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Purpose: To report the clinical and genetic study of a family with Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA). Methods: We studied a consanguineous family from Yemen in which three individuals were affected with LCA. Genomic DNA was prepared from venous leukocytes. Linkage analysis of all family members using polymorphic markers flanking the known LCA genes was performed, followed by direct sequencing of all the exons and intron-exon junctions of the RPE65 gene. Results: The three affected were 5, 8 and 12 years old. Severe visual impairment and night blindness were noticed during infancy. Nystagmus was not a feature. Photophobia was only observed in the 8-year-old patient. The 5-year old youngest affected had a bilateral hyperopia of +3.50 and a visual acuity of 1/60. The oldest two had mild myopia and visual acuity limited to hand movements RE and counting fingers LE for the oldest and of 5/60 OD, 6/60 OS for the other. On fundus examination, they harbored common clinical features such as disc pallor, attenuated vessels, white flecks in the retina mid-periphery and bull's eye maculopathy. Electroretinograms of the oldest child were completely extinguished while residual scotopic responses with abolished photopic and flicker responses were observed in the two youngest. Sequencing identified a novel missense mutation, IVS2-3C>G, in the second RPE65 intron. The mutation was not detected in 80 ethnically matched normal individuals. Conclusion: We have identified a novel LCA-related homozygous RPE65 mutation associated with a severe clinical presentation including an early and severe cone dysfunction. This is in contrast with the presentation associated with other RPE65 mutations predominantly causing a rod-cone dystrophy with residual cone function. The identified mutation potentially affects splicing of the third exon and could result in a loss of function. Definite functional consequences of this change still need to be characterized.
Adenoviruses of primates include human (HAdV) and simian (SAdV) isolates classified into 8 species (Human Adenovirus A to G, and Simian Adenovirus A). In this study, a novel adenovirus was isolated from a colony of cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) and subcultured in VERO cells. Its complete genome was purified and a region encompassing the hexon gene, the protease gene, the DNA binding protein (DBP) and the 100 kDa protein was amplified by PCR and sequenced by primer walking. Sequence analysis of these four genes showed that the new isolate had 80% identity to other primate adenoviruses and lacked recombination events. The study of the evolutionary relationships of this new monkey AdV based on the combined sequences of the four genes supported a close relationship to SAdV-3 and SAdV-6, lineages isolated from Rhesus monkeys. The clade formed by these three types is separated from the remaining clades and establishes a novel branch that is related to species HAdV-A, F and G. However, the genetic distance corresponding to the newly isolated monkey AdV considerably differs from these as to belong to a new, not yet established species. Results presented here widen our knowledge on SAdV and represents an important contribution to the understanding of the evolutionary history of primate adenoviruses.
Refractory status epilepticus (RSE)-that is, seizures resistant to at least two antiepileptic drugs (AEDs)-is generally managed with barbiturates, propofol, or midazolam, despite a low level of evidence (Rossetti, 2007). When this approach fails, the need for alternative pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic strategies emerges. These have been investigated even less systematically than the aforementioned compounds, and are often used, sometimes in succession, in cases of extreme refractoriness (Robakis & Hirsch, 2006). Several possibilities are reviewed here. In view of the marked heterogeneity of reported information, etiologies, ages, and comedications, it is extremely difficult to evaluate a given method, not to say to compare different strategies among them. Pharmacologic Approaches Isoflurane and desflurane may complete the armamentarium of anesthetics,' and should be employed in a ''close'' environment, in order to prevent intoxication of treating personnel. c-Aminobutyric acid (GABA)A receptor potentiation represents the putative mechanism of action. In an earlier report, isoflurane was used for up to 55 h in nine patients, controlling seizures in all; mortality was, however, 67% (Kofke et al., 1989). More recently, the use of these inhalational anesthetics was described in seven subjects with RSE, for up to 26 days, with an endtidal concentration of 1.2-5%. All patients required vasopressors, and paralytic ileus occurred in three; outcome was fatal in three patients (43%) (Mirsattari et al., 2004). Ketamine, known as an emergency anesthetic because of its favorable hemodynamic profile, is an N-methyl-daspartate (NMDA) antagonist; the interest for its use in RSE derives from animal works showing loss of GABAA efficacy and maintained NMDA sensitivity in prolonged status epilepticus (Mazarati & Wasterlain, 1999). However, to avoid possible neurotoxicity, it appears safer to combine ketamine with GABAergic compounds (Jevtovic-Todorovic et al., 2001; Ubogu et al., 2003), also because of a likely synergistic effect (Martin & Kapur, 2008). There are few reported cases in humans, describing progressive dosages up to 7.5 mg/kg/h for several days (Sheth & Gidal, 1998; Quigg et al., 2002; Pruss & Holtkamp, 2008), with moderate outcomes. Paraldehyde acts through a yet-unidentified mechanism, and appears to be relatively safe in terms of cardiovascular tolerability (Ramsay, 1989; Thulasimani & Ramaswamy, 2002), but because of the risk of crystal formation and its reactivity with plastic, it should be used only as fresh prepared solution in glass devices (Beyenburg et al., 2000). There are virtually no recent reports regarding its use in adults RSE, whereas rectal paraldehyde in children with status epilepticus resistant to benzodiazepines seems less efficacious than intravenous phenytoin (Chin et al., 2008). Etomidate is another anesthetic agent for which the exact mechanism of action is also unknown, which is also relatively favorable regarding cardiovascular side effects, and may be used for rapid sedation. Its use in RSE was reported in eight subjects (Yeoman et al., 1989). After a bolus of 0.3 mg/kg, a drip of up to 7.2 mg/kg/h for up to 12 days was administered, with hypotension occurring in five patients; two patients died. A reversible inhibition of cortisol synthesis represents an important concern, limiting its widespread use and implying a careful hormonal substitution during treatment (Beyenburg et al., 2000). Several nonsedating approaches have been reported. The use of lidocaine in RSE, a class Ib antiarrhythmic agent modulating sodium channels, was reviewed in 1997 (Walker & Slovis, 1997). Initial boluses up to 5 mg/kg and perfusions of up to 6 mg/kg/h have been mentioned; somewhat surprisingly, at times lidocaine seemed to be successful in controlling seizures in patients who were refractory to phenytoin. The aforementioned dosages should not be overshot, in order to keep lidocaine levels under 5 mg/L and avoid seizure induction (Hamano et al., 2006). A recent pediatric retrospective survey on 57 RSE episodes (37 patients) described a response in 36%, and no major adverse events; mortality was not given (Hamano et al., 2006 Verapamil, a calcium-channel blocker, also inhibits P-glycoprotein, a multidrug transporter that may diminish AED availability in the brain (Potschka et al., 2002). Few case reports on its use in humans are available; this medication nevertheless appears relatively safe (under cardiac monitoring) up to dosages of 360 mg/day (Iannetti et al., 2005). Magnesium, a widely used agent for seizures elicited by eclampsia, has also been anecdotally reported in RSE (Fisher et al., 1988; Robakis & Hirsch, 2006), but with scarce results even at serum levels of 14 mm. The rationale may be found in the physiologic blockage of NMDA channels by magnesium ions (Hope & Blumenfeld, 2005). Ketogenic diet has been prescribed for decades, mostly in children, to control refractory seizures. Its use in RSE as ''ultima ratio'' has been occasionally described: three of six children (Francois et al., 2003) and one adult (Bodenant et al., 2008) were responders. This approach displays its effect subacutely over several days to a few weeks. Because ''malignant RSE'' seems at times to be the consequence of immunologic processes (Holtkamp et al., 2005), a course of immunomodulatory treatment is often advocated in this setting, even in the absence of definite autoimmune etiologies (Robakis & Hirsch, 2006); steroids, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), plasma exchanges, or intravenous immunoglobulins may be used alone or in sequential combination. Nonpharmacologic Approaches These strategies are described somewhat less frequently than pharmacologic approaches. Acute implantation of vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) has been reported in RSE (Winston et al., 2001; Patwardhan et al., 2005; De Herdt et al., 2009). Stimulation was usually initiated in the operation room, and intensity progressively adapted over a few days up to 1.25 mA (with various regimens regarding the other parameters), allowing a subacute seizure control; one transitory episode of bradycardia/asystole has been described (De Herdt et al., 2009). Of course, pending identification of a definite seizure focus, resective surgery may also be considered in selected cases (Lhatoo & Alexopoulos, 2007). Low-frequency (0.5 Hz) transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) at 90% of the resting motor threshold has been reported to be successful for about 2 months in a patient with epilepsia partialis continua, but with a weaning effect afterward, implying the need for a repetitive use (Misawa et al., 2005). More recently, TMS was applied in a combination of a short ''priming'' high frequency (up to 100 Hz) and longer runs of low-frequency stimulations (1 Hz) at 90-100% of the motor threshold in seven other patients with simple-partial status, with mixed results (Rotenberg et al., 2009). Paradoxically at first glance, electroconvulsive treatment may be found in cases of extremely resistant RSE. A recent case report illustrates its use in an adult patient with convulsive status, with three sessions (three convulsions each) carried out over 3 days, resulting in a moderate recovery; the mechanism is believed to be related to modification of the synaptic release of neurotransmitters (Cline & Roos, 2007). Therapeutic hypothermia, which is increasingly used in postanoxic patients (Oddo et al., 2008), has been the object of a recent case series in RSE (Corry et al., 2008). Reduction of energy demand, excitatory neurotransmission, and neuroprotective effects may account for the putative mechanism of action. Four adult patients in RSE were cooled to 31_-34_C with an endovascular system for up to 90 h, and then passively rewarmed over 2-50 h. Seizures were controlled in two patients, one of whom died; also one of the other two patients in whom seizures continued subsequently deceased. Possible side effects are related to acid-base and electrolyte disturbances, and coagulation dysfunction including thrombosis, infectious risks, cardiac arrhythmia, and paralytic ileus (Corry et al., 2008; Cereda et al., 2009). Finally, anecdotic evidence suggests that cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-air exchange may induce some transitory benefit in RSE (Kohrmann et al., 2006); although this approach was already in use in the middle of the twentieth century, the mechanism is unknown. Acknowledgment A wide spectrum of pharmacologic (sedating and nonsedating) and nonpharmacologic (surgical, or involving electrical stimulation) regimens might be applied to attempt RSE control. Their use should be considered only after refractoriness to AED or anesthetics displaying a higher level of evidence. Although it seems unlikely that these uncommon and scarcely studied strategies will influence the RSE outcome in a decisive way, some may be interesting in particular settings. However, because the main prognostic determinant in status epilepticus appears to be related to the underlying etiology rather than to the treatment approach (Rossetti et al., 2005, 2008), the safety issue should always represent a paramount concern for the prescribing physician. Conclusion The author confirms that he has read the Journal's position on issues involved in ethical publication and affirms that this paper is consistent with those guidelines.
RESUME Pour favoriser sa croissance en condition limitante de fer, le pathogène opportunistePseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 sécrète un sidérophore nommé pyochéline. Celui-ci estproduit par un mécanisme de "thiotemplate", à partir de l'acide salicylique et de deuxmolécules de cystéine, et existe sous forme d'une paire de diastéréoisomèresinterconvertibles: pyochéline I (4'R, 2?R, 4?R) et pyochéline II (4'R, 2?S, 4?R). Deprécédentes études ont montré que la pyochéline induit l'expression de ses propres gènes debiosynthèse via le régulateur transcriptionnel PchR qui appartient à la famille AraC/XylS. Lapyochéline est donc non seulement un sidérophore mais également une molécule signale.Nous avons découvert que Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 sécrète une pyochélinestéréochimiquement distincte de celle produite par P. aeruginosa. Ce nouveau sidérophorefavorise la croissance de P. fluorescens en condition limitante en fer et induit l'expression deses propres gènes de biosynthèse. Cependant, cette molécule n'est pas reconnue commesidérophore ou molécule signale par P. aeruginosa. Réciproquement, la pyochéline estincapable de stimuler la croissance et la signalisation chez P. fluorescens. La structure dusiderophore de P. fluorescens CHA0 a été déterminée comme étant un antipode optique de lapyochéline et nommé énantio-pyochéline.La stéréospécificité de l'induction des gènes de biosynthèse de la pyochéline/énantiopyochélineest basée sur la stéréospécificité des protéines PchR de P. aeruginosa et P.fluorescens envers leur sidérophores-ligands respectifs. PchR est fonctionnel chez l'espècehétérologue, mais uniquement en présence de son propre ligand. Les récepteurs spécifiquesdes sidérophores pyochéline/enantio-pyochéline ne sont pas indispensables à la signalisationmais sont essentiels à l'incorporation du fer et à la croissance en carence de fer. Laconstruction de protéines hybrides et tronquées a révélé que le domaine N-terminal de PchRest l'élément déterminant pour la spécificité de la protéine vis-à-vis de son ligand. SUMMARY : The siderophore pyochelin is produced by the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 and promotes growth under iron limitation. Pyochelin is made by a thiotemplate mechanism from salicylate and two molecules of cysteine and exists as a pair of interconvertible diastereoisomers: pyochelin I (4'R, 2"R, 4"R) and pyochelin II (4'R, 2"S, 4"R). Pyochelin induces the expression of its biosynthesis and uptake genes via the transcriptional AraC/Xy1S family regulator PchR in a process termed pyochelin signaling. Pseudomonas fluorescens CHAO was found to make a stereochemically distinct pyochelin to P. aeruginosa. This siderophore promoted the growth of P. fluorescens under iron limitation and induced the expression of its biosynthesis genes but was not recognised as a siderophore or signaling molecule by P. aeruginosa. Reciprocally, pyochelin was unable to promote growth or signaling in P. fluorescens. The structure of the P. fluorescens CHAO siderophore was determined and found to be enantio-pyochelin, the optical antipode of pyochelin. Stereospecificity in induction of pyochelin/enantio-pyochelin biosynthesis genes was found to be due to stereospecificity of the homologous PchR proteins of P. aeruginosa and P. fluorescens towards their respective siderophore ligands. PchR was able to function in the heterologous species, but only if supplied with its native ligand. The pyochelin/enantiopyochelin receptors were not essential for signaling although both receptors are essential for iron uptake and growth under iron limitation. Construction of hybrid and truncated PchR proteins revealed that the N-terminal domain of PchR is responsible for siderophore recognition/stereospecificity.
Adenoviruses of primates include human (HAdV) and simian (SAdV) isolates classified into 8 species (Human Adenovirus A to G, and Simian Adenovirus A). In this study, a novel adenovirus was isolated from a colony of cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) and subcultured in VERO cells. Its complete genome was purified and a region encompassing the hexon gene, the protease gene, the DNA binding protein (DBP) and the 100 kDa protein was amplified by PCR and sequenced by primer walking. Sequence analysis of these four genes showed that the new isolate had 80% identity to other primate adenoviruses and lacked recombination events. The study of the evolutionary relationships of this new monkey AdV based on the combined sequences of the four genes supported a close relationship to SAdV-3 and SAdV-6, lineages isolated from Rhesus monkeys. The clade formed by these three types is separated from the remaining clades and establishes a novel branch that is related to species HAdV-A, F and G. However, the genetic distance corresponding to the newly isolated monkey AdV considerably differs from these as to belong to a new, not yet established species. Results presented here widen our knowledge on SAdV and represents an important contribution to the understanding of the evolutionary history of primate adenoviruses.
Cervical cancer results from infection with high-risk type human papillomaviruses (HPV). Therapeutic vaccines aiming at controlling existing genital HPV infections and associated lesions are usually tested in mice with HPV-expressing tumor cells subcutaneously implanted into their flank. However, effective vaccine-induced regression of these ectopic tumors strongly contrasts with the poor clinical results of these vaccines produced in patients with HPV-associated genital neoplasia. To assess HPV therapeutic vaccines in a more relevant setting, we have, here, established an orthotopic mouse model where tumors in the genital mucosa (GM) develop after an intravaginal instillation of HPV16 E6/E7-expressing tumor cells transduced with a luciferase-encoding lentiviral vector for in vivo imaging of tumor growth. Tumor take was 80-90% after nonoxynol-9 induced damage of the epithelium. Tumors remained localized in the genital tract, and histological analysis showed that most tumors grew within the squamous epithelium of the vaginal wall. Those tumors induced (i) E7-specific CD8 T cells restricted to the GM and draining lymph nodes, in agreement with their mucosal location and (ii) high Foxp3+ CD4+ infiltrates, similarly to those found in natural non-regressing HPV lesions. This novel genital HPV-tumor model by requiring GM homing of vaccine-induced immune responses able to overcome local immuno-suppression may be more representative of the situation occurring in patients upon therapeutic vaccination.
Neural development and plasticity are regulated by neural adhesion proteins, including the polysialylated form of NCAM (PSA-NCAM). Podocalyxin (PC) is a renal PSA-containing protein that has been reported to function as an anti-adhesin in kidney podocytes. Here we show that PC is widely expressed in neurons during neural development. Neural PC interacts with the ERM protein family, and with NHERF1/2 and RhoA/G. Experiments in vitro and phenotypic analyses of podxl-deficient mice indicate that PC is involved in neurite growth, branching and axonal fasciculation, and that PC loss-of-function reduces the number of synapses in the CNS and in the neuromuscular system. We also show that whereas some of the brain PC functions require PSA, others depend on PC per se. Our results show that PC, the second highly sialylated neural adhesion protein, plays multiple roles in neural development.
Repeated passaging in conventional cell culture reduces pluripotency and proliferation capacity of human mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). We introduce an innovative cell culture method whereby the culture surface is dynamically enlarged during cell proliferation. This approach maintains constantly high cell density while preventing contact inhibition of growth. A highly elastic culture surface was enlarged in steps of 5% over the course of a 20-day culture period to 800% of the initial surface area. Nine weeks of dynamic expansion culture produced 10-fold more MSC compared with conventional culture, with one-third the number of trypsin passages. After 9 weeks, MSC continued to proliferate under dynamic expansion but ceased to grow in conventional culture. Dynamic expansion culture fully retained the multipotent character of MSC, which could be induced to differentiate into adipogenic, chondrogenic, osteogenic, and myogenic lineages. Development of an undesired fibrogenic myofibroblast phenotype was suppressed. Hence, our novel method can rapidly provide the high number of autologous, multipotent, and nonfibrogenic MSC needed for successful regenerative medicine.
BACKGROUND: Small RNAs (sRNAs) are widespread among bacteria and have diverse regulatory roles. Most of these sRNAs have been discovered by a combination of computational and experimental methods. In Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a ubiquitous Gram-negative bacterium and opportunistic human pathogen, the GacS/GacA two-component system positively controls the transcription of two sRNAs (RsmY, RsmZ), which are crucial for the expression of genes involved in virulence. In the biocontrol bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0, three GacA-controlled sRNAs (RsmX, RsmY, RsmZ) regulate the response to oxidative stress and the expression of extracellular products including biocontrol factors. RsmX, RsmY and RsmZ contain multiple unpaired GGA motifs and control the expression of target mRNAs at the translational level, by sequestration of translational repressor proteins of the RsmA family. RESULTS: A combined computational and experimental approach enabled us to identify 14 intergenic regions encoding sRNAs in P. aeruginosa. Eight of these regions encode newly identified sRNAs. The intergenic region 1698 was found to specify a novel GacA-controlled sRNA termed RgsA. GacA regulation appeared to be indirect. In P. fluorescens CHA0, an RgsA homolog was also expressed under positive GacA control. This 120-nt sRNA contained a single GGA motif and, unlike RsmX, RsmY and RsmZ, was unable to derepress translation of the hcnA gene (involved in the biosynthesis of the biocontrol factor hydrogen cyanide), but contributed to the bacterium's resistance to hydrogen peroxide. In both P. aeruginosa and P. fluorescens the stress sigma factor RpoS was essential for RgsA expression. CONCLUSION: The discovery of an additional sRNA expressed under GacA control in two Pseudomonas species highlights the complexity of this global regulatory system and suggests that the mode of action of GacA control may be more elaborate than previously suspected. Our results also confirm that several GGA motifs are required in an sRNA for sequestration of the RsmA protein.
Mutations in the CACNA1A gene, encoding the α1 subunit of the voltage-gated calcium channel CaV2.1 (P/Q-type), have been associated with three neurological phenotypes: familial and sporadic hemiplegic migraine type 1 (FHM1, SHM1), episodic ataxia type 2 (EA2), and spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 (SCA6). We report a child with congenital ataxia, abnormal eye movements and developmental delay who presented severe attacks of hemiplegic migraine triggered by minor head traumas and associated with hemispheric swelling and seizures. Progressive cerebellar atrophy was also observed. Remission of the attacks was obtained with acetazolamide. A de novo 3bp deletion was found in heterozygosity causing loss of a phenylalanine residue at position 1502, in one of the critical transmembrane domains of the protein contributing to the inner part of the pore. We characterized the electrophysiology of this mutant in a Xenopus oocyte in vitro system and showed that it causes gain of function of the channel. The mutant CaV2.1 activates at lower voltage threshold than the wild type. These findings provide further evidence of this molecular mechanism as causative of FHM1 and expand the phenotypic spectrum of CACNA1A mutations with a child exhibiting severe SHM1 and non-episodic ataxia of congenital onset.
Evolution through natural selection suggests unnecessary genes are lost. We observed that the yeast Candida glabrata lost the gene encoding a phosphate-repressible acid phosphatase (PHO5) present in many yeasts including Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, C. glabrata still had phosphate starvation-inducible phosphatase activity. Screening a C. glabrata genomic library, we identified CgPMU2, a member of a three-gene family that contains a phosphomutase-like domain. This small-scale gene duplication event could allow for sub- or neofunctionalization. On the basis of phylogenetic and biochemical characterizations, CgPMU2 has neofunctionalized to become a broad range, phosphate starvation-regulated acid phosphatase, which functionally replaces PHO5 in this pathogenic yeast. We determined that CgPmu2, unlike ScPho5, is not able to hydrolyze phytic acid (inositol hexakisphosphate). Phytic acid is present in fruits and seeds where S. cerevisiae grows, but is not abundant in mammalian tissues where C. glabrata grows. We demonstrated that C. glabrata is limited from an environment where phytic acid is the only source of phosphate. Our work suggests that during evolutionary time, the selection for the ancestral PHO5 was lost and that C. glabrata neofunctionalized a weak phosphatase to replace PHO5. Convergent evolution of a phosphate starvation-inducible acid phosphatase in C. glabrata relative to most yeast species provides an example of how small changes in signal transduction pathways can mediate genetic isolation and uncovers a potential speciation gene.
B7-H4 inhibits T-cell activation and is widely expressed by solid neoplasms. We have recently demonstrated that the expression of B7-H4 on the surface of malignant cells in vivo is inducible, and that novel anti-B7-H4 recombinant antibodies can reverse the inhibition of tumor-specific T cells. Thus, antibodies targeting the B7-H4 pathways may extend the survival of cancer patients by restoring T cell-mediated antitumor responses.
Background: The hepatitis C virus (HCV) NS3-4A protease is not only an essential component of the viral replication complex and a prime target for a ntiviral intervention but also a key player i n the persistence and pathogenesis of HCV. It cleaves and thereby inactivates two crucial adaptor proteins in viral RNA sensing and innate immunity (MAVS and TRIF) as well as a phosphatase involved in growth factor signaling (TCPTP). T he aim of this study was to identify novel cellular substrates o f the N S3-4A protease and to investigate their role in the replication and pathogenesis of HCV. Methods: Cell lines inducibly expressing t he NS3-4A protease were analyzed in basal as well as interferon-α-stimulated states by stable isotopic l abeling using amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) coupled with protein separation and mass spectrometry. Candidates fulfilling stringent criteria for potential substrates or products of the NS3-4A protease were further i nvestigated in different experimental systems as well a s in liver biopsies from patients with chronic hepatitis C. Results: SILAC coupled with protein separation and mass spectrometry yielded > 5000 proteins of which 18 candidates were selected for further analyses. These allowed us to identify GPx8, a membrane-associated peroxidase involved in disulfide bond formation in the endoplasmic reticulum, as a n ovel cellular substrate of the H CV NS3-4A protease. Cleavage occurs at cysteine in position 11, removing the cytosolic tip of GPx8, and was observed in different experimental systems as well as in liver biopsies from patients with chronic hepatitis C. Further functional studies, involving overexpression and RNA silencing, revealed that GPx8 is a p roviral factor involved in viral particle production but not in HCV entry or HCV RNA replication. Conclusions: GPx8 is a proviral host factor cleaved by the HCV NS3-4A protease. Studies investigating the consequences of GPx8 cleavage for protein function are underway. The identification of novel cellular substrates o f the HCV N S3-4A protease should yield new insights i nto the HCV life cycle and the pathogenesis of hepatitis C and may reveal novel targets for antiviral intervention.