890 resultados para Hip resurfacing
We propose a constructive control design for stabilization of non-periodic trajectories of underactuated mechanical systems. An important example of such a system is an underactuated "dynamic walking" biped robot walking over rough terrain. The proposed technique is to compute a transverse linearization about the desired motion: a linear impulsive system which locally represents dynamics about a target trajectory. This system is then exponentially stabilized using a modified receding-horizon control design. The proposed method is experimentally verified using a compass-gait walker: a two-degree-of-freedom biped with hip actuation but pointed stilt-like feet. The technique is, however, very general and can be applied to higher degree-of-freedom robots over arbitrary terrain and other impulsive mechanical systems. © 2011 Springer-Verlag.
一、大鼠海马-前额叶回路在学习记忆中的作用 解剖学研究证实大鼠和猴的海马结构(hippocampal formation, HF;本文‘海马 (hippocampus, Hip)’一词即指海马结构)和前额叶 (prefrontal cortex, PFC) 之间存在一条单向、同侧和单突触的神经回路,即海马-前额叶回路(Hip-PFC回路)。Hip和PFC均参与学习记忆等多种认知功能,PFC是工作记忆的关键脑区,而Hip是空间参考记忆的关键脑区。虽然人们已经对PFC和Hip进行了广泛深入的研究,但对Hip-PFC回路参与哪些认知功能还知之甚少。本研究的目的就是通过暂时阻断Hip-PFC回路,探讨其在学习和记忆中的作用。 在大鼠,Hip-PFC回路中的纤维主要从Hip腹部 (ventral hippocampus, VH)发出,投射到PFC的前边缘皮质(prelimbic cortex, PLC)、下边缘皮质 (infralimbic cortex, ILC) 和外侧前额叶 (lateral prefrontal cortex) 等亚区,其中PLC是Hip-PFC主要投射的区域。我们通过给动物安装慢性导管向脑内注射GABAA受体激动剂muscimol (MU) 阻断Hip-PFC回路。注射位点包括 ①双侧PLC,②双侧VH,③一侧VH和对侧PLC (VH-PLC)。我们首先观察了在PLC或VH局部注射MU对自由活动大鼠PLC和VH脑电功率的影响,并以此确定在行为实验中所用蝇蕈醇的剂量。然后采用T-迷宫空间交互延缓作业 (spatial delayed alternation task) 测试Hip-PFC回路被阻断的动物的空间工作记忆功能;采用被动回避作业 (passive avoidance task) 测试其情绪相关记忆的能力(训练前给药;24 h后重测试);采用Morris水迷宫作业 (Morris water maze task) 测试其空间参考记忆的能力(每天训练前给药;训练期(3 d)结束24 h后重测试)。结果表明:在大鼠PLC或VH局部注射0.5 μg/0.25μl MU后30 min显著抑制VH 和PLC的脑电功率 (VH, p < 0.01; PLC, p < 0.05 vs. PBS/baseline)。注射MU (0.5 μg/0.25μl) 到 ①双侧PLC、②双侧VH、③VH-PLC均显著降低动物在空间交互延缓作业 (All p < 0.001, vs. PBS) 和空间Morris水迷宫作业中的成绩 (All p < 0.05, vs. PBS),表明Hip-PFC回路在空间工作记忆(空间短时记忆)和在空间参考记忆(空间长时记忆)中均起重要作用。在空间交互延缓作业中,双侧PLC被抑制的大鼠的成绩显著低于双侧VH或VH-PLC被抑制的动物,说明PFC在空间工作记忆功能中占有主导地位。在被动回避作业中,双侧VH被抑制动物的回避反应的潜伏期显著短于对照动物 (p < 0.05 vs. PBS),说明双侧VH被抑制动物的情绪记忆受损;而双侧PLC或VH-PLC被抑制的动物其回避反应的潜伏期与对照动物无显著差异 (PLC, p > 0.9; VH-PLC, p > 0.3 vs. PBS),表明双侧PLC或VH-PLC被抑制的动物情绪记忆正常。被动回避作业的结果说明VH参与情绪记忆的形成,但Hip-PFC回路在情绪记忆形成中不起重要作用。 以上结果表明,大鼠Hip-PFC回路参与空间工作记忆和空间参考记忆而不是情绪记忆功能。情绪记忆的关键脑结构是杏仁复合体 (amygdala complex, AMC),VH与AMC有密切的纤维联系。VH被抑制的大鼠情绪记忆受损,说明情绪记忆可能与AMC-Hip回路有关。情绪记忆与空间记忆(参考记忆和工作记忆)在解剖上的分离说明,对于不同类型的记忆来说,其在脑内的信息加工过程是并行的。神经回路内部的信息加工过程则是串行的,回路上任何一个结构的破坏均可导致回路功能的损伤。本研究的结果为学习记忆的“多重记忆系统”理论和记忆信息加工的串行并行机制提供了新的实验证据。 二、芬克罗酮改善成年恒河猴空间工作记忆的谷氨酸机制 芬克罗酮是中科院昆明植物所郝小江等合成的取代吡咯烷酮类化合物。中科院昆明动物所蔡景霞等发现芬克罗酮能改善东莨菪碱、育亨宾等导致的多种动物的不同类型的学习记忆障碍,提高老年动物的学习记忆能力,尤其是老年猴的空间工作记忆。已证实芬克罗酮为部分钙激动剂,可使脑缺血沙土鼠脑内升高的谷氨酸降低,而使正常的沙土鼠海马胞外谷氨酸释放增加。那么芬克罗酮能否提高正常动物的学习记忆,其对正常动物学习记忆的提高是否与其增加谷氨酸的释放有关?本研究采用空间延缓反应作业和谷氨酸NMDA受体拮抗剂MK-801在正常成年猴恒河猴上探讨了以上问题。 结果表明,口服芬克罗酮可显著提高成年猴的空间工作记忆,其量效曲线呈倒‘U’形,符合许多促智药的量效特点。0.25 mg/kg和0.5 mg/kg为芬克罗酮的最佳有效剂量 (p < 0.05 vs. 安慰剂)。肌注MK-801 (0.1 mg/kg) 显著降低成年猴的空间工作记忆 (p < 0.01 vs. 安慰剂),而口服2.0 mg/kg和4.0 mg/kg的芬克罗酮则显著改善MK-801导致的工作记忆障碍 (p < 0.05 vs. MK-801)。芬克罗酮的所有测试剂量不影响猴在作业中的反应时 (p > 0.05 vs. 安慰剂),表明芬克罗酮在该剂量范围不影响动物的运动能力。 本研究结果提示,芬克罗酮可能通钙激动作用促进谷氨酸的释放,在一定剂量范围内提高胞外谷氨酸水平,提高正常动物的空间工作记忆等认知功能。 关键词:芬克罗酮,恒河猴,空间工作记忆,空间延缓反应作业,谷氨酸,MK-801
繁殖更新是植物生活史的重要阶段,在退化生态系统中,植物繁殖更新能力往往较差,是植被恢复的限制环节,因而也成为恢复研究重点和核心。本研究选择岷江干旱河谷广泛分布的三种蔷薇:多苞蔷薇(R. multibracteata)、黄蔷薇(R. hugonis)和川滇蔷薇(R. soulieana)为研究对象,通过野外调查,在查明其生长、繁殖更新状况的基础上,采用控制和模拟实验,对种子和幼苗阶段进行了深入研究,综合分析更新潜力,并提出相对应的促进更新和植被恢复措施。主要结论如下: 1)三种蔷薇在岷江干旱河谷广泛分布,生长和繁殖状况良好,结实量大。各生长指标:株高、基径和冠幅,繁殖指标:结实数量、重量和单果重量都具有显著的空间差异性。基径对多苞蔷薇结实量影响最大;而冠幅对黄蔷薇结实量影响最大。海拔和纬度是对蔷薇生长和繁殖影响最大的环境因素,随着海拔和纬度的升高,植株生长更高大,结实量增加;坡度和坡向对其生长和繁殖也有一定影响,随着坡度 和坡向增加,蔷薇生长和结实受到抑制。 2)三种蔷薇在岷江干旱河谷更新现状不佳, 但更新潜力大。活力种子比率低,动物取食以及两年生幼苗的大量死亡是蔷薇更新的主要限制因素。多苞蔷薇和黄蔷薇的结实率低,川滇蔷薇较高。三种蔷薇种子产量大,但种子质量较差,更新具有充足的种源。三种蔷薇都能形成持久种子库,种子库中种子总量大,但有效种子少,黄蔷薇被动物啃食的比例很高,多苞蔷薇和川滇蔷薇也有一部分种子受到动物破坏。三种蔷薇幼苗库组成特征表现为,当年生幼苗所占比例很高,年龄较大幼苗所占比例小。 3)三种蔷薇都具有不同程度休眠,未经处理种子的发芽率极低。黄蔷薇休眠程度最深,为深度生理休眠;多苞蔷薇为中度生理休眠;川滇蔷薇为非深度生理休眠。三种蔷薇种子在形态上发育成熟,种皮具有透水性。蔷薇果果肉和瘦果中含有抑制物质,其浸泡液抑制了油菜种子萌发,果肉抑制作用更强,果肉和瘦果浸泡液的抑制程度分别为:川滇蔷薇>黄蔷薇>多苞蔷薇。切割和硫酸腐蚀提高了川滇蔷薇种子的发芽能力,而对多苞蔷薇和黄蔷薇没有影响。完全去除瘦果果皮和种皮提高了多苞蔷薇种子发芽率,但对黄蔷薇没有影响。赤霉素和烟水对蔷薇种子萌发没有促进作用。三种蔷薇打破休眠所需低温层积时间分别为:黄蔷薇>多苞蔷薇>川滇蔷薇。对于多苞蔷薇和川滇蔷薇,层积前对种子进行硫酸腐蚀或暖温层积能缩短低温层积时间,提高发芽率。对于多苞蔷薇,变温层积中暖温层积和低温层积具有一定的负补性,即延长暖温层积可以缩短种子萌发对低温层积的需要。 4)多苞蔷薇种子形态特征和种子休眠与萌发在不同海拔梯度间存在较大差异。种子采集时间、采集季节和干藏影响多苞蔷薇和川滇蔷薇的种子休眠。多苞蔷薇果实大小、种子大小和千粒重、种皮厚度随海拔升高而增加,而种子饱满率和活力随海拔升高而降低,种子休眠程度也随海拔升高而增加。种皮厚度与种子大小、千粒重成正相关关系,硫酸腐蚀后的种子经过不同时间的低温层积后,种子发芽率与种皮厚度、种子大小、千粒重、海拔成正相关关系。2006 年采集川滇蔷薇和多苞蔷薇种子休眠程度较2005 年低。种子休眠随种子年龄增加而减弱。高温和干旱能减轻多苞蔷薇和川滇蔷薇种子休眠。 5)三种蔷薇的生长和生物量积累在干旱胁迫条件下受到抑制,而生物量分配、叶片形态特征和水分利用特征等都发生了变化。三种蔷薇的根、茎、叶各器官生物量以及总生物量等在干旱胁迫下明显减小,叶片脱落数量增加。在干旱胁迫条件下,较多的生物量分配到地下部分,从而这使R/S 明显增加。比叶面积(SLA)和冠层面积比(LAR)对干旱胁迫的反应不敏感,仅有部分物种在干旱胁迫条件下发生了变化,并且其变化特点在不同年龄幼苗之间有一定差异。干旱胁迫对WUE 的影响在不同物种间存在差异。多苞蔷薇和黄蔷薇的WUE 随着干旱胁迫的增加而增大, 而川滇蔷薇的WUE 则随干旱胁迫增加而减小。在干旱胁迫条件下,多苞蔷薇和黄蔷薇叶片脱落量和生物量减小幅度较川滇蔷薇大,表明其抗旱能力较强。在干旱胁迫条件,三种蔷薇两年生幼苗的生物量减小幅度较当年生幼苗小,表明两年生幼苗的抗旱能力更强。 6)两种植被恢复措施中,幼苗移栽比播种具有更好的植被恢复效果。播种后,蔷薇种子的发芽率较高,但出苗率都很低,即使出苗,幼苗也几乎在一月内全部死亡。 三种微生境条件下(灌木、半灌木和裸地),种子出苗和幼苗成活没有差异。移栽幼苗总体死亡率都比较低,小于20%。特别是两年生幼苗死亡率更低,小于2%。移栽后的幼苗生长状况良好,在整个生长季中,各生长指标不断增加。生境对幼苗的存活率没有显著影响,但对于幼苗的生长和生物量积累有一定影响,裸地更有利于幼苗生长和生物量积累。与当年生幼苗相比,两年生幼苗具有更高的成活率。总之,三种蔷薇在干旱河谷分布广泛、生长繁殖状况良好,结实量大,具有丰富种源,繁殖更新潜力大,但繁殖更新状况不佳;种子散布后动物对种子的取食、种子的深度休眠过程、种子出苗以及当年生幼苗的存活和定居是更新的主要限制环节。水分是影响结实、种子休眠解除和萌发,幼苗存活和定居的最主要的限制因素。在植被恢复中,应在种子成熟季节大量采集种子,在室内打破休眠后进行人工播种,培育两年生幼苗,通过幼苗移栽方式进行植被恢复。川滇蔷薇应栽种在相对湿润的过渡区,而多苞蔷薇和黄蔷薇可以应用于核心区植被恢复。 Regeneration is an important phase in plant life cycle. It has been a key component of ecological restoration in degradation ecosystem in which plants commonly has poor regeneration. In this paper, we investigated the natural growth, propagation and regeneration status of native three rose species, Rosa multibracteata, R. hugonis and R. soulieana, and analysis the limitation in seed germination and seedling establishment stages. Advice on facilitating the use of these plants in restoration based on the results has been proposed. The results were as follows: 1) Three rose plants widely distributed in the dry valley of the Minjiang River, and made a good performance in growth and propagation. There were significant spatial differences in each growth parameter, such as ramet height, basal diameter, crown diameter and propagation parameters including hip number of a clump, hip mass of a clump and a hip mass. Basa diameter was the most important growth parameter influencing fruit number for R. multibracteata and crown diameter was for R. hugoni. Altitude and latitude had the greatest effect on the growth and propagation of rose plants among environmental conditions. Each parameter of growth and propagation increased with the increase of altitude and latitude. In addition, the increase of slope and aspect limited the growth and propagation. 2) Three rose plants had poor natural regeneration, but great regeneration potential. Low seed viability, predation and higher mortality of current year old seedlings were the limitation in regeneration. R. multibracteata and R. hugonis had higher fruiting rates than R. souliean. All three plants produced a great number of seeds, while their viability was poor. Three rose plants had persistent seed banks, with high total seed number but very low viable seed density. Predation was most severe in R. hugonis, and it also existed to some degree in R. multibracteata and R. soulieana. The seedling age-structure was characteristic of current-year seedlings predominating and few older seedlings were observed. 3) Three rose seeds were dormant and untreated seeds germinated with very low germination percentages. The rose seeds had morphological mature embryos, and achenes were permeable. Some inhabit substances existed in hips and achenes for the extracts of hips and achenes inhibited germination of Brassica campestris. The inhibition effect of the extracts of three rose hip and achenes was R. soulieana>R. hugonis>R. multibracteata. Mechanical and H2SO4 scarification increased R. soulieana germination but had no effect on germination of R. hugonis and R. multibracteata seeds. Full removal of pericarp and testa improved the germination of R. multibracteata but did not affect R. hugonis germination. GA3 and smoke water had no positive effect on rose seed germination. The periods of cold stratification required to released seed dormancy was R. hugonis > R. soulieana >R. multibracteata. H2SO4 scarification and warm stratification shortened cold stratification to release dormancy for R. soulieana and R. multibracteata. Warm stratification had complementary effect for cold stratification, i.e. the longer warm stratification seeds received, the shorter cold stratification were required to obtain the same germination percentage. Three rose seeds had different kinds of dormancy; R. hugonis has deep physiological dormancy, R. multibracteata with intermediate physiological dormancy and R. souliean non-deep physiological dormancy. 4)The seeds traits and dormancy of R. multibracteata showed significant difference across altitudes. Year and season of seed collection had significant effect on seed dormancy for both R. souliean and R. multibracteata. Hip size, seed size, seed weight, seed coat thickness and seed dormancy level increased with the increase of the altitude. There were positive relations between seed coat thickness with seed size and seed weight. Germination percentage of seeds treated with H2SO4 scarification following different periods of cold stratification showed positive relation with seed coat thickness, seed size, seed weight and altitude. Seeds of R. souliean and R. multibracteata collected in 2006 had low dormancy level than those collected in 2005. Seed dormancy decreased with increasing seeds age. High temperature and drought were associated with low dormancy level. 5) Seedling growth, the total dry mass and their components of seedlings were reduced, while leaf senescence accelerated under drought stress. More biomass allocation to root system resulted in higher R/S ratio under drought. Water-use efficiency (WUE) of R. multibracteata and R. hugonis increased, while it declined for R. soulieana under drought stress. R. soulieana seedlings had poor drought-resistance capacity it had more senescent leaves, and its reduction of biomass was stronger than two other rose plants under drought. The reduction degree of one year old seedlings under drought stress was slighter than that of current year seedlings. Therefore, one year old seedling was more drought-resistent compared to current year seedlings. 6)Planting seedlings may have better effect in comparison with direct seeding. Most seeds germinated after seeding, but seedling emergence was very low. More than 80 % seedlings from direct seeding died within a months after emergence. Seedling emergence and survival rate did not show difference among microhabitats. Mortality rates of seedlings artificially planted in microhabitats were general lower than 20 %, and the mortality rate of one year old seedlings was lower than 2 %. Each grow parameter including plant height, leaf number and branch number continually increased after planting. Microhabitat type had effect on the growth parameter and biomass production, but it did not influence the seedling survival. Bare land tended to facilitate seedling growth. One year old seedlings had higher survival rate than current year seedlings. In conculsion, the three rose had wide distribution in the dry valley of the Minjiang River. They produced many seeds and had tolerance to drought stress to some degree. But they had poor regeneration in habitats may be caused by predation, seed dormancy,and high mortality in current year seedlings. We recommend that rose plants should be utilized in restoration by planting two-year old seedlings in spring. A large quantity of seeds should be collected artificially in autumn, release seed dormancy in room, and then cultivate two-year old seedlings by seeding in particular container. R. soulieana seedling probably be planted in transition area, and R. multibracteata and R. hugonis can be used in core area of the dry valley of the Minjiang River.
长期以来,星形胶质细胞(astrocyte,AS)被认为具有细胞隔离、支持、保护和营养神经元的作用。近来,人们逐渐发现,AS还有许多其他重要的功能。例如,谷氨酸是中枢神经系统中重要的兴奋性神经递质,AS摄取和合成谷氨酸的作用可能影响学习、神经发育及发情周期等多种脑功能,并影响突触形成和突触传递效能。有研究发现,成年海马齿状回颗粒下层具有神经干细胞潜能的AS,可以分化成新生神经元。此外,海马成熟的AS还参与调节神经发生,决定神经干细胞的分化方向。大鼠海马新生神经元与海马依赖性记忆(happocampal- dependent memory)密切相关。提示,AS与学习记忆密切相关。但迄今为止,尚未见AS参与工作记忆的报道。本研究以特异性抑制AS细胞的化合物fluorocitrate(FC)作为工具药来探讨AS在大鼠工作记忆中的作用及作用机制。FC可抑制AS三羧酸循环中乌头酸酶(aconitase)的活性,从而抑制AS摄取谷氨酸的功能,其作用是可逆的,目前已经被广泛用于研究AS的功能。我们通过慢性导管在大鼠双侧前额叶(prefrontal cortex,PFC),双侧海马(hippocampus,HIP)和单侧侧脑室(lateral ventricle,LV)分别注射FC,记录注射后15-75min内自由活动大鼠的脑电图(EEG)功率变化,以判断FC对大鼠PFC和HIP神经元兴奋性的影响,并在注射后15-75min内完成T-迷宫空间交互延缓(spatial delayed alternation task)反应测试,分析动物的空间工作记忆功能。结果发现在双侧PFC和双侧HIP分别注射1,2,5nM FC (0.5μl),仅2,5nM显著增加HIP EEG的功率( p < 0.05 vs. SAL),但对交互延缓反应成绩无明显影响,所有剂量对PFC的EEG功率没有显著影响,且不影响动物操作交互延缓反应作业的成绩(ALL p > 0.1 vs. SAL)。在单侧LV注射0.05,0.5nM FC (10μl)后,PFC的EEG功率没有明显变化,而HIP的EEG功率有增加。该剂量的FC对大鼠操作空间交互延缓作业的成绩无明显影响。在单侧LV注射2nM FC(10μl)同时显著增加PFC和HIP的EEG功率,并显著提高大鼠操作空间交互延缓反应作业中的正确率,改善大鼠的工作记忆( p < 0.05 vs. SAL)。单侧LV注射5nM FC(10μl)同时显著降低PFC和HIP的EEG功率(ALL p < 0.05 vs. SAL)和大鼠操作作业的正确率,损伤大鼠的工作记忆( p < 0.05 vs. SAL)。表明只有在PFC和HIP的EEG功率同时受到影响的时候,大鼠操作作业的正确率才会发生显著改变。已有研究指出,前额叶和海马均参与工作记忆调控。在LV给FC将同时作用于双侧PFC和双侧HIP。因此,我们认为,FC对大鼠空间交互延缓作业成绩的影响可能是通过抑制PFC和HIP的AS功能产生的。在单侧LV注射低浓度(0.05,0.5nM)的FC对大鼠空间交互延缓作业成绩和EEG功率水平均无明显影响,可能与脑内AS的功能尚可,谷氨酸水平升高不明显有关,而高浓度(5nM)FC可能较强地抑制AS摄取胞外谷氨酸的功能,胞外谷氨酸水平过度升高,损伤神经元的活性,使EEG功率降低,结果导致工作记忆受损。高浓度FC也可能直接损伤神经元的活性。本研究结果表明,FC短期抑制PFC和HIP的AS功能,将使PFC和HIP胞外谷氨酸水平升高,从而改变PFC和HIP神经元的兴奋性,使大鼠的空间工作记忆功能发生改变。揭示了工作记忆不仅依赖于PFC-HIP回路中神经元的正常功能,也与PFC-HIP回路中AS的功能正常与否密切相关。
BACKGROUND:Osteoporosis is characterized by low bone mass and compromised bone structure, heritable traits that contribute to fracture risk. There have been no genome-wide association and linkage studies for these traits using high-density genotyping platforms.METHODS:We used the Affymetrix 100K SNP GeneChip marker set in the Framingham Heart Study (FHS) to examine genetic associations with ten primary quantitative traits: bone mineral density (BMD), calcaneal ultrasound, and geometric indices of the hip. To test associations with multivariable-adjusted residual trait values, we used additive generalized estimating equation (GEE) and family-based association tests (FBAT) models within each sex as well as sexes combined. We evaluated 70,987 autosomal SNPs with genotypic call rates [greater than or equal to]80%, HWE p [greater than or equal to] 0.001, and MAF [greater than or equal to]10% in up to 1141 phenotyped individuals (495 men and 646 women, mean age 62.5 yrs). Variance component linkage analysis was performed using 11,200 markers.RESULTS:Heritability estimates for all bone phenotypes were 30-66%. LOD scores [greater than or equal to]3.0 were found on chromosomes 15 (1.5 LOD confidence interval: 51,336,679-58,934,236 bp) and 22 (35,890,398-48,603,847 bp) for femoral shaft section modulus. The ten primary phenotypes had 12 associations with 100K SNPs in GEE models at p < 0.000001 and 2 associations in FBAT models at p < 0.000001. The 25 most significant p-values for GEE and FBAT were all less than 3.5 x 10-6 and 2.5 x 10-5, respectively. Of the 40 top SNPs with the greatest numbers of significantly associated BMD traits (including femoral neck, trochanter, and lumbar spine), one half to two-thirds were in or near genes that have not previously been studied for osteoporosis. Notably, pleiotropic associations between BMD and bone geometric traits were uncommon. Evidence for association (FBAT or GEE p < 0.05) was observed for several SNPs in candidate genes for osteoporosis, such as rs1801133 in MTHFR; rs1884052 and rs3778099 in ESR1; rs4988300 in LRP5; rs2189480 in VDR; rs2075555 in COLIA1; rs10519297 and rs2008691 in CYP19, as well as SNPs in PPARG (rs10510418 and rs2938392) and ANKH (rs2454873 and rs379016). All GEE, FBAT and linkage results are provided as an open-access results resource at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/gap/cgi-bin/study.cgi?id=phs000007.CONCLUSION:The FHS 100K SNP project offers an unbiased genome-wide strategy to identify new candidate loci and to replicate previously suggested candidate genes for osteoporosis.
Background: Most cardiovascular disease (CVD) occurs in the presence of traditional risk factors, including hypertension and dyslipidemia, and these in turn are influenced by behavioural factors such as diet and lifestyle. Previous research has identified a group at low risk of CVD based on a cluster of inter-related factors: body mass index (BMI) < 25 Kg/m2, moderate exercise, alcohol intake, non-smoking and a favourable dietary pattern. The objective of this study was to determine whether these factors are associated with a reduced prevalence of hypertension and dyslipidemia in an Irish adult population. Methods: The study was a cross-sectional survey of 1018 men and women sampled from 17 general practices. Participants completed health, lifestyle and food frequency questionnaires and provided fasting blood samples for analysis of glucose and insulin. We defined a low risk group based on the following protective factors: BMI <25 kg/m2; waist-hip ratio (WHR) <0.85 for women and <0.90 for men; never smoking status; participants with medium to high levels of physical activity; light alcohol consumption (3.5–7 units of alcohol/week) and a "prudent" diet. Dietary patterns were assessed by cluster analysis. Results: We found strong significant inverse associations between the number of protective factors and systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and dyslipidemia. The prevalence odds ratio of hypertension in persons with 1, 2, 3, ≥ 4 protective factors relative to those with none, were 1.0, 0.76, 0.68 and 0.34 (trend p < 0.01). The prevalence odds ratio of dyslipidemia in persons with 1, 2, 3, ≥ 4 protective factors relative to those with none were 0.83, 0.98, 0.49 and 0.24 (trend p = 0.001). Conclusion: Our findings of a strong inverse association between low risk behaviours and two of the traditional risk factors for CVD highlight the importance of 'the causes of the causes' and the potential for behaviour modification in CVD prevention at a population level.
The prevalence of obesity worldwide has increased dramatically over the last few decades. Poor dietary habits and low levels of exercise in adolescence are often maintained into adulthood where they can impact on the incidence of obesity and chronic diseases. A 3-year longitudinal study of anthropometric, dietary and exercise parameters was carried out annually (2005 - 2007) in 3 Irish secondary schools. Anthropometric measurements were taken in each year and analysed longitudinally. Overweight and obesity were at relatively low levels in these adolescents. Height, weight, BMI, waist and hip circumferences and TST increased significantly over the 3 years. Waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) decreased significantly over time. Boys were significantly taller than girls across the 3 years. A 3-day weighed food diary was used to assess food intake by the adolescents. Analysis of dietary intake data was determined using WISP©. Mean daily energy and nutrient intakes were reported. Mean daily energy and macronutrient intakes were analysed longitudinally. The adolescents’ diet was characterised by relatively high saturated fat intakes and insufficient fruit and vegetable consumption. The dietary pattern did not change significantly over the 3 years. Boys consumed more energy than girls over the study period. A validated questionnaire was used to assess physical activity and sedentary activity levels. Boys were substantially more active and had higher energy expenditure estimates than girls throughout the study. A significant longitudinal decrease in physical activity levels among the adolescents was observed. Both genders spent more than the recommended amount of time (hrs/day) pursing sedentary activities. The dietary pattern in these Irish adolescents is relatively poor. Of additional concern is the overall longitudinal decrease in physical activity levels. Promoting consumption of a balanced diet and increased exercise levels among adolescents will help to reduce future public health care costs due to weight-related diseases.
Aim: To investigate the value of using PROMs as quality improvement tools. Methods: Two systematic reviews were undertaken. The first reviewed the quantitative literature on the impact of PROMs feedback and the second reviewed the qualitative literature on the use of PROMs in practice. These reviews informed the focus of the primary research. A cluster randomised controlled trial (PROFILE) examined the impact of providing peer benchmarked PROMs feedback to consultant orthopaedic surgeons on improving outcomes for hip replacement surgery. Qualitative interviews with surgeons in the intervention arm of the trial examined the view of and reactions to the feedback. Results: The quantitative review of 17 studies found weak evidence to suggest that providing PROMs feedback to professionals improves patient outcomes. The qualitative review of 16 studies identified the barriers and facilitators to the use of PROMs based on four themes: practical considerations, attitudes towards the data, methodological concerns and the impact of feedback on care. The PROFILE trial included 11 surgeons and 215 patients in the intervention arm, and 10 surgeons and 217 patients in the control arm. The trial found no significant difference in the Oxford Hip Score between the arms (-0.7, 95% CI -1.9-0.5, p=0.2). Interviews with surgeons revealed mixed opinions about the value of the PROMs feedback and the information did not promote explicit changes to their practice. Conclusion: It is important to use PROMs which have been validated for the specific purpose of performance measurement, consult with professionals when developing a PROMs feedback intervention, communicate with professionals about the objectives of the data collection, educate professionals on the properties and interpretation of the data, and support professionals in using the information to improve care. It is also imperative that the burden of data collection and dissemination of the information is minimised.
BACKGROUND: Scientists rarely reuse expert knowledge of phylogeny, in spite of years of effort to assemble a great "Tree of Life" (ToL). A notable exception involves the use of Phylomatic, which provides tools to generate custom phylogenies from a large, pre-computed, expert phylogeny of plant taxa. This suggests great potential for a more generalized system that, starting with a query consisting of a list of any known species, would rectify non-standard names, identify expert phylogenies containing the implicated taxa, prune away unneeded parts, and supply branch lengths and annotations, resulting in a custom phylogeny suited to the user's needs. Such a system could become a sustainable community resource if implemented as a distributed system of loosely coupled parts that interact through clearly defined interfaces. RESULTS: With the aim of building such a "phylotastic" system, the NESCent Hackathons, Interoperability, Phylogenies (HIP) working group recruited 2 dozen scientist-programmers to a weeklong programming hackathon in June 2012. During the hackathon (and a three-month follow-up period), 5 teams produced designs, implementations, documentation, presentations, and tests including: (1) a generalized scheme for integrating components; (2) proof-of-concept pruners and controllers; (3) a meta-API for taxonomic name resolution services; (4) a system for storing, finding, and retrieving phylogenies using semantic web technologies for data exchange, storage, and querying; (5) an innovative new service, DateLife.org, which synthesizes pre-computed, time-calibrated phylogenies to assign ages to nodes; and (6) demonstration projects. These outcomes are accessible via a public code repository (GitHub.com), a website (http://www.phylotastic.org), and a server image. CONCLUSIONS: Approximately 9 person-months of effort (centered on a software development hackathon) resulted in the design and implementation of proof-of-concept software for 4 core phylotastic components, 3 controllers, and 3 end-user demonstration tools. While these products have substantial limitations, they suggest considerable potential for a distributed system that makes phylogenetic knowledge readily accessible in computable form. Widespread use of phylotastic systems will create an electronic marketplace for sharing phylogenetic knowledge that will spur innovation in other areas of the ToL enterprise, such as annotation of sources and methods and third-party methods of quality assessment.
The purpose of this study was to identify preoperative predictors of discharge destination after total joint arthroplasty. A retrospective study of three hundred and seventy-two consecutive patients who underwent primary total hip and knee arthroplasty was performed. The mean length of stay was 2.9 days and 29.0% of patients were discharged to extended care facilities. Age, caregiver support at home, and patient expectation of discharge destination were the only significant multivariable predictors regardless of the type of surgery (total knee versus total hip arthroplasty). Among those variables, patient expectation was the most important predictor (P < 0.001; OR 169.53). The study was adequately powered to analyze the variables in the multivariable logistic regression model, which had a high concordance index of 0.969.
Lower Extremity Joint Arthroplasty (LEJA) surgery is an effective way to alleviate painful osteoarthritis. Unfortunately, these surgeries do not normalize the loading asymmetry during the single leg stance phase of gait. Therefore, we examined single leg balance in 234 TJA patients (75 hips, 65 knees, 94 ankles) approximately 12 months following surgery. Patients passed if they maintained single leg balance for 10s with their eyes open. Patients one year following total hip arthroplasty (THA-63%) and total knee arthroplasty (TKA-69%) had similar pass rates compared to a total ankle arthroplasty (TAA-9%). Patients following THA and TKA exhibit better unilateral balance in comparison with TAA patients. It may be beneficial to include a rigorous proprioception and balance training program in TAA patients to optimize functional outcomes.
Effective dosages for enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) in Pompe disease are much higher than for other lysosomal storage disorders, which has been attributed to low cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor (CI-MPR) in skeletal muscle. We have previously demonstrated the benefit of increased CI-MPR-mediated uptake of recombinant human acid-α-glucosidase during ERT in mice with Pompe disease following addition of albuterol therapy. Currently we have completed a pilot study of albuterol in patients with late-onset Pompe disease already on ERT for >2 yr, who were not improving further. The 6-min walk test (6MWT) distance increased in all 7 subjects at wk 6 (30±13 m; P=0.002), wk 12 (34±14 m; P=0.004), and wk 24 (42±37 m; P=0.02), in comparison with baseline. Grip strength was improved significantly for both hands at wk 12. Furthermore, individual subjects reported benefits; e.g., a female patient could stand up from sitting on the floor much more easily (time for supine to standing position decreased from 30 to 11 s), and a male patient could readily swing his legs out of his van seat (hip abduction increased from 1 to 2+ on manual muscle testing). Finally, analysis of the quadriceps biopsies suggested increased CI-MPR at wk 12 (P=0.08), compared with baseline. With the exception of 1 patient who succumbed to respiratory complications of Pompe disease in the first week, only mild adverse events have been reported, including tremor, transient difficulty falling asleep, and mild urinary retention (requiring early morning voiding). Therefore, this pilot study revealed initial safety and efficacy in an open label study of adjunctive albuterol therapy in patients with late-onset Pompe disease who had been stable on ERT with no improvements noted over the previous several years.
Articular cartilage consists of chondrocytes and two major components, a collagen-rich framework and highly abundant proteoglycans. Most prior studies defining the zonal distribution of cartilage have extracted proteins with guanidine-HCl. However, an unextracted collagen-rich residual is left after extraction. In addition, the high abundance of anionic polysaccharide molecules extracted from cartilage adversely affects the chromatographic separation. In this study, we established a method for removing chondrocytes from cartilage sections with minimal extracellular matrix protein loss. The addition of surfactant to guanidine-HCl extraction buffer improved protein solubility. Ultrafiltration removed interference from polysaccharides and salts. Almost four-times more collagen peptides were extracted by the in situ trypsin digestion method. However, as expected, proteoglycans were more abundant within the guanidine-HCl extraction. These different methods were used to extract cartilage sections from different cartilage layers (superficial, intermediate, and deep), joint types (knee and hip), and disease states (healthy and osteoarthritic), and the extractions were evaluated by quantitative and qualitative proteomic analyses. The results of this study led to the identifications of the potential biomarkers of osteoarthritis (OA), OA progression, and the joint specific biomarkers.
This study attempts to characterise the electromyographic activity and kinematics exhibited during the performance of take-off for a pole vaulting short run-up educational exercise, for different expertise levels. Two groups (experts and novices) participated in this study. Both groups were asked to execute their take-off technique for that specific exercise. Among the kinematics variables studied, the knee, hip and ankle angles and the hip and knee angular velocities were significantly different. There were also significant differences in the EMG variables, especially in terms of (i) biceps femoris and gastrocnemius lateralis activity at touchdown and (ii) vastus lateralis and gastrocnemius lateralis activity during take-off. During touchdown, the experts tended to increase the stiffness of the take-off leg to decrease braking. Novices exhibited less stiffness in the take-off leg due to their tendency to maintain a tighter knee angle. Novices also transferred less energy forward during take-off due to lack of contraction in the vastus lateralis, which is known to contribute to forward energy transfers. This study highlights the differences in both groups in terms of muscular and angular control according to the studied variables. Such studies of pole vaulting could be useful to help novices to learn expert's technique.
Introduction: The critical phase, in jumping events in track and field, appears to be between touchdown and take-off. Since obvious similarities exist between the take off phase in both long jump and pole vault, numerous 3D kinematics and electromyographic studies have only looked at long jump. Currently there are few detailed kinematics electromyographic data on the pole vault take-off phase. The aim of this study was therefore to characterise kinematics and electromyographic variables during the take-off phase to provide a better understanding of this phase in pole vaulting and its role in performance outcome. Material and methods: Six pole-vaulters took part in the study. Kinematics data were captured with retro reflective markers fixed on the body. Hip, knee and ankle angle were calculated. Differential bipolar surface electrodes were placed on the following muscles of the take-off leg: tibialis anterior, lateral gastrocnemius, vastus lateralis, rectus femoris, bicep femoris and gluteus maximus. EMG activity was synchronously acquired with the kinematic data. EMG data were rectified and smoothed using a second order low pass Butterworth Bidirectional filter (resulting in a 4th order filter) with a cut-off frequency of 14 Hz. Results: Evolution of hip, knee and ankle angle show no significant differences during the last step before touchdown, the take-off phase and the beginning of fly phase. Meanwhile, strong differences in EMG signal are noted inter and intra pole vaulter. However for a same subject the EMG activities seem to converge to some phase locked point. Discussion: All pole vaulters have approximately the same visible coordination This coordination reflects a different muscular control among pole vaulters but also for a considered pole vaulter. These phase locked point could be considered as invariant of motor control i.e. a prerequisite for a normal sequence of the movement and performance realization.