980 resultados para HUMAN POSTURAL CONTROL
En la actualidad estamos sufriendo una situación de crisis económica de dimensiones desproporcionadas e inusuales, la cual está obligando a todas las empresas a globalizar en mayor medida el ámbito de actuación de sus negocios, por lo que muchas empresas que trabajaban exclusivamente en el ámbito local o nacional han tenido que expandirse hacia el exterior. Este hecho, añadido a la fortísima competencia existente en el mercado, obligará a todas estas empresas a tener que controlar en mayor medida la actividad productiva, y a hacerlo utilizando tecnologías que faciliten el flujo de la información dentro de la empresa, hagan que la distancia no sea un problema para la transmisión de esa información, y con las que todos los usuarios manejen los mismos datos. El sector de la construcción es uno de los más castigados por la citada crisis, y probablemente uno de los más retrasados en lo que respecta a utilización de Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es el diseño e implementación de una web dinámica como herramienta para medir la eficiencia en el control de la actividad productiva de una empresa constructora. La manera de medir esta eficiencia será mediante la comparación mensual de los costes previstos para las diferentes obras que deba ejecutar la empresa (los cuales podemos llamar estándar) y los que se vayan produciendo realmente. La herramienta diseñada podría ir aumentando su utilidad si, añadiendo módulos mediante la ampliación de la base de datos y diseñando las pertinentes nuevas páginas web para el sitio, se usa también para otros menesteres además del control de la actividad productiva por comparación entre costes previstos y reales. Es decir, que se podría llegar a gestionar la información de todas las actividades de la empresa (compras, recursos humanos, contabilidad, gestión de calidad, etc.). Por lo tanto, una web dinámica como la expuesta en el trabajo podría servir como semilla para el desarrollo de un ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning).
Urotensin-II controls ion/water homeostasis in fish and vascular tone in rodents. We hypothesised that common genetic variants in urotensin-II pathway genes are associated with human blood pressure or renal function. We performed family-based analysis of association between blood pressure, glomerular filtration and genes of the urotensin-II pathway (urotensin-II, urotensin-II related peptide, urotensin-II receptor) saturated with 28 tagging single nucleotide polymorphisms in 2024 individuals from 520 families; followed by an independent replication in 420 families and 7545 unrelated subjects. The expression studies of the urotensin-II pathway were carried out in 97 human kidneys. Phylogenetic evolutionary analysis was conducted in 17 vertebrate species. One single nucleotide polymorphism (rs531485 in urotensin-II gene) was associated with adjusted estimated glomerular filtration rate in the discovery cohort (p = 0.0005). It showed no association with estimated glomerular filtration rate in the combined replication resource of 8724 subjects from 6 populations. Expression of urotensin-II and its receptor showed strong linear correlation (r = 0.86, p<0.0001). There was no difference in renal expression of urotensin-II system between hypertensive and normotensive subjects. Evolutionary analysis revealed accumulation of mutations in urotensin-II since the divergence of primates and weaker conservation of urotensin-II receptor in primates than in lower vertebrates. Our data suggest that urotensin-II system genes are unlikely to play a major role in genetic control of human blood pressure or renal function. The signatures of evolutionary forces acting on urotensin-II system indicate that it may have evolved towards loss of function since the divergence of primates.
Summary The mechanisms regulating the protective immune T-cell responses generated against the persistent Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and Cytomegaloviru_s (CNIV) remain poorly understood. We analyzed the dynamics of cellular differentiation and T-cell receptor (TCR) clonotype selection of EBV- and CMV-specific T-cells in healthy adults and melanoma patients. While these responses could be subdivided into four T lymphocyte populations, théir proportions varied between EBV and CMV specific responses. Phenotypic and TCR clonotypic analyses supported a linear model of differentiation from the early-differentiated (EM/CD28pos) subset to the late-differentiatdc (EMRA/CD28neg) subset. In-depth clonal composition analyses revealed TCR repertoires, which were highly restricted for CMV- and relatively diverse for EBV-specific cells. Virtually all virus-specific clonotypes identified in the EMRA/CD28neg subset were also found within the pool of less differentiated "memory" cells. However, striking differences in the patterns of dominance were observed among these subsets, as some clonotypes were selected with differentiation, while others were not. Latedifferentiated CMV-specific clonotypes were mostly characterized by TCRs with lower dependency on CD8 co-receptor interaction. Yet all clonotypes displayed similar functional avidities, suggesting a compensatory role of CD8 in the clonotypes of lower TCR avidity. Importantly, clonotype selection and composition of each virus-specific subset upon differentiation was highly preserved over time, with the presence of the same dominant clonotypes at specific differentiation stages within a period of four years. This work was extended to the study of EBV-specific CD8 T-cell responses in melanoma patients undergoing transient lymphodepletion, followed by adoptive cell transfer (ACT) and immune reconstitution for thè treatment of their tumors. Following treatment regimen, we first observed an increase in the proportion of virus-specific T-cells in 3 out of 5 patients, accompanied by a more differentiated phenotype (EMRA/CD28neg), compared to specific cells of healthy individuals. Yet, similarly to healthy donors, clonotype selection and composition of virus-specific T-cells varied along the pathway of cellular differentiation, with some clonotypes being selected with differentiation, while others were not. Intriguingly, no novel clonotypes emerged following transient immuno-suppression and homeostatic proliferation, finding which was subsequently explained by the absence of EBV reactivation. The distribution of each clonotype within early- and late-differentiated T-cell subsets in 4 out 5 patients was highly stable over time, with those clonotypes initially found before the start of treatment that were again present at specific differentiation stages after transient lymphodepletion and ACT. These findings uncover novel features of the highly sophisticated control of steady state protective T-cell immune responses against persistent herpesviruses in healthy adults. Furthermore they reveal the striking stability of these responses in terms of clonotype selection and composition with T-cell differentiation even in situations where the immune system has been. challenged. Résumé : Les mécanismes qui régulent les réponses immunitaires de type protectrices, générées contre les virus chroniquement persistants tels que l'Epstein-Barr (EBV) ou le Cytomegalo (CMV) restent largement inconnus. Nous avons analysé la différenciation des lymphocytes T spécifiques pour ces virus, ainsi que la composition des clonotypes T (par leur récepteur T) chez les donneurs sains. Les réponses immunes peuvent être classifiées en quatre souspopulations majeures de lymphocytes T, cependant, leur proportion varie entre les réponses spécifiques contre EBV ou CMV. Ces analyses soutiennent le modèle linéaire de différenciation, à partir de la population non différenciée (EM/CD28pos) vers la population plus différenciée (ENIIZA/CD28neg). De plus, nos données sur la composition clonale de ces cellules T spécifiques ont révélé des répertoires TCR restreints, pour la réponse anti-CMV, et relativement diversifiés contre EBV. Tous les clonotypes spécifiques de ces virus identifiés dans la sous-population différenciée EMRA/CD28neg, ont également été retrouvés dans la population de cellules "mémoires". Toutefois, de fortes différences ont été observées dans les schémas de domination de ces sous-populations, en effet, certains clonotypes étaient sélectionnés avec la différenciation, alors que d'autres ne l'étaient pas. Nous avons également démontré que ces clonotypes différenciés et spécifiques pour le CMV sont caractérisés par des TCRs à faible dépendance en regard de la coopération du corécepteur CD8. Néanmoins, tous les clonotypes affichent une avidité fonctionnelle similaire, suggérant un rôle compensatoire du CD8, dans le cas des clonotypes avec une faible avidité du TCR En définitive, la composition et la sélection des clonotypes spécifiques pour chaque virus et pour chaque sous-population suit un schéma de différenciation hautement conservé au cours du temps, avec la présence de ces mêmes clonotypes au même stade de différenciation sur une période de quatre ans. Ce travail a été étendu à l'étude des réponses T CD8+ spécifiques pour le virus EBV chez les patients atteints de mélanome et recevant dans le cadre du traitement de leurs tumeurs une lymphodéplétion transitoire, suivie d'un transfert adoptif de cellules et d'une reconstitution immunitaire. Au cours de cette thérapie, nous avons en premier lieu observé pour 3 des 5 patients une augmentation de la proportion de cellules T spécifiques pour le virus, accompagné d'un phénotype plus différencié (EMRA/CD28neg), et ceci comparativement à des cellules spécifiques d'individus sains. Pourtant, comme nous l'avons observé chez les donneurs sains, la sélection et la composition des clonotypes T spécifiques varient tout au long de la différenciation cellulaire, avec certains clonotypes sélectionnés et d'autres qui ne le sont pas. Étonnamment, aucun nouveau clonotype n'a émergé après l'immuno-suppression transitoire et la prolifération homéostatique. Cette observation trouve son explication par une absence de réactivation du virus EBV chez ces patients, et ce malgré leur traitement. De plus, la distribution de chaque clonotype parmi ces sous-populations non-différenciées et différenciées reste stable au cours du traitement. Ainsi, les mêmes clonotypes initialement identifiés avant le début du traitement sont présents aux mêmes stades de différenciation après la lymphodéplétion et la prolifération homéostatique. Ces résultats ont permis d'identifier de nouveaux mécanismes impliqués dans la régulation hautement «sophistiquée » des réponses immunitaires T contre les virus persistants EBV et CMV chez les donneurs sains. En particulier, ils révèlent la grande stabilité de ces réponses en termes de sélection et de composition des clonotypes avec la différenciation cellulaire, et ce dans les situations chroniques, ainsi que dans les situations dans lesquelles le système immunitaire a été profondément perturbé.
During the first two trimesters of intrauterine life, fetal sex steroid production is driven by maternal human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The HPG axis is activated around the third trimester and remains active for the first 6-months of neonatal life. This so-called mini-puberty is a developmental window that has profound effects on future potential for fertility. In early puberty, GnRH secretion is reactivated first at night and then night and day. Pulsatile GnRH stimulates both LH and FSH, which induce maturation of the seminiferous tubules and Leydig cells. Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) results from GnRH deficiency. Men with CHH lack the mini-pubertal and pubertal periods of Sertoli Cell proliferation and thus present with prepubertal testes (<4mL) and low inhibin serum levels --reflecting diminished SC numbers. To induce full maturation of the testes, GnRH-deficient patients can be treated with either pulsatile GnRH, hCG or combined gonadotropin therapy (FSH+hCG). Fertility outcomes with each of these regimens are highly variable. Recently, a randomized, open label treatment study (n=13) addressed the question of whether a sequential treatment with FSH alone prior to LH and FSH (via GnRH pump) could enhance fertility outcomes. All men receiving the sequential treatment developed sperm in the ejaculate, whereas 2/6 men in the other group remained azoospermic. A large, multicenter clinical trial is needed to definitively prove the optimal treatment approach for severe CHH.
Prophylactic human papillomavirus (HPV) L1 virus like particle (VLP) vaccines have been shown, in large clinical trials, to be very immunogenic, well-tolerated and highly efficacious against genital disease caused by the vaccine HPV types. However these vaccines, at the present, protect against only two of the 15 oncogenic genital HPV types, they are expensive, delivered by intramuscular injection and require a cold chain. The challenges are to develop cheap, thermo-stable vaccines that can be delivered by non-injectable methods that provide long term (decades) protection at mucosal surfaces to most, if not all, oncogenic HPV types that is as good as the current VLP vaccines. Current approaches include L1 capsomers, L2 protein and peptides, delivery via recombinant L1 bacterial and viral vectors and large-scale VLP production in plants. Rational design and successful development of such vaccines will be based on an understanding of the immune response, and particularly the 'cross talk' between the innate and adaptive responses. This will be central in the development of adjuvants and vaccine formulations that induce the response to provide effective protection.
In order to determine if 5-fluorouracil (5FU) could potentiate the effect of radioimmunotherapy (RIT), nude mice bearing subcutaneous human colon carcinoma xenografts were treated by 1 or 2 intravenous injection(s) of subtherapeutic doses of 131I labeled F(ab')2 from anti-carcinoembryonic antigen monoclonal antibodies combined with 5 daily intraperitoneal injections of 5FU. Control mice received either 131I F(ab')2 alone, 5FU alone or no treatment. RIT alone induced significant tumor regression, while 5FU alone gave only minimal tumor growth inhibition. The combined treatment group also resulted in long-term tumor regression with tumors remaining significantly smaller than in the RIT alone group. There was however, no significant difference in tumor recurrence time between the groups treated with RIT alone or with RIT + 5FU. Myelotoxicity, the major side effect of RIT, detected by the decrease of peripheral white blood cells (WBC), was shown to be almost identical between the groups receiving only RIT or only 5FU. Surprisingly, there was no cumulative bone marrow toxicity in animals which received 5FU before RIT. Furthermore, in the latter group, the WBC levels after RIT were significantly higher than in the control group receiving only RIT. Taken together, the results demonstrate the higher therapeutic efficiency of RIT as compared to 5FU in this model. They do not show, however, that the combination of the two forms of treatment can induce longer tumor remission. Interestingly, the WBC results suggest that 5FU given before RIT can have a radioprotective effect on bone marrow, possibly by selecting radioresistant bone marrow stem cells.
OBJECTIVES: To determine whether older paternal age increases the risk of fathering a pregnancy with Patau (trisomy 13), Edwards (trisomy 18), Klinefelter (XXY) or XYY syndrome. DESIGN: Case-control: cases with each of these syndromes were matched to four controls with Down syndrome from within the same congenital anomaly register and with maternal age within 6 months. SETTING: Data from 22 EUROCAT congenital anomaly registers in 12 European countries. PARTICIPANTS: Diagnoses with observed or (for terminations) predicted year of birth from 1980 to 2005, comprising live births, fetal deaths with gestational age ≥ 20 weeks and terminations after prenatal diagnosis of the anomaly. Data include 374 cases of Patau syndrome, 929 of Edwards syndrome, 295 of Klinefelter syndrome, 28 of XYY syndrome and 5627 controls with Down syndrome. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Odds ratio (OR) associated with a 10-year increase in paternal age for each anomaly was estimated using conditional logistic regression. Results were adjusted to take account of the estimated association of paternal age with Down syndrome (1.11; 95% CI 1.01 to 1.23). RESULTS: The OR for Patau syndrome was 1.10 (95% CI 0.83 to 1.45); for Edwards syndrome, 1.15 (0.96 to 1.38); for Klinefelter syndrome, 1.35 (1.02 to 1.79); and for XYY syndrome, 1.99 (0.75 to 5.26). CONCLUSIONS: There was a statistically significant increase in the odds of Klinefelter syndrome with increasing paternal age. The larger positive associations of Klinefelter and XYY syndromes with paternal age compared with Patau and Edwards syndromes are consistent with the greater percentage of these sex chromosome anomalies being of paternal origin.
The measurement of fat balance (fat input minus fat output) involves the accurate estimation of both metabolizable fat intake and total fat oxidation. This is possible mostly under laboratory conditions and not yet in free-living conditions. In the latter situation, net fat retention/mobilization can be estimated based on precise and accurate sequential body composition measurements. In case of positive balance, lipids stored in adipose tissue can originate from dietary (exogenous) lipids or from nonlipid precursors, mainly from carbohydrates (CHOs) but also from ethanol, through a process known as de novo lipogenesis (DNL). Basic equations are provided in this review to facilitate the interpretation of the different subcomponents of fat balance (endogenous vs exogenous) under different nutritional circumstances. One difficulty is methodological: total DNL is difficult to measure quantitatively in man; for example, indirect calorimetry only tracks net DNL, not total DNL. Although the numerous factors (mostly exogenous) influencing DNL have been studied, in particular the effect of CHO overfeeding, there is little information on the rate of DNL in habitual conditions of life, that is, large day-to-day fluctuations of CHO intakes, different types of CHO ingested with different glycemic indexes, alcohol combined with excess CHO intakes, etc. Three issues, which are still controversial today, will be addressed: (1) Is the increase of fat mass induced by CHO overfeeding explained by DNL only, or by decreased endogenous fat oxidation, or both? (2) Is DNL different in overweight and obese individuals as compared to their lean counterparts? (3) Does DNL occur both in the liver and in adipose tissue? Recent studies have demonstrated that acute CHO overfeeding influences adipose tissue lipogenic gene expression and that CHO may stimulate DNL in skeletal muscles, at least in vitro. The role of DNL and its importance in health and disease remain to be further clarified, in particular the putative effect of DNL on the control of energy intake and energy expenditure, as well as the occurrence of DNL in other tissues (such as in myocytes) in addition to hepatocytes and adipocytes.
It is common practice in genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to focus on the relationship between disease risk and genetic variants one marker at a time. When relevant genes are identified it is often possible to implicate biological intermediates and pathways likely to be involved in disease aetiology. However, single genetic variants typically explain small amounts of disease risk. Our idea is to construct allelic scores that explain greater proportions of the variance in biological intermediates, and subsequently use these scores to data mine GWAS. To investigate the approach's properties, we indexed three biological intermediates where the results of large GWAS meta-analyses were available: body mass index, C-reactive protein and low density lipoprotein levels. We generated allelic scores in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, and in publicly available data from the first Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium. We compared the explanatory ability of allelic scores in terms of their capacity to proxy for the intermediate of interest, and the extent to which they associated with disease. We found that allelic scores derived from known variants and allelic scores derived from hundreds of thousands of genetic markers explained significant portions of the variance in biological intermediates of interest, and many of these scores showed expected correlations with disease. Genome-wide allelic scores however tended to lack specificity suggesting that they should be used with caution and perhaps only to proxy biological intermediates for which there are no known individual variants. Power calculations confirm the feasibility of extending our strategy to the analysis of tens of thousands of molecular phenotypes in large genome-wide meta-analyses. We conclude that our method represents a simple way in which potentially tens of thousands of molecular phenotypes could be screened for causal relationships with disease without having to expensively measure these variables in individual disease collections.
AIMS: Recent evidence suggests that cardiac progenitor cells (CPCs) may improve cardiac function after injury. The underlying mechanisms are indirect, but their mediators remain unidentified. Exosomes and other secreted membrane vesicles, hereafter collectively referred to as extracellular vesicles (EVs), act as paracrine signalling mediators. Here, we report that EVs secreted by human CPCs are crucial cardioprotective agents. METHODS AND RESULTS: CPCs were derived from atrial appendage explants from patients who underwent heart valve surgery. CPC-conditioned medium (CM) inhibited apoptosis in mouse HL-1 cardiomyocytic cells, while enhancing tube formation in human umbilical vein endothelial cells. These effects were abrogated by depleting CM of EVs. They were reproduced by EVs secreted by CPCs, but not by those secreted by human dermal fibroblasts. Transmission electron microscopy and nanoparticle tracking analysis showed most EVs to be 30-90 nm in diameter, the size of exosomes, although smaller and larger vesicles were also present. MicroRNAs most highly enriched in EVs secreted by CPCs compared with fibroblasts included miR-210, miR-132, and miR-146a-3p. miR-210 down-regulated its known targets, ephrin A3 and PTP1b, inhibiting apoptosis in cardiomyocytic cells. miR-132 down-regulated its target, RasGAP-p120, enhancing tube formation in endothelial cells. Infarcted hearts injected with EVs from CPCs, but not from fibroblasts, exhibited less cardiomyocyte apoptosis, enhanced angiogenesis, and improved LV ejection fraction (0.8 ± 6.8 vs. -21.3 ± 4.5%; P < 0.05) compared with those injected with control medium. CONCLUSION: EVs are the active component of the paracrine secretion by human CPCs. As a cell-free approach, EVs could circumvent many of the limitations of cell transplantation.
Aquest treball pretén fer una anàlisi per millorar el control d'una màquina de rentar vehicles fent ús d'un terminal HMI junt a un autòmat. La realització de l'estudi d'usabilitat s'ha portat a terme seguint les etapes del disseny centrat en l'usuari, així com la identificació dels avantatges o inconvenients que pugui aportar aquest nou sistema.
Una revisión sistemática de la organización compleja de los dominios cognitivos humanos y su heredabilidad. Antecedentes: se ha propuesto que la estructura de la cognición humana respondería a un sistema jerárquico, donde las secuencias propias a una acción se organizarían desde sub-unidades de análisis hasta funciones de nivel superior relativamente complejas. Esta estructura organizacional estaría reflejada en las representaciones neurales que subyacen al comportamiento humano, así como también en sus sustratos genéticos. El objetivo del presente estudio fue explorar la posible organización jerárquica de las influencias genéticas subyacentes a los dominios cognitivos humanos. Método: se revisaron treinta y cuatro estudios de la heredabilidad de la cognición en muestras de la población general, que incluyeron medidas de inteligencia, habilidades verbales y manipulativas, memoria, memoria de trabajo y velocidad de procesamiento. Resultados: diversos dominios cognitivos mostraron distintas proporciones de influencias genéticas, con las mayores estimaciones de heredabilidad halladas para las funciones cognitivas de nivel superior y las menores estimaciones para las funciones de orden medio o inferior. Conclusiones: tomando como referencia los conocimientos actuales acerca del neurodesarrollo humano, las contribuciones genéticas de las habilidades cognitivas parecen organizarse paralelamente al crecimiento ontogénico del cerebro. Se discuten estos resultados en relación a la interacción entre el control genético de las funciones cognitivas y sus influencias ambientales.
Immersive virtual reality (IVR) typically generates the illusion in participants that they are in the displayed virtual scene where they can experience and interact in events as if they were really happening. Teleoperator (TO) systems place people at a remote physical destination embodied as a robotic device, and where typically participants have the sensation of being at the destination, with the ability to interact with entities there. In this paper, we show how to combine IVR and TO to allow a new class of application. The participant in the IVR is represented in the destination by a physical robot (TO) and simultaneously the remote place and entities within it are represented to the participant in the IVR. Hence, the IVR participant has a normal virtual reality experience, but where his or her actions and behaviour control the remote robot and can therefore have physical consequences. Here, we show how such a system can be deployed to allow a human and a rat to operate together, but the human interacting with the rat on a human scale, and the rat interacting with the human on the rat scale. The human is represented in a rat arena by a small robot that is slaved to the human"s movements, whereas the tracked rat is represented to the human in the virtual reality by a humanoid avatar. We describe the system and also a study that was designed to test whether humans can successfully play a game with the rat. The results show that the system functioned well and that the humans were able to interact with the rat to fulfil the tasks of the game. This system opens up the possibility of new applications in the life sciences involving participant observation of and interaction with animals but at human scale.
A transportable, whole body indirect calorimeter, designed for use in the tropics, is described. The calorimeter was built to study energy expenditure of people having chronically or acutely low levels of food intake, and it will help to determine energy adaptations made by individuals with restricted food intake. The calorimeter comprises two units: a 27 m3 ventilated chamber connected to an office housing control and monitoring equipment. The system also allows the experimenter to assess the rate of energy expenditure by means of a ventilated hood or a baby respiration chamber. The incoming air flow rate is variable and is typically set at approximately 30 l/min. Carbon dioxide production (VCO2) and oxygen consumption (VO2) are continuously monitored by means of differential gas analysers via a computerized data acquisition unit. Gas production/consumption rates are measured with a delay of 80 s, the complete response to step changes in VCO2 or VO2 consumption being calculated over 15 min using the rate of change terms in the gas exchange equations. The total electrical power required for the whole system is 12 kW. The calorimeter has been functioning for nearly 4 years in a rural village of The Gambia during which ambient temperatures have ranged from 16 to 44 degrees C and dewpoints from -8 to 24 degrees C. The performance and accuracy of the calorimeter were tested using 20 per cent CO2 in N2 infusion and butane burning. Agreement between the theoretical and the measured values was found to be 99 per cent for VO2 and 100 per cent for VCO2 with a precision for both gases of +/- 10 ml/min over a 1-h period.
A gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method is presented which allows the simultaneous determination of the plasma concentrations of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors citalopram, paroxetine, sertraline, and their pharmacologically active N-demethylated metabolites (desmethylcitalopram, didesmethylcitalopram, and desmethylsertraline) after derivatization with the reagent N-methyl-bis(trifluoroacetamide). No interferences from endogenous compounds are observed following the extraction of plasma samples from six different human subjects. The standard curves are linear over a working range of 10-500 ng/mL for citalopram, 10-300 ng/mL for desmethylcitalopram, 5-60 ng/mL for didesmethylcitalopram, 20-400 ng/mL for sertraline and desmethylsertraline, and 10-200 ng/mL for paroxetine. Recoveries measured at three concentrations range from 81 to 118% for the tertiary amines (citalopram and the internal standard methylmaprotiline), 73 to 95% for the secondary amines (desmethylcitalopram, paroxetine and sertraline), and 39 to 66% for the primary amines (didesmethylcitalopram and desmethylsertraline). Intra- and interday coefficients of variation determined at three concentrations range from 3 to 11% for citalopram and its metabolites, 4 to 15% for paroxetine, and 5 to 13% for sertraline and desmethylsertraline. The limits of quantitation of the method are 2 ng/mL for citalopram and paroxetine, 1 ng/mL for sertraline, and 0.5 ng/mL for desmethylcitalopram, didesmethylcitalopram, and desmethylsertraline. No interferences are noted from 20 other psychotropic drugs. This sensitive and specific method can be used for single-dose pharmacokinetics. It is also useful for therapeutic drug monitoring of these three drugs and could possibly be adapted for the quantitation of the two other selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors on the market, namely fluoxetine and fluvoxamine.