as melhores discriminantes para a estrutura e qualidade do solo foram a relação macro/microagregados e carbono intra-agregado, denotando a sensibilidade do C, tanto do macro quanto do microagregado da sucessão de culturas frente à mata (referência).


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This paper focuses on the analysis of the relationship between maritime trade and transport cost in Latin America. The analysis is based on disaggregated (SITC 5 digit level) trade data for intra Latin maritime trade routes over the period 1999-2004. The research contributes to the literature by disentangling the effects of transport costs on the range of traded goods (extensive margin) and the traded volumes of goods (intensive margin) of international trade in order to test some of the predictions of the trade theories that introduce firm heterogeneity in productivity, as well as fixed costs of exporting. Recent investigations show that spatial frictions (distance) reduce trade mainly by trimming the number of shipments and that most firms ship only to geographically proximate customers, instead of shipping to many destinations in quantities that decrease in distance. Our analyses confirm these findings and show that the opposite pattern is observed for ad-valorem freight rates that reduce aggregate trade values mainly by reducing the volume of imported goods (intensive margin).


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Many multinational companies are supposedly viewing Europe as one region and re-shaping their approach to the supply of products to customers. Several factors are thought to be driving this trend, notably the degree of merger and acquisitions activity; the need for improved financial performance; the pressure to reduce inventories and costs, facilitated by improvements in communication and information technology systems. All of this is in the context of European market and monetary harmonisation. This paper investigates the extent and effect of the amanegement of supply chains on a pan-European baisis by multinational business. A survey was used to examine changes, both made and anticipated. to operational strategies, processes, organisational structures and physical infrastructure across a range of businesses and industry sectors. Cost reducation, driven by the need for profit and shreholder return, was found to be the priority for developments in supply chains.Many businesses reported consolidation of manufacturing and distribution activities whilst retaining discrete country-by-country organisational structures for managing customers and markets.Logistics Service Providers were seen in a traditional role as suppliers of commodity warehousing and transport services and lacked true pan-European capability. Despite the often-vaunted concept of a pan-European business model, individual businesses wwere seen to be negotiating their own path to balancing economies of scale with customers' service needs and expectations.


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Grattan, John and Pyatt, J.P 'Volcanic eruptions dry fogs and the european palaeoenvironmental record: Localised phenomena or Hemispheric impacts?' Global and Planetary Change, 21(1999) 173-179


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Q. Meng and M. H. Lee, 'Construction of Robot Intra-modal and Inter-modal Coordination Skills by Developmental Learning', Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 48(1), pp 97-114, 2007.


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A European Perspective on the Precautionary Principle, Food Safety and the Free Trade Imperative of the WTO. European Law Review, Vol.27, No.2. April 2002, pp.138-155. RAE2008