901 resultados para IT career self-efficacy


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Purpose If owner-managers engage in management development activities then chances of success may be improved for small businesses. But small business owner-managers (SBOMs) are a difficult group to engage in management development activities. While practitioners worry about timing, content and location of development activities, the purpose of this paper is to examine what drives SBOMs to participate in an online discussion forum (ODF) as a form of management development. An ODF was run with SBOMs and the factors affecting their participation are reported from this exploratory study. Design/methodology/approach A qualitative methodology was used where data gathered from three sources, the ODF posts, in-depth interviews with participants and a focus group with non-participants. These were analysed to evaluate factors affecting participation of SBOMs in an ODF. Findings The findings point to the importance of owner-managers’ attitudes. Attitudes that positively affected SBOMs participation in the ODF included; appreciating that learning leads to business success; positive self-efficacy developed through prior online experience; and an occupational identity as a business manager. Research limitations/implications Few SBOMs participated in the ODF, which is consistent with research finding that they are a difficult group to engage in management development learning activities. Three forms of data were analysed to strengthen results. Practical implications Caution should be exercised when considering investment in e-learning to develop the managerial capabilities of SBOMs. Originality/value Evidence of the factors important for participation in an informal voluntary ODF. The findings suggest greater emphasis should be placed on changing attitudes if SBOMs are to be encouraged to participate in management development activities.


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Mobile dating applications (‘apps’) have increased in popularity over recent years, with Tinder among the first to break into the mainstream heterosexual market. Since mobile dating intensifies the need to confirm that potential dates are not misrepresenting themselves and are safe to meet in person, Tinder’s success indicates that it has allayed these concerns regarding the authenticity of its users. This article combines Giddens’ conceptualization of authenticity, as the ability to reference a coherent biographical narrative, with Callon’s sociology of translation to investigate Tinder’s framing of authenticity within mobile dating. Applying a walkthrough method that interrogates Tinder’s technological architecture, promotional materials, and related media, this hybrid theoretical framework is used to identify how Tinder configures an actor-network that establishes its app as the solution to users’ concerns, enrols individuals in using its features in authenticity claims, and popularizes Tinder’s framing across public discourse. This network of human and non-human actors frames authenticity as being established through one’s Facebook profile and adherence to normative standards relating to age, gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. However, user discourses on other social media identify and challenge negative outcomes of this framing, with normativity fostering discrimination and Facebook verification failing to prevent abusive behavior. This case study of Tinder paves the way for future investigation into user responses to its framing. Further, it demonstrates the efficacy and broader applicability of this theoretical approach for identifying both human and technological influences on the construction of authenticity with digital media.


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Background Advances in cancer diagnosis and treatment have significantly improved survival rates, through their subsequent health needs are often not adequately addressed by current health services. National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Partnerships Project awarded a national collaborative project to develop, trial and evaluate clinical benefits and cost effectiveness of an e-health enabled structured health promotion intervention - The Women’s Wellness after Cancer Program (WWACP). The aim of this e-health enabled multimodal intervention is to improve health related quality of life in women previously treated for target cancers. Aim The WWACP is a 12-week web based, interactive, holistic program. Primary outcomes for this project are to promote a positive change in health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and reduction in Body Mass Index (BMI) in the women undertaking WWACP compared to women who receive usual care. Secondary outcomes include managing other side effects of cancer treatment through evidence-based nutrition and exercise practices, dealing with stress, sleep, menopause and sexuality issues. Methods The single-blinded multi-center randomized controlled trial recruited a toatl of 330 women within 24 months of completion of chemotherapy and /or radiotherapy. Women were randomly assigned to either a usual care or intervention group. Women provided with the intervention were provided with an interactive iBook and journal, web interface, and three virtual consultations by experienced cancer nurses. A variety of methods were utilized, to enable positive self- efficacy and lifestyle changes. These include online coaching with a registered nurse trained in the intervention, plus written educational and health promotional information. The program has been delivered through the e-health enabled interfaces, which enables virtual delivery via desktop and mobile computing devices. Importantly this enables accessibility for rural and regional women in Australia who are frequently geographically disadvantaged in terms of health care provision. Results Research focusing on alternative methods of delivering post treatment / or survivorship care in cancer utilizing web based interfaces is limited, but emerging evidence suggests that Internet interventions can increase psychological and physical wellbeing in cancer patients. The WWACP trial aims to establish the effectiveness of delivery of the program in terms of positive patient outcomes and cost effective, flexibility. The trial will be completed in September and results will be presented at the conference. Conclusions Women after acute hematological, breast and gynecological cancer treatments demonstrate good cancer survival rates and face residual health problems which are amenable to behavioral interventions. The conclusion of active treatment is a key 'teachable moment' in which sustainable positive lifestyle change can be achieved if patients receive education and psychological support which targets key treatment related health problems and known chronic disease risk factors.


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In this paper, the design and development of a novel low-cost, non-invasive type sensor suitable for human breath sensing is reported. It can be used to detect respiratory disorders like bronchial asthma by analyzing the recorded breathing pattern. Though there are devices like spirometer to diagnose asthma, they are very inconvenient for patient's use because patients are made to exhale air through mouth forcefully. Presently developed sensor will overcome this limitation and is helpful in the diagnosis of respiratory related abnormalities. Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) film in cantilever configuration is used as a sensing element to form the breath sensor. Two identical sensors are mounted on a spectacle frame, such that the tidal flow of inhaled and exhale air will impinge on sensor, for sensing the breathing patterns. These patterns are recorded, filtered, analyzed and displayed using CRO. Further the sensor is calibrated using a U-tube water manometer. The added advantage of piezoelectric type sensing element is that it is self powered without the need of any external power source.


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n-n isotype heterojunction of InGaN and bare Si (111) was formed by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy without nitridation steps or buffer layers. High resolution X-ray diffraction studies were carried out to confirm the formation of epilayers on Si (111). X-ray rocking curves revealed the presence of large number of edge threading dislocations at the interface. Room temperature photoluminescence studies were carried out to confirm the bandgap and the presence of defects. Temperature dependent I-V measurements of Al/InGaN/Si (111)/Al taken in dark confirm the rectifying nature of the device. I-V characteristics under UV illumination, showed modest rectification and was operated at zero bias making it a self-powered device. A band diagram of the heterojunction is proposed to understand the transport mechanism for self-powered functioning of the device. (c) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Resumen: El presente estudio evalúa si existen diferencias significativas en la autoeficacia académica y el burnout académico entre los alumnos que han pasado por desgranamiento universitario y aquellos que no han pasado por este fenómeno. La muestra estuvo constituida por 286 estudiantes universitarios de ambos sexos de la ciudad de Paraná, Entre Ríos. La recolección de los datos se hizo mediante la Escala Unidimensional de Burnout Estudiantil, el Cuestionario de Autoeficacia Académica (construido a los fines de esta investigación) y un cuestionario para medir el desgranamiento universitario. Los resultados indican que el burnout académico y la autoeficacia académica no influyen en el desgranamiento universitario, lo cual podría estar mediado por otras variables que no se académico y la autoeficacia académica no influyen en el desgranamiento universitario, lo cual podría estar mediado por otras variables que no se tuvieron en cuenta en el estudio.


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[ES] En este artículo analizamos las intenciones de emprender un negocio por parte de un grupo de estudiantes argentinos que cursaban la especialización en Dirección Estratégica de Recursos Humanos en la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Los resultados del estudio muestran que estos estudiantes desean crear su propio negocio, pero las posibilidades de creación del mismo dependen de varios factores. Entre todos ellos destaca la autoeficacia; aquellos estudiantes que muestran puntuaciones más elevadas en esta variable son los que manifiestan más intención por crear un negocio. Esta intención, en contra de lo esperado, es menor para los alumnos que señalan poseer más apoyo social. No encontramos que las cargas familiares o la experiencia previa en creación de empresas tengan un efecto significativo.


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This study is concerned with the measurement of total factor prodnctivity in the marine fishing industries in general and in the Pacific coast trawl fishery in particular. The study is divided into two parts. Part I contains suitable empirical and introductory theoretical material for the examination of productivity in the Pacific coast trawl Deet. It is self-contained, and contains the basic formulae, empirical results, and discussion. Because the economic theory of index numbers and productivity is constantly evolving and is widely scattered throughout the economics literature, Part D draws together the theoretical literature into one place to allow ready access for readers interested in more details. The major methodological focus of the study is upon the type of economic index number that is most appropriate for use by economists with the National Marine Fisheries Service. This study recommends that the following types of economic index numbers be used: chain rather than fIxed base; bilateral rather than multilateral; one of the class of superlative indices, such as the Tornqvist or Fisher Ideal. (PDF file contains 40 pages.)


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We propose an integrated algorithm named low dimensional simplex evolution extension (LDSEE) for expensive global optimization in which only a very limited number of function evaluations is allowed. The new algorithm accelerates an existing global optimization, low dimensional simplex evolution (LDSE), by using radial basis function (RBF) interpolation and tabu search. Different from other expensive global optimization methods, LDSEE integrates the RBF interpolation and tabu search with the LDSE algorithm rather than just calling existing global optimization algorithms as subroutines. As a result, it can keep a good balance between the model approximation and the global search. Meanwhile it is self-contained. It does not rely on other GO algorithms and is very easy to use. Numerical results show that it is a competitive alternative for expensive global optimization.


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Lan honen helburua eskuzko pilotarien eta atleten autoefikazia neurtu eta hauen arteko ezberdintasunak zein diren aztertzea zen autematen zuten abilezia fisikoaren inguruan. Honetarako, ???Perceived Physical Ability??? (PPA) eskala erabili zen. Lagina kategoria ezberdineko (kadete, jubenil eta senior) 37 kirolariz osatuta zegoen (24 pilotari eta 13 atleta) beraien bataz besteko adina, pilotariena 19,41 eta atletena 20,53 izanik. Lortutako emaitzek adierazten dute atletek balore altuagoak izan dituztela abiadura, azkartasuna, bizitasuna eta trebeziari erlazionatutako galderetan batez ere eta baita ere masa muskular tonuari dagokion galdera batean. Konklusiotzat, eskala honen bidez pilotari eta atleten arteko ezberdintasun orokorrak zein diren ikusi dira hautematen duten autoefikazia mailari dagokionez. Ezberdintasunak adierazgarriak aurkitu ziren abiadura, azkartasuna, trebezia, zalutasuna eta muskular tonuari zegozkien itemetan.


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When searching for characteristic subpatterns in potentially noisy graph data, it appears self-evident that having multiple observations would be better than having just one. However, it turns out that the inconsistencies introduced when different graph instances have different edge sets pose a serious challenge. In this work we address this challenge for the problem of finding maximum weighted cliques. We introduce the concept of most persistent soft-clique. This is subset of vertices, that 1) is almost fully or at least densely connected, 2) occurs in all or almost all graph instances, and 3) has the maximum weight. We present a measure of clique-ness, that essentially counts the number of edge missing to make a subset of vertices into a clique. With this measure, we show that the problem of finding the most persistent soft-clique problem can be cast either as: a) a max-min two person game optimization problem, or b) a min-min soft margin optimization problem. Both formulations lead to the same solution when using a partial Lagrangian method to solve the optimization problems. By experiments on synthetic data and on real social network data we show that the proposed method is able to reliably find soft cliques in graph data, even if that is distorted by random noise or unreliable observations. Copyright 2012 by the author(s)/owner(s).


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The triblock copolymers, poly(styrene-b-isoprene-b-epsilon-caprolactone)s (PS-b-PI-b-PCL) have been synthesized successfully by combination of anionic polymerization and ring-opening polymerization. Diblock copolymer capped with hydroxyl group, PS-b-PI-OH was synthesized by sequential- anionic polymerization of styrene and isoprene and following end-capping reaction of EO, and then it was used as macro initiator in the ring-opening polymerization of CL. The results of DSC and WAXD show big effect of amorphous PS-b-PI on the thermal behaviors of PCL block in the triblock copolymers and the lower degree of crystalline in the triblock copolymer with higher molecular weight of PS-b-PI was observed. The real-time observation on the polarized optical microscopy shows the spherulite growth rates of PCL27, PCL328 and PS-b-PI-b-PCL344 are 0.71, 0.46 and 0.07 mu m s(-1), respectively. The atomic force microscopy (AFM) images of the PS90-b-PI66-b-PCL-(28) show the columns morphology formed by it's self-assembling.


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The arguments on self discrepancy can be traced back to the old ages, but the systematic investigations were started by Higgins et al. at 1985.Compared to the large number of foreign studies, only a few ones have been conducted in our own country. Numerous characteristics of undergruaduate’s actual-ideal discrepancy and a great many determinative factors have been found as well as many of its negative effects—especially the greater the actual-ideal discrepancy, the more negative on the mind and behavior. Nevertheless, there are still many issues to be solved, such as the extend of the undergruaduate’s actual-ideal discrepancy level in own country. On the other hand, although there are a great many internal and external determinative factors of actual-ideal discrepancy, how they overally influence the discrepancy of the same individual is still unknown; to what extent does actual-ideal discrepancy influence the human mind and behavior and whether the influence is positive or negtive? This research collected a sample consisting of 4 undergraduate grades and 5 majors from a middle-ranked university. We adopted questionnaires in the study, and analyzed the data using correlation analysis, regression analysis, variances analysis, and path analysis. Our aim focused on the general characteristics of the undergruaduate’s actual-ideal discrepancy in own country, the overall working mechanism of the determinative factors including environmental and personal factors on the actual-ideal discrepancy of the same individual, and the effects of the actual-ideal discrepancy on psychological adaption, motivation, and behavior. The main results are as following: (1)The improved measurement instrument possesses good validity and reliability, and can be used in future research. (2) The actual-ideal discrepancy level among undergraduates is slightly bellow medium. The proportion of undergraduates who have a higher actual-ideal discrepancy level is small. There is significant gender difference in actual-ideal discrepancy level, but no significant difference across different majors and grades. (3)This research probed the overall working mechanism of the parenting style(environmental factors) and the personality factors(personal factors) including stability, flexibility, cleverness, and esteem on the undergruaduate’s actual-ideal discrepancy. The results shows that the parenting style of warmth and understanding, stability, flexibility, and esteem influence the actual-ideal discrepancy. Esteem entirely moderate the relationship between the parenting style of warmth and understanding and actual-ideal discrepancy, partially moderate the relationship between the flexibility, stability and actual-ideal discrepancy. Furthermore, the above factors can be order as stability, flexibility, and parenting style of warmth and understanding in terms of decreasing impact on the actual-ideal discrepancy. No significant effect of cleverness and other parenting style was found. The parenting style of warmth and understanding, stability, and flexibility interactively influence the actual-ideal discrepancy in the following manner: the stability and flexibility, both of which have independent influence on the actual-ideal discrepancy, entirely moderate the relationship between the parenting style of warmth and understanding and actual-ideal discrepancy. (4) Actual-ideal discrepancy plays a negative role in adaption indices, including self-efficacy, self-identity, self-actualization. Actual-ideal discrepancy also has negative effects on the 9 symptoms measured by SCL-90, vitality, approach motivation, avoidance motivation, and performance goals. No significant influence on mastering goals was found. Actual-ideal discrepancy uniquely correlates with depression symptom. The above results contribute from the point of self-discrepancy to the understanding of self-identity of undergraduates, and they enrich the knowledge of the development of self and contribute to the understanding of the development of human personality.This research advances on the two key problems of the developmental mechanism of actual-ideal discrepancy and that promotes the knowledge of the developmental mechanism of actual-ideal discrepancy. The research probed the relationship between the actual-ideal discrepancy and motivation which is an important phenomenon and this enlarges the domain of the actual-ideal discrepancy research. The results make sure that actual-ideal discrepancy is one of the important factors influencing undergruaduate’s mind and behavior. The conclusions can provide reference and guidance in the diagnosis and intervension strategies for mental health education and counseling practice in university.


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Questionnaire of Stressors, which was constructed earlier, and Resilience Factor Scale were applied on 252 Chinese University students and 207 American University students. Reliability and validity tests were applied on the data. Results are as following: 1. Cronbach α coefficient of both scales were tested and showed good results. Construction validity of them was also tested by applying Factor Analysis on the data. The results are good. 2. Stressors of University students consist of three factors, named Survival Anxiety, Social Anxiety, and Role Stress. Resilience Factors consist of Social Support and Self-Efficacy. They affected each other. Significant correlation was found among those five factors. 3. Significant differences were found between Chinese sample and American sample in the scores of most items of the two scales.