980 resultados para Gregory, of Nyssa, Saint, ca. 335-ca. 394.


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Background. Cystic tumour of the pancreas are infrequent and malignancy of the pancreas during pregnancy is extremely rare. Mucinous cystoadenomas is the most frequent cystic pancreatic neoplasm and it is seen mainly in women suggesting a sex hormone influence. Its presentation during pregnancy is extremely rare and entails difficulties in diagnosis and therapy. Case report. A 28 year old woman was referred to our service for abdominal mass. She had given birth to her second child two weeks previously. Ultrasound and CT scan showed a large cystic lesion, with sepitation and inner solid growth portions, involved mainly the left sovramesocolic space. An ultrasound-guided aspiration of the cystic fluid showed high level of CEA and CA. 19-9. The patient underwent laparotomic body-tail pancreatectomy and splenectomy. The histological examination showed mucinous cystoadenoma with associated invasive ductal carcinoma, with ovarian-like stroma and a well delimited fibrous capsule. Hystochemical study revealed a strong positivity for progesterone receptors. Conclusions. To our knowledge this is the eighth case of mucinous cystoadenoma reported in English literature and the forth with an invasive adenocarcinoma associated. This pathological entity should always be kept in mind in case of patient with an hepigastric mass during or soon after pregnancy. Aggressive approach is mandatory.


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Nos últimos anos, tem-se assistido a um crescimento no interesse do estudo da ressuspensão de pó de estrada, dado o reconhecimento da importância que esta fração representa para os níveis de partículas atmosféricas em ambiente urbano. Dada a prematuridade deste tema e, de forma a compreender e conhecer a sua contribuição e caracterização, realizou-se um estudo sobre a ressuspensão de pó de estrada urbano para as cidades do Porto e Braga. No âmbito do projeto AIRUSE e URBE, realizaram-se amostragens de PM10 no terreno com um dispositivo de amostragem móvel e em ambiente laboratorial com uma câmara de ressuspensão, sendo posteriormente analisado o seu conteúdo carbonoso por um sistema de análise termo-ótico de transmitância e, os elementos por ICP-MS e ICP-AES. Da campanha in situ resultaram cargas de PM10 compreendidas entre 0.190 e 49.5 mg.m-2 para a cidade do Porto e 0.577 mg.m-2 para o túnel rodoviário em Braga. As amostras caracterizam-se por serem dominadas pelos elementos Al, Fe, K, e Ca e conterem enriquecimentos de Sb, Fe, Cu, Sn e Zn, fruto da contaminação antropogénica da atividade rodoviária. No que respeita às amostragens em laboratório, utilizou-se uma câmara de ressuspensão e o dispositivo móvel aplicado na campanha anteriormente descrita para estudar e caracterizar a fração PM10 do pó de estrada urbano proveniente do Túnel Avenida da Liberdade (Braga). Os resultados obtidos para as duas metodologias foram de um modo geral similares, com o carbono total a representar cerca de 6% da massa total de PM10. Esta última é composta maioritariamente por Al, Fe, Ca e K, elementos característicos da crosta terrestre. Quanto ao fatores de enriquecimento calculados, denotou-se a presença de Sb, Zn, Cu e Sn, tendo-se associando ao desgaste dos travões e pneus.


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Résumé : L'organisation de l'espace basilien est le reflet culturel de ses habitants. Le paysage humanisé actuel est la résultante de divers artefacts culturels. Pour mieux comprendre l'occupation du sol basilien, il convient de percevoir le milieu physique et humain dans son ensemble, d'examiner à fond les séquences de l'établissement humain et d'identifier les déséquilibres spatiaux temporels qui compromettent l'évolution rationnelle du territoire. L'identification des contraintes et des potentiels du territoire favorise l'élaboration et la conceptualisation d'un plan d'aménagement du territoire équilibré, qui met en valeur l'intégrité de la composante culturelle basilienne. En outre, cette recherche tente d'élucider et de corriger certaines lacunes perceptibles dans le territoire de la municipalité de Saint-Basile.||Abstract : The built up area of Saint-Basile represents the cultural iconography of his inhabitants. Apparently, the cultural landscape is set up from former man made modifications. For a better understanding of the Saint-Basile urban land use, it is a must to perceive and recognize distincly the physical and the human factors abroad; to scrutinize the human settlements sequences since the colonization and to identify the internal land use patterns components who jeopardize the rational developpment of the community. The establishement and the identification of the restreints and the potentiels within the town of Saint-Basile will lead to a design and a better urban land use planning which will preserved the cultural identity of his inhabitants. Therefore, the research tends to light up and rectify some visibles linkages of the Saint-Basile urban land use.


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The input of iron to the Arctic Ocean plays a critical role in the productivity of aquatic ecosystems and is potentially impacted by climate change. We examine Fe isotope systematics of dissolved and colloidal Fe from several Arctic and sub-Arctic rivers in northern Eurasia and Alaska. We demonstrate that the Fe isotopic (δ56Fe) composition of large rivers, such as the Ob’ and Lena, has a restricted range of δ56Fe values ca.–0.11 ± 0.13‰, with minimal seasonal variability, in stark contrast to smaller organic-rich rivers with an overall δ56Fe range from–1.7 to + 1.6‰. The preferential enrichment with heavy Fe isotopes observed in low molecular weight colloidal fraction and during the high-flow period is consistent with the role of organic complexation of Fe. The light Fe isotope signatures of smaller rivers and meltwater reflect active redox cycling. Data synthesis reveals that small organic-rich rivers and meltwater in Arctic environments may contribute disproportionately to the input of labile Fe in the Arctic Ocean, while bearing contrasting Fe isotope compositions compared to larger rivers.


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Para o sucesso de um processo de revegetação, além de melhorar as condições edáficas da área, deve-se dispor de mudas de boa qualidade, o que pode ser avaliado pelo estado nutricional. Neste trabalho, avaliaramse os teores foliares de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn de mudas de Dipteryx alata produzidas a pleno sol ou em cultivo protegido (30% de sombreamento), utilizando como substrato solo degradado, condicionado ou não com resíduo orgânico (32 t ha-1 macrófitas) e com diferentes doses de fósforo (0, 100, 200 e 300 mg dm-3 P2O5), comparativamente à mudas e parte aérea de plantas adultas, coletadas em campo. A cada coleta de folhas em campo, o solo foi coletado e analisado para P, MO, pH, K, Ca, Mg, H+Al, SB e CTC. A mesma análise foi realizada nas unidades experimentais, ao final do experimento. Os resultados mostram que o Dipteryx alata é pouco exigente em P, que os teores foliares, nas mudas de campo, são superiores às plantas adultas em N, P, K e S e inferiores para Ca e que o estádio de desenvolvimento da planta não influenciou os teores foliares de Mg, B, Cu, Fe, Mn e Zn. O resíduo orgânico não foi suficiente para fornecer o N necessário às mudas produzidas. O cultivo a pleno sol propiciou maiores teores foliares de N, P, Ca, Mg, B, Cu, Fe e Mn. Teores foliares de N, P, K, Ca, B, Fe e Zn foram superiores na presença de resíduo orgânico.


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O óleo de pescado é caracterizado por ser uma fonte rica de ácidos graxos poliinsaturados ω-3, desde modo a sua oxidação lipídica se torna mais favorável quando comparado com outros óleos de origem vegetal. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi a otimização da etapa de branqueamento através da metodologia de superfície de resposta, sendo utilizado misturas de carvão ativado e terra ativada (Tonsil) para a remoção da cor e dos produtos de oxidação, procurando-se preservar o conteúdo total de carotenóides no óleo de carpa. O óleo bruto de carpa (Cyprinus carpio L.) para a realização do trabalho foi obtido a partir da realização de ensilagem ácida, passando posteriormente pelas etapas de refino: degomagem, neutralização, lavagem, secagem e branqueamento. A otimização da etapa de branqueamento foi realizada através de um planejamento fatorial composto central, com os fatores de estudo: a quantidade de adsorvente (Ads) e a quantidade de carvão ativado (Ca), sendo consideradas como respostas o conteúdo total de carotenóides e o valor de TBA. Na melhor condição do branqueamento do óleo de carpa foi realizado um estudo cinético, e para o cálculo das constantes cinéticas foram utilizados os modelos de Brimberg modificado e de Langmuir-Hinshelwood, A condição ótima do branqueamento foi com 2% de adsorvente e 10% de carvão ativado, onde ocorreram menores perdas de carotenóides (44,40%), com redução da cor escura presente no óleo de (85,62%) e redução do valor de TBA (73,10%), obtendo-se um óleo branqueado de carpa com qualidade oxidativa e melhor aspecto em relação à cor. Os dois modelos cinéticos representaram de forma satisfatória os dados experimentais do branqueamento do óleo de carpa, pelos altos coeficientes de determinação e baixos erros médios relativos apresentados. Foi possível observar que ocorreu uma rápida adsorção dos pigmentos carotenóides, e após 30 min a adsorção foi menos eficiente. Nos óleos bruto e branqueado de vísceras de carpa não foi identificada diferença significativa entre as concentrações de ácidos graxos, demonstrando que as etapas de refino utilizadas não alteraram o perfil de ácidos graxos do óleo bruto.


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The Vale do Ribeira, SP, main agricultural activity is the banana crop, which accounts for most of this fruit production in the State of São Paulo. The nutritional balance of the plant is one of the most important factors for the banana plant can complete the cycle and achieve high productivity. Aiming to evaluate the seasonal variation of leaf nutrient concentration in banana plants in Vale do Ribeira-SP, we used the results of 252 chemical analyses of plant tissue, collected from August 2009 to September 2010, in the 18 representative properties for the region, ten cultivated with subgroup Cavendish banana plant and eight of subgroup Prata banana plant. The largest variation between the macronutrient occurred for K and S, and among the micronutrients, especially for Fe and B. In some dates of evaluation, there was a higher leaf concentration of P, K, Ca and Zn, in subgroup Cavendish banana plants, while the subgroup Prata banana plants showed higher leaf concentration, especially of Mn, B and N. Climatic conditions, especially rain, influenced the leaf nutrient content, especially for K, N, S, B and Fe.


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Posidonia oceanica is a Mediterranean endemic seagrass species that forms meadows covering ca. 2.5–4.5 millions of hectares, representing ca.25 % of the infralittoral and shallow circalittoral (down to 50m) bottoms of the Mediterranean. This seagrass is considered a habitat-engineer species and provides an elevated number of ecosystem services. In addition the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD, 2008/56/EC) includes seagrass like elements to evaluate the “Good Environmental Status” of the European coasts. Information about their phenological characteristic and structure of the meadows is needed for indicator estimations in order to establish their conservation status. The studied meadows are located in the westernmost limit of the P. oceanica distribution (North-western Alboran Sea) in the vecinity of the Strait of Gibraltar, an Atlantic-Mediterranean water transition area. Four sites were selected from East to West: Paraje Natural de Acantilados de Maro-Cerro Gordo (hereafter Maro), Special Area of Conservation “Calahonda” (hereafter Calahonda), Site of Community Importance Estepona (hereafter Estepona) and Punta Chullera (hereafter Chullera) where P. oceanica present their westernmost meadows. Phenological data were recorded from mid November to mid December in P. oceanica patches located at 2 – 3 m depth. At each site three types of patches (patch area <1m2, small patches; 1-2 m2, medium patches and >2 m2, large patches) were sampled. At each patch and site, 3 quadrants of 45 x 45 cm were sampled for shoot and inflorescences density measurements. In each quadrant, 10 random shoots were sampled for shoot morphology (shoot height and number of leaves). Shoot and inflorescences densities were standardized to squared meters. All the studied P. oceanica meadows develop on rocks and they present a fragmented structure with a coverage ranging between ca. 45% in Calahonda and Estepona and ca. 31% in Maro. The meadows of Chullera are reduced to a few small - medium patches with areas ranging between 0.5-1.5 m2 (Fig. 1). The meadows of Chullera and Estepona presented similar values of shoot density (ca. 752 – 662 shoots m-2, respectively) and leaf height (ca. 25 cm). Similarly, the Calahonda and Maro meadows also showed similar values of shoot density (ca. 510 – 550 shoots m-2, respectively) but displaying lower values than those of sites located closer to the Strait of Gibraltar. Regarding patch sizes and leaf height, the longest leaves (ca. 25 cm) were found in medium and large patches, but the number of leaves per shoot were higher in the small and the medium size patches (ca. 6.3 leaves per shoot). Flowering was only detected at the Calahonda meadows with maximum values of ca. 330 inflorescences m-2 (115.2 ± 98.2 inflorescences m-2, n= 9; mean ± SD) (Fig.1). Inflorescence density was not significant different among patches of different sizes. In the Alboran Sea and unlike the studied meadows, extensive beds of P. oceanica occur at the National Park of Cabo de Gata (northeastern Alboran Sea), but from east to west (Strait of Gibraltar), meadows are gradually fragmenting and their depth range decrease from 30m to 2m depth between Cabo de Gata and Chullera, respectively. Probably, the Atlantic influence and the characteristic oceanographic conditions of the Alboran Sea (i.e., higher turbidity, higher water turbulence) represent a developmental limiting factor for P. oceanica at higher depths. Similarities between the meadows located closer to Strait of Gibraltar (Chullera and Estepona) were detected as well as between those more distant (Calahonda and Maro). The first ones showed higher values of shoot densities and leaf heights than the formers, which could be relating to the higher hydrodynamic exposure found at Chullera and Estepona meadows. Regarding flowering events, sexual reproduction in P. oceanica is not common in different locations of the Mediterranean Sea. The available information seems to indicate that flowering represent an irregular event and it is related to high seawater temperature. In fact, the flowering episodes that occurred in Calahonda in November 2015, match with the warmest year ever recorded. This is the third flowering event registered in these meadows located close to the westernmost distributional limit of P. oceanica (Málaga, Alboran Sea), which could indicates that these meadows presents a healthy status. Furthermore, the absence of significant differences in relation to inflorescence density between patches of different sizes may be indicating that the fragmentation does not necessarily influence on the flowering of this seagrass species.


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The brazilian-plum (Spondias tuberosa, His) is a tropical fruit tree that has been consolidated in the market for agribusiness processing, due to its characteristic flavor of fruit. Accordingly, studies to optimize the propagation of plants are necessary for production of seedlings with agronomic and quality assurance measures. This study aimed at determining the efficient techniques for uniform seed germination, as brazilian-plum seed present mechanical dormancy, and establish optimal culture media for multiplication of shoots from the in vitro micropropagation. Firstly, in a greenhouse at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, was evaluated the influence of different methods of breaking dormancy in the emergence of seedlings of brazilian-plum and speed of germination (IVG) of seeds. After 60 days of cultivation, it was found that splay in the distal portion of the seed was the best treatment, with rates of 85.33% in germinability and 3.415 of IVG, compared with the treatment of seed-soaking in water for 12h + humus and the control group. Subsequently, new sources of seedling explants were obtained in studies of tissue culture. Laboratory of Plant Biotechnology that the university, was used stem apex, nodal segments and internodes in search of decontamination with various concentrations of calcium hypochlorite [Ca(OCl)2] and micropropagation, inoculating them in half WPM (1980) with various concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP). We used 10 sample units with three replications for different concentrations of [Ca(OCl)2], BAP and explants type. After thirty days, which was observed for the control of contamination, during the establishment in vitro, concentrations of [Ca(OCl)2] between 0.5% and 2.0% were effective in combating exogenous contamination of the apex. In nodal segments and internodes, concentrations of [Ca(OCl)2] between 1.0% and 2.0% and 1.5% and 2.0% were respectively, sufficient to reduce the percentage of losses in these infestations explants. For micropropagation, the culture medium supplemented with 0.1 mg.L-1 BAP promotes better development of multiple shoots per explants from nodal segment. However, success does not get to shoot training in internodal segment


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It has been claimed that employee engagement can harness public service motivation in ways that lead to better improve functioning and positive organizational outcomes, and can help address the increasingly complex challenges associated with public service in an era of austerity. Despite this, there has not yet been a systematic review of the literature that would enable researchers to understand more about the antecedent factors and the outcomes of engagement in the public sector. To address this issue, we undertook a systematic narrative synthesis of the empirical research on engagement that yielded 5111 published studies, of which just 59 were conducted in public sector settings and met our inclusion criteria. Studies generally found that motivational features of jobs (such as autonomy), group (such as social support), management (such as leader consideration), and organizations (such as voice mechanisms) as well as psychological resources were key antecedents of engagement within the public sector; and that engagement was associated with positive employee health/morale and enhanced performance behaviors. The evidence was far from conclusive, suggesting a need for much more rigorous research focused on the specific challenges of public sector settings. We make recommendations for further research on this important topic, particularly with regards to understanding the connection between public service motivation and engagement and the need to examine engagement across different public sector/service contexts.


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Studies concerning marine litter have received great attention over the last several years by the scientific community mainly due to their ecological and economic impacts in marine ecosystems, from coastal waters to the deep ocean seafloor. The distribution, type and abundance of marine litter in Ormonde and Gettysburg, the two seamounts of Gorringe Bank, were analyzed from photo and video imagery obtained during ROV-based surveys carried out at 60–3015 m depths during the E/V Nautilus cruise NA017. Located approximately 125 nm southwest of Portugal, Gorringe Bank lays at the crossroad between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean and is therefore characterized by an intense maritime traffic and fishing activities. The high frequency of lost or discarded fishing gear, such as cables, longlines and nets, observed on Gorringe Bank suggests an origin mostly fromfishing activities,with a clear turnover in the type of litter (mostly metal, glass and to amuch lesser extent, plastic) with increasing depth. Litter was more abundant at the summit of Gorringe Bank (ca. 4 items·km−1), decreasing to less than 1 item·km−1 at the flanks and to ca. 2 items·km−1 at greater depths. Nevertheless, litter abundance appeared to be lower than in continental margin areas. The results presented herein are a contribution to support further actions for the conservation of vulnerable habitats on Gorringe Bank so that they can continue contributing to fishery productivity in the surrounding region.


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Objetivo: Evaluar los efectos de una intervención educativa en la práctica del autoexamen de seno, los conocimientos y práctica de los estilos de vida saludables para la prevención del cáncer de seno en estudiantes mujeres de un colegio público de la localidad de Ciudad Bolívar en Bogotá, Colombia. Materiales y métodos: Estudio de intervención, antes y después, no controlado en un periodo de seis meses con la participación de mujeres jóvenes estudiantes entre 10 y 20 años de edad. Se contemplaron cinco momentos metodológicos ejecutados en los meses de febrero en el cual se realizó la aplicación del cuestionario auto-diligenciado; de marzo en el cual las estudiantes recibieron una sesión educativa de 90 minutos y una de 60 minutos, soportadas con material audiovisual y folletos informativos. Se realizó el seguimiento prospectivo para la toma de datos en uno, tres y seis meses post-intervención. Conclusiones: 155 estudiantes fueron encuestadas. La prevalencia de práctica del autoexamen de seno fue de 78,1% (n=121). Se evidenció un cambio significativo en el conocimiento de la técnica y la práctica del autoexamen de seno, así como aumentos significativos en los conocimientos de los principales factores de riesgo para el cáncer de mama (p<,0001). En cuanto a los estilos de vida, las estudiantes mejoraron de manera significativa la práctica regular de actividad física con más de 150 minutos semanales a los 6 meses post-intervención. Conclusión: Una intervención educativa puede mejorar los conocimientos acerca de los factores de riesgo para cáncer de mama, la práctica del autoexamen de seno y los estilos de vida en mujeres jóvenes estudiantes de una localidad de bajo nivel socio-económico en Bogotá, Colombia. Estudios experimentales de alta calidad son requeridos.


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The supply side of the food security engine is the way we farm. The current engine of conventional tillage farming is faltering and needs to be replaced. This presentation will address supply side issues of agriculture to meet future agricultural demands for food and industry using the alternate no-till Conservation Agriculture (CA) paradigm (involving no-till farming with mulch soil cover and diversified cropping) that is able to raise productivity sustainably and efficiently, reduce inputs, regenerate degraded land, minimise soil erosion, and harness the flow of ecosystem services. CA is an ecosystems approach to farming capable of enhancing not only the economic and environmental performance of crop production and land management, but also promotes a mindset change for producing ‘more from less’, the key attitude towards sustainable production intensification. CA is now spreading globally in all continents at an annual rate of 10 Mha and covers some 157 Mha of cropland. Today global agriculture produces enough food to feed three times the current population of 7.21 billion. In 1976, when the world population was 4.15 billion, world food production far exceeded the amount necessary to feed that population. However, our urban and industrialised lifestyle leads to wastage of food of some 30%-40%, as well as waste of enormous amount of energy and protein while transforming crop-based food into animal-derived food; we have a higher proportion of people than ever before who are obese; we continue to degrade our ecosystems including much of our agricultural land of which some 400 Mha is reported to be abandoned due to severe soil and land degradation; and yields of staple cereals appear to have stagnated. These are signs of unsustainability at the structural level in the society, and it is at the structural level, for both supply side and demand side, that we need transformed mind sets about production, consumption and distribution. CA not only provides the possibility of increased crop yields for the low input smallholder farmer, it also provides a pro-poor rural and agricultural development model to support agricultural intensification in an affordable manner. For the high output farmer, it offers greater efficiency (productivity) and profit, resilience and stewardship. For farming anywhere, it addresses the root causes of agricultural land degradation, sub-optimal ecological crop and land potentials or yield ceilings, and poor crop phenotypic expressions or yield gaps. As national economies expand and diversify, more people become integrated into the economy and are able to access food. However, for those whose livelihoods continue to depend on agriculture to feed themselves and the rest of the world population, the challenge is for agriculture to produce the needed food and raw material for industry with minimum harm to the environment and the society, and to produce it with maximum efficiency and resilience against abiotic and biotic stresses, including those arising from climate change. There is growing empirical and scientific evidence worldwide that the future global supplies of food and agricultural raw materials can be assured sustainably at much lower environmental and economic cost by shifting away from conventional tillage-based food and agriculture systems to no-till CA-based food and agriculture systems. To achieve this goal will require effective national and global policy and institutional support (including research and education).


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Pectic substances are structural heteropolysaccharides that occur in the middle lamellae and primary cell walls of higher plants. They are composed of partially methyl-esterified galacturonic acid residues linked by alpha-1, 4-glycosidic bonds. Pectinolytic enzymes are complex enzymes that degrade pectic polymers and there are several classes of enzymes, which include pectin esterases, pectin and pectate lyases and polygalacturonases. Plants, filamentous fungi, bacteria and yeasts are able to produce pectinases. In the industrial world, pectinases are used in fruit juice clarification, in the production of wine, in the extraction of olive oil, fiber degumming and fermentation of tea, coffee and cocoa.


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Angola, jeje e ketu: Memórias e identidades em casas e nações de candomblé na Região Metropolitana da Grande Vitória (ES), que é o tema desta dissertação, requer adentrar em análises de categorias nativas do povo de santo, e, em seguida, passar a questões teóricas sobre esses temas. Na cidade de Serra encontram-se as quatro casas de santo onde a pesquisa de campo foi realizada com três iyalorixás e um babalorixá, que dividem suas memórias e experiências religiosas compondo um exercício teórico sobre a história e a formação do candomblé no Espírito Santo. Nesse estado, que não é referência dessa religião, a mesma encontra-se em ascensão. A preocupação dos integrantes das comunidades de terreiros é transformar parte das tradições orais em produção escrita. Tendo em vista os processos políticos de reconhecimento legal da diversidade cultural, o debate se deu em torno de hibridização e múltiplas formas de identidade. O universo encantador e mágico do candomblé é composto pelos toques dos atabaques, danças rituais e fé em forças da natureza. Os “filhos da diáspora africana” trazidos para o Brasil eram de várias regiões da África, o que nos permite entender a diversidade cultural que marca esses grupos. Em função do sincretismo entre as próprias religiões de matriz africana e delas com o catolicismo e as doutrinas espiritualistas, essas religiões encontram-se de norte a sul do país. Este encontro de crenças e rituais é tão evidente que já não dizemos religiões “africanas” e sim religiões “afro-brasileiras”. O candomblé, desde o seu surgimento, vem sendo criado e recriado pela transmissão de suas tradições e ritos. A tradição oral nas comunidades de terreiro é um dos elementos demarcadores da construção da sua identidade, a partir de uma organização interna e do aprendizado hierarquicamente transmitido pelos depositários do saber, seguindo uma ordem de senioridade de iniciação, os antigos são detentores dos saberes e segredos. Por ser uma religião iniciática, o aprendizado ocorre permanentemente, em especial o da língua ritual, onde o exercício e o contato levam a transmissão cultural. O povo de santo reconstrói uma ligação com uma comunidade imaginada que remonta a África e desenvolve relações de parentesco ficcional entre os membros das comunidades de terreiro e forma uma família de santo e de axé.