985 resultados para Grellet, Stephen
Cette thèse décrit deux thèmes principaux: 1) la conception, la synthèse, et l'évaluation biophysique des nucléosides tricycliques, et 2) la synthèse de nagilactone B, un produit naturel norditerpenoïde dilactone de la famille de produits naturels “podolactone”. Le premier chapitre décrit la stratégie de design rationnel des nucléosides nommé “restriction conformationnelle double” basée sur les études de modélisation structurales des duplex ADN–ARN modifiés. Cette stratégie implique un blocage du cycle furanose dans une configuration de type N- ou S, et une restriction de la rotation torsionelle autour de l’angle γ. La première contrainte a été incorporée avec un pont méthylène entre l’oxygène en position 2′ et le carbone 4′ du nucléoside. Cette stratégie a été inspirée par les acides nucléiques bloqués (ou “locked nucleic acid”, LNA). La deuxième contrainte a été réalisée en ajoutant un carbocycle supplémentaire dans l'échafaud de l’acide nucléique bloqué. Les défis synthétiques de la formation des nucléotides modifiés à partir des carbohydrates sont décrits ainsi que les améliorations aux stabilités thermiques qu’ils apportent aux duplex oligonucléïques dont ils font partie. Chapitres deux et trois décrivent le développement de deux voies synthétiques complémentaires pour la formation du noyau de nagilactone B. Ce produit naturel a des implications pour le syndrome de Hutchinson–Gilford, à cause de son habilité de jouer le rôle de modulateur de l’épissage d’ARN pré-messager de lamine A. Ce produit naturel contient sept stereocentres différents, dont deux quaternaires et deux comprenant un syn-1,2-diol, ainsi que des lactones à cinq ou six membres, où le cycle à six ressemble à un groupement α-pyrone. La synthèse a débuté avec la cétone de Wieland-Miescher qui a permis d’adresser les défis structurels ainsi qu’explorer les fonctionnalisations des cycles A, B et D du noyau de nagilactone B.
Simultaneous elimination of specular reflection and backscattered power from a plane metallic surface by simulated corrugated surfaces of constant period and variable strip width for TM polarisation is reported. This new configuration offers almost a ten-fold frequency bandwidth compared with a regularly spaced strip grating of the same size.
A trapezoidal strip grating surface that eliminates specular reflections almost over the entire X -band frequency range for TM polarization is reported This new grating structure overcomes the bandwidth limitation of conventional rectangular strip grating surfaces
Design and development of a new feed -horn antenna with low sidelobe levels is reported . The E-walls of this antenna are fabricated with low -loss dielectric substrate , periodicallyloaded with thin conducting strips . The antenna is found to be simulating the radiation characteristics of metallic Corrugated horns . This can be an ideal substitute for metallic Corrugated horns with added advantages like light -weight and low production cost
Design and development of a new feed -horn antenna with low sidelobe levels is reported . The E-walls of this antenna are fabricated with low -loss dielectric substrate , periodically loaded with thin conducting strips . The antenna is found to be simulating the radiation characteristics of metallic corrugated horns . This can be an ideal substitute for metallic corrugated horns with added advantages like light -weight and low production cost.
Design and development of a new feed -horn antenna with low sidelobe levels is reported . The E-walls of this antenna are fabricated with low -loss dielectric substrate , periodically loaded with thin conducting strips . The antenna is found to be simulating the radiation characteristics of metallic corrugated horns . This can be an ideal substitute for metallic corrugated horns with added advantages like light -weight and low production cost.
Department of Biotechnology, Cochin University of Science and Technology
This thesis presents the results of an investigation conducted for the development of a new type of feed horn antenna called "Simulated Scalar Feed". A schematic presentation of the work is given below. A review of the past important work done in the field of conventional/multimode electromagnetic horn antennas is presented in the first part of the second chapter. The work carried out on corrugated horns and surfaces are included in the second part of the review. In the third part, work on dielectric and dielectric loaded metal horns are reviewed. In all the parts of the review, special emphasis is given to theoretical design considerations. The methodology adopted for the experimental investigations is presented in the third chapter. The instrumentation utilized and thThis thesis presents the results of an investigation conducted for the development of a new type of feed horn antenna called "Simulated Scalar Feed". A schematic presentation of the work is given below. A review of the past important work done in the field of conventional/multimode electromagnetic horn antennas is presented in the first part of the second chapter. The work carried out on corrugated horns and surfaces are included in the second part of the review. In the third part, work on dielectric and dielectric loaded metal horns are reviewed. In all the parts of the review, special emphasis is given to theoretical design considerations. The methodology adopted for the experimental investigations is presented in the third chapter. The instrumentation utilized and the details of fabrication ofe details of fabrication of the new simulated scalar feed are described. The method of measurements of radiation characteristics of the antenna are also explained in this chapter. In the fourth chapter the outcome of the experimental results of the investigations carried out on horn antennas fabricated with different physical dimensions and different parameters for the E—plane boundary walls are highlighted. The theoretical explanation used to explain the experimental results is given in the fifth chapter of the thesis. A comparison between the experimental and the theoretical results is also presented in this chapter. In chapter six, the conclusions drawn from the experimental as well as the theoretical investigations are discussed. The advantages and features of the newly developed simulated scalar feed is examined in this chapter. Scope of further investigations in this field is also discussed at the end of this chapter.
In India much work has been done on different aspects of quality of processed fish and fishery products (Pillai et al., 1965; Iyer and Chaudhuri, 1966; Iyer et al., 1966; Sreenivasan and Joseph, 1966; Pillai and Rao, 1969; Mathen et al., 1975; Valsan et al., 1985) and standards have been formulated for almost all the fishery products. Quality standards for fresh fish cover only a few fish species available in the markets. For the formulation and recommendation of quality standards for fish and fishery products for domestic trade detailed background informations are necessary. Khot et al., (1982), Valsan et al. J (1985) and Iyer et al. (1986) have reported on the bacterial flora of sea foods at retail level in Bombay. Cochin is a major fish landing centre of the south west coast of India, and an average of 25,000. tonnes of fish/shell fish are landed annually at this harbour which is about 10 percent of the total catch of fish in Kerala (Lakshmanan -et -al., 1984). All the varieties of marine, brackish water and fresh water fishes are available in Cochln throughout the year for catering to Its cosmopolitan. population and informations regarding their bacteriological quality are scanty. Hence the present study was undertaken to investigate the bacteriological quality of fish and fishery products available in the markets and cold storages situated in and around Cochin meant for internal consumption.
Let G be finite group and K a number field or a p-adic field with ring of integers O_K. In the first part of the manuscript we present an algorithm that computes the relative algebraic K-group K_0(O_K[G],K) as an abstract abelian group. We solve the discrete logarithm problem, both in K_0(O_K[G],K) and the locally free class group cl(O_K[G]). All algorithms have been implemented in MAGMA for the case K = \IQ. In the second part of the manuscript we prove formulae for the torsion subgroup of K_0(\IZ[G],\IQ) for large classes of dihedral and quaternion groups.
The flexibility of the robot is the key to its success as a viable aid to production. Flexibility of a robot can be explained in two directions. The first is to increase the physical generality of the robot such that it can be easily reconfigured to handle a wide variety of tasks. The second direction is to increase the ability of the robot to interact with its environment such that tasks can still be successfully completed in the presence of uncertainties. The use of articulated hands are capable of adapting to a wide variety of grasp shapes, hence reducing the need for special tooling. The availability of low mass, high bandwidth points close to the manipulated object also offers significant improvements I the control of fine motions. This thesis provides a framework for using articulated hands to perform local manipulation of objects. N particular, it addresses the issues in effecting compliant motions of objects in Cartesian space. The Stanford/JPL hand is used as an example to illustrate a number of concepts. The examples provide a unified methodology for controlling articulated hands grasping with point contacts. We also present a high-level hand programming system based on the methodologies developed in this thesis. Compliant motion of grasped objects and dexterous manipulations can be easily described in the LISP-based hand programming language.
At the time of a customer order, the e-tailer assigns the order to one or more of its order fulfillment centers, and/or to drop shippers, so as to minimize procurement and transportation costs, based on the available current information. However this assignment is necessarily myopic as it cannot account for all future events, such as subsequent customer orders or inventory replenishments. We examine the potential benefits from periodically re-evaluating these real-time order-assignment decisions. We construct near-optimal heuristics for the re-assignment for a large set of customer orders with the objective to minimize the total number of shipments. We investigate how best to implement these heuristics for a rolling horizon, and discuss the effect of demand correlation, customer order size, and the number of customer orders on the nature of the heuristics. Finally, we present potential saving opportunities by testing the heuristics on sets of order data from a major e-tailer.