1000 resultados para Herajärvi, Petter Abraham


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi simular o conteúdo de água disponível no solo e o rendimento das culturas de trigo, soja e milho, em Santa Maria, RS, e associá-los ao fenômeno El Niño Oscilação Sul (ENOS). O período estudado foi de 1969 a 2003. A água disponível no solo e o rendimento das culturas foram calculados com modelos matemáticos disponíveis na literatura. A água disponível no solo foi representada pela fração de água transpirável no solo pelas plantas. Foi constatado que a menor disponibilidade hídrica no solo está associada a anos neutros, e a maior disponibilidade hídrica está relacionada a eventos do El Niño. Os anos de La Niña foram os mais favoráveis ao rendimento de grãos da cultura de trigo, enquanto os anos de El Niño foram os mais favoráveis ao rendimento de grãos de soja e milho. Ficou evidente que os anos classificados como neutros, em relação ao ENOS, são os de maior risco de perda de rendimento de grãos destas duas culturas de verão, em conseqüência da menor disponibilidade hídrica no solo, o que é uma informação importante no planejamento de estratégias para o agronegócio relativamente a uma previsão do fenômeno ENOS.


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Understanding the molecular aberrations involved in the development and progression of metastatic melanoma (MM) is essential for a better diagnosis and targeted therapy. We identified breast cancer suppressor candidate-1 (BCSC-1) as a novel tumor suppressor in melanoma. BCSC-1 expression is decreased in human MM, and its ectopic expression in MM-derived cell lines blocks tumor formation in vivo and melanoma cell proliferation in vitro while increasing cell migration. We demonstrate that BCSC-1 binds to Sox10, which down regulates MITF, and results in a switch of melanoma cells from a proliferative to a migratory phenotype. In conclusion, we have identified BCSC-1 as a tumor suppressor in melanoma and as a novel regulator of the MITF pathway.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a capacidade de estabelecimento de plantas de cobertura em sobressemeadura na cultura soja. A soja foi semeada em diferentes épocas para que, no estádio R7 (maturação fisiológica), ocorressem diferentes condições climáticas para implantação das plantas de cobertura. O experimento foi realizado em Rio Verde, GO, na safra de verão 2005/2006, em Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico. Foram avaliadas seis plantas de cobertura: Brachiaria brizantha, B. ruziziensis, B. decumbens, Eleusine coracana, Pennisetum glaucum e o híbrido Cober Crop [Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench x Sorghum sudanense Piper Stapf], e uma testemunha mantida em pousio. A soja foi semeada em quatro épocas: 27/10/2005, 10/11/2005, 24/11/2005 e 14/12/2005. A sobressemeadura das plantas de cobertura foi realizada manualmente, a lanço, quando a soja atingiu o estádio R7. Com exceção da segunda época de semeadura da soja, que apresentou a menor média de estande em todas as plantas de cobertura, em razão da maior matocompetição, todas as demais possibilitaram crescimento inicial satisfatório das plantas de cobertura sobressemeadas em R7, com base na emergência, altura de plantas, cobertura do solo e produção de palhada. B. ruziziensis, B. brizantha, B. decumbens e o híbrido Cober Crop apresentam maior potencial para a produção de palhada durante a entressafra no Cerrado, com uso da sobressemeadura.


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BACKGROUND: Stem cell labeling with iron oxide (ferumoxide) particles allows labeled cells to be detected by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and is commonly used to track stem cell engraftment. However, the validity of MRI for distinguishing surviving ferumoxide-labeled cells from other sources of MRI signal, for example, macrophages containing ferumoxides released from nonsurviving cells, has not been thoroughly investigated. We sought to determine the relationship between the persistence of iron-dependent MRI signals and cell survival 3 weeks after injection of syngeneic or xenogeneic ferumoxides-labeled stem cells (cardiac-derived stem cells) in rats. METHODS AND RESULTS: We studied nonimmunoprivileged human and rat cardiac-derived stem cells and human mesenchymal stem cells doubly labeled with ferumoxides and beta-galactosidase and injected intramyocardially into immunocompetent Wistar-Kyoto rats. Animals were imaged at 2 days and 3 weeks after stem cell injection in a clinical 3-T MRI scanner. At 2 days, injection sites of xenogeneic and syngeneic cells (cardiac-derived stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells) were identified by MRI as large intramyocardial signal voids that persisted at 3 weeks (50% to 90% of initial signal). Histology (at 3 weeks) revealed the presence of iron-containing macrophages at the injection site, identified by CD68 staining, but very few or no beta-galactosidase-positive stem cells in the animals transplanted with syngeneic or xenogeneic cells, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The persistence of significant iron-dependent MRI signal derived from ferumoxide-containing macrophages despite few or no viable stem cells 3 weeks after transplantation indicates that MRI of ferumoxide-labeled cells does not reliably report long-term stem cell engraftment in the heart.


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Background: HAART has contributed to decrease the HIV-related mortality and morbidity. However, the prevalence of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND) seems to have increased. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of cognitive complaint and of HAND in a cohort of aviremic HIV_patients in the South-western part of Switzerland. Design/Methods: Two hundred HIV_ patients who had (1) undetectable HIV RNA concentrations in the plasma for_3 months, (2) no history of major opportunistic infection of the CNS in the past three years, (3) no current use of IV drugs and (4) no signs of major depression according to the DSM-IV criteria, answered a questionnaire designed to elicit cognitive complaints. Cognitive functions of a subset of HIV_ patients with or without cognitive complaints were assessed using the HIV Dementia scale (HDS) and a battery of neuropsychological tests evaluating the sub-cortical functions. Cognitive impairment was defined according to the revised diagnostic criteria for HAND. Non-parametric tests were used for statistics and a Bonferroni corrected standard p level of pB0.002 was applied for multiple comparisons. Results: The prevalence of cognitive complaints was 27% (54 patients) among the 200 questioned patients. At the time of writing this abstract, cognitive functions of 50 complaining and 28 noncomplaining aviremic patients had been assessed with the HDS and the full neuropsychological battery. The prevalence of HAND producing at least mild interference in daily functioning (mild neurocognitive disorders [MND] or HIV-associated dementia [HAD]) was 44% (34/78 patients) in the group who underwent neuropsychological testing. Objective evidences of HAND were more frequent in complaining than in non-complaining patients (pB0.001). Using a ROC curve, a cut-off of 13 on the HDS was found to have a sensitivity of 74% and a specificity of 71% (p_0.001) for the diagnosis of HAND. A trend for lower CNS Penetrating-Effectiveness scores for HAART in patients with MND or HAD as compared to the others was present (1.59 0.6 vs. 1.990.6; p_0.006 [Bonferroni correction]). Conclusions/Relevance: So far, our results suggest that (1) the prevalence of HAND is high in HIV_ patients with a long-term suppression of viremia, and (2) cognitive complaints expressed by aviremic HIV_ patients should be carefully investigated as they correlate with objective evidences of cognitive decline in a neuropsychological testing. HAART with a high CNS penetrating-effectiveness may contribute to prevent HAND. Funding: Swiss HIV Cohort Study.


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Wars are often associated with a rhetoric of renewal or new beginnings. This essay explores this claim through the lens of civil religion and a recent book by Carolyn Marvin and David Ingle, Blood Sacrifice and the Nation, which combines Emile Durkheim with Réné Girard in proposing that modern national cohesion depends on blood sacrifice. I unpack some of the paradoxes raised by this theory of national renewal in the context of 9/11, with a special focus on the sacred status of the flag and the special attention given to uniformed serviceman in the American body politic.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho de plantas de cobertura quanto à fitomassa, ao acúmulo e à liberação de nutrientes, durante a entressafra, em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico, no Cerrado. O experimento foi realizado em Santo Antônio de Goiás e Rio Verde, GO, de novembro de 2007 a outubro de 2008. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas no tempo, com as plantas de cobertura avaliadas nas parcelas principais e com os períodos de coleta de fitomassa nas subparcelas, com quatro repetições. As espécies avaliadas foram: Urochloa brizantha, U. ruziziensis, Pennisetum glaucum e U. ruziziensis + Cajanus cajan e, como referência, pousio com vegetação espontânea. As épocas de coleta foram seis em Santo Antônio de Goiás e cinco em Rio Verde, a partir da data de dessecação do P. glaucum, aos 60 dias após a semeadura. O P. glaucum apresentou as maiores quantidades de fitomassa seca no início da entressafra, enquanto as outras coberturas apresentaram acúmulos significativos de fitomassa e nutrientes no final da entressafra.


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