821 resultados para Infrastructures sanitaires


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Le présent document dresse le bilan de la qualité sanitaire de l’ensemble des gisements naturels suivis par l’ARS Bretagne et l’Ifremer dans le département du Morbihan, sur la période 2013-2015. Ce rapport s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet RESP²ONsable, mené par l’Ifremer et l’ARS Bretagne depuis 2013 sur la communication des risques sanitaires de la pêche à pied récréative. Son support principal est un site internet mettant à disposition du public une information complète et actualisée, à l’échelle de la Bretagne.


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Le présent document dresse le bilan de la qualité sanitaire de l’ensemble des gisements naturels suivis par l’ARS Bretagne et l’Ifremer dans le département du Morbihan, sur la période 2013-2015. Ce rapport s’inscrit dans le cadre du projet RESP²ONsable, mené par l’Ifremer et l’ARS Bretagne depuis 2013 sur la communication des risques sanitaires de la pêche à pied récréative. Son support principal est un site internet mettant à disposition du public une information complète et actualisée, à l’échelle de la Bretagne.


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Maintaining accessibility to and understanding of digital information over time is a complex challenge that often requires contributions and interventions from a variety of individuals and organizations. The processes of preservation planning and evaluation are fundamentally implicit and share similar complexity. Both demand comprehensive knowledge and understanding of every aspect of to-be-preserved content and the contexts within which preservation is undertaken. Consequently, means are required for the identification, documentation and association of those properties of data, representation and management mechanisms that in combination lend value, facilitate interaction and influence the preservation process. These properties may be almost limitless in terms of diversity, but are integral to the establishment of classes of risk exposure, and the planning and deployment of appropriate preservation strategies. We explore several research objectives within the course of this thesis. Our main objective is the conception of an ontology for risk management of digital collections. Incorporated within this are our aims to survey the contexts within which preservation has been undertaken successfully, the development of an appropriate methodology for risk management, the evaluation of existing preservation evaluation approaches and metrics, the structuring of best practice knowledge and lastly the demonstration of a range of tools that utilise our findings. We describe a mixed methodology that uses interview and survey, extensive content analysis, practical case study and iterative software and ontology development. We build on a robust foundation, the development of the Digital Repository Audit Method Based on Risk Assessment. We summarise the extent of the challenge facing the digital preservation community (and by extension users and creators of digital materials from many disciplines and operational contexts) and present the case for a comprehensive and extensible knowledge base of best practice. These challenges are manifested in the scale of data growth, the increasing complexity and the increasing onus on communities with no formal training to offer assurances of data management and sustainability. These collectively imply a challenge that demands an intuitive and adaptable means of evaluating digital preservation efforts. The need for individuals and organisations to validate the legitimacy of their own efforts is particularly prioritised. We introduce our approach, based on risk management. Risk is an expression of the likelihood of a negative outcome, and an expression of the impact of such an occurrence. We describe how risk management may be considered synonymous with preservation activity, a persistent effort to negate the dangers posed to information availability, usability and sustainability. Risk can be characterised according to associated goals, activities, responsibilities and policies in terms of both their manifestation and mitigation. They have the capacity to be deconstructed into their atomic units and responsibility for their resolution delegated appropriately. We continue to describe how the manifestation of risks typically spans an entire organisational environment, and as the focus of our analysis risk safeguards against omissions that may occur when pursuing functional, departmental or role-based assessment. We discuss the importance of relating risk-factors, through the risks themselves or associated system elements. To do so will yield the preservation best-practice knowledge base that is conspicuously lacking within the international digital preservation community. We present as research outcomes an encapsulation of preservation practice (and explicitly defined best practice) as a series of case studies, in turn distilled into atomic, related information elements. We conduct our analyses in the formal evaluation of memory institutions in the UK, US and continental Europe. Furthermore we showcase a series of applications that use the fruits of this research as their intellectual foundation. Finally we document our results in a range of technical reports and conference and journal articles. We present evidence of preservation approaches and infrastructures from a series of case studies conducted in a range of international preservation environments. We then aggregate this into a linked data structure entitled PORRO, an ontology relating preservation repository, object and risk characteristics, intended to support preservation decision making and evaluation. The methodology leading to this ontology is outlined, and lessons are exposed by revisiting legacy studies and exposing the resource and associated applications to evaluation by the digital preservation community.


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O presente estudo foi realizado numa área com 156,5 Km/ localizada nos municípios de Évora e Montemor-o-Novo, a Sul de Portugal. Cinco genetas foram seguidas via telemetria durante seis meses visando o estudo do uso do espaço e comportamento relativamente às estradas. Estas, parecem funcionar como limites das áreas vitais da geneta actuando como barreira física e/ou social aos seus movimentos. Contudo, as genetas cruzaram diferentes tipos de estrada embora com frequência reduzida. Por outro lado, as genetas adoptaram uma distância de segurança média das estradas, de 1km, onde se verifica uma aproximação durante a noite e um distanciamento durante o dia. Todos os animais evidenciaram ter uma distribuição não aleatória relativamente às estradas concentrando-se maioritariamente apenas num dos lados da estradão que indica o efeito destas infra-estruturas como barreiras parciais ao movimento. A presença de galerias ripicolas parece promover o uso das bermas e durante o estudo todos os indivíduos seleccionaram positivamente estes habitats. ABSTRACT: The present study, was conducted in a 156,5 Km 2 area, located in the Évora and Montemor-o-Novo counties, southern Portugal. Five genets were radio-tracked for six months with the purpose of studying their space use and behavior towards roads. ln this study, roads seem to be artificial boundaries to genets' home ranges acting as physical and social barrier to their movements. However, genets have crossed different types of roads, although in lower frequencies. They adopted, in average, a security distance of 1km from roads being further during the day and closer at night. Ali animals showed a not random distribution on their activity concerning roads presence and their localizations tend to concentrate on one side of the road which confirms that these infrastructures pose a significant barrier to genets' movements. The existence of riparian galleries seems to promote roadside usage and during the study genets have selected positively these habitats.


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L’évaluation de l’action humanitaire (ÉAH) est un outil valorisé pour soutenir l’imputabilité, la transparence et l’efficience de programmes humanitaires contribuant à diminuer les inéquités et à promouvoir la santé mondiale. L’EAH est incontournable pour les parties prenantes de programme, les bailleurs de fonds, décideurs et intervenants souhaitant intégrer les données probantes aux pratiques et à la prise de décisions. Cependant, l’utilisation de l’évaluation (UÉ) reste incertaine, l’ÉAH étant fréquemment menée, mais inutilisé. Aussi, les conditions influençant l’UÉ varient selon les contextes et leur présence et applicabilité au sein d’organisations non-gouvernementales (ONG) humanitaires restent peu documentées. Les évaluateurs, parties prenantes et décideurs en contexte humanitaire souhaitant assurer l’UÉ pérenne détiennent peu de repères puisque rares sont les études examinant l’UÉ et ses conditions à long terme. La présente thèse tend à clarifier ces enjeux en documentant sur une période de deux ans l’UÉ et les conditions qui la détermine, au sein d’une stratégie d’évaluation intégrée au programme d’exemption de paiement des soins de santé d’une ONG humanitaire. L’objectif de ce programme est de faciliter l’accès à la santé aux mères, aux enfants de moins de cinq ans et aux indigents de districts sanitaires au Niger et au Burkina Faso, régions du Sahel où des crises alimentaires et économiques ont engendré des taux élevés de malnutrition, de morbidité et de mortalité. Une première évaluation du programme d’exemption au Niger a mené au développement de la stratégie d’évaluation intégrée à ce même programme au Burkina Faso. La thèse se compose de trois articles. Le premier présente une étude d’évaluabilité, étape préliminaire à la thèse et permettant de juger de sa faisabilité. Les résultats démontrent une logique cohérente et plausible de la stratégie d’évaluation, l’accessibilité de données et l’utilité d’étudier l’UÉ par l’ONG. Le second article documente l’UÉ des parties prenantes de la stratégie et comment celle-ci servit le programme d’exemption. L’utilisation des résultats fut instrumentale, conceptuelle et persuasive, alors que l’utilisation des processus ne fut qu’instrumentale et conceptuelle. Le troisième article documente les conditions qui, selon les parties prenantes, ont progressivement influencé l’UÉ. L’attitude des utilisateurs, les relations et communications interpersonnelles et l’habileté des évaluateurs à mener et à partager les connaissances adaptées aux besoins des utilisateurs furent les conditions clés liées à l’UÉ. La thèse contribue à l’avancement des connaissances sur l’UÉ en milieu humanitaire et apporte des recommandations aux parties prenantes de l’ONG.


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Architectural characterization and interpretation of the remains of a Roman dam, identified near a villa, in Vilares de AIfundão (Ferreiro do Alentejo, Beja). A comparative study of the dam' s construction - small water-retaining infrastructures for agriculture purposes.


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As Servidões Militares Aeronáuticas (SMA) pressupõem restrições que lhes são intrínsecas, suscetíveis de impactar na Economia Real Portuguesa (ERP). Na Força Aérea (FA) as SMA denotam especial importância, em razão das constantes evolução e atualização das Operações Aéreas e tramitação legal imposta, com vista a uma minimização dos encargos restritivos dos bens que, territorialmente, lhes estão associados. Assim, salienta-se a pertinência das SMA enquanto processo que tem reflexos na ERP, uma vez serem utilizadas pela FA no processo de Licenciamento Urbano. Desta feita, foi avaliada a importância das SMA na FA, através de estudo de caso, utilizando um raciocínio hipotético-dedutivo, o qual norteou as entrevistas semiestruturadas, conceptualizadas no respetivo mapa. Estas entrevistas permitiram verificar que: a FA elabora as SMA segundo pressupostos reais e atualizados; a FA emite pareceres positivos relativos aos pedidos de licenciamento que estejam de acordo com o preconizado nos Decreto-Lei das SMA vigentes e nas respetivas áreas territoriais de aplicação; os processos de emissão de pareceres na FA podem ser melhorados concluindo-se, assim, que o processo de conceção das SMA na FA influencia o desenvolvimento da ERP. Abstract: It is assumed that the Aeronautical Control of Obstacles (ACO) imposes certain inner limitations that are susceptible to cause impact on the Portuguese Real Economy (PRE). The ACO area is of special relevance for the Portuguese Air Force (PoAF) due to the permanent evolution and update of the Air Operations and the legal procedures aimed at the decrease of the property limitations associated to them. The ACO is, therefore, of the utmost importance, considering that its process has a significant impact on PRE because of its use by the PoAF within the Building Control process. The scope of this research lies on the importance of the ACO for the PoAF. The research is based on the case study method and the hypothetical-deductive reasoning which set the guidelines for the semi-structured interviews within the conceptual framework, which made possible to verify the PoAF: develops the ACO according to real and updated assumptions; issues positive official assessments to the requests for building licensing that comply with the ACO Legal Decrees within its territorial area of applicability; process of issuing official assessments may be improved, concluding that the development of the ACO within the PoAF influences the development of the PRE.


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A investigação centra-se na aplicação da Gestão Técnica Centralizada como instrumento para a melhoria da eficiência energética dos edifícios e infraestruturas da Força Aérea Portuguesa e diminuição de pessoal afeto à sua manutenção, tendo por base, dois casos de estudo, o edifício QC12 do Centro de Formação Militar e Técnica da Força Aérea e o ECOTERMOLAB, pertencente ao Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade. Da análise desenvolvida conclui-se que o funcionamento dos edifícios ECOTERMOLAB e QC12, com controlo por GTC, representam anualmente uma diminuição de consumo energético em 30% e 44% respetivamente e, uma redução de 50% nos recursos humanos afetos à instalação do QC12. Da viabilidade económica obtiveram-se as métricas de Valor Atual Líquido e a Taxa Interna de Rentabilidade positivos e um Período de Recuperação do Investimento, de 11,5 anos para ECOTERMOLAB e 10,7 anos para QC12. Por fim, teceram-se algumas recomendações, dirigidas à Força Aérea Portuguesa, com o intento de melhorar a eficiência energética elétrica e a redução de recursos humanos afetos. Abstract: The research is focused in the application of the Centered Technique Management as an instrument to improve the Portuguese Air Force buildings and infrastructures’ energetic efficiency and to reduce the staff in charge of its maintenance, based on two study cases, QC 12 building in The Air Force Military and Technique Training Center and ECOTERMOLAB, which belongs to Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade (Quality and Welding Institute). From the analysis, one can conclude that the functioning of the ECOTERMOLAB and QC12 buildings, with GTC control, represents an annual consumption of less 30% and 44% respectively and a 50% reduction in the human resources of the QC 12. From the economical viability, it was possible to get the figures of the Net Present Value and the Internal Rate of Return and a Period of Return on Investment of 11,5 years for ECOTERMOLAB and 10,7 years for QC 12. Finally, some recommendations to the Portuguese Air Force were made, aiming the improvement of the electrical energetic efficiency and a reduction in human resources.


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Nowadays, Power grids are critical infrastructures on which everything else relies, and their correct behavior is of the highest priority. New smart devices are being deployed to be able to manage and control power grids more efficiently and avoid instability. However, the deployment of such smart devices like Phasor Measurement Units (PMU) and Phasor Data Concentrators (PDC), open new opportunities for cyber attackers to exploit network vulnerabilities. If a PDC is compromised, all data coming from PMUs to that PDC is lost, reducing network observability. Our approach to solve this problem is to develop an Intrusion detection System (IDS) in a Software-defined network (SDN). allowing the IDS system to detect compromised devices and use that information as an input for a self-healing SDN controller, which redirects the data of the PMUs to a new, uncompromised PDC, maintaining the maximum possible network observability at every moment. During this research, we have successfully implemented Self-healing in an example network with an SDN controller based on Ryu controller. We have also assessed intrinsic vulnerabilities of Wide Area Management Systems (WAMS) and SCADA networks, and developed some rules for the Intrusion Detection system which specifically protect vulnerabilities of these networks. The integration of the IDS and the SDN controller was also successful. \\To achieve this goal, the first steps will be to implement an existing Self-healing SDN controller and assess intrinsic vulnerabilities of Wide Area Measurement Systems (WAMS) and SCADA networks. After that, we will integrate the Ryu controller with Snort, and create the Snort rules that are specific for SCADA or WAMS systems and protocols.


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A proteção das Infraestruturas Críticas tornou-se numa questão essencial no sistema internacional e nos Estados. Mais recentemente, Portugal começou a acompanhar esta tendência. Neste debate, torna-se de crucial importância, a identificação das infraestruturas que devem ser consideradas como críticas. Esta identificação terá como principal objetivo a redução das suas vulnerabilidades e a eficiência no emprego de recursos para a proteção das mesmas. Mas que critérios e indicadores, em cada setor/subsetor, possibilitam uma adequada metodologia para a identificação e caraterização das Infraestruturas Críticas em Portugal? Com vista a responder a esta problemática será analisada a metodologia adotada por Portugal, bem como as componentes da metodologia de identificação e caraterização de Infraestruturas Críticas utilizadas em países e organizações de referência. Esta investigação tem como objetivo geral identificar de áreas de melhoria na metodologia adotada pela Autoridade Nacional de Proteção Civil e, com base na análise da metodologia usada em organizações e países de referência, contribuir para a identificação e caraterização das IC em Portugal. Conclui-se que a Identificação e Caraterização de Infraestruturas Críticas nacionais deve ser aplicada na primeira fase do processo de elaboração do Programa Nacional de Proteção de Infraestruturas Críticas, apresentando, simultaneamente, uma definição de Infraestrutura Crítica, através de possíveis agrupamentos em setores, critérios e indicadores a adotar. Abstract: Critical infrastructure protection has become a key issue for states in the international system. Recently, Portugal has joined this trend. In this debate, the identification of structures to be considered critical infrastructure becomes crucial. This process of identification should have as key purpose the reduction of these infrastructures, and an efficient use of resources in protecting them. However, which criteria and indicators, for each sector/ sub-sector, allow for an adequate methodology for identifying and characterizing critical infrastructures in Portugal? In order to answer this, this research will analyse the methodology adopted by the National Civil Protection Authority, as well as some methodology components for identifying and characterizing critical infrastructure used by reference countries and organizations. The main purpose of this research is thus to contribute to the development of a methodology to be used in Portugal, through the development of criteria and indicators that prove adequate to identifying and characterizing Portuguese critical infrastructure. It concludes that the identification and characterization of national critical infrastructures should be applied in the first phase of elaborating a national program for the protection of critical infrastructures, while simultaneously presenting a definition of critical infrastructure, through possible grouping in sectors, criteria and indicators to adopt.


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La necesidad cotidiana de los ciudadanos de desplazarse para realizar diferentes actividades, sea cual fuere su naturaleza, se ha visto afectada en gran medida por los cambios producidos. Las ventajas generadas por la inclusión de la bicicleta como modo de transporte y la proliferación de su uso entre la ciudadanía son innumerables y se extienden tanto en el ámbito de la movilidad urbana como del desarrollo sostenible. En la actualidad, hay multitud de programas para la implantación, fomento o aumento de la participación ciudadana relacionado con la bicicleta en las ciudades. Pero en definitiva, todos y cada uno de estas iniciativas tienen la misma finalidad, crear una malla de vías cicladles eficaz y útil. Capaces de permitir el uso de la bicicleta en vías preferentes con unas garantías de seguridad altas, incorporando la bicicleta en el modelo de intermodalidad del transporte urbano. Con la progresiva implantación del carril bici, muchas personas han empezado a utilizarlas para moverse por la ciudad. Pero todo lo nuevo necesita un periodo de adaptación. Y, la realidad es que la red de viales destinados para estos vehículos está repleta de obstáculos para el ciclista. La actual situación ha llevado a cuestionar qué cantidad de kilómetros de carriles bici son necesarios para abastecer la demanda existente de este modo de transporte y, si las obras ejecutadas y proyectadas son las correctas y suficientes. En este trabajo se presenta una herramienta, basada en un modelo de programación matemática, para el diseño óptimo de una red destinada a los ciclistas. En concreto, el sistema determina una infraestructura para la bicicleta adaptada a las características de la red de carreteras existentes, con base en criterios de teoría de grafos ponderados. Como una aplicación del modelo propuesto, se ofrece el resultado de estos experimentos, obteniéndose un número de conclusiones útiles para la planificación y el diseño de redes de carriles bici desde una perspectiva social. Se realiza una aplicación de la metodología desarrollada para el caso real del municipio de Málaga (España). Por último se produce la validación del modelo de optimización presentado y la repercusión que tiene éste sobre el resultado final y la importancia o el peso del total de variables capaces de condicionar el resultado final de la red ciclista. Se obtiene, por tanto, una herramienta destinada a la mejora de la planificación, diseño y gestión de las diferentes infraestructuras para la bicicleta, con capacidad de interactuar con el modelo de red vial actual y con el resto de los modos de transportes existentes en el entramado urbano de las ciudades.


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Transportation system resilience has been the subject of several recent studies. To assess the resilience of a transportation network, however, it is essential to model its interactions with and reliance on other lifelines. In this work, a bi-level, mixed-integer, stochastic program is presented for quantifying the resilience of a coupled traffic-power network under a host of potential natural or anthropogenic hazard-impact scenarios. A two-layer network representation is employed that includes details of both systems. Interdependencies between the urban traffic and electric power distribution systems are captured through linking variables and logical constraints. The modeling approach was applied on a case study developed on a portion of the signalized traffic-power distribution system in southern Minneapolis. The results of the case study show the importance of explicitly considering interdependencies between critical infrastructures in transportation resilience estimation. The results also provide insights on lifeline performance from an alternative power perspective.


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The curated commons is a model in which a flexible library building shell and its infrastructure can respond to the specific time-sensitive needs of differing clients. It applies to faculty research, in particular small science activities (as opposed to big science activities that have major support which includes proprietary laboratories and facilities). It provides for sustained transformation of library facilities as well as its utilitarian and cyber-infrastructures to become a flexible reconfigurable space with cutting edge technology and sustained funding streams.


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The EU-funded project UAN - Underwater Acoustic Network aims at conceiving, developing and testing at sea an innovative and operational concept for integrating in a unique communication system submerged, surface and aerial sensors with the objective of protecting off-shore and coastline critical infrastructures. A crucial aspect of the project consisted in the use of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) as mobile nodes in the underwater acoustic communication network. In particular, AUVs have the role of adapting the network geometry to the variation of the acoustic channel. This paper reports on the project concept and vision as well as on the progress of its various development phases. The recent at-sea successes that have been demonstrated within the UAN framework are detailed and results of the final UAN project demonstration, UAN11, held in the May of 2011, are reported. The UAN network was in operation for five continuous days with up to five nodes, of which three of them were mobile nodes. © IFAC.


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Dissertação de mest. em Gestão Empresarial, Faculdade de Economia, Univ. do Algarve, 2001