918 resultados para Information technology|Public administration|Public policy


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Reforma del Estado en pos del gobierno electrónico. Columna de opinión: coordinador temático para gestión pública. XI Conferencia Regional sobre la Mujer analizará políticas de género para la Sociedad de la Información. Establecen nuevos indicadores regionales para medir el gobierno electrónico. Columna de ppinión: coordinadora del Grupo de Trabajo eLAC sobre gobierno-e. Red GEALC busca consolidar su apoyo político. Recomiendan nuevas funciones para gobiernos en foro de implantación de la CIGE. Formando funcionarios y actores sociales en gobierno-e. Plataforma de información social apoya planificación y transparencia en Guatemala. Lecciones de un intento fracasado de implementar el gob-e “desde abajo” en Nicaragua. Nueva Ley de TIC colombiana consolida trabajo hacia metas eLAC. Noticias breves del mundo de las TIC. Últimas publicaciones sobre las TIC en gestión pública.


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The “Implementation of the National Data Centre” project, Augusto Espín, Deputy Minister of Telecommunications and Information Society, Ecuador .-- Cloud computing and public policy in Brazil, Rafael Henrique Rodrigues Moreira, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Brazil .-- “The cloud is being taken up more quickly in Latin America than in the rest of the world”, interview to Lalo Steinmann, Microsoft .-- The impact of education and research networks on the development of cloud computing Eduardo Vera, University of Chile .-- “The cloud helps to narrow divides by providing access to technology resources that used to be unaffordable”, interview to Luis Urzúa, Movistar Chile .-- “Cloud computing will be a strategic sector of the economy in the coming years”, interview to Jean-Bernard Gramunt, France’s digital strategy .-- “If take-up in Latin America is as strong as predicted, it will be a good opportunity to create and export technology”, interview to Flavio Junqueira, Yahoo! Labs.


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The two main forces affecting economic development are the ongoing technological revolution and the challenge of sustainability. Technological change is altering patterns of production, consumption and behaviour in societies; at the same time, it is becoming increasingly difficult to ensure the sustainability of these new patterns because of the constraints resulting from the negative externalities generated by economic growth and, in many cases, by technical progress itself. Reorienting innovation towards reducing or, if possible, reversing the effects of these externalities could create the conditions for synergies between the two processes. Views on the subject vary widely: while some maintain that these synergies can easily be created if growth follows an environmentally friendly model, summarized in the concept of green growth, others argue that production and consumption patterns are changing too slowly and that any technological fix will come too late. These considerations apply to hard technologies, essentially those used in production. The present document explores the opportunities being opened up by new ones, basically information and communication technologies, in terms of increasing the effectiveness (outcomes) and efficiency (relative costs) of soft technologies that can improve the way environmental issues are handled in business management and in public policy formulation and implementation.


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Incluye bibliografía


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este trabalho apresenta o modelo de gestão participativa implementado pelo governo Ana Júlia, que esteve a frente do executivo estadual paraense no período de 2007 a 2010. Por meio de análise deste mecanismo de participação popular, o presente trabalho discute a relação entre o governo e os conselheiros do PTP, focando na captura dos representantes de organizações e movimentos sociais, bem como nas limitações que impediram a Administração Pública a implementar as ações e obras do PTP. Apesar de utilizar a Internet para vencer as barreiras territoriais, absorvendo o conceito do e-Governo para o avanço na descentralização da gestão pública, mais de 60% das demandas populares não saíram do papel. Conclui-se que uma série de fatores, como a consolidação da cultura política nas estruturas de governo, os próprios limites da tecnologia informacional e problemas de planejamento para a implementação do PTP e efetivação das demandas se impuseram como entraves para o pleno desenvolvimento do mecanismo de participação.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This monograph covers the issues related to the understanding of the new organization's cenary of the globalized society, computerized, which was reflected even within organizations. In this sense, we present a reflection on the theme of segmentation of audiences, especially based on the proposition of France (2008), regarded as important within the professional activities of Public Relations. Issues related to information technology, particularly the history of the internet and social media are presented as a reflection of this new company and also as strategic tools for the establishment of a fruitful relationship with the public organizations. All topics presented will support the monograph's study objects, presenting the Brazilian DeMolay Order, focusing on the challenges faced by the management of the National Bureau 2011/2012, that through integrated actions of communication and relationships, especially the virtual environment, resulted in the growth participant's numbers in the activities proposed by the national administration


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The demographic census is the largest and most important socioeconomic research of the country since it portrays the situation closer to the reality of the population. Their result allows public policy making aimed at improving the quality of life, socioeconomic development and provides information for decision making on public and private sector. Due to the large amount of data collected, the processing of such information requires increasingly use information technology to facilitate processing. Therefore, the increasingly common use of the Geographic Information System (GIS) in various fields of knowledge contributes to the job achievement given its ability to collect, store, retrieve and view data. Following this trend, the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statics (IBGE) also used this tool in the development of cartographic inputs, wich plays a key role for the data collection range nationwide


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Health promotion seeks to integrate oral health practices to other public health, by building healthy public policy and the development of strategies directed to all people in the community. This study aimed to analyze the knowledge and actions on the infants’ oral health promotion by dentists, pediatricians and nurses. Were interviewed dentists (n=34), pediatricians (n=31) and nurses (n=26) from Basic Health Units, Family Health Units and Centers for Education and Recreation in Araraquara - SP about knowledge and actions on oral health promotion for infants, by filling out a pre-tested questionnaire. Data were analyzed by association tests. Generally, the professionals are aware of and perform actions on oral health promotion for infants. Most participants were female; mean age of 39.9 years, worked in Basic Health Units, had over 10 years of graduation, demonstrated knowledge on and considered oral health promotion in infants very important. The time since graduation and actions on oral health promotion for infants were associated (p<0.05) with issues concerning the use of dental floss. That most of the professionals who participated in this study know about, take actions on oral health promotion for infants and consider them crucial.