916 resultados para Haunted houses


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The need for heating and cooling in buildings constitutes a considerable part of the total energy use in a country and reducing this need is of outmost importance in order to reach national and international goals for reducing energy use and emissions. One important way of reaching these goals is to increase the proportion of renewable energy used for heating and cooling of buildings. Perhaps the largest obstacle with this is the often occurring mismatch between the availability of renewable energy and the need for heating or cooling, hindering this energy to be used directly. This is one of the problems that can be solved by using thermal energy storage (TES) in order to save the heat or cold from when it is available to when it is needed. This thesis is focusing on the combination of TES techniques and buildings to achieve increased energy efficiency for heating and cooling. Various techniques used for TES as well as the combination of TES in buildings have been investigated and summarized through an extensive literature review. A survey of the Swedish building stock was also performed in order to define building types common in Sweden. Within the scope of this thesis, the survey resulted in the selection of three building types, two single family houses and one office building, out of which the two residential buildings were used in a simulation case study of passive TES with increased thermal mass (both sensible and latent). The second case study presented in the thesis is an evaluation of an existing seasonal borehole storage of solar heat for a residential community. In this case, real measurement data was used in the evaluation and in comparisons with earlier evaluations. The literature reviews showed that using TES opens up potential for reduced energy demand and reduced peak heating and cooling loads as well as possibilities for an increased share of renewable energy to cover the energy demand. By using passive storage through increased thermal mass of a building it is also possible to reduce variations in the indoor temperature and especially reduce excess temperatures during warm periods, which could result in avoiding active cooling in a building that would otherwise need it. The analysis of the combination of TES and building types confirmed that TES has a significant potential for increased energy efficiency in buildings but also highlighted the fact that there is still much research required before some of the technologies can become commercially available. In the simulation case study it was concluded that only a small reduction in heating demand is possible with increased thermal mass, but that the time with indoor temperatures above 24 °C can be reduced by up to 20%. The case study of the borehole storage system showed that although the storage system worked as planned, heat losses in the rest of the system as well as some problems with the system operation resulted in a lower solar fraction than projected. The work presented within this thesis has shown that TES is already used successfully for many building applications (e.g. domestic hot water stores and water tanks for storing solar heat) but that there still is much potential in further use of TES. There are, however, barriers such as a need for more research for some storage technologies as well as storage materials, especially phase change material storage and thermochemical storage.


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As a first step in assessing the potential of thermal energy storage in Swedish buildings, the current situation of the Swedish building stock and different storage methods are discussed in this paper. Overall, many buildings are from the 1960’s or earlier having a relatively high energy demand, creating opportunities for large energy savings. The major means of heating are electricity for detached houses and district heating for multi dwelling houses and premises. Cooling needs are relatively low but steadily increasing, emphasizing the need to consider energy storage for both heat and cold. The thermal mass of a building is important for passive storage of thermal energy but this has not been considered much when constructing buildings in Sweden. Instead, common ways of storing thermal energy in Swedish buildings today is in water storage tanks or in the ground using boreholes, while latent thermal energy storage is still very uncommon.


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Reduction of household energy consumption is one of the top issues in contemporary discussions on sustainable consumption. This chapter concerns one way through which consumption of purchased energy for house heating can be reduced; by having a solar thermal system added to one's house. However, the fact that one of the components - the solar collector - usually is situated on the roof or the facade of a building, is a recurrent impediment to such installations. In certain contexts, these attributes may melt into the building, while in others, they may be perceived as problematic. The latter may particularly be the case when the appearance of the building is of major imiportance, as with houses deemed worthy of preservation for coming generations. This chapter draws upon a study carried out in Visby Town, a walled Hanseatic town and a World Heritage site on the island of Gotland, Sweden.


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Ska energimålen med halvering av energianvändningen kunna nås i länet måste småhusägare och ägare av mindre flerbostadshus övertygas om nyttan och möjligheter med att energieffektivisera i egna byggnader. Genom att använda en metod för paketering av energisparåtgärder kan byggnader energirenoveras på ett effektivt sätt och energianvändningen kan på så sätt minimeras. BELOK Totalprojekt är en metod för energieffektivisering i kommersiella byggnader genom renovering med åtgärdspaket. Metoden har även använts för flerbostadshus och uppgiften i den här rapporten är att undersöka ifall samma metod kan vara lämplig att använda även för småhus. Resultaten visar att metoden mycket väl kan användas även för småhus, men att vissa anpassningar är nödvändiga för att småhusägare ska kunna relatera till resultatet. Vid renovering i småhus kan många olika aktörer vara inblandade beroende på hur småhusägaren väljer att utföra en renovering. Om småhusägaren själv gör huvuddelen av arbetet är det lämpligt att Energikalkylen eller motsvarande kan användas för att göra en förenklad energianalys av byggnaden för att sedan föra över data till BELOK Totalverktyg, där det ekonomiska utfallet för renoveringspaket illustreras. Uppföljningen efter slutförd renovering är något som till exempel energibolag skulle kunna erbjuda tjänster för. Om småhusägaren väljer att anlita en energikonsult för den initiala analysen av byggnaden kan BELOK Totalprojekt användas mer i sin helhet men detta innebär förstås en högre kostnad för småhusägaren. För att öppna upp för fler möjligheter för småhusägare att totalrenovera är det viktigt att även involvera banksektorn för att diskutera ett upplägg för lån till energieffektivisering. Här kan även styrmedel av karaktären statliga lånegarantier eller ROT-avdrag för energieffektivisering vara aktuella att ta upp till diskussion. Slutligen är kommunikation med småhusägarna väldigt viktig och här är aktörer som redan idag har kontakt med småhusägare centrala. Två sådana aktörer är energibolag samt Villaägarnas Riksförbund.


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In Borlänge, source separation has been the basis for management of household waste for over five years. This report reviews today?s system and gives a model for further follow-up through waste grouping. In the basic system waste is separated into three fractions: biodegradable, waste to energy and waste to landfill. All waste is packed in plastic bags, put in separate containers for each fraction, and collected from the property. Separate analyses were made of waste from single family houses and apartment buildings. The amount of waste per household and week, number of non-sorted bags, purity, recovery rate and density of each fraction was calculated. The amount of packaging collected together with the household waste is given. Material collected under the Swedish law of Producers? Responsibility is not covered in this report.


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Åtta semi-strukturerade djupintervjuer genomfördes i syfte att kartlägga svenska formgivares och förlagsanställdas strategiska och kreativa arbetsprocess samt olika attityder vid arbetet med praktverk och coffee table-böcker. Dessa böckers termer och definitioner diskuterades även, samt boktypens förut-sättningar och utmaningar på marknaden. I denna rapport presenteras funna teman rörande dessa tankemönster och attity-der, samt en generell beskrivning av arbetsprocessen. Produktionen av coffee table-böcker och praktverk fanns vara komplex på grund av att den involverade många personer, tog lång tid i anspråk, var kost-sam och hade relativt små vinstmarginaler vilket därmed kunde förenas med vissa risker. Respondenterna upplevde generellt arbetet som spännande, roligt och givande.Studien belyser även förekomsten av en viss diskrepans vad gäller associationerna till termerna ”coffee table-bok” och ”praktverk”. Coffee table-böcker ansågs främst av de förlagsanställda ha ett innehåll av lägre kvalitet jämfört med det hos ett praktverk.


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Objective: For the evaluation of the energetic performance of combined renewable heating systems that supply space heat and domestic hot water for single family houses, dynamic behaviour, component interactions, and control of the system play a crucial role and should be included in test methods. Methods: New dynamic whole system test methods were developed based on “hardware in the loop” concepts. Three similar approaches are described and their differences are discussed. The methods were applied for testing solar thermal systems in combination with fossil fuel boilers (heating oil and natural gas), biomass boilers, and/or heat pumps. Results: All three methods were able to show the performance of combined heating systems under transient operating conditions. The methods often detected unexpected behaviour of the tested system that cannot be detected based on steady state performance tests that are usually applied to single components. Conclusion: Further work will be needed to harmonize the different test methods in order to reach comparable results between the different laboratories. Practice implications: A harmonized approach for whole system tests may lead to new test standards and improve the accuracy of performance prediction as well as reduce the need for field tests.


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This paper focuses on the study of cascade heat pump systems in combination with solar thermal for the production of hot water and space heating in single family houses with relatively high heating demand. The system concept was developed by Ratiotherm GmbH and simulated with TRNSYS 17. The basic cascade system uses the heat pump and solar collectors in parallel operation while a further development is the inclusion of an intermediate store that enables the possibility of serial/parallel operation and the use of low temperature solar heat. Parametric studies in terms of compressor size, refrigerant pair and size of intermediate heat exchanger were carried out for the optimization of the basic system. The system configurations were simulated for the complete year and compared to a reference of a solar thermal system combined with an air source heat pump. The results show ~13% savings in electricity use for all three cascade systems compared to the reference. However, the complexity of the systems is different and thus higher capital costs are expected.


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Addressing building energy use is a pressing issue for building sector decision makers across Europe. In Sweden, some regions have adopted a target of reducing energy use in buildings by 50% until 2050. However, building codes currently do not support as ambitious objectives as these, and novel approaches to addressing energy use in buildings from a regional perspective are called for. The purpose of this licentiate thesis was to provide a deeper understanding of most relevant issues with regard to energy use in buildings from a broad perspective and to suggest pathways towards reaching the long-term savings objective. Current trends in building sector structure and energy use point to detached houses constructed before 1981 playing a key role in the energy transition, especially in the rural areas of Sweden. In the Swedish county of Dalarna, which was used as a study area in this thesis, these houses account for almost 70% of the residential heating demand. Building energy simulations of eight sample houses from county show that there is considerable techno-economic potential for energy savings in these houses, but not quite enough to reach the 50% savings objective. Two case studies from rural Sweden show that savings well beyond 50% are achievable, both when access to capital and use of high technology are granted and when they are not. However, on a broader scale both direct and indirect rebound effects will have to be expected, which calls for more refined approaches to energy savings. Furthermore, research has shown that the techno-economic potential is in fact never realised, not even in the most well-designed intervention programmes, due to the inherent complexity of human behaviour with respect to energy use. This is not taken account of in neither current nor previous Swedish energy use legislation. Therefore an approach that considers the technical prerequisites, economic aspects and the perspective of the many home owners, based on Community-Based Social Marketing methodology, is suggested as a way forward towards reaching the energy savings target.


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With the building sector accounting for around 40% of the total energy consumption in the EU, energy efficiency in buildings is and continues to be an important issue. Great progress has been made in reducing the energy consumption in new buildings, but the large stock of existing buildings with poor energy performance is probably an even more crucial area of focus. This thesis deals with energy efficiency measures that can be suitable for renovation of existing houses, particularly low-temperature heating systems and ventilation systems with heat recovery. The energy performance, environmental impact and costs are evaluated for a range of system combinations, for small and large houses with various heating demands and for different climates in Europe. The results were derived through simulation with energy calculation tools. Low-temperature heating and air heat recovery were both found to be promising with regard to increasing energy efficiency in European houses. These solutions proved particularly effective in Northern Europe as low-temperature heating and air heat recovery have a greater impact in cold climates and on houses with high heating demands. The performance of heat pumps, both with outdoor air and exhaust air, was seen to improve with low-temperature heating. The choice between an exhaust air heat pump and a ventilation system with heat recovery is likely to depend on case specific conditions, but both choices are more cost-effective and have a lower environmental impact than systems without heat recovery. The advantage of the heat pump is that it can be used all year round, given that it produces DHW. Economic and environmental aspects of energy efficiency measures do not always harmonize. On the one hand, lower costs can sometimes mean larger environmental impact; on the other hand there can be divergence between different environmental aspects. This makes it difficult to define financial subsidies to promote energy efficiency measures.


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A main purpose of this paper is to propose to policy makers, building professionals, and other non-social scientists a way to make energy interventions more culturally informed and, thereby, more effective. The case study on house purchasers gives an ample illustration of the richer results that can be achieved by paying attention to three aspects of energy efficiency initiatives: the contexts and situations of choice in each particular case, the interaction among relevant social actors, and the culture-specific preconditions for choice. Research on how purchasers of new pre-fabricated houses in Sweden choose their heating system show how such decisions tend to fall between two stools. Furthermore, the organizational structure of housing companies frames house purchasers' decision making. An important result is that energy saving or conversion measures must be promoted at an early stage amongst those who plan and construct buildings (rather than later amongst dwellers and energy end users).


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Alexander Davis, Jr., a graduate of the Carpentry program of the New York Trade School in 1955 is shown working. Original caption reads, "Carpenter Contractor, Alex E. Davis Builder, Easton, Pa. Alexander Davis, Jr. - Carpentry 1955. The remodeling of old and building of new houses etc., offers many opportunities for success. Mr. Davis is shown hanging a new door on a building." Black and white photograph with caption glued to reverse.


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Este trabalho apresenta uma técnica de programação e controle da construção repetitiva denominada Linha de Balanço. E uma técnica, surgida na indústria fabril, onde a produção em série e em grande escala exige a organização dos métodos de produção e a racionalização do trabalho. O estudo, inicialmente, modela o trabalho de construção de unidades repetitivas, salientando os problemas de organização e administração destes empreendimentos. Num segundo momento, são apresentados os princípios teóricos da técnica com aplicações práticas da programação. Por fim, é analisada a metodologia usual de construção de conjuntos habitacionais através de um estudo de caso e, observadas as condições de aplicação da técnica da Linha de Balanço, não exigindo mudificações muito profundas na atual ação gerencial neste tipo de obra. As conclusões esboçadas confirmam as vantagens da técnica da Linha de Balanço para estes empreendimentos e propõem a sua utilização na organização do trabalho nos canteiros repetitivos.


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O trabalho enfoca o projeto de galpões para a criação de frangos de corte, do ponto de vista do seu desempenho térmico, nas condições climáticas brasileiras. Define as margens das condições têrmicas de rendimento, usando como indicador a conversão alimentar e, através da metodologia da especificação por desempenho, apresenta as características dos galpões, apontando as principais vias para a solução dos problemas higrotérmicos. No trabalho há uma revisão bibliográfica em relação ao tema da fisiologia das aves, no que se refere a produção e dissipação do calor corporal para o meio ambiente. Foi dado um enfoque à análise do tema de transmissão de calor, com o intuito de servir de guia para os estudos dos profissionais da área de Ciências Agrárias.


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Esta pesquisa visa o estudo de características físicas e mecânicas de solos subtropicais, para aplicação na construção de habitações de baixo custo, abordando-se principalmente a técnica de construção com paredes monolíticas compactadas. A opçao pelo estudo do solo, realizado sem a adição de estabilizantes fisico-químicos, baseia-se no fato de que a mesma nem sempre é necessária, embora seja vital em alguns casos. Através da revisão de literatura, são ressaltadas as propriedades dos solos consideradas importantes para construção deste tipo de moradia, bem como os fatores envolvidos na durabilidade da mesma. Foi realizado o estudo de jazidas de solos, pertencentes a algumas das unidades geotécnicas da região metropolitana de Porto Alegre, levando-se sempre em conta este tipo de aplicação. Para tanto, são realizados ensaios laboratoriais de caracterização física dos solos, bem como de comportamento mecânico, testando-se resistência à compressão simples e à erosão, e absorção por capilaridade. Além disso, é feita a análise qualitativa da durabilidade de blocos compactados frente a exposição ao tempo. Estes blocos visam simular a condição de pequenos segmentos de paredes. Os resultados obtidos são analisados e comparados com as recomendações da prática deste tipo de construção, avaliando-se a validade das mesmas para o caso de solos tropicais e subtropicais