897 resultados para Heroin Shortage


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Despite the importance of information and communication technology (ICT) in the management of transport and logistics systems, there is a shortage of studies in the road freight haulage sector. This paper is aimed at filling this void through an exploratory survey on ICT adoption and the influencing factors carried out in the Italian road transport market. The paper provides a review of the previous research on this topic that allows the identification of research gaps that have been addressed through a questionnaire survey. The findings provide evidence of a passive stance on ICT usage characterised by the adoption of isolated applications. The financial risk associated with technology investment and human resources are the main barriers to ICT adoption, while the improvement of service level and the reliability of transport operations emerge as stimulating factors. The results suggest that the potential benefits of technology have not been fully exploited and a risk-sensitive stance on ICT is evident preventing the full incorporation of ICT into business processes.


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Changes in the international economic scenario in recent years have made it necessary for both industrial and service firms to reformulate their strategies, with a strong focus on the resources required for successful implementation. In this scenario, information and communication technologies (ICT) has a potentially vital role to play both as a key resource for re-engineering business processes within a framework of direct connection between suppliers and customers, and as a source of cost optimisation. There have also been innovations in the logistics and freight transport industry in relation to ICT diffusion. The implementation of such systems by third party logistics providers (3PL) allows the real-time exchange of information between supply chain partners, thereby improving planning capability and customer service. Unlike other industries, the logistics and freight transport industry is lagging somewhat behind other sectors in ICT diffusion. This situation is to be attributed to a series of both industry-specific and other factors, such as: (a) traditional resistance to change on the part of transport and logistics service providers; (b) the small size of firms that places considerable constraints upon investment in ICT; (c) the relative shortage of user-friendly applications; (d) the diffusion of internal standards on the part of the main providers in the industry whose aim is to protect company information, preventing its dissemination among customers and suppliers; (e) the insufficient degree of professional skills for using such technologies on the part of staff in such firms. The latter point is of critical importance insofar as the adoption of ICT is making it increasingly necessary both to develop new technical skills to use different hardware and new software tools, and to be able to plan processes of communication so as to allow the optimal use of ICT. The aim of this paper is to assess the impact of ICT on transport and logistics industry and to highlight how the use of such new technologies is affecting providers' training needs. The first part will provide a conceptual framework of the impact of ICT on the transport and logistics industry. In the second part the state of ICT dissemination in the Italian and Irish third party logistics industry will be outlined. In the third part, the impact of ICT on the training needs of transport and logistics service providers - based on case studies in both countries - are discussed. The implications of the foregoing for the development of appropriate training policies are considered. For the covering abstract see ITRD E126595.


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The need for improvement in the logistics and supply chain management capability of companies in Ireland is becoming increasingly recognised. One of the main bottlenecks currently is the shortage of supply chain management professionals. Education and training has a fundamental role to play if the supply of suitably qualified human resource is to be addressed in a meaningful way. Recent research indicates that demand for people with the right knowledge and skills greatly exceed supply. There are numerous techniques and technologies which can facilitate improvement in a company’s supply chain capability. However, experience has shown that these tools alone can not address the weaknesses – any improvement tool is only as good as a company’s ability to utilise it and effective utilisation depends above all on the knowledge and skill of employees. Education and training is essential in developing the requisite knowledge and skills. Consultants can play a role in terms of providing an objective view of a company’s requirements. But the only way to generate a sustainable competitive advantage is to ensure that the necessary knowledge and skills are available in-house. Indeed, the “consultancy culture” which has developed in many companies is a direct result of this lack of in-house expertise. Given the shortage of suitably qualified and experienced people in the job market, the only way that this problem can be addressed is through effective development of existing staff. This paper describes the partnership model adopted by the NITL to achieve its objective of combining academic excellence with real relevance to commercial needs in its supply chain management development programmes. The Executive Development Programme (EDP) is used to illustrate how the model is implemented.


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Purpose – The purpose of this research is to study the perceived impact of some factors on the resources allocation processes of the Nigerian universities and to suggest a framework that will help practitioners and academics to understand and improve such processes. Design/methodology/approach – The study adopted the interpretive qualitative approach aimed at an ‘in-depth’ understanding of the resource allocation experiences of key university personnel and their perceived impact of the contextual factors affecting such processes. The analysis of individual narratives from each university established the conditions and factors impacting the resources allocation processes within each institution. Findings – The resources allocation process issues in the Nigerian universities may be categorised into people (core and peripheral units’ challenge, and politics and power); process (resources allocation processes); and resources (critical financial shortage and resources dependence response). The study also provides insight that resourcing efficiency in Nigerian universities appears strongly constrained by the rivalry among the resource managers. The efficient resources allocation process (ERAP) model is proposed to resolve the identified resourcing deficiencies. Research limitations/implications – The research is not focused to provide generalizable observations but ‘in-depth’ perceived factors and their impact on the resources allocation processes in Nigerian universities. The study is limited to the internal resources allocation issues within the universities and excludes the external funding factors. The resource managers’ responses to the identified factors may affect their internal resourcing efficiency. Further research using more empirical samples is required to obtain more widespread results and the implications for all universities. Originality/value – This study contributes a fresh literature framework to resources allocation processes focusing at ‘people’, ‘process’ and ‘resources’. Also a middle range theory triangulation is developed in relation to better understanding of resourcing process management. The study will be of interest to university managers and policy makers.


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To account for the double-edged nature of demographic workplace diversity (i.e,. relational demography, work group diversity, and organizational diversity) effects on social integration, performance, and well-being related variables, research has moved away from simple main effect approaches and started examining variables that moderate these effects. While there is no shortage of primary studies of the conditions under which diversity leads to positive or negative outcomes, it remains unclear which contingency factors make it work. Using the Categorization-Elaboration Model as our theoretical lens, we review variables moderating the effects of workplace diversity on social integration, performance, and well-being outcomes, focusing on factors that organizations and managers have control over (i.e., strategy, unit design, human resource, leadership, climate/culture, and individual differences). We point out avenues for future research and conclude with practical implications.


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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) becomes ever more important for organizations. In times of corporate scandals and more governmental regulation on the one hand and a foreseeable shortage of highly qualified employees on the other, CSR is both a means to serve the wider society and to attract employees with a positive reputation and image. The aim of the present study was to determine whether CSR activities as perceived by employees indeed lead to more employee affective commitment and whether this would be moderated by employee differences in importance of CSR. The study differentiated two forms of CSR, namely corporate social responsibility directed towards individual employees (CSR-E) and directed towards the wider society (CSR-S). We surveyed 89 employees and found evidence for the predicted moderation and for both forms of CSR such that CSR-E and CSR-S and affective commitment were only positively related for those employees who evaluated CSR as important. Implications for recruitment and future research are discussed.


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Various streams of organizational research have examined the relationship between creativity and leadership, albeit using slightly different names such as “creative leadership”, “leading for creativity and innovation”, and “managing creatives”. In this article, we review this dispersed body of knowledge and synthesize it under a global construct of creative leadership, which refers to leading others toward the attainment of a creative outcome. Under this unifying construct, we classify three more narrow conceptualizations that we observe in the literature: facilitating employee creativity; directing the materialization of a leader's creative vision; and integrating heterogeneous creative contributions. After examining the contextual characteristics associated with the three conceptualizations, we suggest that they represent three distinct collaborative contexts of creative leadership. We discuss the theoretical implications of a multi-context framework of creative leadership, especially in terms of resolving three persisting problems in the extant literature: lack of definitional clarity, shortage of nuanced theories, and low contextual sensitivity.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 62H15, 62P10.


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The aim of this paper is to explore the management of information in an aerospace manufacturer's supply chain by analysing supply chain disruption risks. The social network perspective will be used to examine the flows of information in the supply chain. The examination of information flows will also be explored in terms of push and pull information management. The supply chain risk management (SCRM) strategy is to assess the management of information that allows companies to gather information which will allow them to mitigate that risk before any disruption to the supply chain occurs. There is a shortage of models in analysing the supply chain risk associated with information flows, possibly due to the omission of appropriate modelling techniques in this area (Tang and Nurmaya, 2011). This paper uses an exploratory case study consisting of a multi method qualitative approach using fifteen interviews and four focus groups.


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This issue of Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Part A represents a summary of the recent discussion meeting 'Communication networks beyond the capacity crunch'. The purpose of the meeting was to establish the nature of the capacity crunch, estimate the time scales associated with it and to begin to find solutions to enable continued growth in a post-crunch era. The meeting confirmed that, in addition to a capacity shortage within a single optical fibre, many other 'crunches' are foreseen in the field of communications, both societal and technical. Technical crunches identified included the nonlinear Shannon limit, wireless spectrum, distribution of 5G signals (front haul and back haul), while societal influences included net neutrality, creative content generation and distribution and latency, and finally energy and cost. The meeting concluded with the observation that these many crunches are genuine and may influence our future use of technology, but encouragingly noted that research and business practice are already moving to alleviate many of the negative consequences.


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In this paper, I discuss some of the ideas raised by Renandya and Farrell (ELT Journal 65/1) related to extensive listening (EL) and the teaching of listening strategies. Function of extensive listening :The concept of EL emanated from extensive reading, an approach that aims to improve a variety of reading skills through exposure to materials that approximately match proficiency level. According to Renandya and Farrell (2011: 56), ‘like reading, listening is best learnt through listening’. These authors support EL as the answer to the issue of how to teach listening in L2 classrooms. Complementary role : EL can play a supportive role in L2 listening pedagogy. Through exposure to extensive and various listening texts, learners gain opportunities to practise and refine their listening processes, recognize linguistic and lexical features, and increase cultural knowledge related to the target language. The value of EL in this practice-oriented capacity cannot be overstated. It is difficult, however, to accept EL as the main component of L2 listening pedagogy, as Renandya and Farrell suggest. With listening materials readily available online (see Renandya and Farrell’s useful list of websites, p. 58) and on CDs, there is no shortage of practice material. EL provides the practice, but a question we should ask is: ‘What exactly are learners practising?’ Extensive listening dilemmas: For EL to be the predominant element in L2 listening pedagogy, several matters may need to be resolved.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to develop an integrated patient-focused analytical framework to improve quality of care in accident and emergency (A&E) unit of a Maltese hospital. Design/methodology/approach – The study adopts a case study approach. First, a thorough literature review has been undertaken to study the various methods of healthcare quality management. Second, a healthcare quality management framework is developed using combined quality function deployment (QFD) and logical framework approach (LFA). Third, the proposed framework is applied to a Maltese hospital to demonstrate its effectiveness. The proposed framework has six steps, commencing with identifying patients’ requirements and concluding with implementing improvement projects. All the steps have been undertaken with the involvement of the concerned stakeholders in the A&E unit of the hospital. Findings – The major and related problems being faced by the hospital under study were overcrowding at A&E and shortage of beds, respectively. The combined framework ensures better A&E services and patient flow. QFD identifies and analyses the issues and challenges of A&E and LFA helps develop project plans for healthcare quality improvement. The important outcomes of implementing the proposed quality improvement programme are fewer hospital admissions, faster patient flow, expert triage and shorter waiting times at the A&E unit. Increased emergency consultant cover and faster first significant medical encounter were required to start addressing the problems effectively. Overall, the combined QFD and LFA method is effective to address quality of care in A&E unit. Practical/implications – The proposed framework can be easily integrated within any healthcare unit, as well as within entire healthcare systems, due to its flexible and user-friendly approach. It could be part of Six Sigma and other quality initiatives. Originality/value – Although QFD has been extensively deployed in healthcare setup to improve quality of care, very little has been researched on combining QFD and LFA in order to identify issues, prioritise them, derive improvement measures and implement improvement projects. Additionally, there is no research on QFD application in A&E. This paper bridges these gaps. Moreover, very little has been written on the Maltese health care system. Therefore, this study contributes demonstration of quality of emergency care in Malta.


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The importance of innovation can hardly be exaggerated, given that landmark change has defined human progress in our technological age. The business pages of popular journals are replete with a dazzling array of inventions that have overturned existing ways of working and fundamentally changed human experience — from agricultural drones that offer farmers new ways to increase crop yield to genome editing that provides powerful insights into genetically baffling brain disorders. Innovation has become a topical theme within organisations, too, with no shortage of advice and suggestions often targeted at business leaders about how to craft an innovation strategy or increase the number and quality of ideas with a view to enriching organisational life. The quote at the start of this chapter bears testament to the sheer effort of moving away from familiar, habitual practices in the direction of less-certain, risky future terrain. Setting aside what has gone before to move in new directions requires determination, resilience and courage at a personal level. Often overlooked, though, are the multi-level dynamics that this entails.


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Egy könyvkiadó vállalatot vizsgálunk. A kiadó kiadványait a szokásos értékesítési láncon (kis- és nagykereskedelem) keresztül értékesíti. A kérdés az, hogy egy új könyv példányait hogyan allokálja az értékesítési láncban. Feltételezzük, hogy a kereslet ismert, Poisson-eloszlású. A készletezés költségeit szintén ismertnek tételezzük fel. Cél a költségek minimalizálása. = The aim of the paper is to analyze a practical real world problem. A publishing house is given. The publishing firm has contacts to a number of wholesaler / retailer enterprises and direct contact to customers to satisfy the market demand. The book publishers work in a project industry. The publisher faces with the problem to allocate the stocks of a given, newly published book to the wholesaler and retailer, and to hold some copies to satisfy the customers direct from the publisher. The distribution of the demand is unknown, but it can be estimated. The costs consist of inventory holding and shortage, backorder costs. The decision maker wants to minimize these relevant costs. The problem can be modeled as a one-warehouse and N-retailer supply chain with not identical demand distribution. The problem structure is similar that of a newsvendor model. It is assumed that the demand distribution follows a Poisson distribution.


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A szerző korábban a szocialista rendszer és a posztszocialista átmenet elemzésére használta azt a szemléletet és módszertant, amelyet rendszerparadigmának nevezett el. A jelen tanulmány a kapitalizmus néhány általános vonásának vizsgálatára alkalmazza ezt a megközelítést. A cikk - fogalmi tisztázás után - példákat sorol fel a kapitalizmus néhány rendszerspecifikus vonására, majd kettővel részletesebben foglalkozik. Az egyik: a rendszer dinamizmusa. Az elmúlt évszázad nagy újításai, amelyek mélyrehatóan átalakították nemcsak a termelés technológiáját, hanem az emberek mindennapi életét is, a kapitalista rendszer és annak főszereplője, a vállalkozó vezette be és terjesztette el. Csak a kapitalizmusban tud kialakulni a vállalkozás és újítás mechanizmusa, az ehhez szükséges erőteljes ösztönzés és rugalmas tőkepiac. A másik példa: a kapitalista rendszer immanens tulajdonsága a munkaerőpiacon jelentkező tartós többlet, szemben a szocialista rendszerrel, amelynek kifejlett formájában tartós munkaerőhiány mutatkozik. Elméletileg és tapasztalatilag is igazolható, hogy minél dinamikusabb a kapitalista gazdaság állandó átalakulása, annál inkább keletkezik strukturális munkanélküliség. A hatékony bér elmélete megmagyarázza, miért érdeke a munkaadónak, hogy a piactisztító bérnél magasabb bért fizessen, és ezzel munkanélküliséget idézzen elő. A kapitalizmus reformálható rendszer. Ám ügyelni kell arra, hogy a részreformok között milyen a kapcsolat. Szerencsés esetben kiegészítik egymást. Ám ennél sokkal gyakoribb, hogy miközben szembeszállunk a rendszer egyik kedvezőtlen hajlamával, utat engedünk egy másik kedvezőtlen hajlam megerősödésének. ___________________ The author previously applied the outlook and methodology he named the system paradigm to analysing the socialist system and post-socialist transition. This study takes the same approach to some general attributes of capitalism. After clarifying some concepts, the author presents examples of some system-specific features of capitalism, before ad-dressing two of them in detail. One is the dynamism of the system. The great innovations of the last century that radically altered both the technology of production and people s daily lives were all introduced and disseminated by the capitalist system and its protago-nist, the entrepreneur. Only under capitalism can the mechanism of entrepreneurship and innovation emerge, with the strong incentives and flexible capital market they require. The other immanent feature is a chronic surplus on the labour market that contrasts sharply with the chronic labour shortage prevalent under the mature socialist system. Theory and experience confirm that the faster the ongoing transformation of a capitalist economy proceeds, the greater the propensity for structural unemployment to appear. It is explained by the efficiency pay hypothesis how an employer has an incentive to pay more than a market-clearing wage, thereby introducing unemployment. Capitalism is a system that can be reformed, but attention needs paying to relations between reforms of different parts of the system. In fortunate cases they complement each other, but it is commoner to find that tackling one unfavourable tendency only allows another such tendency to increase.