952 resultados para Host Lattice
No presente trabalho descreve-se a ocorrência de Oswaldofilaria petersi Bain & Sulahian 1974 (Nematoda, Onchocercidae) em Tropidurus hispidus Spix 1825 (Sauria, Tropiduridae). Um macho e uma fêmea de O. petersi foram coletados no músculo ileofibularis direito desse lagarto. Este é o primeiro relato deste hospedeiro para Oswaldofilaria spp. e também a descrição de um novo hospedeiro para O. petersi.
Relata-se a ocorrência de Ophiotaenia sp. (Cestoda, Proteocephalidae) parasitando Corallus caninus (Serpentes, Boidae). A serpente foi recebida no Parque Zoológico de Goiânia, Goiás, proveniente de apreensão pelo RAN/IBAMA em tráfico de animais silvestres. O animal estava apático, com disecdise e desidratação. Após alguns dias, morreu no cativeiro. A necropsia revelou a presença de um cestódeo no intestino que foi fixado em AFA após compressão, corado em carmim e analisado em sistema de análise de imagens. Os aspectos morfológicos indicaram ser uma espécie do gênero Ophiotaenia, mas não foi possível sua identificação. Este é o primeiro relato sobre a ocorrência de um cestódeo do gênero Ophiotaenia parasitando C. caninus.
In the present work we study a long superconducting wire with a columnar defect in the presence of an applied magnetic field. The cross section of the cylinder is assumed to be circular. The field is taken uniform and parallel to the cylinder axis. We use the London theory to investigate the vortex lattice inside the wire. Although this theory is valid in the limit of low vortex density, that is, when the nearest neighbor vortex distance is much larger than the coherence length, we can obtain a reasonable qualitative description of lattice properties. We calculate: (1) the vortex lattice structure using the simulated annealing technique; (2) the magnetization curve as a function of the applied field.
Seeds of Mimosa bimucronata are heavily infested (pre-dispersal predation) by the bruchid beetle Acanthoscelides schrankiae in Brazil. In this study, firstly we set up experiments to assess seed germination under seven and six different light and temperature regimes, respectively, and then we evaluated the ability of seeds to germinate after predation. We tested the hypothesis that the non-predated seeds from infested fruits may respond differently when set for germination than those seeds of non-infested fruits. We also hypothesized that predation may increase the production of unviable seeds. Seeds under 18 hours of light presented the highest percentage of germination, and the alternating temperature 20-30 degrees C was considered as optimum for germination (abnormal seedlings were not considered as a successful germination). Germination of seeds from non-infested fruits was significantly higher than germination of non-predated seeds from infested fruits, and predation also caused a significant increase in the proportion of dead seeds. Our results also show a positive correlation between proportions of unviable seeds and predated seeds. These results demonstrated that seeds of M. bimucronata are strongly affected by predation because predated seeds did not germinate and non-predated seeds had their viability reduced when located in infested fruits, supporting our hypothesis.
The ZnO luminescent properties are strongly influenced by the preparation method and they are principally related to electronic and crystalline structures. This work reports about the correlation among luminescence properties of ZnO, obtained from zinc hydroxycarbonate, and crystalline lattice defects, microstrain, as function of thermal treatment. The crystallite size increase and the qualitative microstrain, obtained by Williamson-Hall plots, decrease as function of temperature. The evolution of electronic defects is analyzed by luminescence spectroscopy based on energy of the electronic transitions. From excitation spectrum, it is verified two bands around 377 nm and 405 nm attributed to the transitions between valence-conduction bands and valence band to interstitial zinc level, respectively. The emission spectra of sample treated at 600 degreesC shows large band at 670 nm. However, the green emission around 530 nm is observed for samples treated at 900 degreesC. The intensities of excitation and emission bands are associated with the increase of the electronic defects that depend on the strain lattice decrease. The lowest strain lattice results on the best green luminescent properties of zinc oxide. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ashcroft model potential has been used to compute phonon dispersion relations along the three principal symmetry directions, i.e. [k00], [kk0] and [kkk] for alpha-iron and barium. The computed phonons gave a reasonable agreement with the experimental ones in all the three principal summetry directions expect for the T-2 branch in [KK0] direction where the present study failed to reproduce the experimental findings.
Although bromeliads are believed to obtain nutrients from debris deposited by animals in their rosettes, there is little evidence to support this assumption. Using stable isotope methods, we found that the Neotropical jumping spider Psecas chapoda (Salticidae), which lives strictly associated with the terrestrial bromeliad Bromelia balansae, contributed 18% of the total nitrogen of its host plant in a greenhouse experiment. In a one-year field experiment, plants with spiders produced leaves 15% longer than plants from which the spiders were excluded. This is the first study to show nutrient provisioning in a spider-plant system. Because several animal species live strictly associated with bromeliad rosettes, this type of facultative mutualism involving the Bromeliaceac may be more common than previously thought.
In this letter, the authors propose that photoluminescence emission in CaTiO3 is affected not only by disorder in the lattice former but also by structural disorder in the lattice modifier. Structural disorder was evaluated by Ti, Ca K-edge x-ray absorption near-edge structure experiments and by photoluminescence emission. The preedge feature of the Ca K edge was related to the intensity of photoluminescence emission. The results of the preedge feature of the Ca K-edge x-ray absorption near-edge structure confirm the presence of different Ca coordination numbers, namely, Ca-O-11 and Ca-O-12. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is a fungal human pathogen with a wide distribution in Latin America. It causes paracoccidioidomycosis, the most widespread systemic mycosis in Latin America. Although gene expression in P. brasiliensis had been studied, little is known about the genome sequences expressed by this species during the infection process. To better understand the infection process, 4934 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) derived from a non-normalized cDNA library from P. brasiliensis (isolate Pb01) yeast-phase cells recovered from the livers of infected mice were annotated and clustered to a UniGene (clusters containing sequences that represent a unique gene) set with 1602 members. A large-scale comparative analysis was performed between the UniGene sequences of P. brasiliensis yeast-phase cells recovered from infected mice and a database constructed with sequences of the yeast-phase and mycelium transcriptome (isolate Pb01) (https://dna.biomol.unb.br/Pb/), as well as with all public ESTs available at GenBank, including sequences of the P. brasiliensis yeast-phase transcriptome (isolate Pb18) (http:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/). The focus was on the overexpressed and novel genes. From the total, 3184 ESTs (64.53%) were also present in the previously described transcriptome of yeast-form and mycelium cells obtained from in vitro cultures (https://dna.biomol.unb.br/Pb/) and of those, 1172 ESTs (23.75% of the described sequences) represented transcripts overexpressed during the infection process. Comparative analysis identified 1750 ESTs (35.47% of the total), comprising 649 UniGene sequences representing novel transcripts of P. brasiliensis, not previously described for this isolate or for other isolates in public databases. KEGG pathway mapping showed that the novel and overexpressed transcripts represented standard metabolic pathways, including glycolysis, amino acid biosynthesis, lipid and sterol metabolism. The unique and divergent representation of transcripts in the cDNA library of yeast cells recovered from infected mice suggests differential gene expression in response to the host milieu.
We report biological data of two generations of Amblyomma triste in laboratory and compared the suitability of different host species. Infestations by larval and nymphal stages were performed on guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus), chickens (Gallus gallus), rats (Rattus norvegicus), rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), wild mice (Calomys callosus), dogs (Canis familiaris) and capybaras (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris). Infestations by adult ticks were performed on dogs, capybaras and rabbits. Tick developmental periods were observed in an incubator at 27degreesC and RH 90%. Guinea pigs were the most suitable hosts for larvae and nymphs, followed by chickens. The remaining host species were less suitable for immature ticks as fewer engorged ticks were recovered from them. Mean larval feeding periods varied from 3.8 to 4.7 d between different host species. Mean larval premolt periods ranged from 8.9 to 10.4 d. Nymphal mean feeding periods varied from 4.2 to 6.2 d for ticks fed on different host species. Premolt period of male nymphs (mean: 15.4 d) was significantly longer than that of female nymphs (14.7 d). Female nymphs were significantly heavier than male nymphs. The overall sex ratio of the adult ticks emerged from nymphs was 0.9:1 (M:F). Capybaras were the most suitable host for the tick adult stage as significantly more engorged females were recovered from them and these females were significantly heavier than those recovered from dogs or rabbits. The life cycle of A. triste in laboratory could be completed in an average period of 155 d. The potential role of guinea pigs, birds and capybaras, as hosts for A. triste in nature, is discussed.
We tested the host specificity of several parasitic Pseudacteon scuttle flies in South America with 23 species of ants in 13 genera. None of these ant species attracted Pseudacteon parasites except Solenopsis saevissima (F. Smith) and to a lesser extent Solenopsis geminata (Fab.). This result is encouraging because it indicates that the Pseudacteon flies tested in this study would not pose an ecological danger to other ant genera if these flies were introduced into the United States as classical biological control agents of imported fire ants. This prediction of host specificity will, of course, need to be validated with potential hosts in the United States before these flies can be released.
Toda lattice hierarchy and the associated matrix formulation of the 2M-boson KP hierarchies provide a framework for the Drinfeld-Sokolov reduction scheme realized through Hamiltonian action within the second KP Poisson bracket. By working with free currents, which Abelianize the second KP Hamiltonian structure, we are able to obtain a unified formalism for the reduced SL(M + 1, M - k) KdV hierarchies interpolating between the ordinary KP and KdV hierarchies. The corresponding Lax operators are given as superdeterminants of graded SL(M + 1, M - k) matrices in the diagonal gauge and we describe their bracket structure and field content. In particular, we provide explicit free field representations of the associated W(M, M - k) Poisson bracket algebras generalising the familiar nonlinear W-M+1 algebra. Discrete Backlund transformations for SL(M + 1, M - k) KdV are generated naturally from lattice translations in the underlying Toda-like hierarchy. As an application we demonstrate the equivalence of the two-matrix string model to the SL(M + 1, 1) KdV hierarchy.
This review provides an overview of several molecular and cellular approaches that are likely to supply insights into the host-fungus interaction. Fungi present intra- and/or extracellular host-parasite interfaces, the parasitism phenomenon being dependent on complementary surface molecules. The entry of the pathogen into the host cell is initiated by the fungus adhering to the cell surface, which generates an uptake signal that may induce its cytoplasmatic internalization. Furthermore, microbial pathogens use a variety of their surface molecules to bind to host extracellular matrix (ECM) components to establish an effective infection. on the other hand, integrins mediate the tight adhesion of cells to the ECM at sites referred to as focal adhesions and also play a role in cell signaling. The phosphorylation process is an important mechanism of cell signaling and regulation; it has been implicated recently in defense strategies against a variety of pathogens that alter host-signaling pathways in order to facilitate their invasion and survival within host cells. The study of signal transduction pathways in virulent fungi is especially important in view of their putative role in the regulation of pathogenicity. This review discusses fungal adherence, changes in cytoskeletal organization and signal transduction in relation to host-fungus interaction. (c) 2005 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The utility of lattice discretization technique is demonstrated for solving nonrelativistic quantum scattering problems and specially for the treatment of ultraviolet divergences in these problems with some potentials singular at the origin in two- and three-space dimensions. This shows that the lattice discretization technique could be a useful tool for the numerical solution of scattering problems in general. The approach is illustrated in the case of the Dirac delta function potential.