831 resultados para Häggman, Kai


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Fragestellung / Zielsetzung Rollenspiel von standardisierten Patienten (SPs) bei hochstehenden Prüfungen unterliegt hohen Qualitätsansprüchen, um die Reliabilität und Validität der Prüfung zu gewährleisten. Die Literatur über die Qualitätskontrolle bei SPs konzentriert sich vor allen Dingen auf das Feedback (1,2) oder das Ausfüllen der Checklisten (3,4). Bei Qualitätskontrollen bezüglich des Rollenspiels sind Instrumente mit Bezug auf spezifische Rollen publiziert(5). In den meisten Fakultäten beobachten die SP Trainer die von ihnen trainierten SPs während der OSCEs und bilden sich so ein Urteil über die Qualität der Performance. Die Machbarkeit / Notwendigkeit einer systematischen Qualitätskontrolle des Rollenspiels von SPs in OSCEs über diese Praxis hinaus ist unter SP Trainern umstritten. Das Ziel des hier beschriebenen Projektes ist es, die Anwendungen einer Liste von rollenunabhängigen Qualitätsmerkmalen der Spiels von SPs im Rahmen von OSCEs in der Praxis zu testen. Materialien und Methoden Im Rahmen einer Konsensbildung von Experten auf nationaler Ebene wurde eine Liste von Qualitätsmerkmalen zum Rollenspiel von SPs bei OSCEs erstellt. Diese Liste wurde seitdem systematisch zur Vorbereitung, Durchführung und zum Debriefing von OSCEs eingesetzt. Ergebnisse 1. Bei der Erarbeitung der Liste wurde klar, dass verschiedene SP Trainer unterschiedliche Vorstellungen bezüglich von Qualitätsmerkmalen des Rollenspiels beim OSCE hatten. Diese Vorstellungen konnten im Rahmen Erarbeitung der Liste vereinheitlicht werden. 2. Die Liste wird eingesetzt, um den SPs die in sie gesetzten Erwartungen bezüglich eines guten Rollenspiels beim OSCE gezielt zu vermitteln. 3. Die Liste wird zur Qualitätssicherung des Schauspiels in OSCE Prüfungen eingesetzt. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die SPs in der Qualität ihres Spiels in über 90% der Beobachtungen den in sie gesetzten Erwartungen der SP Trainer entsprechen. 4. Anhand der Liste wird den SPs ein formatives Feedbacks zu ihrer Leistung gegeben. Die SPs in unserem Programm haben uns immer wieder zurückgemeldet, dass sie diese Rückmeldungen zu ihrer Performance sehr schätzen. 5. Die Dokumentation der Performance in den vergangenen Prüfungen kann im Training zur nächsten Rolle benutzt werden, um gezielt etwaige Schwächen zu trainieren und die Performance dadurch zu verbessern. 6. In seltenen Fällen, in denen ein SP nicht mehr im Programm behalten werden kann, liefert die Dokumentation der Performance eine gute Gesprächsgrundlage zur Begründung der Differenzen bezüglich der Erwartung und der aktuellen Leistung. Diskussion In unseren Händen ist der Einsatz der Liste von Qualitätsmerkmalen zur Beurteilung der Leistung von Schauspielpatienten mit hoher Konzentration verbunden. Die gewonnene Klarheit in Bezug auf die Erwartungen und die gebrachten Leistungen bringt eine Struktur und Transparenz in unser Programm, die wir und entsprechend ihrer Rückmeldungen auch unsere SPs sehr schätzen.


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1. Hintergrund An der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Bern wird seit 2014 ein Kurs in peripherer Venenpunktion (Blutentnahme und Anlage eines peripheren Venenkatheters) zusammen mit der Berner Fachhochschule und dem Bildungszentrum Pflege Bern interprofessionell im Peer Teaching Verfahren unterrichtet. 2. Fragestellung Dabei stellt sich die Frage, ob der interprofessionelle Kurs effektiv in der Vermittlung der Lehrinhalte (Blutentnahme und Anlage eines peripheren Venenkatheters) ist und ob er von den Teilnehmern akzeptiert wird. 3. Methoden Sowohl bei den Teilnehmern, als auch bei den Tutoren sind Studierende aller drei Institutionen vertreten. Der Lernerfolg wird bei den Medizinstudierenden mit einem Posten in einem summativen OSCE (Objektive Structured Clinical Exam) durch ärztliche Dozenten überprüft. Der Posten im OSCE 2015 betraf die Blutentnahme und enthielt 7 Items zum Patientengespräch und 12 Items zur praktischen Durchführung. Die Beurteilung des Kurses durch die Teilnehmer wurde mit offenen Fragen zu Lob und Kritik erhoben. Jede Gruppe von 4-6 Teilnehmern füllte zusammen einen Fragebogen aus. Die Bögen wurden qualitativ nach Prinzipien der Häufigkeitsanalyse ausgewertet. 4. Ergebnisse Im Rahmen des OSCE demonstrierten die Medizinstudierenden, dass sie die Blutentnahme entsprechend den Erwartungen der Experten erlernt hatten. 2015 wurden im Durchschnitt 85% aller Items richtig durchgeführt. Von den Teilnehmern wurde der Kurs sehr positiv evaluiert. 42 von 45 Gruppen gaben einen Bogen ab. Besonders positiv wurde die Kompetenz der Peer Tutoren wahrgenommen (20 von 42 Bögen). 16 von 42 Gruppen lobten die kleine Gruppengrösse und 13 von 42 Gruppen gefiel das didaktische Konzept. 5. Schlussfolgerung Peer Teaching ist auch im interprofessionellen Kontext effektiv und akzeptiert. Der Kurs ist ein Beispiel für einen Grundstein in interprofessioneller Ausbildung auf dem Strukturen zur Weiterentwicklung und Forschung in dem Bereich aufgebaut werden können.


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Workshop Overview The use of special effects (moulage) is a way to augment the authenticity of a scenario in simulation. This workshop will introduce different techniques of moulage (oil based cream colors, watercolors, transfer tattoos and 3D Prosthetics). The participants will have the opportunity to explore these techniques by applying various moulages. They will compare the techniques and discuss their advantages and disadvantages. Moreover, strategies for standardization and quality assurance will be discussed. Workshop Rationale Moulage supports the sensory perception in an scenario (1). It can provide evaluation clues (2) and help learners (and SPs) to engage in the simulation. However, it is of crucial importance that the simulated physical pathologies are represented accurate and reliable. Accuracy is achieved by using the appropriate technique, which requires knowledge and practice . With information about different moulage techniques, we hope to increases the knowledge of moulage during the workshop. By applying moulages in various techniques we will practice together. As standardization is critical for simulation scenarios in assessment (3, 4) strategies for standardization of moulage will be introduced and discussed. Workshop Objectives During the workshop participants will: - gain knowledge about different techniques of moulages - practice moulages in various techniques - discuss the advantages and disadvantages of moulage techniques - describe strategies for standardization and quality assurance of moulage Planned Format 5 min Introduction 15 min Overview – Background & Theory (presentation) 15 min Application of moulage for ankle sprain in 4 different techniques (oil based cream color, water color, temporary tatoo, 3D prosthetic) in small groups 5 min Comparing the results by interactive viewing of prepared moulages 15 min Application of moulages for burn in different techniques in small groups 5 min Comparing results the results by interactive viewing of prepared moulages 5 min Sharing experiences with different techniques in small groups 20 min Discussion of the techniques including standardization and quality assurance strategies (plenary discussion) 5 min Summary / Take home points


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Background In patients with autoimmune diseases associated with antiphospholipid antibodies, precise management of anticoagulation during extracorporeal circulation (ECC) is complicated. It was the aim of the present study to determine whether antifactor Xa (aXa) activity is useful in guiding heparin therapy during ECC. Methods In 15 patients undergoing cardiac surgery, anticoagulation with unfractionated heparin (UFH) and its reversal with protamine were guided using activated clotting time (ACT) (>400 second during ECC; ≤100 second for UFH reversal). For each ACT, the corresponding aXa activity levels were measured. Results A total of 144 blood samples were obtained. ACT and aXa activity were significantly correlated (r = 0.771, p< 0.0001, Spearman rank-order correlation). Using receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) analyses, the cutoffvalues for aXa activity were 1.14 IU/mL (area under the ROC curve [AUC]: 0.89; inaccuracy rate: 9.4%) to predict ACT > 400 seconds and 0.55 IU/mL (AUC: 0.85; inaccuracy rate: 13.3%) for ACT ≤ 100 seconds. Conclusion AXa activity is strongly correlated with ACT, and therefore may be feasible for managing anticoagulation with UFH during ECC.


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BACKGROUND Reported frequency of post-stroke dysphagia in the literature is highly variable. In view of progress in stroke management, we aimed to assess the current burden of dysphagia in acute ischemic stroke. METHODS We studied 570 consecutive patients treated in a tertiary stroke center. Dysphagia was evaluated by using the Gugging Swallowing Screen (GUSS). We investigated the relationship of dysphagia with pneumonia, length of hospital stay and discharge destination and compared rates of favourable clinical outcome and mortality at 3 months between dysphagic patients and those without dysphagia. RESULTS Dysphagia was diagnosed in 118 of 570 (20.7%) patients and persisted in 60 (50.9%) at hospital discharge. Thirty-six (30.5%) patients needed nasogastric tube because of severe dysphagia. Stroke severity rather than infarct location was associated with dysphagia. Dysphagic patients suffered more frequently from pneumonia (23.1% vs. 1.1%, p<0.001), stayed longer at monitored stroke unit beds (4.4±2.8 vs. 2.7±2.4 days; p<0.001) and were less often discharged to home (19.5% vs. 63.7%, p = 0.001) as compared to those without dysphagia. At 3 months, dysphagic patients less often had a favourable outcome (35.7% vs. 69.7%; p<0.001), less often lived at home (38.8% vs. 76.5%; p<0.001), and more often had died (13.6% vs. 1.6%; p<0.001). Multivariate analyses identified dysphagia to be an independent predictor of discharge destination and institutionalization at 3 months, while severe dysphagia requiring tube placement was strongly associated with mortality. CONCLUSION Dysphagia still affects a substantial portion of stroke patients and may have a large impact on clinical outcome, mortality and institutionalization.


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INTRODUCTION The aim of this study was to compare orthodromic sural nerve conduction study (NCS) results using ultrasound-guided needle positioning (USNP) to surface electrode recordings. METHODS 51 healthy subjects aged 24 - 80 years, divided into 5 age groups, were examined. Electrical stimuli were applied behind the lateral malleolus. Sensory nerve action potentials (SNAPs) were recorded 8 and 15 cm proximally with surface and needle electrodes. RESULTS Mean SNAP amplitudes in µV (surface/needle electrodes) averaged 12.7 (SD 7.6)/40.6 (SD 20.8), P<0.001, for subjects aged 20-29 years, and 5.0 (SD 2.4)/19.8 (SD 9.8), P<0.01, for subjects aged > 60 years. SNAP amplitudes were smaller at the proximal recording location. DISCUSSION NCS using USNP yield higher amplitude responses than surface electrodes in all age groups at all recording sites. SNAP amplitudes are smaller at proximal recording locations due to sural nerve branching. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


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Introduction With a three year project the assessment of communication skills within the Swiss Federal Licensing Examinations (FLE) shall be improved. As a first step a needs assessment among communication experts and medical students of the Swiss Medical Faculties will be performed. In this presentation the results of the students’ needs assessment will be presented. Methods A bilingual student’s online questionnaire will be developed by an expert panel taking relevant literature, the Swiss Catalogue of Learning Objectives and other consensus statements for communication (e.g., the European and Basler consensus statements) into account. With a think aloud study response process validity evidence will be sought. The questionnaire will focus on the following topics related to communication skills: (1) What has been taught?, (2) What has been assessed in the faculty exams?, (3) What has been assessed in the FLE?, (4) What should have been assessed in the FLE and how should the assessment be improved? Results Results of the students’ needs assessment will be available by the end of 2015 and be presented. Conclusions/ Take-home message We hope for valuable input for improving the assessment of communications skills within the FLE also from the students’ side. Results of the needs assessment from the students and experts will be combined and taken as input for an international expert symposium on how to improve the communication skills assessment within the FLE.


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Background. Liver cancer mortality continues to be a significant factor in deaths worldwide and in the U.S., yet there remains a lack of studies on how mortality burden is impacted by racial groups or by heavy alcohol use. This study evaluated the geographic distribution of liver cancer mortality across population groups in Texas and the U.S. over a 24-year period, as well as determining whether alcohol dependence or abuse correlates with mortality rates. ^ Methods. The Spatial Scan Statistic was used to identify regions of excess liver cancer mortality in Texas counties and the U.S. from 1980 to 2003. The statistic was conducted with a spatial cluster size of 50% of the population at risk, and all analyses used publicly available data. Alcohol abuse data by state and ethnicity were extracted from SAMHSA datasets for the study period 2000–2004. ^ Results. The results of the geographic analysis of liver cancer mortality in both Texas and the U.S. indicate that there were four and seven regions, respectively, that were identified as having statistically significant excess mortality rates with elevated relative risks ranging from 1.38–2.07 and 1.05–1.623 (p = 0.001), respectively. ^ Conclusion. This study revealed seven regions of excess mortality of liver cancer mortality across the U.S. and four regions of excess mortality in Texas between 1980–2003, as well as demonstrated a correlation between elevated liver cancer mortality rates and reporting of alcohol dependence among Hispanics and Other populations. ^


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Cancer cell lines can be treated with a drug and the molecular comparison of responders and non-responders may yield potential predictors that could be tested in the clinic. It is a bioinformatics challenge to apply the cell line-derived multivariable response predictors to patients who respond to therapy. Using the gene expression data from 23 breast cancer cell lines, I developed three predictors of dasatinib sensitivity by selecting differentially expressed genes and applying different classification algorithms. The performance of these predictors on independent cell lines with known dasatinib response was tested. The predictor based on weighted voting method has the best overall performance. It correctly predicted dasatinib sensitivity in 11 out of 12 (92%) breast and 17 out of 23 (74%) lung cancer cell lines. These predictors were then applied to the gene expression data from 133 breast cancer patients in an attempt to predict how the patients might respond to dasatinib therapy. Two predictors identified 13 patients in common to be dasatinib sensitive. Sixty two percent of these cases are triple negative (ER-negative, HER2-negative and PR-negative) and 76% are double negative. The result is consistent with the findings from other studies, which identified a target population for dasatinib treatment to be triple negative or basal breast cancer subtype. In conclusion, we think that the cell line-derived dasatinib classifiers can be applied to the human patients. ^


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MAX dimerization protein 1 (MAD1) is a basic-helix-loop-helix transcription factors that recruits transcription repressor such as HDAC to suppress target genes transcription. It antagonizes to MYC because the promoter binding sites for MYC are usually also serve as the binding sites for MAD1 so they compete for it. However, the mechanism of the switch between MYC and MAD1 in turning on and off of genes' transcription is obscure. In this study, we demonstrated that AKT-mediated MAD1 phosphorylation inhibits MAD1 transcription repression function. The association between MAD1 and its target genes' promoter is reduced after been phosphorylated by AKT; therefore, consequently, allows MYC to occupy the binding site and activates transcription. Mutation of such phosphorylation site abrogates the inhibition from AKT. In addition, functional assays demonstrated that AKT suppressed MAD1-mediated transcription repression of its target genes hTERT and ODC. Cell cycle and cell growth were also been released from inhibition by MAD1 in the presents of AKT. Taken together, our study suggests that MAD1 is a novel substrate of AKT and AKT-mediated MAD1 phosphorylation inhibits MAD1function; therefore, activates MAD1 target genes expression. ^ Furthermore, analysis of protein-protein interaction is indispensable for current molecular biology research, but multiplex protein dynamics in cells is too complicated to be analyzed by using existing biochemical methods. To overcome the disadvantage, we have developed a single molecule level detection system with nanofluidic chip. Single molecule was analyzed based on their fluorescent profile and their profiles were plotted into 2 dimensional time co-incident photon burst diagram (2DTP). From this 2DTP, protein complexes were characterized. These results demonstrate that the nanochannel protein detection system is a promising tool for future molecular biology. ^


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A transect from the bathyal to proximal shelf facies of the Boreal Realm was investigated to compare spatial and temporal distribution changes of calcareous dinoflagellate cysts (c-dinocysts) throughout the mid-Cenomanian in order to gain information on the ecology of these organisms. Pithonelloideae dominated the cyst assemblages to more than 95% on the shelf, a prevalence that can be observed throughout most of the Upper Cretaceous. The affinity of this group with the dinoflagellates, which is still controversially discussed, can be confirmed, based on evidence from morphological features and distribution patterns. The consistent prevalence of Pithonella sphaerica and P. ovalis in c-dinocyst assemblages throughout the Upper Cretaceous indicates that they were produced more frequently than cysts of the other species and might, therefore, represent a vegetative dinoflagellate life stage. P. sphaerica and P. ovalis are interpreted as eutrophic species. P. sphaerica is the main species in a marginal-shelf upwelling area, offshore Fennoscandia. Here, sedimentary cyclicity appears to have been reduced to the strongest light/dark changes, while in the outer shelf sediments, light/dark cycles are well-developed and show pronounced temporal assemblage changes. Cyclic fluctuations in the P. sphaerica / P. ovalis ratio reflect shifts of the preferred facies zones and indicate changes in surface mixing patterns. During periods of enhanced surface mixing most parts of the shelf were well-ventilated, and nutrient-enriched surface waters led to high productivity and dominance of the Pithonelloideae. These conditions on the shelf contrasted with those in the open ocean, where more oligotrophic and probably stratified waters prevailed, and an assemblage with very few Pithonelloideae and dominance of Cubodinellum renei and Orthopithonella ? gustafsonii was characteristic. While orbitally-forced light/dark sedimentary cyclicity of the shelf sections was mainly related to surface-water carbonate productivity changes, no cyclic modulation of productivity was observed in the oceanic profile. Therefore, dark layer formation in the open ocean was predominantly controlled by the cyclic establishment of anoxic bottom water conditions. Orbitally-forced interruptions in mixing on the shelf resulted in cyclic periods of stratification and oligotrophy in the surface waters, an expansion of oceanic species to the outer shelf, and a shelfward shift of pithonelloid-facies zones, which were probably related to shelfward directed oceanic ingressions.


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Hydrocarbon seeps are ubiquitous at gas-prone Cenozoic deltas such as the Nile Deep Sea Fan (NDSF) where seepage into the bottom water has been observed at several mud volcanoes (MVs) including North Alex MV (NAMV). Here we investigated the sources of hydrocarbon gases and sedimentary organic matter together with biomarkers of microbial activity at four locations of NAMV to constrain how venting at the seafloor relates to the generation of hydrocarbon gases in deeper sediments. At the centre, high upward flux of hot (70 °C) hydrocarbon-rich fluids is indicated by an absence of biomarkers of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane (AOM) and nearly constant methane (CH4) concentration depth-profile. The presence of lipids of incompatible thermal maturities points to mixing between early-mature petroleum and immature organic matter, indicating that shallow mud has been mobilized by the influx of deep-sourced hydrocarbon-rich fluids. Methane is enriched in the heavier isotopes, with values of d13C ~-46.6 per mil VPDB and dD ~-228 per mil VSMOW, and is associated with high amounts of heavier homologues (C2+) suggesting a co-genetic origin with the petroleum. On the contrary at the periphery, a lower but sustained CH4 flux is indicated by deeper sulphate-methane transition zones and the presence of 13C-depleted biomarkers of AOM, consistent with predominantly immature organic matter. Values of d13C-CH4 ~-60 per mil VPDB and decreased concentrations of 13C-enriched C2+ are typical of mixed microbial CH4 and biodegraded thermogenic gas from Plio-Pleistocene reservoirs of the region. The maturity of gas condensate migrated from pre-Miocene sources into Miocene reservoirs of the Western NDSF is higher than that of the gas vented at the centre of NAMV, supporting the hypothesis that it is rather released from the degradation of oil in Neogene reservoirs. Combined with the finding of hot pore water and petroleum at the centre, our results suggest that clay mineral dehydration of Neogene sediments, which takes place posterior to reservoir filling, may contribute to intense gas generation at high sedimentation rate deltas.


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The Gaxun Nur Basin in arid China is tectonically influenced by the left-lateral displacements along the Gobi-Altay and Qilian Shan shear zones, resulting in a large pull-apart basin with strong subsidence in the interior. The up to 300 m thick basin fills consist of fluvio-lacustrine fine-grained deposits mainly transported by river discharges from the Tibetan Plateau. They led to a large depositional area of more than 28,000 qkm in size with presently dry terminal lakes at the outer edges. This vast area serves as a main source for loess transport to south-eastern regions of China (Loess Plateau) caused by the variable winter monsoon. Based on geochemical and sedimentological analyses of the sediment core D100 retrieved from a deep drilling in the centre of the Gaxun Nur Basin following questions have to be answered: 1. Reconstruction of the water balance and determination of hydrological cycles during interglacial and glacial periods. 2. Reconstructing variations in lacustrine environment and aeolian activities with respect to transitional phases fro, warm to cold stages (MIS 4 to 5 and older stages). 3. Establishing a sustainable chronology for the last 250 ka.


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Sediments of Lake Donggi Cona on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau were studied to infer changes in the lacustrine depositional environment, related to climatic and non-climatic changes during the last 19 kyr. The lake today fills a 30 X 8 km big and 95 m deep tectonic basin, associated with the Kunlun Fault. The study was conducted on a sediment-core transect through the lake basin, in order to gain a complete picture of spatiotemporal environmental change. The recovered sediments are partly finely laminated and are composed of calcareous muds with variable amounts of carbonate micrite, organic matter, detrital silt and clay. On the basis of sedimentological, geochemical, and mineralogical data up to five lithological units (LU) can be distinguished that document distinct stages in the development of the lake system. The onset of the lowermost LU with lacustrine muds above basal sands indicates that lake level was at least 39 m below the present level and started to rise after 19 ka, possibly in response to regional deglaciation. At this time, the lacustrine environment was characterized by detrital sediment influx and the deposition of siliciclastic sediment. In two sediment cores, upward grain-size coarsening documents a lake-level fall after 13 cal ka BP, possibly associated with the late-glacial Younger Dryas stadial. From 11.5 to 4.3 cal ka BP, grainsize fining in sediment cores from the profundal coring sites and the onset of lacustrine deposition at a litoral core site (2m water depth) in a recent marginal bay of Donggi Cona document lake-level rise during the early tomid-Holocene to at least modern level. In addition, high biological productivity and pronounced precipitation of carbonate micrites are consistent with warm and moist climate conditions related to an enhanced influence of summer monsoon. At 4.3 cal ka BP the lake system shifted from an aragonite- to a calcite-dominated system, indicating a change towards a fully open hydrological lake system. The younger clay-rich sediments are moreover non-laminated and lack any diagenetic sulphides, pointing to fully ventilated conditions, and the prevailing absence of lake stratification. This turning point in lake history could imply either a threshold response to insolation-forced climate cooling or a response to a non-climatic trigger, such as an erosional event or a tectonic pulse that induced a strong earthquake, which is difficult to decide from our data base.