960 resultados para Highly resistive layer
Objectives: Our objective was to test the performance of CA125 in classifying serum samples from a cohort of malignant and benign ovarian cancers and age-matched healthy controls and to assess whether combining information from matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) time-of-flight profiling could improve diagnostic performance. Materials and Methods: Serum samples from women with ovarian neoplasms and healthy volunteers were subjected to CA125 assay and MALDI time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MS) profiling. Models were built from training data sets using discriminatory MALDI MS peaks in combination with CA125 values and tested their ability to classify blinded test samples. These were compared with models using CA125 threshold levels from 193 patients with ovarian cancer, 290 with benign neoplasm, and 2236 postmenopausal healthy controls. Results: Using a CA125 cutoff of 30 U/mL, an overall sensitivity of 94.8% (96.6% specificity) was obtained when comparing malignancies versus healthy postmenopausal controls, whereas a cutoff of 65 U/mL provided a sensitivity of 83.9% (99.6% specificity). High classification accuracies were obtained for early-stage cancers (93.5% sensitivity). Reasons for high accuracies include recruitment bias, restriction to postmenopausal women, and inclusion of only primary invasive epithelial ovarian cancer cases. The combination of MS profiling information with CA125 did not significantly improve the specificity/accuracy compared with classifications on the basis of CA125 alone. Conclusions: We report unexpectedly good performance of serum CA125 using threshold classification in discriminating healthy controls and women with benign masses from those with invasive ovarian cancer. This highlights the dependence of diagnostic tests on the characteristics of the study population and the crucial need for authors to provide sufficient relevant details to allow comparison. Our study also shows that MS profiling information adds little to diagnostic accuracy. This finding is in contrast with other reports and shows the limitations of serum MS profiling for biomarker discovery and as a diagnostic tool
Lightning data, collected using a Boltek Storm Tracker system installed at Chilton, UK, were used to investigate the mean response of the ionospheric sporadic-E layer to lightning strokes in a superposed epoch study. The lightning detector can discriminate between positive and negative lightning strokes and between cloud-to-ground ( CG) and inter-cloud ( IC) lightning. Superposed epoch studies carried out separately using these subsets of lightning strokes as trigger events have revealed that the dominant cause of the observed ionospheric enhancement in the Es layer is negative cloud-to-ground lightning.
We present a study of the geographic location of lightning affecting the ionospheric sporadic-E (Es) layer over the ionospheric monitoring station at Chilton, UK. Data from the UK Met Office's Arrival Time Difference (ATD) lightning detection system were used to locate lightning strokes in the vicinity of the ionospheric monitoring station. A superposed epoch study of this data has previously revealed an enhancement in the Es layer caused by lightning within 200km of Chilton. In the current paper, we use the same data to investigate the location of the lightning strokes which have the largest effect on the Es layer above Chilton. We find that there are several locations where the effect of lightning on the ionosphere is most significant statistically, each producing different ionospheric responses. We interpret this as evidence that there is more than one mechanism combining to produce the previously observed enhancement in the ionosphere.
A connection between thunderstorms and the ionosphere has been hypothesized since the mid-1920s(1). Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain this connection(2-7), and evidence from modelling(8) as well as various types of measurements(9-14) demonstrate that lightning can interact with the lower ionosphere. It has been proposed, on the basis of a few observed events(15), that the ionospheric 'sporadic E' layer - transient, localized patches of relatively high electron density in the mid-ionosphere E layer, which significantly affect radio-wave propagation - can be modulated by thunderstorms, but a more formal statistical analysis is still needed. Here we identify a statistically significant intensification and descent in altitude of the mid-latitude sporadic E layer directly above thunderstorms. Because no ionospheric response to low-pressure systems without lightning is detected, we conclude that this localized intensification of the sporadic E layer can be attributed to lightning. We suggest that the co-location of lightning and ionospheric enhancement can be explained by either vertically propagating gravity waves that transfer energy from the site of lightning into the ionosphere, or vertical electrical discharge, or by a combination of these two mechanisms.
Electrification of atmospheric dust influences the coagulation, wet removal and fall speeds of dust particles. Alignment of dust particles can also occur in fair weather atmospheric electrical conditions if the particles are charged. However, very few electrical measurements made in elevated dust layers exist. Balloon-borne charge and particle instrumentation have been used to investigate the electrical properties of elevated Saharan dust layers. Soundings from the Cape Verde Islands, which experience frequent Saharan dust outbreaks, intercepted several dust layers. Two balloon soundings during summer 2009 detected dust particles in layers up to 4 km altitude. Simultaneous electrical measurements showed charge inside the dust layers, with a maximum measured charge density of 25 pC m − 3, sufficient to influence wet removal processes.
Little has so far been reported on the robustness of non-orthogonal space-time block codes (NO-STBCs) over highly correlated channels (HCC). Some of the existing NO-STBCs are indeed weak in robustness against HCC. With a view to overcoming such a limitation, a generalisation of the existing robust NO-STBCs based on a 'matrix Alamouti (MA)' structure is presented.
Four new Cu(II)-azido complexes of formula [CuL(N-3)] (1), [CuL(N-3)](2) (2), [Cu7L2(N-3)(12)](n) (3), and [Cu2L(dmen)-(N-3)(3)](n) (4) (dmen = N,N-dimethylethylenediamine) have been synthesized using the same tridentate Schiff base ligand HL (2-[1-(2-dimethylaminoethylimino)ethyl]phenol, the condensation product of dmen and 2-hydroxyacetophenone). The four compounds have been characterized by X-ray structural analyses and variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility measurements. Complex 1 is mononuclear, whereas 2 is a single mu-1,1 azido-bridged dinuclear compound. The polymeric compound 3 possesses a 2D structure in which the Cu(II) ions are linked by phenoxo oxygen atoms and two different azide bridges (mu-1,1 and mu-1,1,3). The structure of complex 4 is a double helix in which two mu-1,3-azido-bridged alternating one-dimensional helical chains of CuL(N-3) and Cu(dmen)(N-3)(2) are joined together by weak mu-1,1 azido bridges and H-bonds. The complexes interconvert in solution and can be obtained in pure form by carefully controlling the conditions. The magnetic properties of compounds 1 and 2 show the presence of very weak antiferromagnetic exchange interactions mediated by a ligand pi overlap (J = -1.77) and by an asymmetric 1,1-N-3 bridge (J = -1.97 cm(-1)), respectively. Compound 3 presents, from the magnetic point of view, a decorated chain structure with both ferro- and antiferromagnetic interactions. Compound 4 is an alternating helicoidal chain with two weak antiferromagnetic exchange interactions (J -1.35 and -2.64 cm(-1)).
Waves with periods shorter than the inertial period exist in the atmosphere (as inertia-gravity waves) and in the oceans (as Poincaré and internal gravity waves). Such waves owe their origin to various mechanisms, but of particular interest are those arising either from local secondary instabilities or spontaneous emission due to loss of balance. These phenomena have been studied in the laboratory, both in the mechanically-forced and the thermally-forced rotating annulus. Their generation mechanisms, especially in the latter system, have not yet been fully understood, however. Here we examine short period waves in a numerical model of the rotating thermal annulus, and show how the results are consistent with those from earlier laboratory experiments. We then show how these waves are consistent with being inertia-gravity waves generated by a localised instability within the thermal boundary layer, the location of which is determined by regions of strong shear and downwelling at certain points within a large-scale baroclinic wave flow. The resulting instability launches small-scale inertia-gravity waves into the geostrophic interior of the flow. Their behaviour is captured in fully nonlinear numerical simulations in a finite-difference, 3D Boussinesq Navier-Stokes model. Such a mechanism has many similarities with those responsible for launching small- and meso-scale inertia-gravity waves in the atmosphere from fronts and local convection.
The vertical structure of the relationship between water vapor and precipitation is analyzed in 5 yr of radiosonde and precipitation gauge data from the Nauru Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) site. The first vertical principal component of specific humidity is very highly correlated with column water vapor (CWV) and has a maximum of both total and fractional variance captured in the lower free troposphere (around 800 hPa). Moisture profiles conditionally averaged on precipitation show a strong association between rainfall and moisture variability in the free troposphere and little boundary layer variability. A sharp pickup in precipitation occurs near a critical value of CWV, confirming satellite-based studies. A lag–lead analysis suggests it is unlikely that the increase in water vapor is just a result of the falling precipitation. To investigate mechanisms for the CWV–precipitation relationship, entraining plume buoyancy is examined in sonde data and simplified cases. For several different mixing schemes, higher CWV results in progressively greater plume buoyancies, particularly in the upper troposphere, indicating conditions favorable for deep convection. All other things being equal, higher values of lower-tropospheric humidity, via entrainment, play a major role in this buoyancy increase. A small but significant increase in subcloud layer moisture with increasing CWV also contributes to buoyancy. Entrainment coefficients inversely proportional to distance from the surface, associated with mass flux increase through a deep lower-tropospheric layer, appear promising. These yield a relatively even weighting through the lower troposphere for the contribution of environmental water vapor to midtropospheric buoyancy, explaining the association of CWV and buoyancy available for deep convection.
The first example of thin layer electrochemistry coupled to epifluorescence microscopy in the total internal reflectance mode is described and applied to the investigation of electrochemically modulated fluorescence of an organic dye (chloromethoxytetrazine) in solution. This technique allows to generate full redox switch of fluorescence when converting reversibly the dye into its anion radical, as well as to record the spectral features of the electrogenerated species. Recording simultaneously fluorescence intensity and lifetime along with coulombic charge as a function of the electrode potential will lead to a deep insight into the redox quenching mechanism.
In the ordered state, symmetric diblock copolymers self-assemble into an anisotropic lamellar morphology. The equilibrium thickness of the lamellae is the result of a delicate balance between enthalpic and entropic energies, which can be tuned by controlling the temperature. Here we devise a simple yet powerful method of detecting tiny changes in the lamellar thickness using optical microscopy. From such measurements we characterize the enthalpic interaction as well as the kinetics of molecules as they hop from one layer to the next in order to adjust the lamellar thickness in response to a temperature jump. The resolution of the measurements facilitate a direct comparison to predictions from self-consistent field theory.
This paper presents the initial research carried out into a new neural network called the multilayer radial basis function network (MRBF). The network extends the radial basis function (RBF) in a similar way to that in which the multilayer perceptron extends the perceptron. It is hoped that by connecting RBFs together in a layered fashion, an equivalent increase in ability can be gained, as is gained from using MLPs instead of single perceptrons. The results of a practical comparison between individual RBFs and MRBF's are also given.
The synthesis, lanthanide complexation, and solvent ex- traction of actinide(III) and lanthanide(III) radiotracers from nitric acid solutions by a phenanthroline-derived quadridentate bis-triazine ligand are described. The ligand separates Am(III) and Cm(III) from the lanthanides with remarkably high efficiency, high selectivity, and fast extraction kinetics compared to its 2,2'-bipyridine counterpart. Structures of the 1:2 bis-complexes of the ligand with Eu(III) and Yb(III) were elucidated by X-ray crystallography and force field calculations, respec-tively. The Eu(III) bis-complex is the first 1:2 bis-complex of a quadridentate bis-triazine ligand to be characterized by crystallography. The faster rates of extraction were verified by kinetics measurements using the rotating membrane cell technique in several diluents. The improved kinetics of metal ion extraction are related to the higher surface activity of the ligand at the phase interface. The improvement in the ligand's properties on replacing the bipyridine unit with a phenanthroline unit far exceeds what was anticipated based on ligand design alone.
We demonstrate the formation of a macroscopically oriented inverse bicontinuous cubic (QII) lipid phase from a sponge (L3) phase by controlled hydration during shear flow. The L3 phase was the monoolein/ butanediol/water system; the addition of water reduces the butanediol concentration, inducing the formation of a diamond (QIID) cubic phase, which is oriented by the shear flow. The phenomenon was reproduced in both capillary and Couette geometries, indicating that this represents a robust general route for the production of highly aligned bulkQII samples, with applications in nanomaterial templating and protein research.
This paper describes advances in ground-based thermodynamic profiling of the lower troposphere through sensor synergy. The well-documented integrated profiling technique (IPT), which uses a microwave profiler, a cloud radar, and a ceilometer to simultaneously retrieve vertical profiles of temperature, humidity, and liquid water content (LWC) of nonprecipitating clouds, is further developed toward an enhanced performance in the boundary layer and lower troposphere. For a more accurate temperature profile, this is accomplished by including an elevation scanning measurement modus of the microwave profiler. Height-dependent RMS accuracies of temperature (humidity) ranging from 0.3 to 0.9 K (0.5–0.8 g m−3) in the boundary layer are derived from retrieval simulations and confirmed experimentally with measurements at distinct heights taken during the 2005 International Lindenberg Campaign for Assessment of Humidity and Cloud Profiling Systems and its Impact on High-Resolution Modeling (LAUNCH) of the German Weather Service. Temperature inversions, especially of the lower boundary layer, are captured in a very satisfactory way by using the elevation scanning mode. To improve the quality of liquid water content measurements in clouds the authors incorporate a sophisticated target classification scheme developed within the European cloud observing network CloudNet. It allows the detailed discrimination between different types of backscatterers detected by cloud radar and ceilometer. Finally, to allow IPT application also to drizzling cases, an LWC profiling method is integrated. This technique classifies the detected hydrometeors into three different size classes using certain thresholds determined by radar reflectivity and/or ceilometer extinction profiles. By inclusion into IPT, the retrieved profiles are made consistent with the measurements of the microwave profiler and an LWC a priori profile. Results of IPT application to 13 days of the LAUNCH campaign are analyzed, and the importance of integrated profiling for model evaluation is underlined.