950 resultados para Graft Copolymerisation
Bioactive glasses (BGs) form a group of synthetic, surface-active, composition-dependent, silica-based biomaterials with osteoconductive, osteopromotive, and even angiogenic, as well as antibacterial, properties. A national interdisciplinary research group, within the Combio Technology Program (2003–2007), developed a porous load-bearing composite for surgical applications made of BG 1–98 and polymer fibers. The pre-clinical part of this thesis focused on the in vitro and in vivo testing of the composite materials in a rabbit femur and spinal posterolateral fusion model. The femur model failed to demonstrate the previously seen positive effect of BG 1–98 on osteogenesis, probably due to the changed resorption properties of BG in the form of fibers. The spine study was terminated early due to adverse events. In vitro cultures showed the growth inhibition of human mesenchymal stems next to BG 1–98 fibers and radical pH changes. A prospective, long-term, follow-up study was conducted on BG–S53P4 and autogenous bone used as bone graft substitutes for instrumented posterolateral spondylodesis in the treatment of degenerative spondylolisthesis (n=17) and unstable burst fractures (n=10) during 1996–1998. The operative outcome was evaluated from X-rays and CT scans, and a clinical examination was also performed. On the BG side, a solid fusion was observed in the CT scans of 12 patients, and a partial fusion was found in 5 patients, the result being a total fusion rate in all fusion sites (n=41) 88% for levels L4/5 and L5/S1 in the spondylolisthesis group. In the spine fracture group, solid fusion was observed in five patients, and partial fusion was found in five resulting in a total fusion rate of 71% of all fusion sites (n=21). The pre-clinical results suggest that under certain conditions the physical form of BG can be more critical than its chemical composition when a clinical application is designed. The first long-term clinical results concerning the use of BG S53P4 as bone graft material in instrumented posterolateral spondylodesis seems to be a safe procedure, associated with a very low complication rate. BG S53P4 used as a stand-alone bone substitute cannot be regarded as being as efficient as AB in promoting solid fusion.
OBJECTIVE: to verify the effectiveness of the rubber elastic band in the treatment of large wounds of the body wall of rabbits by means of traction of its edges. METHODS: we studied 30 New Zealand rabbits, divided into three groups (n=10): Group 1- healing by secondary intention; Group 2- removal and eutopic repositioning of skin as full thickness skin graft; Group 3- Approximation of wound edges with elastic rubber band. In all animals, we removed a segment of the back skin and subcutaneous tissue down to the fascia, in accordance with an acrylic mold of 8cm long by 12cm wide. All animals were observed for 21 days. RESULTS: two animals of groups 1 and 2 had wound abscess. In Group 2, there was partial or total graft loss in 90% of animals. The complete closure of the wounds was observed in four animals of Group 1, six of Group 2 and eight of Group 3. There was no difference between the scar resistance values of groups 2 and 3, which were higher than those in Group 1. The scars of the three groups were characterized by the presence of mature connective tissue mixed with blood vessels and inflammatory infiltration, predominantly polymorphonuclear. CONCLUSION: the tensile strength of the wound edges with rubber elastic band is as efficient as the skin graft to treat rabbits' large body wounds.
Glass is a unique material with a long history. Several glass products are used daily in our everyday life, often unnoticed. Glass can be found not only in obvious applications such as tableware, windows, and light bulbs, but also in tennis rackets, windmill turbine blades, optical devices, and medical implants. The glasses used at present as implants are inorganic silica-based melt-derived compositions mainly for hard-tissue repair as bone graft substitute in dentistry and orthopedics. The degree of glass reactivity desired varies according to implantation situation and it is vital that the ion release from any glasses used in medical applications is controlled. Understanding the in vitro dissolution rate of glasses provides a first approximation of their behavior in vivo. Specific studies concerning dissolution properties of bioactive glasses have been relatively scarce and mostly concentrated to static condition studies. The motivation behind this work was to develop a simple and accurate method for quantifying the in vitro dissolution rate of highly different types of glass compositions with interest for future clinical applications. By combining information from various experimental conditions, a better knowledge of glass dissolution and the suitability of different glasses for different medical applications can be obtained. Thus, two traditional and one novel approach were utilized in this thesis to study glass dissolution. The chemical durability of silicate glasses was tested in water and TRIS-buffered solution at static and dynamic conditions. The traditional in vitro testing with a TRISbuffered solution under static conditions works well with bioactive or with readily dissolving glasses, and it is easy to follow the ion dissolution reactions. However, in the buffered solution no marked differences between the more durable glasses were observed. The hydrolytic resistance of the glasses was studied using the standard procedure ISO 719. The relative scale given by the standard failed to provide any relevant information when bioactive glasses were studied. However, the clear differences in the hydrolytic resistance values imply that the method could be used as a rapid test to get an overall idea of the biodegradability of glasses. The standard method combined with the ion concentration and pH measurements gives a better estimate of the hydrolytic resistance because of the high silicon amount released from a glass. A sensitive on-line analysis method utilizing inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer and a flow-through micro-volume pH electrode was developed to study the initial dissolution of biocompatible glasses. This approach was found suitable for compositions within a large range of chemical durability. With this approach, the initial dissolution of all ions could be measured simultaneously and quantitatively, which gave a good overall idea of the initial dissolution rates for the individual ions and the dissolution mechanism. These types of results with glass dissolution were presented for the first time during the course of writing this thesis. Based on the initial dissolution patterns obtained with the novel approach using TRIS, the experimental glasses could be divided into four distinct categories. The initial dissolution patterns of glasses correlated well with the anticipated bioactivity. Moreover, the normalized surface-specific mass loss rates and the different in vivo models and the actual in vivo data correlated well. The results suggest that this type of approach can be used for prescreening the suitability of novel glass compositions for future clinical applications. Furthermore, the results shed light on the possible bioactivity of glasses. An additional goal in this thesis was to gain insight into the phase changes occurring during various heat treatments of glasses with three selected compositions. Engineering-type T-T-T curves for glasses 1-98 and 13-93 were stablished. The information gained is essential in manufacturing amorphous porous implants or for drawing of continuous fibers of the glasses. Although both glasses can be hot worked to amorphous products at carefully controlled conditions, 1-98 showed one magnitude greater nucleation and crystal growth rate than 13-93. Thus, 13-93 is better suited than 1-98 for working processes which require long residence times at high temperatures. It was also shown that amorphous and partially crystalline porous implants can be sintered from bioactive glass S53P4. Surface crystallization of S53P4, forming Na2O∙CaO∙2SiO2, was observed to start at 650°C. The secondary crystals of Na2Ca4(PO4)2SiO4, reported for the first time in this thesis, were detected at higher temperatures, from 850°C to 1000°C. The crystal phases formed affected the dissolution behavior of the implants in simulated body fluid. This study opens up new possibilities for using S53P4 to manufacture various structures, while tailoring their bioactivity by controlling the proportions of the different phases. The results obtained in this thesis give valuable additional information and tools to the state of the art for designing glasses with respect to future clinical applications. With the knowledge gained we can identify different dissolution patters and use this information to improve the tuning of glass compositions. In addition, the novel online analysis approach provides an excellent opportunity to further enhance our knowledge of glass behavior in simulated body conditions.
Fiber-reinforced composites (FRCs) are a new group of non-metallic biomaterials showing a growing popularity in many dental and medical applications. As an oral implant material, FRC is biocompatible in bone tissue environment. Soft tissue integration to FRC polymer material is unclear. This series of in vitro studies aimed at evaluating unidirectional E-glass FRC polymer in terms of mechanical, chemical, and biological properties in an attempt to develop a new non-metallic oral implant abutment alternative. Two different types of substrates were investigated: (a) Plain polymer (BisGMA 50%–TEGDMA 50%) and (b) Unidirectional FRC. The mechanical behavior of high fiber-density FRCs was assessed using a three-point bending test. Surface characterization was performed using scanning electron and spinning disk confocal microscopes. The surface wettability/energy was determined using sessile drop method. The blood response, including blood-clotting ability and platelet morphology was evaluated. Human gingival fibroblast cell responses - adhesion kinetics, adhesion strength, and proliferation activity - were studied in cell culture environment using routine test conditions. A novel tissue culture method was developed and used to evaluate porcine gingival tissue graft attachment and growth on the experimental composite implants. The analysis of the mechanical properties showed that there is a direct proportionality in the relationship between E-glass fiber volume fraction and toughness, modulus of elasticity, and load bearing capacity; however, flexural strength did not show significant improvement when high fiber-density FRC is used. FRCs showed moderate hydrophilic properties owing to the presence of exposed glass fibers on the polymer surface. Blood-clotting time was shorter on FRC substrates than on plain polymer. The FRC substrates also showed higher platelet activation state than plain polymer substrates. Fibroblast cell adhesion strength and proliferation rate were highly pronounced on FRCs. A tissue culture study revealed that gingival epithelium and connective tissue established an immediate close contact with both plain polymer and FRC implants. However, FRC seemed to guide epithelial migration outwards from the tissue/implant interface. Due to the anisotropic and hydrophilic nature of FRC, it can be concluded that this material enhances biological events related with soft tissue integration on oral implant surface.
Thirty-seven patients were submitted to kidney transplantation after transfusion at 2-week intervals with 4-week stored blood from their potential donors. All patients and donors were typed for HLA-A-B and DR antigens. The patients were also tested for cytotoxic antibodies against donor antigens before each transfusion. The percentage of panel reactive antibodies (PRA) was determined against a selected panel of 30 cell donors before and after the transfusions. The patients were immunosuppressed with azathioprine and prednisone. Rejection crises were treated with methylprednisolone. The control group consisted of 23 patients who received grafts from an unrelated donor but who did not receive donor-specific pretransplant blood transfusion. The incidence and reversibility of rejection episodes, allograft loss caused by rejection, and patient and graft survival rates were determined for both groups. Non-parametric methods (chi-square and Fisher tests) were used for statistical analysis, with the level of significance set at P<0.05. The incidence and reversibility of rejection crises during the first 60 post-transplant days did not differ significantly between groups. The actuarial graft and patient survival rates at five years were 56% and 77%, respectively, for the treated group and 39.8% and 57.5% for the control group. Graft loss due to rejection was significantly higher in the untreated group (P = 0.0026) which also required more intense immunosuppression (P = 0.0001). We conclude that tranfusions using stored blood have the immunosuppressive effect of fresh blood transfusions without the risk of provoking a widespread formation of antibodies. In addition, this method permits a reduction of the immunosuppressive drugs during the process without impairing the adequate functioning of the renal graft
We present an ultrastructural study of the utilization of human amniotic membrane in the treatment of congenital absence of the vagina in 10 patients. All patients were surgically treated with application of an amniotic membrane graft using the modified McIndoe and Bannister technique. Sixty days after surgery, samples of the vaginal neo-epithelium were collected for transmission electron microscopy analysis. The ultrastructural findings consisted of a lining of mature squamous epithelium indicating the occurrence of metaplasia of the amniotic epithelium into the vaginal epithelium. The cells were arranged in layers as in the normal vaginal epithelium, i.e., superficial, intermediate and deep layers. There were desmosomes and cytoplasmic intermediate cytokeratin filaments, as well as some remnant features of the previous amniotic epithelium. These findings suggest that human amniotic membrane is able to complete metaplasia into squamous cells but the mechanism of this cellular transformation is unknown
Cardiac surgery involving ischemic arrest and extracorporeal circulation is often associated with alterations in vascular reactivity and permeability due to changes in the expression and activity of isoforms of nitric oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase. These inflammatory changes may manifest as systemic hypotension, coronary spasm or contraction, myocardial failure, and dysfunction of the lungs, gut, brain and other organs. In addition, endothelial dysfunction may increase the occurrence of late cardiac events such as graft thrombosis and myocardial infarction. These vascular changes may lead to increased mortality and morbidity and markedly lengthen the time of hospitalization and cost of cardiac surgery. Developing a better understanding of the vascular changes operating through nitric oxide synthase and cyclooxygenase may improve the care and help decrease the cost of cardiovascular operations.
We evaluated the mechanical behavior of the repaired surfaces of defective articular cartilage in the intercondylar region of the rat femur after a hydrogel graft implant. The results were compared to those for the adjacent normal articular cartilage and for control surfaces where the defects remained empty. Hydrogel synthesized by blending poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) and poly(methyl methacrylate-co-acrylic acid) was implanted in male Wistar rats. The animals were divided into five groups with postoperative follow-up periods of 3, 5, 8, 12 and 16 weeks. Indentation tests were performed on the neoformed surfaces in the knee joint (with or without a hydrogel implant) and on adjacent articular cartilage in order to assess the mechanical properties of the newly formed surface. Kruskal-Wallis analysis indicated that the mechanical behavior of the neoformed surfaces was significantly different from that of normal cartilage. Histological analysis of the repaired defects showed that the hydrogel implant filled the defect with no signs of inflammation as it was well anchored to the surrounding tissues, resulting in a newly formed articular surface. In the case of empty control defects, osseous tissue grew inside the defects and fibrous tissue formed on the articular surface of the defects. The repaired surface of the hydrogel implant was more compliant than normal articular cartilage throughout the 16 weeks following the operation, whereas the fibrous tissue that formed postoperatively over the empty defect was stiffer than normal articular cartilage after 5 weeks. This stiffness started to decrease 16 weeks after the operation, probably due to tissue degeneration. Thus, from the biomechanical and histological point of view, the hydrogel implant improved the articular surface repair.
Systemic iron overload (IO) is considered a principal determinant in the clinical outcome of different forms of IO and in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (alloSCT). However, indirect markers for iron do not provide exact quantification of iron burden, and the evidence of iron-induced adverse effects in hematological diseases has not been established. Hepatic iron concentration (HIC) has been found to represent systemic IO, which can be quantified safely with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), based on enhanced transverse relaxation. The iron measurement methods by MRI are evolving. The aims of this study were to implement and optimise the methodology of non-invasive iron measurement with MRI to assess the degree and the role of IO in the patients. An MRI-based HIC method (M-HIC) and a transverse relaxation rate (R2*) from M-HIC images were validated. Thereafter, a transverse relaxation rate (R2) from spin-echo imaging was calibrated for IO assessment. Two analysis methods, visual grading and rSI, for a rapid IO grading from in-phase and out-of-phase images were introduced. Additionally, clinical iron indicators were evaluated. The degree of hepatic and cardiac iron in our study patients and IO as a prognostic factor in patients undergoing alloSCT were explored. In vivo and in vitro validations indicated that M-HIC and R2* are both accurate in the quantification of liver iron. R2 was a reliable method for HIC quantification and covered a wider HIC range than M-HIC and R2*. The grading of IO was able to be performed rapidly with the visual grading and rSI methods. Transfusion load was more accurate than plasma ferritin in predicting transfusional IO. In patients with hematological disorders, the prevalence of hepatic IO was frequent, opposite to cardiac IO. Patients with myelodysplastic syndrome were found to be the most susceptible to IO. Pre-transplant IO predicted severe infections during the early post-transplant period, in contrast to the reduced risk of graft-versus-host disease. Iron-induced, poor transplantation results are most likely to be mediated by severe infections.
Abnormal production of interferon alpha (IFN-a) has been found in certain autoimmune diseases and can be also observed after prolonged therapy with IFN-a. IFN-a can contribute to the pathogenesis of allograft rejection in bone marrow transplants. Therefore, the development of IFN-a inhibitors as a soluble receptor protein may be valuable for the therapeutic control of these diseases. We have expressed two polypeptides encoding amino acids 93-260 (P1) and 261-410 (P2) of the extracellular domain of subunit 1 of the interferon-a receptor (IFNAR 1-EC) in E. coli. The activities of the recombinant polypeptides and of their respective antibodies were evaluated using antiproliferative and antiviral assays. Expression of P1 and P2 polypeptides was achieved by transformation of cloned plasmid pRSET A into E. coli BL21(DE3)pLysS and by IPTG induction. P1 and P2 were purified by serial sonication steps and by gel filtration chromatography with 8 M urea and refolded by dialysis. Under reducing SDS-PAGE conditions, the molecular weight of P1 and P2 was 22 and 17 kDa, respectively. Polyclonal anti-P1 and anti-P2 antibodies were produced in mice. P1 and P2 and their respective polyclonal antibodies were able to block the antiproliferative activity of 6.25 nM IFN-aB on Daudi cells, but did not block IFN-aB activity at higher concentrations (>6.25 nM). On the other hand, the polypeptides and their respective antibodies did not inhibit the antiviral activity of IFN-aB on Hep 2/c cells challenged with encephalomyocarditis virus.
Peripheral axonal regeneration was investigated in adult male mice of the C57BL/6J (C), BALB/cJ (B) and A/J (A) strains and in their F1 descendants using a predegenerated nerve transplantation model. Four types of transplants were performed: 1) isotransplants between animals of the C, B and A strains; 2) donors of the C strain and recipients of the C x B and C x A breeding; 3) donors of the B strain and recipients of the C x B breeding, and 4) donors of the A strain and recipients of the C x A breeding. Donors had the left sciatic nerve transected and two weeks later a segment of the distal stump was transplanted into the recipient. Four weeks after transplantation the regenerated nerves were used to determine the total number of regenerated myelinated fibers (TMF), diameter of myelinated fibers (FD) and myelin thickness (MT). The highest TMF values were obtained in the groups where C57BL/6J mice were the donors (C to F1 (C x B) = 4658 ± 304; C to F1 (C x A) = 3899 ± 198). Also, A/J grafts led to a significantly higher TMF (A to F1 (C x A) = 3933 ± 565). Additionally, isotransplant experiments showed that when the nerve is previously degenerated, C57BL/6J mice display the largest number of myelinated fibers (C to C = 3136 ± 287; B to B = 2759 ± 170, and A to A = 2835 ± 239). We also observed that when C57BL/6J was the graft donor, FD was the highest and MT did not differ significantly when compared with the other groups. These morphometric results reinforce the idea that Schwann cells and the nerve environment of C57BL/6J provide enough support to the regenerative process. In this respect, the present results support the hypothesis that the non-neuronal cells, mainly Schwann cells, present in the sciatic nerve of C57BL/6J mice are not the main limiting factor responsible for low axonal regeneration.
A prospective study of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection was carried out on 34 renal transplant recipients managed at a General Hospital in Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil. Serologic tests showed that all patients were infected with CMV before renal transplantation. Two nested-PCR techniques with primers that recognize sequences of the glycoprotein B (gB) and H (gH) genes were used for CMV detection in blood and urine samples during the post-transplantation period. CMV was detected more frequently in blood samples than in urine samples (P<0.001). Thirty-three patients had CMV detected at least once in blood and/or urine samples. Seven of these patients (21.2%) were diagnosed as having symptomatic CMV infection and showed a worse clinical outcome, with a higher death rate (P = 0.03). No association between CMV viremia and graft rejection was observed. Nested-PCR was not useful to identify patients at risk for symptomatic CMV infection since only 21.2% of the patients with CMV infection were symptomatic.
Antiviral therapies are associated with an increased risk of acute rejection in transplant patients. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of lamivudine therapy for hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in renal transplant patients. Six patients were included in this study. They received 150 mg/day of lamivudine during a follow-up period of 24 months. The laboratory tests monitored were HBV DNA, HBsAg, HBeAg, ALT, gamma-GT, serum creatinine and blood cyclosporine levels. The HBV DNA became undetectable in four patients as early as in the third month of treatment. After six months, the viral load was also negative in the other two patients, and remained so until 18 months of follow-up. The medication was well tolerated with no major side effects. Lamivudine was safe and effective in blocking HBV replication in renal transplant patients without any apparent increase in the risk of graft failure for the 24-month period of study.
Fungal infection is one of the most important causes of morbidity and mortality in bone marrow transplant (BMT) recipients. The growing incidence of these infections is related to several factors including prolonged granulocytopenia, use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, conditioning regimens, and use of immunosuppression to avoid graft-versus-host disease (GvHD). In the present series, we report five cases of invasive mold infections documented among 64 BMT recipients undergoing fluconazole antifungal prophylaxis: 1) A strain of Scedosporium prolificans was isolated from a skin lesion that developed on day +72 after BMT in a chronic myeloid leukemic patient. 2) Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (Aspergillus fumigatus) was diagnosed on day +29 in a patient with a long period of hospitalization before being transplanted for severe aplastic anemia. 3) A tumoral lung lesion due to Rhizopus arrhizus (zygomycosis) was observed in a transplanted patient who presented severe chronic GvHD. 4) A tumoral lesion due to Aspergillus spp involving the 7th, 8th and 9th right ribs and local soft tissue was diagnosed in a BMT patient on day +110. 5) A patient with a history of Ph1-positive acute lymphocytic leukemia exhibited a cerebral lesion on day +477 after receiving a BMT during an episode of severe chronic GvHD. At that time, blood and spinal fluid cultures yielded Fusarium sp. Opportunistic infections due to fungi other than Candida spp are becoming a major problem among BMT patients receiving systemic antifungal prophylaxis with fluconazole.
Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (alloBMT) is the only curative therapy for chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). This success is explained by the delivery of high doses of antineoplastic agents followed by the rescue of marrow function and the induction of graft-versus-leukemia reaction mediated by allogeneic lymphocytes against host tumor cells. This reaction can also be induced by donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) producing remission in most patients with CML who relapse after alloBMT. The immunological mechanisms involved in DLI therapy are poorly understood. We studied five CML patients in the chronic phase, who received DLI after relapsing from an HLA-identical BMT. Using flow cytometry we evaluated cellular activation and apoptosis, NK cytotoxicity, lymphocytes producing cytokines (IL-2, IL-4 and IFN-gamma), and unstimulated (in vivo) lymphocyte proliferation. In three CML patients who achieved hematological and/or cytogenetic remission after DLI we observed an increase of the percent of activation markers on T and NK cells (CD3/DR, CD3/CD25 and CD56/DR), of lymphocytes producing IL-2 and IFN-gamma, of NK activity, and of in vivo lymphocyte proliferation. These changes were not observed consistently in two of the five patients who did not achieve complete remission with DLI. The percent of apoptotic markers (Fas, FasL and Bcl-2) on lymphocytes and CD34-positive cells did not change after DLI throughout the different study periods. Taken together, these preliminary results suggest that the therapeutic effect of DLI in the chronic phase of CML is mediated by classic cytotoxic and proliferative events involving T and NK cells but not by the Fas pathway of apoptosis.