996 resultados para HISTORICAL ARCHIVES
The Iowa Conservation and Preservation Consortium, Iowa Museum Association, the State Historical Society of Iowa and the State Library requested the IMLS CTC grant funds so we could develop a statewide plan to help the stewards of cultural property plan for protection and disaster recovery of collections. We are very pleased with the results of our grant activities. Thanks to the IMLS CTC grant over 200 Iowa collection care takers have received basic training in disaster preparedness and response, 24 care takers have signed up to become cultural collection first responders, a dozen disaster planning/response trainers are available upon request, and over 40 institutions have ReAct Paks. We have created a variety of training tools ranging from basic awareness to in-depth training, established a website of disaster resources, and geo-referenced hundreds of cultural collection sites around Iowa. In addition, the IMLS grant was just the motivator we needed to participate in other national/international efforts which in turn strengthened our IMLS grant project.
The discovery of early manuscript reports of Territorial and State Librarians, buried in the mass of old official papers transferred from the several departments of State to the new Department of Archives in the Historical Building, has suggested the propriety of completing as far as possible, the historical record of Iowa's State Library, "from the earliest period to the present time." After a thorough research through the papers on file in the Archives Department, the published Journals and departmental reports in the State Library and documents and private papers loaned me by Mr. Newton R. Parvin, librarian of the Iowa Masonic Library, Cedar Rapids. I am now able to present the following historical sketch, Supplemented by the hitherto unpublished papers referred to this filling a gap in the history of a State institution which from very small beginnings has grown to large proportions and has made for itself a firm place in the respect and esteem of every citizen of Iowa.
Comprend : Lettres du roy et de la reine-mère au parlement de Paris, au sujet du tumulte arrivé à la porte Sainct-Anthoine de cette Ville, et arrests donnez par cette cour par rapport à ce tumulte et à celui arrivé à Sainct-Médard ; Arret du parlement de Paris, portant qu'il sera fait une procession générale pour l'expiation des sacrilèges commis par les Huguenots dans l'église de Sainct-Médard ; Discours faits dans le parlement de Paris par le duc de Guise et le connétable de Montmorency, sur l'enregistrement de la déclaration du 11 d'avril 1562, sur le tumulte de Vassy, et sur ce qui est arrivé depuis ; Lettre de Catherine de Médicis au cardinal de Chastillon ; Lettre du seigneur baron des Adretz à la Roine-Mère, touchant la mort de La Motte-Gondrin ; Discours des premiers troubles advenus à Lyon, avec l'Apologie pour la ville de Lyon, contre le libelle faucement intitulé : "La Juste et saincte défence de la ville de Lyon", par M. Gabriel de Saconay,... ; Discours sur le saccagement des églises catholiques, par les hérétiques anciens et nouveaux calvinistes, en l'an 1562... par F. Claude de Sainctes,... ; Discours des guerres de la comté de Venayscin et de la Provence, ensemble quelques incidentz... / par le seigneur Loys de Perussiis,...
Répétitions, représentations, distributions, leçons, rendez-vous, etc.. - Contient cinquante pièces additionnelles
Répétitions, représentations, distributions, leçons, rendez-vous, etc.
A comunicação científica ampliou seus horizontes de troca de dados, informações e conhecimentos com o aparecimento dos open archives, arquivos que congregam e-prints das diversas áreas do saber e que são abertos à consulta pública, bem como à publicação automatizada dos trabalhos por parte dos pesquisadores. A experiência americana em áreas da física, matemática e ciência da computação, entre outras, demonstra a viabilidade e utilidade dos arquivos abertos como ponto de convergência para comunidades de pesquisadores que se vêem sem fronteiras geográficas ou institucionais para o intercâmbio de seus resultados de pesquisas.