838 resultados para Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado do Pará


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Abstract Background The hydroxynaphthoquinones have been extensively investigated over the past 50 years for their anti-malarial activity. One member of this class, atovaquone, is combined with proguanil in Malarone®, an important drug for the treatment and prevention of malaria. Methods Anti-malarial activity was assessed in vitro for a series of 3-alkyl-2-hydroxy-1,4-naphthoquinones (N1-N5) evaluating the parasitaemia after 48 hours of incubation. Potential cytotoxicity in HEK293T cells was assessed using the MTT assay. Changes in mitochondrial membrane potential of Plasmodium were measured using the fluorescent dye Mitrotracker Red CMXROS. Results Four compounds demonstrated IC50s in the mid-micromolar range, and the most active compound, N3, had an IC50 of 443 nM. N3 disrupted mitochondrial membrane potential, and after 1 hour presented an IC50ΔΨmit of 16 μM. In an in vitro cytotoxicity assay using HEK 293T cells N3 demonstrated no cytotoxicity at concentrations up to 16 μM. Conclusions N3 was a potent inhibitor of mitochondrial electron transport, had nanomolar activity against cultured Plasmodium falciparum and showed minimal cytotoxicity. N3 may serve as a starting point for the design of new hydroxynaphthoquinone anti-malarials.


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Purinergic receptors participate, in almost every cell type, in controlling metabolic activities and many physiological functions including signal transmission, proliferation and differentiation. While most of P2Y receptors induce transient elevations of intracellular calcium concentration by activation of intracellular calcium pools and forward these signals as waves which can also be transmitted into neighboring cells, P2X receptors produce calcium spikes which also include activation of voltage-operating calcium channels. P2Y and P2X receptors induce calcium transients that activate transcription factors responsible for the progress of differentiation through mediators including calmodulin and calcineurin. Expression of P2X2 as well as of P2X7 receptors increases in differentiating neurons and glial cells, respectively. Gene expression silencing assays indicate that these receptors are important for the progress of differentiation and neuronal or glial fate determination. Metabotropic receptors, mostly P2Y1 and P2Y2 subtypes, act on embryonic cells or cells at the neural progenitor stage by inducing proliferation as well as by regulation of neural differentiation through NFAT translocation. The scope of this review is to discuss the roles of purinergic receptor-induced calcium spike and wave activity and its codification in neurodevelopmental and neurodifferentiation processes.


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FAPESP (Center for Cell-based Therapy Research), Instituto Nacional de Ciência e Tecnologia- Redoxoma and UICC-Yamagiwa Yoshida Grant.


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High fat diets and accompanying hepatic steatosis are highly prevalent conditions. Previous work has shown that steatosis is accompanied by enhanced generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), which may mediate further liver damage. Here we investigated mechanisms leading to enhanced ROS generation following high fat diets (HFD). We found that mitochondria from HFD livers present no differences in maximal respiratory rates and coupling, but generate more ROS specifically when fatty acids are used as substrates. Indeed, many acyl-CoA dehydrogenase isoforms were found to be more highly expressed in HFD livers, although only the very long chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (VLCAD) was more functionally active. Studies conducted with permeabilized mitochondria and different chain length acyl-CoA derivatives suggest that VLCAD is also a source of ROS production in mitochondria of HFD animals. This production is stimulated by the lack of NAD+. Overall, our studies uncover VLCAD as a novel, diet-sensitive, source of mitochondrial ROS.


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A pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a influência do estágio pós-doutoral sobre a produção científica, notadamente das hard sciences de docentes atuantes em programas de pós-graduação da Universidade de São Paulo (USP). O estudo busca a mensuração de variações da produção registrada em periódicos científicos em um panorama ex ante e ex post e encontra-se circunscrito nessas quatro grandes áreas do conhecimento: Biológicas, Engenharias, Exatas e da Terra e Saúde. O pós-doutorado pode ser visualizado como um local privilegiado para a complementaridade da capacitação docente enquanto forma de atualização e/ou reciclagem profissional, com a lógica embutida e a expectativa de que haja benefícios, também, para o programa de pós-graduação de origem. Como toda atividade de pesquisa não pode ficar implícita, as atividades de pesquisa do pós-doutorado, também, necessitam ser tornadas públicas via conhecimento externalizado que se traduz no conhecimento cristalizado sob a forma de publicações científicas que são compartilhadas pela comunidade acadêmica. Com uma população de 86 doutores que realizaram pósdoutorado até junho de 2005, os dados levantados com o confronto da produção em Ciência e Tecnologia (C&T), antes e depois do treinamento pós-doutoral apontam para um comportamento de variação da produtividade em mídia qualificada cujo resultado demonstra uma "homogeneização" relativa entre publicações registradas em periódicos Qualis 'B' e 'C', nacionais e/ou internacionais, mas sugere haver diferenças no que tange a uma influência sobre o aumento de publicações em revistas Internacionais Qualis 'A' possuindo influência positiva mais visível sobre essa produção para estágios realizados no Exterior, nas grandes áreas do conhecimento investigadas.


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This paper discusses the theoretical and experimental results obtained for the excitonic binding energy (Eb) in a set of single and coupled double quantum wells (SQWs and CDQWs) of GaAs/AlGaAs with different Al concentrations (Al%) and inter-well barrier thicknesses. To obtain the theoretical Eb the method proposed by Mathieu, Lefebvre and Christol (MLC) was used, which is based on the idea of fractional-dimension space, together with the approach proposed by Zhao et al., which extends the MLC method for application in CDQWs. Through magnetophotoluminescence (MPL) measurements performed at 4 K with magnetic fields ranging from 0 T to 12 T, the diamagnetic shift curves were plotted and adjusted using two expressions: one appropriate to fit the curve in the range of low intensity fields and another for the range of high intensity fields, providing the experimental Eb values. The effects of increasing the Al% and the inter-well barrier thickness on Eb are discussed. The Eb reduction when going from the SQW to the CDQW with 5 Å inter-well barrier is clearly observed experimentally for 35% Al concentration and this trend can be noticed even for concentrations as low as 25% and 15%, although the Eb variations in these latter cases are within the error bars. As the Zhao's approach is unable to describe this effect, the wave functions and the probability densities for electrons and holes were calculated, allowing us to explain this effect as being due to a decrease in the spatial superposition of the wave functions caused by the thin inter-well barrier.


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Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is an enzyme that catabolizes free heme, which induces an intense inflammatory response. The expression of HO-1 is induced by different stimuli, triggering an anti-inflammatory response during biological stress. It was previously verified that HO-1 is able to induce indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO), an enzyme that is induced by IFN-γ in Toxoplasma gondii infection. To verify the role of HO-1 during in vivo T. gondii infection, BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice were infected with the ME49 strain and treated with zinc protoporphyrin IX (ZnPPIX) or hemin, which inhibit or induce HO-1 activity, respectively. The results show that T. gondii infection induced high levels of HO-1 expression in the lung of BALB/c and C57BL6 mice. The animals treated with ZnPPIX presented higher parasitism in the lungs of both lineages of mice, whereas hemin treatment decreased the parasite replication in this organ and in the small intestine of infected C57BL/6 mice. Furthermore, C57BL/6 mice infected with T. gondii and treated with hemin showed higher levels of IDO expression in the lungs and small intestine than uninfected mice. In conclusion, our data suggest that HO-1 activity is involved in the control of T. gondii in the lungs of both mouse lineages, whereas the hemin, a HO-1 inducer, seems to be involved in the control of parasitism in the small intestine of C57BL/6 mice.


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Abstract Background Intronic and intergenic long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) are emerging gene expression regulators. The molecular pathogenesis of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is still poorly understood, and in particular, limited studies are available for intronic lncRNAs expressed in RCC Methods Microarray experiments were performed with custom-designed arrays enriched with probes for lncRNAs mapping to intronic genomic regions. Samples from 18 primary RCC tumors and 11 nontumor adjacent matched tissues were analyzed. Meta-analyses were performed with microarray expression data from three additional human tissues (normal liver, prostate tumor and kidney nontumor samples), and with large-scale public data for epigenetic regulatory marks and for evolutionarily conserved sequences. Results A signature of 29 intronic lncRNAs differentially expressed between RCC and nontumor samples was obtained (false discovery rate (FDR) <5%). A signature of 26 intronic lncRNAs significantly correlated with the RCC five-year patient survival outcome was identified (FDR <5%, p-value ≤0.01). We identified 4303 intronic antisense lncRNAs expressed in RCC, of which 22% were significantly (p <0.05) cis correlated with the expression of the mRNA in the same locus across RCC and three other human tissues. Gene Ontology (GO) analysis of those loci pointed to 'regulation of biological processes’ as the main enriched category. A module map analysis of the protein-coding genes significantly (p <0.05) trans correlated with the 20% most abundant lncRNAs, identified 51 enriched GO terms (p <0.05). We determined that 60% of the expressed lncRNAs are evolutionarily conserved. At the genomic loci containing the intronic RCC-expressed lncRNAs, a strong association (p <0.001) was found between their transcription start sites and genomic marks such as CpG islands, RNA Pol II binding and histones methylation and acetylation. Conclusion Intronic antisense lncRNAs are widely expressed in RCC tumors. Some of them are significantly altered in RCC in comparison with nontumor samples. The majority of these lncRNAs is evolutionarily conserved and possibly modulated by epigenetic modifications. Our data suggest that these RCC lncRNAs may contribute to the complex network of regulatory RNAs playing a role in renal cell malignant transformation.


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LOCKSS e preservação digital no BRASIL. Podemos definir Preservação Digital como o conjunto de atividades ou processos responsáveis por garantir o acesso contínuo a longo-prazo à informação científica, tecnológica e cultural existente em formatos digitais. O projeto LOCKSS (Lot Of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) é um software de código aberto desenvolvido pela Universidade de Stanford, com o intuito de preservar dados digitais. Possui uma abordagem peer-to-peer e garante a integridade e disponibilidade do dos acervos digitais preservados. No Brasil, a Rede Brasileira de Serviços de Preservação Digital, ou Rede Cariniana, é uma iniciativa do Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia para a salvaguarda do patrimônio científico, tecnológico e cultural, de forma distribuída, por instituições de pesquisa em parceria com o IBICT. Sua implantação foi fundamentada na utilização do LOCKSS em uma infraestrutura descentralizada, utilizando recursos de computação distribuída .


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The down-regulation of the tumor-suppressor gene RASSF1A has been shown to increase cell proliferation in several tumors. RASSF1A expression is regulated through epigenetic events involving the polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2); however, the molecular mechanisms modulating the recruitment of this epigenetic modifier to the RASSF1 locus remain largely unknown. Here, we identify and characterize ANRASSF1, an endogenous unspliced long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) that is transcribed from the opposite strand on the RASSF1 gene locus in several cell lines and tissues and binds PRC2. ANRASSF1 is transcribed through RNA polymerase II and is 5'-capped and polyadenylated; it exhibits nuclear localization and has a shorter half-life compared with other lncRNAs that bind PRC2. ANRASSF1 endogenous expression is higher in breast and prostate tumor cell lines compared with non-tumor, and an opposite pattern is observed for RASSF1A. ANRASSF1 ectopic overexpression reduces RASSF1A abundance and increases the proliferation of HeLa cells, whereas ANRASSF1 silencing causes the opposite effects. These changes in ANRASSF1 levels do not affect the RASSF1C isoform abundance. ANRASSF1 overexpression causes a marked increase in both PRC2 occupancy and histone H3K27me3 repressive marks, specifically at the RASSF1A promoter region. No effect of ANRASSF1 overexpression was detected on PRC2 occupancy and histone H3K27me3 at the promoter regions of RASSF1C and the four other neighboring genes, including two well-characterized tumor suppressor genes. Additionally, we demonstrated that ANRASSF1 forms an RNA/DNA hybrid and recruits PRC2 to the RASSF1A promoter. Together, these results demonstrate a novel mechanism of epigenetic repression of the RASSF1A tumor suppressor gene involving antisense unspliced lncRNA, in which ANRASSF1 selectively represses the expression of the RASSF1 isoform overlapping the antisense transcript in a location-specific manner. In a broader perspective, our findings suggest that other non-characterized unspliced intronic lncRNAs transcribed in the human genome might contribute to a location-specific epigenetic modulation of genes.


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Crotoxin (CTX) is the main neurotoxic component of Crotalus durissus terrificus snake venom. It inhibits tumour growth and modulates the function of macrophages, which are essential cells in the tumour microenvironment. The present study investigated the effect of CTX on the secretory activity of monocultured macrophages and macrophages co-cultivated with LLC-WRC 256 cells. The effect of the macrophage secretory activities on tumour cell proliferation was also evaluated. Macrophages pre-treated with CTX (0.3 μg/mL) for 2 h were co-cultivated with LLC-WRC 256 cells, and the secretory activity of the macrophages was determined after 12, 24 and 48 h. The co-cultivation of CTX-treated macrophages with the tumour cells caused a 20% reduction in tumour cell proliferation. The production of both H2O2 and NO was increased by 41% and 29% after 24 or 48 h of co-cultivation, respectively, compared to the values for the co-cultures of macrophages of control. The level of secreted IL-1β increased by 3.7- and 3.2-fold after 12 h and 24 h of co-cultivation, respectively. Moreover, an increased level of LXA4 (25%) was observed after 24 h of co-cultivation, and a 2.3- and 2.1-fold increased level of 15-epi-LXA4 was observed after 24 h and 48 h, respectively. Boc-2, a selective antagonist of formyl peptide receptors, blocked both the stimulatory effect of CTX on the macrophage secretory activity and the inhibitory effect of these cells on tumour cell proliferation. Taken together, these results indicate that CTX enhanced the secretory activity of macrophages, which may contribute to the antitumour activity of these cells, and that activation of formyl peptide receptors appears to play a major role in this effect.


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The direct killing of target cells by cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) plays a fundamental role in protective immunity to viral, bacterial, protozoan and fungi infections, as well as to tumor cells. In vivo cytotoxic assays take into account the interaction of target and effector cells in the context of the proper microenvironment making the analysis biologically more relevant than in vitro cytotoxic assays. Thus, the development, improvement and validation of in vivo methods are necessary in view of the importance of the results they may provide. We describe and discuss in this manuscript a method to evaluate in vivo specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte killing. We used as model system mice immunized with human recombinant replication-deficient adenovirus 5 (HAd5) containing different transgenes as the trigger of a CTL-mediated immune response. To these mice, we adoptively transferred syngeneic cells labeled with different vital fluorescent dyes. Donor cells were pulsed (target) or not (control non-target) with distinct CD8 T-cell epitopes, mixed in a 1:1 ratio and injected i.v. into immunized or non-immunized recipient mice. After 18-24h, spleen cells are collected and analysed by flow cytometry. A deviation from the 1:1 ratio of control and target cell populations indicates antigen specific lysis of target cells


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The proteasome is a multimeric and multicatalytic intracellular protease responsible for the degradation of proteins involved in cell cycle control, various signaling processes, antigen presentation, and control of protein synthesis. The central catalytic complex of the proteasome is called the 20S core particle. The majority of these are flanked on one or both sides by regulatory units. Most common among these units is the 19S regulatory unit. When coupled to the 19S unit, the complex is termed the asymmetric or symmetric 26S proteasome depending on whether one or both sides are coupled to the 19S unit, respectively. The 26S proteasome recognizes poly-ubiquitinylated substrates targeted for proteolysis. Targeted proteins interact with the 19S unit where they are deubiquitinylated, unfolded, and translocated to the 20S catalytic chamber for degradation. The 26S proteasome is responsible for the degradation of major proteins involved in the regulation of the cellular cycle, antigen presentation and control of protein synthesis. Alternatively, the proteasome is also active when dissociated from regulatory units. This free pool of 20S proteasome is described in yeast to mammalian cells. The free 20S proteasome degrades proteins by a process independent of poly-ubiquitinylation and ATP consumption. Oxidatively modified proteins and other substrates are degraded in this manner. The 20S proteasome comprises two central heptamers (β-rings) where the catalytic sites are located and two external heptamers (α-rings) that are responsible for proteasomal gating. Because the 20S proteasome lacks regulatory units, it is unclear what mechanisms regulate the gating of α-rings between open and closed forms. In the present review, we discuss 20S proteasomal gating modulation through a redox mechanism, namely, S-glutathionylation of cysteine residues located in the α-rings, and the consequence of this post-translational modification on 20S proteasomal function.


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Reflections on the university campus usually focus on its relevancy as a research and teaching area; however, the need for preservation, protection, maintenance and cleaning only become visible in the event of inadequacy or lack thereof. The aim of this study is to address the characteristics of the preservation and security measures performed at the Science and Technology Park of the University of São Paulo (Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia da Universidade de São Paulo), agency subjected to the Dean’s Office for Culture and University Extension (Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária). Because of its history and location, the Park requires special care. The Park’s land formerly housed the Astronomical Observatory of São Paulo and the Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics of the University of São Paulo (Instituto de Astronomia e Geofísica – IAG-USP), within the Fontes do Ipiranga State Park (Parque Estadual das Fontes do Ipiranga – PEFI), in the city of São Paulo. Preservation and reconversion activities relative to historical buildings are developed at the Park. The institution’s location and its specificities require security in its borders, as well as in relation to the users of the park.


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Energy transfer (ET) and heat generation processes in Yb3+/Ho3+-codoped low-silica calcium aluminosilicate glasses were investigated using thermal lens (TL) and photoluminescence measurements looking for the emission around 2.0 μm. Stepwise ET processes from Yb3+ to Ho3+, upon excitation at 0.976 μm, produced highly efficient emission in the mid-infrared range at around 2.0 μm, with high fluorescence quantum efficiency (η1 ∼ 0.85 and independent of Ho3+ concentration) and relatively very low thermal loading (<0.4) for concentration up to 1.5% of Ho2O3. An equation was deduced for the description of the TL results that provided the absolute value of η1 and the number of emitted photons at 2.0 μm per absorbed pump photon by the Yb3+ ions, the latter reaching 60% for the highest Ho3+ concentration. These results suggest that the studied codoped system would be a promising candidate for the construction of photonic devices, especially for medical applications.