999 resultados para Instrumento de percusión
Este relatório foi elaborado no âmbito da unidade curricular de Prática de Ensino Supervisionado, do Mestrado em Ensino da Matemática no 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Secundário, da Universidade da Madeira, no ano letivo de 2011/2012. Neste relatório descrevo, de forma sumária, todo o trabalho desenvolvido por mim e pela minha colega de grupo, ao longo de todo o estágio pedagógico, e faço uma breve reflexão. Apresentarei uma análise e uma reflexão acerca da introdução das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação (TIC), nomeadamente o software de geometria dinâmica GeoGebra no processo ensino/aprendizagem. Atualmente os alunos estão em quase permanente contacto com os computadores e com programas informáticos. Esse contacto pode ser estabelecido fazendo pesquisas na internet, a título pessoal ou para realizar trabalhos escolares ou, em muitos casos, como recreação. Muitas vezes a escola traz poucos estímulos aos alunos, pelo que, com este estudo, pretendo estabelecer uma ligação entre a aprendizagem de conceitos matemáticos e os conhecimentos que os alunos têm com as TIC. Nesta experiência, procurarei verificar se o software GeoGebra pode contribuir como ferramenta eficaz no ensino/aprendizagem da matemática.
Não é novidade que o Diário Gráfico está conotado, desde sempre, com as artes e com as atividades criativas. Foi, e continua a ser, usado por artistas, como espaço pessoal de ensaio, experimentação e liberdade. Recentemente, foi-lhe atribuída cada vez mais importância como ferramenta pedagógica, essencial no ensino das artes plásticas. Este trabalho reflete o resultado de uma experiência de aplicação do Diário Gráfico no ensino. A partir da análise, reflexão e debate das práticas pedagógicas implementadas na disciplina de Oficina de Artes com a turma 13 do 12º ano da escola secundária Francisco Franco, foi possível criar uma reflexão, onde se procura estimular a utilização do Diário Gráfico e demonstrar o seu potencial criativo, no papel de ferramenta didática. Abordar o Diário Gráfico de um ponto de vista pedagógico-didático, obriga a alguma particularização dos métodos e estratégias, este trabalho reflete esse processo, e apresenta de forma detalhada, um relato que poderá de futuro servir de guia a propostas de trabalho semelhantes.
Este estudo investiga a produção cinematográfica no âmbito escolar com a introdução das novas ferramentas (mídias) para a dinamização do aprendizado educacional, com um enfoque na linha de pesquisa de inovação pedagógica e destaca essencialmente o cinema como ferramenta didático-pedagógica, numa perspectiva inovadora no Ensino Médio. Para tanto, traz como principal objetivo analisar a produção cinematográfica dos alunos de uma escola pública no nordeste brasileiro, buscando identificar se esta constitui ou não uma prática pedagógica inovadora. Assim, procura conhecer a experiência da produção cinematográfica da escola e verificar se esse recurso de mídia, da forma como vem sendo utilizado e apropriado pela escola, evidencia traços de inovação pedagógica, identificando limites e possibilidades na utilização desse recurso no favorecimento do protagonismo juvenil e nas atitudes cidadãs de autonomia. O referencial teórico apoiou-se nos escritos de Bergala (2006), Bogdan & Biklen, (1994), Fino (2003, 2007), Freire (1982, 1995), Giddens (1991), Gimeno Sacristán (2007), Kuhn (2009), Lapassade (2005), Perrenoud (2000, 2008, 2010), Sousa & Fino (2001, 2007), Papert (2008) Toffler (2001), dentre outros que trazem discussões acerca da organização escolar, seus modelos e procedimentos quanto à aquisição do conhecimento. A investigação se utiliza de uma abordagem qualitativa de cunho etnográfico, com a realização de uma pesquisa de campo, bem como dos recursos da entrevista e do grupo focal com alunos e professor, observação da dinâmica das práticas pedagógicas dentro e fora da sala de aula e conversas informais. Os resultados apontam que as práticas desenvolvidas pelos atores (professor e alunos) que constroem e desvelam as sutilezas do processo de ensino aprendizagem na escola Charles Chaplin evidenciam traços de inovação pedagógica, nos moldes do currículo da escola fabril, pois buscam implantar e difundir um novo paradigma através de práticas construídas, contribuindo para a transformação das formas de aquisição do conhecimento nos ambientes escolares.
SANTOS, Christiane Gomes; ALMEIDA, Edson Marques. Estudo do usuário com deficiência visual: um importante instrumento sócio-inclusivo de pesquisa e formação para o profissional de biblioteconomia perante as necessidades informacionais de pessoas com deficiência. In: SEMINÁRIO DE PESQUISA DO CCSA, 16., 2010, Rio Grande do Norte. Anais eletrônicos... Natal: UFRN, 2010. Disponível em:
OLIVEIRA, Marta Raquel Santos de; SOUZA, Patrícia Severiano Barbosa de. Gibiteca escolar: um recurso para o aprendizado. In: SEMINÁRIO DE PESQUISA DO CCSA, XVI., 2010, Natal. Anais eletrônicos... Natal: UFRN, 2010. Disponível em:
Um novo olhar: atividade lúdica como instrumento de integração entre a universidade e escola pública
COSTA, Ivaneide Alves Soares de; Santos, Adriana de Souza; COSTA, Anderson Pereira, et al. Um novo olhar: atividade lúdica como instrumento de integração entre a universidade e escola pública. SEMINÁRIO NACIONAL DO ENSINO MÉDIO, 1. ,2011, Mossoró. Anais... Mossoró: UERN, 2011. p.955 - 965
The theoretical recital of the present study it is initiated of the evidence that the work occupies an important space in the man s life in way that the majority of the people works and passes great part of its time inside organizati ons. However, it is verified that the relation between man and work is becoming increasingly disagreement a time that the employees had started to complain work s routines, stress, not use all their potential and inadequate work s conditions. It can be observed by the way of Dejours (1994) studies. Thus, as contribution for the quality of work life s (QWL) studies the research developed here objectified to characterize the public employees quality of work life at EMATER -RN taking as reference an instrumen t of research synthesized from the typical academic literature of the subject. The synthesis of an ampler instrument is a necessity not taken care to the literature that treats on the subject but already perceived by some studies like Moraes et al (1990); Rodrigues (1989); Siqueira & Coleta (1989); Moraes et al (1992); Carvalho & Souza (2003); El -Aouar & Souza (2003) and Mourão, Kilimnick & Fernandes (2005); Adorno, Marques & Borges (2005) amongst others. These studies point out weak points of the existing models in the QWL s literature, as well as they recommend the elaboration of a model more flexible, that contemplates Brazilian cultural characteristics, and that contemplates the entire variable studied in the main existing models. For reach this objectiv e the adopted methodology was characterized as a case study with collected data in qualitative and quantitative way. Questionnaires and comments had been used as sources of evidences. These evidences had been tabulated through of statistical package SPSS ( Statistical Package for Social Science), in which the main technique of multivariate analysis used were the factorial analysis. As for the gotten results, it was verified the grouping of the quality of work life s indicators in 11 factors which are: Work s execution, Individual accomplishment, Work s equity, Relation individual and organization, Work s organization, Adequacy of the remuneration, Relation between head and subordinate, Effectiveness of the communication and the learning, Relation between work and personal life, Participation and Effectiveness of the work processes. Whatever to the characterization of the EMATER -RN s quality of work life it was clearly that to the measure that the satisfaction s evaluation with the QWL in the organization walks to intrinsic factors for extrinsic factors this level of satisfaction goes diminishing what points to the importance to improve these extrinsic factors in the institution. In summary it is possible to conclude that the organization studied has offered a significant set of referring variable to the quality of work life of the individual
The State and Public Administration have gone through several reforms in search of a quick operation and the provision of services with quality. With the democratization of the country and the issue of the Constitution in 1988, further reform of the State and Public Administration, joined the government agenda in 1995 and included among its objectives, the principles of participation and social control. In view of this, it raises the Public Ombudsman in order to be a channel for the participation of users in the management of public affairs, social control, transparency of administrative actions, improving the quality of service and meeting the needs of the community. The aim of this study is to assess whether the Ombudsman of the State Department of Public Health to contribute to the period 2006-2008, for the improvement of specialized consulting services. The research is characterized as descriptive, qualitative approach. The collection technique used was the interview, conducted with 37 service users and two servants of the Ombudsman. The analysis was developed based on the perception of users and servers in the opinion of the Ombudsman. The most relevant results of the research showed that 41% of users search the Ombudsman because they believed that solve the problem presented. However, even with this level of public acceptance, the Ombudsman reached average index of resolvability of 53% in the period. In his role has not developed mechanisms for quality control of services, which is mentioned by 67% of users. It turned out the same fact in relation to popular participation, which is confirmed by 84% of users. For 24% of users, the problems raised were resolved, and of these, 56% believe that the Ombudsman has contributed to the positive outcome. As a result of the search results, it appears that the Ombudsman's SESPA / PA, is not fulfilling its role to ensuring the democratization of articipation in management, social control and has limited contribution to solving the problems of users and to improve the quality of services
This analysis on the ambient licensing is based on a research that identifies the fragilities and advances of the application of this instrument of politics of the environment in the ambient politics of the Rio Grande do Norte, in the period of 1992 the 2003. The isolated urban area of Búzios, situated in the City of Nísia Floresta/RN, situated in the eastern coast of the State, where concentrates the boarding of the ambient question as a matter in the Brazilian process of urbanization, over all the institutionalization and implementation of the ambient licensing. They are distinguished in the used methodology in consultation to the diverse involved social segments with the ambient subject in study, the example of the managers, technician and specialists, as well as the application of the legislation and norms techniques, the forms of appropriation of the common wealth and the procedures of ambient licensing of the competent agencies. The results of the research designate that the ambient licensing while instrument of the ambient politics is one of the alternatives more efficient as techniques in the process of sustainable development, since it is beyond the prerogatives to conciliate the activities and enterprises with the conservation of the environmental resources and natural benefits to the societies. In the RN one evidenced progress in the ambient legislation and the instructions techniques, and that the imperfections and limitations in the system of ambient licensing are not directly on to the instruments, but in the implementation of mechanisms of the ambient agencies. This because they do not make use of operational structure to apply in practical and established abilities, as an ambient management, institutional joint and deliberations of the State Counselor for Environment
According to article 182 of the Brazilian Federal Constitution, cities should perform social function, what brings the concept that the city should be a place for one to live well. For that to happen, it should be well administered by its public managers. However, so that there is a sound administration, one that really performs that social function, there must be, first, an efficient planning. We understand that such a thing occurs when the master plan is the main planning instrument of a city and serves as basis for its administration. We notice, however, that in most of the cities the master plan is formulated as a law that regulates urban planning but that both the population and the government most of the times are not aware of its importance concerning the relevant issues related to municipal administration, such as its relationship with the economy, taxation, the social issue, land use regulation, and, in summary, with all the aspects that constitute and that a municipal government should manage in the best possible way. One also knows that, in general, the attempt of city planning has always been connected to the duration of a mandate and that way public managers many times implement restricted measures aiming to just attain a political-electoral objective and publicizing their administration. That implies actions and works that in some cases have negative impacts or ones that cannot be removed from the cities. This study intends to show that the master plan should be the planning instrument guiding the municipal administration but that, however, what we note is a lack of connection between that instrument and the government guidelines of the municipal managers. In order to study what happens to the cities that have a planning which is not taken into account in its administration, we will use the city of Fortaleza, capital of the State of Ceará as a case study. Historically, in Fortaleza the public managers have seldom decided to administer the city in according to the master plans developed for it. We should emphasize that planning begins in the city quite late and until the current days it is being substituted by temporary measures. Through the analysis of the planning process and of the urban management of the city of Fortaleza, especially the master plans predicted since 1933, we explain that if such plans had been implemented, they could have been important tools for its administration to attain a social function, becoming therefore a place for one to live well