963 resultados para Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1
Introduction Phospholipase Cb1 (PLC-β1) is a key player in the regulation of nuclear inositol lipid signaling and of a wide range of cellular functions, such as proliferation and differentiation (1,2,3). PLCb1 signaling depends on the cleavage of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate and the formation of the second messengers diacylglycerol and Inositol tris-phosphate which activate canonical protein kinase C (cPKC) isoforms. Here we describe a proteomic approach to find out a potential effector of nuclear PLC-b1 dependent signaling during insulin stimulated myogenic differentiation. Methods Nuclear lysates obtained from insulin induced C2C12 myoblasts were immunoprecipitated with anti-phospho-substrate cPKC antibody. Proteins, stained with Comassie blue, were excised, digested and subsequently analysed in LC-MS/MS. For peptide sequence searching, the mass spectra were processed and analyzed using the Mascot MS/MS ion search program with the NCBI database. Western blotting, GST-pull down and co-immunoprecipitation were performed to study the interaction between eEF1A2 and cPKCs. Site direct mutagenesis was performed to confirm the phosphorylated motif recognized by the antibody. Immunofluorescence analysis, GFP-tagged eEF1A2 vector and subcellular fractionation were performed to study nuclear localization and relative distribution of eEF1A2. Results We have previously shown that PLC-β1 is greatly increased at the nuclear level during insulin-induced myoblasts differentiation and that this nuclear localization is essential for induction of differentiation. Thus, nuclear proteins of insulin stimulated C2C12 myoblasts, were immunoprecipitated with an anti-phospho-substrate cPKC antibody. After Electrophoretic gel separation of proteins immunoprecipitated, several molecules were identified by LC-MS/MS. Among these most relevant and unexpected was eukaryotic elongation factor 1 alpha 2 (eEF1A2). We found that eEF1A2 is phosphorylated by PKCb1 and that these two molecules coimmunolocalized at the nucleolar level. eEF1A2 could be phosphorylated in many sites among which both threonine and serine residues. By site direct mutagenesis we demonstrated that it is the serine residue of the motif recognized by the antibody that is specifically phosphorylated by PKCb1. The silencing of PLCb1 gives rise to a reduction of expression and phosphorylation levels of eEF1A2 indicating this molecule as a target of nuclear PLCb1 regulatory network during myoblasts differentiation.
Die endogene Bildung reaktiver Sauerstoffspezies (ROS) - wie beispielsweise Hydroxyl-Radikale, Superoxid-Radikalanionen, Wasserstoffperoxid und Singulett-Sauerstoff - bei essentiellen Stoffwechselreaktionen in allen aeroben Lebewesen stellt eine potentielle Gefahr für die Integrität der DNA in jeder Zelle dar. ROS generieren in der DNA unter anderem oxidative DNA-Modifikationen (zum größten Teil wahrscheinlich 8-Hydroxyguanin (8-oxoG)), welche wiederum zu einem Teil zu Mutationen führen.In dieser Arbeit wurden Untersuchungen vorgenommen, in welchem Ausmaß zum einen die Steady-State-Level oxidativer DNA-Schäden in Säugerzellen zum anderen die Reparaturgeschwindig-keiten solcher DNA-Modifikationen durch verschiedene endogene Faktoren beeinflußt werden.Im Mittelpunkt der Arbeit stand dabei die Charakterisierung der 8-Hydroxyguaninglykosylase der Säugerzellen. Sie ist das Produkt des OGG1-Gens, das erst 1997 kloniert wurde. In transfizierten Zellinien konnte durch eine konstitutive Überexpression des menschlichen OGG1-Gens demonstriert werden, daß die Reparatur von induzierten oxidativen Basenmodifikationen bis zu dreifach beschleunigt wird und daß eine Korrelation zwischen dem Grad der Überexpression und der Reparaturrate besteht. Dagegen waren die Steady-State-Level der oxidativen DNA-Schäden durch die Überexpression unbeeinflußt. Sowohl bei den spontanen Mutationsraten als auch bei den durch oxidative Schädigungen induzierten Mutationsfrequenzen konnte keine Erniedrigung bedingt durch die hOGG1-Überexpression beobachtet werden.Weitere Untersuchungen zur Bedeutung von Ogg1-Protein konnten in Mäusezellen durchgeführt werden, in denen das OGG1-homologe Mäusegen, mOGG1, homozygot inaktiviert (mOGG1(-/-)) worden war. Hierbei konnte gezeigt werden, daß in den mOGG1-defizienten Zellen im Vergleich zu den entsprechenden Wildtyp-Zellen (mOGG1(+/+)) eine Reparatur induzierter oxidativer Basenmodifikationen erst nach 8 h einsetzt, während in den Kontrollzellen schon nach 3-4 h 50 % der Modifikationen repariert waren. Die Steady-State-Level oxidativer Modifikationen in mOGG1(-/-)-Zellen waren in immortalisierten, schnell proliferierenden Mäusefibroblasten nur um den Faktor 1.4, in primären Mäusehepatocyten jedoch um den Faktor 2.5 gegenüber den Wildtyp-Zellen erhöht.Inwieweit das menschliche Reparaturprotein Xrcc1 (X-ray repair cross complementing group 1) auch an der Prozessierung oxidativer DNA-Modifikationen beteiligt ist, und ob dabei möglicherweise eine Interaktion mit Ogg1 vorliegt, wurde in der XRCC1-defizienten CHO-Zellinie EM9 untersucht. Dabei wurde ermittelt, daß weder die Steady-State-Level noch die Reparaturkinetiken der oxidativen Basenmodifikationen durch die XRCC1-Defizienz beeinflußt werden. Aufgrund weiterer Ergebnisse kann jedoch nicht ausgeschlossen werden, daß das Xrcc1-Protein zumindest am Ligationsschritt während der Reparatur oxidativer DNA-Schäden beteiligt ist.In einem weiteren Schwerpunkt der Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob Unterschiede im Steady-State-Level in Abhängigkeit von Organ-, Gewebe- und Zelltyp auftreten. Dazu wurden Untersuchungen in Bronchialkarzinom-Zellinien verschiedener Subtypen durchgeführt. Des weiteren wurde zur Frage der Zelltyp-Abhängigkeit in der menschlichen Zellinie HL60 der Einfluß des Zelldifferenzierungsstadiums auf die Steady-State-Level untersucht.
Background: Intestinal fibrosis is a serious complication of IBD, with more than a third of Crohn’s disease (CD) patients developing a fibrostenosing phenotype with formation of strictures that will require surgical intervention. Remarkably, SAMP1/YitFc (SAMP) mice, a spontaneous model of CD, develop gut fibrosis; similar to IBD patients, the pathophysiology of SAMP fibrosis is unknown. IL-33 is a member of the IL-1 cytokine family and increased expression is associated with IBD. Emerging evidence suggests its potential role in liver and cutaneous fibrosis, as well as myofibroblast-associated colonic ulcerations . Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of IL-33 as a potential mediator of profibrotic events leading to intestinal fibrosis and possible stricture formation. Methods: A detailed histologic time course study, with collagen-specific Masson trichrome staining and IHC for ST2 (IL-33 receptor), was performed on SAMP and control AKR (parental strain) mice. qRT-PCR was done on full-thickness ilea for the profibrogenic genes, collagen (coll)-1, coll-3, connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). Exogenous IL-33 (33 μg/kg, i.p.) or vehicle was administered daily for 7d to SAMP and AKR mice (N=6/exp group), and ileal tissues evaluated as above. Finally, microarray analysis was performed on full-thickness ilea from SAMP and AKR mice, and IL-33 stimulated subepithelial myofibroblasts (SEMFs). Results: SAMP mice displayed ileal skip lesions with randomly distributed strictures, preceded by typical pre-stricture dilations of the ileum. Ileal wall was visibly thickened with hypertrophy of the serosa, muscularis mucosa, muscularis propria, within which intense collagen deposition was observed, and inflammatory infiltrates in segments showing strictures. Interestingly, intense ST2 staining was present within the inflamed lamina propria of SAMP, notably localized to SEMFs. Fibrosis was first observed at 20 wks, and reached its peak by 50 wks of age. mRNA expression of coll-1 (4.74±0.69-fold; P=0.001), coll-3 (4.92±1.05-fold; P=0.01), IGF1 (12.9±3.45; P=0.006), and CTGF (3.29±0.69; P=0.004) was dramatically elevated in SAMP vs. AKR ilea. IL-33 treatment of AKR mice induced a marked increase in muscle fiber/myofibroblast cellularity and hypertrophy of the muscularis propria (4.13±0.74-fold; P<0.0001), and mRNA expression of coll-1 (5.16±0.89-fold; P=0.0009), coll-3 (1.97±0.14-fold; P=0.01), IGF-1 (9.32±2.27-fold; P=0.004), and CTGF (1.43±0.31-fold; P=0.006) vs. vehicle controls. Microarray data from SAMP ilea and IL-33-treated SEMFs confirmed these trends, displaying a global increase in profibrogenic gene expression. Conclusion: These data suggest an important role for IL-33 in intestinal fibrosis, and may represent a potential target for the treatment of IBD-associated fibrosis and stricture formation.
Physiologically during puberty and adolescence, when juvenile acne usually appears, the response to a glucose load is increased if compared to the one observed in adult and at pre-pubertal age, while insulin sensitivity is reduced. Insulin is a hormone that acts at different levels along the axis which controls the sex hormones. It increases the release of LH and FSH by pituitary gland, stimulates the synthesis of androgens in the gonads and stimulates the synthesis of androgenic precursors in adrenal glands. Finally, it acts in the liver by inhibiting the synthesis of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG). Insulin is also able to act directly on the production of sebum and amplify the effects of Iinsulin Growth Factor-1 in the skin, inhibiting the synthesis of its binding protein (IGF Binding Protein-1). In female subjects with acne and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) insulin resistance is a well known pathogenetic factor, while the relationship between acne and insulin resistance has been poorly investigated in males so far. The purpose of this study is to investigate the correlation between insulin resistance and acne in young males who do not respond to common therapies. Clinical and biochemical parameters of glucose, lipid metabolism, androgens and IGF-1 were evaluated. Insulin resistance was estimated by Homeostasis Model assessment (HOMA-IR) and Oral Glucose Tolerance Test was also performed. We found that subjects with acne had higher Sistolic and Diastolic Blood Pressure, Waist/Hip Ratio, Waist Circumference, 120' OGTT serum insulin and serum IGF-1 and lower HDL-cholesterol than subjects of comparable age and gender without acne. The results thus obtained confirmed what other authors have recently reported about a metabolic imbalance in young males with acne. Furthermore, these results support the hypothesis that insulin resistance might play an important role in the pathogenesis of treatment-resistant acne in males.
Numerose evidenze sperimentali hanno dimostrato il contributo delle cellule staminali (SC) di derivazione midollare nei processi di rigenerazione epatica dopo danno tissutale. E’ cresciuto pertanto l’interesse sul loro potenziale impiego in pazienti con cirrosi. Questo studio si proponeva di valutare la fattibilità e la sicurezza della reinfusione intraepatica di cellule staminali midollari autologhe CD133+ in 12 pazienti con insufficienza epatica terminale. Previa mobilizzazione nel sangue periferico mediante somministrazione di granulocyte-colony stimulating factor (G-CSF) alla dose di 7,5 mcg/Kg/b.i.d. e raccolta per leucoaferesi (solo se la concentrazione di CD133 + SC era > 8/μL), le cellule CD133+ altamente purificate sono state reinfuse in arteria epatica a partire da 5x104/Kg fino a 1x106/kg. Nei tre giorni successivi è stato somministrato G-CSF per favorire l’espansione e l’attecchimento delle cellule. Durante la fase della mobilizzazione e quella della reinfusione sono stati eseguiti saggi biologici quali: caratterizzazione fenotipica delle SC circolanti, saggi clonogenici, valutazione della concentrazione sierica del Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF), Stromal-Derived Factor-1 (SDF-1) ed il Vascular-Endotelial Growth Factor (VEGF) e caratterizzazione fenotipica delle CD133+SC purificate. Fino ad oggi sono stati reinfusi 12 pazienti. Questi dati preliminari suggeriscono che è possibile mobilizzare e reinfondere un numero considerevole di SC autologhe CD133+ altamente purificate in pazienti con ESLD . Gli studi biologici mostrano che: il numero di progenitori ematopoietici ed endoteliali circolanti è aumentato dopo il trattamento con G–CSF; le SCs CD133+ altamente purificato esprimono marcatori emopoietici ed endoteliali; la concentrazione sierica di HGF, SDF-1, VEGF e la capacità clonogenica di progenitori emopoietici sono aumentati durante la mobilitazione e nelle fasi di reinfusione; il potenziale clonogenico dei progenitori endoteliali mostra espressione variabile.
Das Chemokin CXCL12 (auch bekannt als SDF-1) ist ein kleines Protein (8-14) KDa, das in sechs Isoformen exprimiert wird (SDF-1α, SDF-1β, SDF-1γ, SDF- 1δ, SDF-1ε und SDF-1θ) von einem einzigen Gen, dass die Leukozyten-Wanderung regelt und variabel in einer Reihe von normalen und Krebsgeweben exprimiert wird.rnCXCL12 spielt verschiedene Rollen in der Tumorpathogenese. Es wurde nachgewiesen, dass CXCL12 das Tumorwachstum und die Malignität fördert, die Tumorangiogenese stärkt, sich an der Metastasierung beteiligt und zu immunsuppressiven Netzwerken innerhalb des Tumormikromilieus beiträgt. Daher liegt es nahe, dass der CXCL12/CXCR4-Signalweg ein wichtiges Ziel ist für die Entwicklung von neuartigen Krebstherapien.rnUm Licht auf die Rolle der Chemokin CXCL12 Splicevarianten in der Entwicklung von Krebs zu werfen und die mögliche physiologische Relevanz und ihre möglichen funktionellen Unterschiede bei Darmkrebs zu verstehen, haben wir alle CXCL12 Splicevarianten (alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon und theta) in die kolorektalen Zelllinie SW480 und die Melanomzellinie D05 transfiziert und exprimiert.rnrnDiese Arbeit wurde erstellt, um die folgenden Ziele zu erreichen. Untersuchung der Rolle von CXCL12 Splicevarianten bei der Vermittlung von Tumorprogression, Adhäsion, Migration, Invasion und Metastasierung von Darmkrebs. Untersuchung, ob die CXCL12 Variantenwege ein wichtiges Ziel für die Entwicklung von Krebstherapien darstellen.rn• Um eine in vivo Mausmodell zu entwickeln, um die Rolle der CXCL12 Varianten im Rahmen des Tumorwachstums zu verstehen.rnrnUnsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass:Der CXCL12 G801A Polymorphismus ist ein Low-Penetranz Risikofaktor für die Entwicklung von Darmkrebs. Der CXCL12-Gen-Polymorphismus rs1801157 ist mit dem T-Status (Tumor-node-Metastasen) assoziiert. Es gab keine Beziehung zwischen CXCL12-Gen-Polymorphismus rs1801157 und Fernmetastisen oder LN metastasen. Alle sechs CXCL12 Splicevarianten werden im Darmkrebs und in gesunder Kolon mucosa exprimiert. Die höchste Expression wird bei SDF-1alpha, dann SDF-1 beta gefunden. Alle sechs CXCL12 Varianten zeigen erhöhte Tumorzellproliferation in vitro. SDF-1beta, gefolgt von SDF-1alpha zeigte die größte Aktivität im Proliferationsassay.rn• Alle sechs CXCL12 Varianten induzieren die Tumorzelladhäsion.SDF-1beta dann SDF-1alpha zeigte die größte Aktivität im Rahmen des Adhäsionsassay. Alle sechs CXCL12 Varianten erhöhten die Zellmigration und Invasion von Tumorzellen in vitro. SDF-1theta und SDF-1epsilon 1theta zeigten die größte Aktivität, während die schwächste Aktivität mit SDF-1alpha und SDF-1beta beobachtet wurde. Alle sechs CXCL12 Varianten aktivieren Akt und (MAPK) Mitogen- acktivatedierte Protein kinase Wege und damit die Regulierung viele essentieller Prozesse in Tumorzellen, wie Proliferation, Migration, Invasion und Adhäsion. Es ist interessant festzustellen, dass AMD3100 die CXCL12 Splicevarianten inhibriert, die AKT-MEK-1/2-Phosphorylierung induzieren.rnDer Inhibitor AMD3100 unterdrückt stark die CXCL12 Varianten -delta, -epsilon und theta-und unterdrückt schwach CXCL12-gamma. während es keine signifikante Wirkung auf CXCL12-alpha und beta hatte. Es hat möglicherweise Auswirkungen auf mehrere große Signalwage in Bezug auf Proliferation, Migration und Invasions.rn• Es ist wichtig anzumerken, dass die Hemmung von CXCL12-Varianten durch AMD3100 einen der möglichen Ansaätze in der Krebstherapie darstellen kann.Wir schlagen vor, dass weitere Studien erwogen werden, die wir brauchen, um die biologische Aktivität dieser neuen CXCL12 Varianten bei verschiedenen Arten von Krebs klar zu verstehen.
Peripheral artery disease is a progressive disease. Primary ischemic leg symptoms are muscle fatigue, discomfort or pain during ambulation, known as intermittent claudication. The most severe manifestation of peripheral artery disease is critical limb ischemia (CLI). The long-term safety of gene therapy in peripheral artery disease remains unclear. This four center peripheral artery disease registry was designed to evaluate the long-term safety of the intramuscular non-viral fibroblast growth factor-1 (NV1FGF), a plasmid-based angiogenic gene for local expression of fibroblast growth factor-1 versus placebo in patients with peripheral artery disease who had been included in five different phase I and II trials. Here we report a 3-year follow-up in patients suffering from CLI or intermittent claudication. There were 93 evaluable patients, 72 of them in Fontaine stage IV (47 NV1FGF versus 25 placebo) and 21 patients in Fontaine stage IIb peripheral artery disease (15 NV1FGF versus 6 placebo). Safety parameters included rates of non-fatal myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, death, cancer, retinopathy and renal dysfunction. At 3 years, in 93 patients included this registry, there was no increase in retinopathy or renal dysfunction associated with delivery of this angiogenic factor. There was also no difference in the number of strokes, MI or deaths, respectively, for NV1FGF versus placebo. In the CLI group, new cancer occurred in two patients in the NV1FGF group. Conclusions that can be drawn from this relatively small patient group are limited because of the number of patients followed and can only be restricted to safety. Yet, data presented may be valuable concerning rates in cancer, retinopathy, MI or strokes following angiogenesis gene therapy in the absence of any long-term data in angiogenesis gene therapy. It may take several years until data from larger patient populations will become available.
ADAMTS1 inhibits capillary sprouting, and since capillary sprouts do not experience the shear stress caused by blood flow, this study undertook to clarify the relationship between shear stress and ADAMTS1. It was found that endothelial cells exposed to shear stress displayed a strong upregulation of ADAMTS1, dependent upon both the magnitude and duration of their exposure. Investigation of the underlying pathways demonstrated involvement of phospholipase C, phosphoinositide 3-kinase, and nitric oxide. Forkhead box protein O1 was identified as a likely inhibitor of the system, as its knockdown was followed by a slight increase in ADAMTS1 expression. In silico prediction displayed a transcriptional binding site for Forkhead box protein O1 in the promotor region of the ADAMTS1 gene, as well as sites for nuclear factor 1, SP1, and AP-1. The anti-angiogenic effects of ADAMTS1 were attributed to its cleavage of thrombospondin 1 into a 70-kDa fragment, and a significant enhancement of this fragment was indeed demonstrated by immunoblotting shear stress-treated cells. Accordingly, scratch wound closure displayed a slowdown in conditioned medium from shear stress-treated endothelial cells, an effect that could be completely blocked by a knockdown of thrombospondin 1 and partially blocked by a knockdown of ADAMTS1. Non-perfused capillary sprouts in rat mesenteries stained negative for ADAMTS1, while vessels in the microcirculation that had already experienced blood flow yielded the opposite results. The shear stress-dependent expression of ADAMTS1 in vitro was therefore also demonstrated in vivo and thereby confirmed as a mechanism connecting blood flow with the regulation of angiogenesis.
The protozoan parasite Tritrichomonas foetus is well known as an important causative agent of infertility and abortion in cattle (bovine trichomonosis). This World Organisation for Animal Health (O.I.E.) notifiable disease is thought to be under control in many countries including Switzerland. In recent studies, however, T. foetus has also been identified as an intestinal parasite that causes chronic large-bowel diarrhoea in cats. Since the feline isolates were considered indistinguishable from bovine isolates, the possibility and risk of parasite transmission from cats to cattle and vice versa has been intensively discussed in current literature. Therefore, we investigated if cat and cattle isolates are genetically distinct from each other or in fact represent identical genotypes. For this purpose, two independent genetic loci were selected that turned out to be well-suited for a PCR sequencing-based genotyping of trichomonad isolates: (i) previously published internal transcribed spacer region 2 (ITS-2) and (ii) a semi-conserved sequence stretch of the elongation factor-1 alpha (EF-1alpha) gene used for the first time in the present study. Respective comparative analyses revealed that both loci were sufficiently variable to allow unambiguous genetic discrimination between different trichomonad species. Comparison of both genetic loci confirmed that T. suis and T. mobilensis are phylogenetically very close to T. foetus. Moreover, these two genetic markers were suited to define host-specific genotypes of T. foetus. Both loci showed single base differences between cat and cattle isolates but showed full sequence identity within strains from either cat or cattle isolates. Furthermore, an additional PCR with a forward primer designed to specifically amplify the bovine sequence of EF-1alpha was able to discriminate bovine isolates of T. foetus from feline isolates and also from other trichomonads. The implications these minor genetic differences may have on the biological properties of the distinct isolates remain to be investigated.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of a severe nutrient restriction on mammary tissue morphology and remodeling, mammary epithelial cell (MEC) turnover and activity, and hormonal status in lactating dairy cows. We used 16 Holstein x Normande crossbred dairy cows, divided into 2 groups submitted to different feeding levels (basal and restricted) from 2 wk before calving to wk 11 postpartum. Restricted-diet cows had lower 11-wk average daily milk yield from calving to slaughter than did basal-diet cows (20.5 vs. 33.5 kg/d). Feed restriction decreased milk fat, protein, and lactose yields. Restriction also led to lower plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 and higher growth hormone concentrations. Restricted-diet cows had lighter mammary glands than did basal-diet cows. The total amount of DNA in the mammary gland and the size of the mammary acini were smaller in the restricted-diet group. Feed restriction had no significant effect on MEC proliferation at the time of slaughter but led to a higher level of apoptosis in the mammary gland. Gelatin zymography highlighted remodeling of the mammary extracellular matrix in restricted-diet cows. Udders from restricted-diet cows showed lower transcript expression of alpha-lactalbumin and kappa-casein. In conclusion, nutrient restriction resulted in lower milk yield in lactating dairy cows, partly due to modulation of MEC activity and a lower number of mammary cells. An association was found between feed restriction-induced changes in the growth hormone-insulin-like growth factor-1 axis and mammary epithelial cell dynamics.
In most mammals, prolactin (PRL) is essential for maintaining lactation, and yet the short-term suppression of PRL during established lactation by bromocriptine has produced inconsistent effects on milk yield in cows and goats. To assess the effect of the long-term inhibition of PRL release in lactating dairy cows, 5 Holstein cows in early lactation received daily intramuscular injections of 1mg of the PRL-release inhibitor quinagolide for 9 wk. Four control cows received the vehicle (water) only. During the last week of the treatments, one udder half was milked once a day (1x) and the other twice a day (2x). Blood samples were harvested at milking in wk -1, 1, 4, and 8. The daily injections of quinagolide reduced milking-induced PRL release but not the basal PRL concentration. Quinagolide induced a faster decline in milk production, which was about 5.3 kg/d lower in the quinagolide-treated cows during the last 4 wk of treatment. During wk 9, the inhibition of milk production by quinagolide was maintained in the udder half that was milked 2x but not in the half milked 1x. Milk production was significantly correlated with the quantity of PRL released at milking. Quinagolide did not affect the release of oxytocin at milking. Serum concentration of insulin-like growth factor-1 was not affected by treatment or correlated with milk production. Serum concentrations of leptin and the calciotropic hormone stanniocalcin were not affected by the treatment. In conclusion, the chronic administration of the PRL-release inhibitor quinagolide decreases milk production in dairy cows. The effect is likely the result of the reduced release of milking-induced PRL and is modulated at the level of the gland by milking frequency.
Metabolic and endocrine adaptations to support milk production during the transition period vary between individual cows. This variation between cows to adapt to lactation may have a genetic basis. The present field study was carried out to determine hepatic adaptations occurring from late pregnancy through early lactation by measuring mRNA abundance of candidate genes in dairy cows on-farm. Additionally, the objective was to observe the diversity in inter-individual variation for the candidate genes that may give indications where individual adaptations at a molecular level can be found. This study was carried out on-farm including 232 dairy cows (parity >3) from 64 farms in Switzerland. Blood and liver samples were collected on d 20+/-7 before parturition, on d 24+/-2, and on d 89+/-4 after parturition. Blood plasma was assayed for concentrations of glucose, nonesterified fatty acids, beta-hydroxybutyrate, cholesterol, triglycerides, urea, albumin, protein, insulin, insulin-like growth factor-1, leptin, 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine, and thyroxine. Liver samples were obtained at the same time points and were measured for mRNA abundance of 26 candidate genes encoding enzymes and nuclear receptors involved in gluconeogenesis, fatty acid beta-oxidation, fatty acid and triglyceride synthesis, ketogenesis, citric acid cycle, cholesterol synthesis, and the urea cycle. The cows in the present study experienced a marked metabolic load in early lactation, as presented by changes in plasma metabolites and hormones, and responded accordingly with upregulation and downregulation of almost all candidate genes involved in metabolic processes in the liver. The observed inter-individual variation for the candidate genes, which was highest for acetyl-CoA-carboxylase and glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 2, should be further investigated to unravel the regulation at molecular level for optimal adaptive performance in dairy cows.
A 7-month-old male kitten was presented with chronic constipation and retarded growth. Clinical examination revealed disproportional dwarfism with mild skeletal abnormalities and a palpable thyroid gland. The presumptive diagnosis of congenital hypothyroidism was confirmed by low serum total thyroxine (tT(4)) concentration prior to and after the administration of thyroid stimulation hormone (TSH), increased endogenous TSH concentration and abnormal thyroid scintigraphic scan. The kitten had abnormal liver function tests and decreased insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) concentration, both of which returned to normal in correspondence with an improvement of the clinical signs after 6 weeks of thyroxine therapy. Congenital hypothyroidism is a rare disease that may present with considerable variation in clinical manifestation. In cases in which clinical signs are ambiguous, disorders such as portosystemic shunt and hyposomatotropism have to be taken into account as differential diagnosis. As hypothyroidism may be associated with abnormal liver function tests and low IGF-1 concentrations, test results have to be interpreted carefully.
The receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK)/phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) pathway is fundamental for cancer cell proliferation and is known to be frequently altered and activated in neoplasia, including embryonal tumors. Based on the high frequency of alterations, targeting components of the PI3K signaling pathway is considered to be a promising therapeutic approach for cancer treatment. Here, we have investigated the potential of targeting the axis of the insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF-1R) and PI3K signaling in two common cancers of childhood: neuroblastoma, the most common extracranial tumor in children and medulloblastoma, the most frequent malignant childhood brain tumor. By treating neuroblastoma and medulloblastoma cells with R1507, a specific humanized monoclonal antibody against the IGF-1R, we could observe cell line-specific responses and in some cases a strong decrease in cell proliferation. In contrast, targeting the PI3K p110α with the specific inhibitor PIK75 resulted in broad anti-proliferative effects in a panel of neuro- and medulloblastoma cell lines. Additionally, sensitization to commonly used chemotherapeutic agents occurred in neuroblastoma cells upon treatment with R1507 or PIK75. Furthermore, by studying the expression and phosphorylation state of IGF-1R/PI3K downstream signaling targets we found down-regulated signaling pathway activation. In addition, apoptosis occurred in embryonal tumor cells after treatment with PIK75 or R1507. Together, our studies demonstrate the potential of targeting the IGF-1R/PI3K signaling axis in embryonal tumors. Hopefully, this knowledge will contribute to the development of urgently required new targeted therapies for embryonal tumors.
A major challenge in the management of patients with prostate cancer is identifying those individuals at risk of developing metastatic disease, as in most cases the disease will remain indolent. We analyzed pooled serum samples from 4 groups of patients (n = 5 samples/group), collected prospectively and actively monitored for a minimum of 5 yrs. Patients groups were (i) histological diagnosis of benign prostatic hyperplasia with no evidence of cancer 'BPH', (ii) localised cancer with no evidence of progression, 'non-progressing' (iii) localised cancer with evidence of biochemical progression, 'progressing', and (iv) bone metastasis at presentation 'metastatic'. Pooled samples were immuno-depleted of the 14 most highly abundant proteins and analysed using a 4-plex iTRAQ approach. Overall 122 proteins were identified and relatively quantified. Comparisons of progressing versus non-progressing groups identified the significant differential expression of 25 proteins (p<0.001). Comparisons of metastatic versus progressing groups identified the significant differential expression of 23 proteins. Mapping the differentially expressed proteins onto the prostate cancer progression pathway revealed the dysregulated expression of individual proteins, pairs of proteins and 'panels' of proteins to be associated with particular stages of disease development and progression. The median immunostaining intensity of eukaryotic translation elongation factor 1 alpha 1 (eEF1A1), one of the candidates identified, was significantly higher in osteoblasts in close proximity to metastatic tumour cells compared with osteoblasts in control bone (p = 0.0353, Mann Whitney U). Our proteomic approach has identified leads for potentially useful serum biomarkers associated with the metastatic progression of prostate cancer. The panels identified, including eEF1A1 warrant further investigation and validation.