830 resultados para Humeral supracondylar fractures
Geological and geophysical studies (resistivity, self potential and VLF) were undertaken in the Tararaca and Santa Rita farms, respectively close to the Santo Antônio and Santa Cruz villages, eastern Rio Grande do Norte State, NE Brazil. Their aim was to characterize water acummulation structures in crystalline rocks. Based on geological and geophysical data, two models were characterized, the fracture-stream and the eluvio-alluvial through, in part already described in the literature. In the Tararaca Farm, a water well was located in a NW-trending streamlet; surrounding outcrops display fractures with the same orientation. Apparent resistivity sections, accross the stream channel, confirm fracturing at depth. The VLF profiles systematically display an alignment of equivalent current density anomalies, coinciding with the stream. Based on such data, the classical fracture-stream model seems to be well characterized at this place. In the Santa Rita Farm, a NE-trending stream display a metric-thick eluvioregolith-alluvial cover. The outcropping bedrock do not present fractures paralell to the stream direction, although the latter coincides with the trend of the gneiss foliation, which dips to the south. Geophysical data confirm the absence of a fracture zone at this place, but delineate the borders of a through-shaped structure filled with sediments (alluvium and regolith). The southern border of this structure dips steeper compared to the northern one. This water acummulation structure corresponds to an alternative model as regards to the classical fracture-stream, being named as the eluvio-alluvial trough. Its local controls are the drainage and relief, coupled with the bedrock weathering preferentially following foliation planes, generating the asymmetry of the through
The main objective of the present thesis was the seismic interpretation and seismic attribute analysis of the 3D seismic data from the Siririzinho high, located in the Sergipe Sub-basin (southern portion of Sergipe-Alagoas Basin). This study has enabled a better understanding of the stratigraphy and structure that the Siririzinho high experienced during its development. In a first analysis, we used two types of filters: the dip-steered median filter, was used to remove random noise and increase the lateral continuity of reflections, and fault-enhancement filter was applied to enhance the reflection discontinuities. After this filtering step similarity and curvature attributes were applied in order to identify and enhance the distribution of faults and fractures. The use of attributes and filtering greatly contributed to the identification and enhancement of continuity of faults. Besides the application of typical attributes (similarity and curvature) neural network and fingerprint techniques were also used, which generate meta-attributes, also aiming to highlight the faults; however, the results were not satisfactory. In a subsequent step, well log and seismic data analysis were performed, which allowed the understanding of the distribution and arrangement of sequences that occur in the Siririzinho high, as well as an understanding of how these units are affected by main structures in the region. The Siririzinho high comprises an elongated structure elongated in the NS direction, capped by four seismo-sequences (informally named, from bottom to top, the sequences I to IV, plus the top of the basement). It was possible to recognize the main NS-oriented faults, which especially affect the sequences I and II, and faults oriented NE-SW, that reach the younger sequences, III and IV. Finally, with the interpretation of seismic horizons corresponding to each of these sequences, it was possible to define a better understanding of geometry, deposition and structural relations in the area.
This study presents new stress orientations and magnitudes from the Potiguar basin in the continental margin of Brazil. We analyzed breakout and drilled induced fractures derived from resistivity image logs run in ten oil wells. We also used direct Shmin measurements determined from hydraulic fractures and rock strength laboratory analysis. In addition, we compared these results with 19 earthquake focal mechanisms located in the crystalline basement. We observed that stress directions and magnitudes change across the basin and its basement. In the basin, the SHmax gradient of 20.0 MPa/km and the SHmax/Shmin ratio of 1.154 indicate a normal stress regime from 0.5 to 2.0 km, whereas the SHmax gradient of 24.5MPa/km and the SHmax/Shmin ratio of 1.396 indicate a strike slip stress regime from 2.5 to 4.0 km. The deeper strike-slip stress regime in the basin is similar to the regime in the basement at 1-12 km deep. This stress regime transition is consistent with an incipient tectonic inversion process in the basin. We also noted that the SHmax direction rotates from NW SE in the western part of the Potiguar basin to E W in its central and eastern part, following roughly the shoreline geometry. It indicates that local factors, as density contrast between continental and oceanic crust and sediment loading at the continental shelf influence the stress field. The concentration of fluid pressure in faults of the lowpermeability crystalline basement and its implications to establish a critically stressed fault regime in the basement is also discussed
O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do fixador esquelético pino-resina, configuração tipo II, coadjuvado pelo enxerto ósseo esponjoso autólogo, no tratamento das complicações secundárias à imobilização inadequada de fraturas do rádio e ulna em 10 cães, com peso entre 1,8 e 33,6 kg. Detectou-se não-união (n=4), osteomielite (n=1), má-união (n=1), falência ou quebra de implante (n=4), sendo 60% das lesões referente ao uso prévio de pino intramedular no rádio. A montagem do fixador foi realizada com transfixação de pinos lisos em sua maioria angulados, cujas extremidades excedentes foram dobradas e estabilizadas com resina acrílica. em todos os casos, utilizou-se enxerto esponjoso autólogo fresco, após debridamento do foco de fratura. O tempo de permanência do aparelho variou entre 45 dias e 5 meses e a maior complicação foi o afrouxamento dos pinos transfixantes. A consolidação das fraturas ocorreu por formação de calo periosteal de mínimo a moderado, indicando boa rigidez da montagem.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Realizou-se estudo retrospectivo (1987-2002) dos aspectos clínicos das fraturas vertebrais em eqüinos, bovinos, ovinos, caprinos e suínos atendidos no hospital veterinário da FMVZ-Unesp de Botucatu. Todos os casos tiveram confirmação radiográfica ou post-mortem. Segundo a espécie, a ordem de acometimento foi: bovina, eqüina, ovina, caprina e suína. As lesões ocorreram desde os 12 dias de idade até os 10 anos, com maior freqüência até os 12 meses. O segmento torácico foi o mais comprometido seguido dos segmentos lombar, cervical e sacral. As fraturas vertebrais devem fazer parte da lista de diagnósticos diferenciais de animais em decúbito, independente da espécie, sexo ou idade.
Two birds were presented with malunion fractures. The first was a young toco toucan (Ramphastos toco) with malunion of the tarsometatarsus that was treated by an opening-corrective osteotomy and an acrylic-pin external skeletal fixator (type II) to stabilize the osteotomy. The second bird was m adult southern caracara (Caracara plancus) with radial and ulnar malunion that was treated by closing-wedge osteotomies. Stabilization of the osteotomy sites was accomplished through 1 bone plate fixed cranially on the ulna with 6 cortical screws and an interfragmentary single wire in radius. In both cases, the malunion was corrected, but the manus of the southern caracara was amputated because of carpal joint luxation that induced malposition of the feathers.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical and radiographic outcome in 8 dogs of surgical reduction of congenital humeroulnar luxation by using the transarticular pin. Five cases were bilateral and 3 were unilateral, for a total of 13 elbows. The treatment was performed in animals between 45 and 150 days of age. Articular stabilization was achieved by using a transarticular pin driven from the caudal aspect of the olecranon into the body of the humerus or into the distal condyle and distal metaphysis of the humerus. The follow-up period was between 1 and 19 months. There were 5 postsurgical reluxations, 3 related to the insertion of the pin into the humeral condyle and 3 related to the insertion into the humeral body. These animals needed further surgery. Six animals showed near normal return to limb function and 2 had lameness. We conclude that the use of the transarticular pin is an effective and simple method for the treatment of humeroulnar congenital elbow luxation.
This study aimed to develop a plate to treat fractures of the mandibular body in dogs and to validate the project using finite elements and biomechanical essays. Mandible prototypes were produced with 10 oblique ventrorostral fractures (favorable) and 10 oblique ventrocaudal fractures (unfavorable). Three groups were established for each fracture type. Osteosynthesis with a pure titanium plate of double-arch geometry and blocked monocortical screws offree angulanon were used. The mechanical resistance of the prototype with unfavorable fracture was lower than that of the fcworable fracture. In both fractures, the deflection increased and the relative stiffness decreased proportionally to the diminishing screw number The finite element analysis validated this plate study, since the maximum tension concentration observed on the plate was lower than the resistance limit tension admitted by the titanium. In conclusion, the double-arch geometry plate fixed with blocked monocortical screws has sufficient resistance to stabilize oblique,fractures, without compromising mandibular dental or neurovascular structures. J Vet Dent 24 (7); 212 - 221, 2010
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The increased incidence of traumatic injuries to anterior teeth is a consequence of leisure activities, where the most common injuries are crown fractures. Treatment of the dental trauma is complex and requires a comprehensive and accurate diagnostic and treatment plan. It is also important to consider the biological, functional, esthetic and economic aspects, as well as the patient's desire. The purpose of this article is to report a case that shows the multidisciplinary approach required to successfully manage the rehabilitation of a maxillary central incisor with a complex crown fracture and a maxillary lateral incisor, that at first presented an oblique crown-root fracture, and after the orthodontic extrusion, suffered a more apical new crown-root fracture.
Aim: To describe the orthodontic, periodontal and prosthetic management of a case with a 3 mm root fracture below the crest of the alveolar bone.Methods: The root was extruded and periodontal surgery carried out to improve aesthetics and dental function.Conclusion: A multidisciplinary approach to the management of dental root fractures is necessary for successful treatment. (Aust Orthod J 2010; 26: 90-94)
The teeth most commonly affected by trauma are the maxillary central incisors. The most frequent types of traumatic dental injuries to permanent teeth are enamel fractures, enamel and dentine fractures, and enamel and dentine fractures with pulp involvement. This article describes three clinical cases with different levels of traumatized maxillary incisors and several cosmetic approaches for recovery of the esthetics and the masticatory function, as well as the social/psychological aspects of treatment. All cases involved young adult men. The three clinical cases involve dentin and enamel fractures, dentin and enamel fractures with pulp exposure, and dentin and enamel fractures with pulp exposure associated with root fracture. The cosmetic treatments used to resolve fractures were direct composite resin by layering technique, indirect all-ceramic restorations (laminate veneer and ceramic crowns over the teeth), and immediate implant after extraction followed by immediate loading (ceramic abutments with ceramic crown over implant). In all three cases, excellent functional and esthetic results were achieved by use of these treatment modalities. The patients were very satisfied with the results.
Root fractures are defined as those that involve cement, dentin and pulp, comprising from 0.5 to 7% of injuries in permanent dentition. Diagnosis is made through clinical and radiographic exams, the latter frequently being limited by the position of the fracture. Treatment varies according to the displacement and vitality of the fragments. The authors present a clinical case of recurrent trauma of tooth 21 causing a horizontal root fracture in the middle third. After several attempts at endodontic treatment, the option was to remove the apical fragment by surgery. The postoperative period of 4 years shows very satisfactory results with regard to wound repair and tooth mobility, or implantation of the coronal segment.