994 resultados para Internal strain-gage balance


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The formation and structural evolution of the jungrau syncline is described, based on excellent outcrops occurring in the lotschental, in the central alps of switzerland. the quality of the outcrops allows us to demonstrate that the external massifs of the swiss alps have developed due to internal folding. The jungfrau suncline, which separates the autochtonous gastern dome from the aar massif basement gneiss folds, is composed of slivers of basement rocks with their mesozoic sedimentary cover. in the inner faflertal, a side valley of the lotschental, the 200 m thick syncline cp, roses fpir imots, the gastern massif with a reduced mesozoic sedimentary cover in a normal stratigraphic succession, two units of overturned basement rocks with their mesozoic sedimentary cover, and the overturned lower limn of the tschingelhorn gneiss fold of the aar massif with lenses of its sedimentary cover. stratigraphy shows that the lower units, related to the gastern massis, are condensed and that the upper units, deposited farther away from a gastern paleo-high, form a more complete sequence, linked to the doldenhorn meso-cneozoic basin fill. the integration of these local observations with published regional data leads to the following model. on the northern margin of the doldenhorn hbasin, at the northern fringe of the alpine tethuys, the pre-triassic crystalline basement and its mesozoic sedimentary cover were folded by ductile deformation at temperatures above 300 degrees C and in the presence of high fluid pressures, as the helveti c and penninic nappes were overthrusted towards the northwest during the main alpine deformation phase, the visosity contrast between the basement gneisses and the sediments caused the formation of large basement anticlines and tight sedimentary sunclines (mullion-type structures). The edges of basement blocks bounded buy pre-cursor se-dipping normal faults at the northwestern border of the doldenhorn basin were deformed bu simple shear, creating overturned slices of crystalline rocks with their sedimentary cover in what now forms the hungfrau syncline. the localisation of ductile deformation in the vicinity of pre-existing se-dipping faults is thought to have been helped by the circulation of fluids along the faults; these fluids would have been released from the mesozoic sediments by metamorphic dehydration reactions accompanied by creep and dynamic recrystallisation of quartz at temperatures above 300 degrees C. Quantification of the deformation suggests an strain ellipsoid with a ratio (1 + e(1)/+ e(3)) of approximately 1000. The jungfrau suncline was deformed bu more brittle nw-directed shear creating well-developed shear band cleavages at a late stage, after cooling by uplift and erosion. It is suggested that the external massifs of the apls are basement gneiss folds created at temperatures of 300 degrees C by detachment through ductile deformation of the upper crust of the european plate as it was underthrusted below the adriatic plate.


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A common training plan in general internal medicine was a brave enterprise started in 2011 in accordance with the common objectives of the Swiss Society of General Medicine and the Swiss Society of Internal Medicine. The next challenge will be the dissolution of the two Societies and therefore the creation of an unique new association in 2015. This is an extraordinary opportunity to bring together the specific qualities of each association and to create a new society. Issues, objectives and secondary benefits expected from the creation of the largest national society of a medical discipline are explored as a joint discussion in this article.


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Kudzu is a cover crop that has escaped cultivation in some subtropical and warm temperate regions. Kudzu has previously demonstrated broad intraspecific physiological plasticity while colonizing new environments. The objective of this paper was to investigate characteristics of kudzu leaflet anatomy that might contribute to its successful growth in climatically distinct environments, and to escape cultivation as well. Fresh and fixed leaflet strips of field-grown plants were analyzed. The lower epidermis of kudzu showed a higher frequency of stomata (147 ± 19 stomata mm-2) than the upper epidermis (26 ± 17 stomata mm-2). The average number of trichomes per square milimeter was 8 for both the upper and the lower epidermis. The average trichome length was 410 ± 200 mum for the upper epidermis and 460 ± 190 mum for the lower epidermis. Cuticle thickness was not considerably different between lower and upper epidermis. The leaflet blade consisted basically of two layers (upper and lower) of unicellular epidermis, two layers of palisade parenchyma and one layer of spongy parenchyma. One layer of paraveinal mesophyll was found between palisade and spongy parenchyma. In conclusion, leaflets of kudzu present anatomical characteristics that might contribute to the broad physiological plasticity shown by kudzu.


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The objective of this paper was to describe the radiation and energy balance, during the lettuce (Lactuca sativa, L. cv. Verônica) crop cycle inside a polyethylene greenhouse. The radiation and energy balance was made inside a tunnel greenhouse with polyethylene cover (100 mum) and in an external area, both areas with 35 m². Global, reflected and net radiation, soil heat flux and air temperature (dry and humid) were measured during the crop cycle. A Datalogger, which operated at 1 Hz frequency, storing 5 minutes averages was utilized. The global (K¯) and reflected (K­) radiations showed that the average transmission of global radiation (K¯in / K¯ex) was almost constant, near to 79.59%, while the average ratio of reflected radiation (K­in / K­ex) was 69.21% with 8.47% standard-deviation. The normalized curves of short-wave net radiation, in relation to the global radiation (K*/ K¯), found for both environments, were almost constant at the beginning of cycle; this relation decreased in the final stage of culture. The normalized relation (Rn/ K¯) was bigger in the external area, about 12%, when the green culture covered the soil surface. The long-wave radiation balance average (L*) was bigger outside, about 50%. The energy balance, estimated in terms of vertical fluxes, showed that, for the external area, in average, 83.07% of total net radiation was converted in latent heat evaporation (LE), and 18% in soil heat flux (G), and 9.96% in sensible heat (H), while inside of the greenhouse, 58.71% of total net radiation was converted in LE, 42.68% in H, and 28.79% in G.


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ABSTRACT Application of salicylic acid induces systemic acquired resistance in tobacco. pchA and pchB, which encode for the biosynthesis of salicylic acid in Pseudomonas aeruginosa, were cloned into two expression vectors, and these constructs were introduced into two root-colonizing strains of P. fluorescens. Introduction of pchBA into strain P3, which does not produce salicylic acid, rendered this strain capable of salicylic acid production in vitro and significantly improved its ability to induce systemic resistance in tobacco against tobacco necrosis virus. Strain CHA0 is a well-described biocontrol agent that naturally produces salicylic acid under conditions of iron limitation. Introduction of pchBA into CHA0 increased the production of salicylic acid in vitro and in the rhizosphere of tobacco, but did not improve the ability of CHA0 to induce systemic resistance in tobacco. In addition, these genes did not improve significantly the capacity of strains P3 and CHA0 to suppress black root rot of tobacco in a gnotobiotic system.


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Las investigaciones sobre Cabrera d"Anoia (Barcelona) han avanzado de forma considerable en los últimos años. La caracterización de los materiales y el estudio de la documentación arqueológica han logrado definir un particular sistema de producción de cerámica que se desarrolla en un marco rupestre de dimensiones limitadas. Una situación que obliga a la modificación continua del área de trabajo en beneficio de las actividades productivas. Este artículo analiza ese proceso de adaptación y transformación permanente del espacio artesanal a partir de los datos proporcionados por el yacimiento. Se trata, en consecuencia, de esbozar un primer balance de los resultados más recientes tras 20 años de investigación sobre este alfar.


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General internal medicine (GIM) has flourished in the United States (U.S.). Unlike other subspecialties of internal medicine, however, GIM's evolution has not been global in scope, but rather appears to have occurred in isolation within countries. Here, we describe international models of GIM from Canada, Switzerland, Australia/New Zealand, Argentina, and Japan, and compare these with the U.S. model. There are notable differences in the typical clinical roles assumed by General Internists across these 7 countries, but also important overlap in clinical and academic domains. Despite this overlap, there has been a relative lack of contact among General Internists from these and other countries at a truly international GIM meeting; the time is now for increased international exchange and the "globalization" of GIM.


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Images of myocardial strain can be used to diagnose heart disease, plan and monitor treatment, and to learn about cardiac structure and function. Three-dimensional (3D) strain is typically quantified using many magnetic resonance (MR) images obtained in two or three orthogonal planes. Problems with this approach include long scan times, image misregistration, and through-plane motion. This article presents a novel method for calculating cardiac 3D strain using a stack of two or more images acquired in only one orientation. The zHARP pulse sequence encodes in-plane motion using MR tagging and out-of-plane motion using phase encoding, and has been previously shown to be capable of computing 3D displacement within a single image plane. Here, data from two adjacent image planes are combined to yield a 3D strain tensor at each pixel; stacks of zHARP images can be used to derive stacked arrays of 3D strain tensors without imaging multiple orientations and without numerical interpolation. The performance and accuracy of the method is demonstrated in vitro on a phantom and in vivo in four healthy adult human subjects.


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Introduction: Isolated avulsion fracture at the plantar lateral base of the first metatarsal (M1) is very rare. Case report: A 35 year old overweight woman sustained an eversion strain of her right foot. Despite pain along M1 she was able to continue walking for three days before presenting to her family doctor. Swelling on the plantar aspect of the foot was noticed, there was also pain at eversion of the foot and extension of the ankle. Plain X-ray showed no abnormalities. A MRI showed minimal bone bruise at the basis of M1 and a partial rupture of the peroneus longus tendon at its insertion. The patient was allowed to walk with partial weight bearing with a soft ankle brace. After 6 months she presented at our hospital because of persistent pain. There was still a painful insertion of the peroneus longus but active plantarflexion of M1 was possible. Plain X-rays were poorly contributive except for a discrete flattening of the longitunal arch. CT-scan showed a non displaced fracture at the M1-basis. A protocol with partial weight-bearing in a short-leg cast and partial weight-bearing orthosis each for 6 weeks was unsuccessfully attempted. Therefore, an excision of the non healed bone fragment at the basis of M1 and a first tarsometatarsal joint arthrodesis were performed. Postoperatively the patient wore a partial weight-bearing short leg cast for 6 weeks followed by a weight-bearing short leg cast for 6 weeks with favourable outcome. Discussion: Initial internal fixation has been reported to lead to good results [1, 2]. In our case the conservative treatment failed and leaded to non union. At that time we considered as too risky (overweight) to excise the fragment and reattach the peroneus longus tendon. Therefore, we excised the fragment and fused the first tarsometatarsal joint. This procedure allowed, at least partially, to compensate for the function of the peroneus longus tendon. 1 Murakami T, et al. Avulsion fracture of the peroneus longus at the first metatarsal insertion: a case report. Br J Sports Med. 2004. 2 Kwak HY, and Bae SW. Isolated avulsion fracture at the plantar lateral base of the first metatarsal: a case report. Foot Ankle Int 2000.


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We have amplified a (CA)n:(GT)n microsatellite from the TNF promoters of a panel of mouse strains using the polymerase chain reaction. The length of the microsatellites was polymorphic, with eight alleles observed among 15 inbred strains bearing seven distinct H-2 haplotypes, and four outbred strains. In B10 congenic strains, the TNF allele detected by microsatellite polymorphism segregated with the MHC, and in recombinant haplotypes (NOD, NZW), it segregated with H-2D. The TNF allele found in the NZW strain (H-2z) was distinct from those of all other haplotypes, consistent with the hypothesis that this strain may carry a genetic defect in TNF production.


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Clinical practice in internal medicine has fundamentely changed over the last decade. Our knowledge has dramatically improved and we are facing new types of patients. Their number is increasing, they are older and suffer from increasingly complex medical conditions. The society has evolved as well therefore transforming our daily practice. This implies important modifications of our role and new challenges. We must also develop new aspects of our practice such as recognizing our errors, quality of care, quality of education, ethics, new strategies for taking care of the patient all this in parallel with continuous education. Our role as (general practitioner) is of utmost importance since it enables us to keep the "big pictures" in a more and more specialized environment.


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MVA is a candidate vector for vaccination against pathogens and tumors. Little is known about its behaviour in mucosal tissues. We have investigated the fate and biosafety of MVA, when inoculated by different routes in C57BL/6 mice. Intranasal inoculation targeted the virus to the nasal associated lymphoid tissue and the lungs, whereas systemic inoculation led to distribution of MVA in almost all lymphoid organs, lungs and ovaries. Intravaginal, intrarectal and intragastric inoculations failed to induce efficient infection. After 48 h no virus was detectable any more in the organs analyzed. Upon intranasal inoculation, no inflammatory reactions were detected in the central nervous system as well as the upper and lower airways. These results show the tropism of MVA and indicate that high doses of recombinant MVA are safe when nasally administered, a vaccination route known to elicit strong cellular and humoral immune responses in the female genital tract.


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Many biotic and abiotic factors affect the persistence and activity of beneficial pseudomonads introduced into soil to suppress plant diseases. One such factor may be the presence of virulent bacteriophages that decimate the population of the introduced bacteria, thereby reducing their beneficial effect. We have isolated a lytic bacteriophage (phi)GP100) that specifically infects the biocontrol bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 and some closely related Pseudomonas strains. phiGP100 was found to be a double-stranded-DNA phage with an icosahedral head, a stubby tail, and a genome size of approximately 50 kb. Replication of phiGP100 was negatively affected at temperatures higher than 25 degrees C. phiGP100 had a negative impact on the population size and the biocontrol activity of P. fluorescens strain CHA0-Rif (a rifampicin-resistant variant of CHA0) in natural soil microcosms. In the presence of phiGP100, the population size of strain CHA0-Rif in soil and on cucumber roots was reduced more than 100-fold. As a consequence, the bacterium's capacity to protect cucumber against a root disease caused by the pathogenic oomycete Pythium ultimum was entirely abolished. In contrast, the phage affected neither root colonization and nor the disease suppressive effect of a phiDGP100-resistant variant of strain CHA0-Rif. To our knowledge, this study is the first to illustrate the potential of phages to impair biocontrol performance of beneficial bacteria released into the natural soil environment.