985 resultados para Grã-Bretanha
Based upon the effect of land-sea interaction on the paleomonsoon variation and the time series of climatic proxy-indicators, the historical Asian monsoon variation over the last 130,000 and 18,000 years has been reconstructed with an emphasis on the basic characteristics of summer monsoon circulation. The monsoon-climatic cycles and associated model of environmental development over the central and eastern China are proposed and the mechanism of paleomonsoon variation of China preliminarily discussed. The variation of East Asian monsoon circulation should be regarded as a regional result of both solar-radiation changes and the global glacial-interglacial cycles. The episodic uplifting of the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau since the late Miocene has to a large extent controlled the forming and evolution of the paleomonsoon circulation of China.
海湾扇贝Argopecten irradian Lamarck于1982年从美国引种到中国,由于具有较快的生长速度和很高的经济效益,海湾扇贝成为中国最主要的养殖贝类之一。近年来海湾扇贝养殖遇到了死亡率高等问题,深入开展海湾扇贝功能基因的研究,尤其是免疫相关基因及其机制研究并在此基础上寻找扇贝疾病防治的有效方法对海湾扇贝的健康养殖十分重要。 对于贝类免疫系统来说,其血细胞在先天性免疫防御中起着重要的作用。当受到外界病原侵染时,贝类血细胞的一个重要免疫反应就是吞噬作用。在吞噬病原过程中,受到病原侵染的贝类还会产生其他多种免疫反应,这些免疫反应将消耗大量的能量(ATP),产能的呼吸链会加速运转,由此也会引发与呼吸链相耦联的活性氧(ROS)的大量产生。这些活性氧具有极强的反应特性,能破坏病原微生物的结构和功能分子,实现对入侵病原的杀灭。利用活性氧对被吞噬的病原进行杀灭,这是吞噬作用消除病原抵御侵染的重要机制。但由于活性氧分子反应的非特异性,它们也会破坏宿主机体细胞内的功能蛋白分子、不饱和脂肪酸分子和核酸等,对细胞造成严重的伤害,进而导致机体生理机能的损伤和免疫系统的破坏。所以,及时消除病原感染机体内过量产生的ROS,维持相关细胞的正常代谢,对提高机体抵抗力和免疫力具有重要的作用。O2-是生物体内产生的第一种活性氧分子,其他的活性氧分子也是由它衍生而来,消除过量O2-是消除过量活性氧危害的第一步也是关键一步。生物体内,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)是催化O2-发生歧化反应,消除O2-的关键酶。 首先,本文通过RACE方法获得了海湾扇贝SOD家族全部三种基因的cDNA全长并对其进行了序列的生物信息学分析,海湾扇贝AiCuZnSOD全长cDNA为1047个碱基,其中开放阅读框为459个碱基,编码152个氨基酸,与栉孔扇贝Chlamys farreri的CuZnSOD相似度为77.5%,与长牡蛎Crassostrea gigas的相似度为75%,与人的相似度为74.7%。AiMnSOD全长cDNA为1207个碱基,其中开放阅读框为678个碱基,编码226个氨基酸,序列比对结果发现AiMnSOD的氨基酸序列与虾夷扇贝Mizuhopecten yessoensis和皱纹盘鲍Haliotis discus hannai的相似度分别为85%和78.4%,与哺乳动物相似度也在68%~72%之间。AiECSOD全长cDNA为893个碱基,其中开放阅读框为657个碱基,编码218个氨基酸。AiECSOD与其它物种ECSOD相似度比较低。与线虫Brugia pahangi的相似度为27.9%,与疟蚊Anopheles gambiae的相似度为31.4%,与斑马鱼Danio rerio的相似度为27.8%,与人的相似度也只有28.6%,与同是贝类的长牡蛎ECSOD也只有28.1%的相似性。主要原因是AiECSOD的信号肽和肝磷脂结合区域在各物种中无同源性。 其次,采用qRT-PCR(quantitative real time PCR)方法分析三种SOD基因在不同组织中的表达情况,结果表明三种SOD基因的组织表达有所差异。AiCuZnSOD基因在鳃中表达水平最高,其次是血细胞和性腺,在外套膜、闭壳肌和肝胰脏表达水平较低。AiMnSOD基因在鳃中表达水平最高,其次是外套膜,在血细胞、性腺,而在肝胰脏和闭壳肌表达较弱。AiECSOD基因在血细胞中表达水平最高,其次是肝胰脏,在鳃、闭壳肌表达水平较低,而性腺和外套膜没有检测到。同时,采用qRT-PCR对鳗弧菌Vibrio angullarum感染后海湾扇贝血细胞中三种SOD基因mRNA表达变化进行了检测。AiCuZnSOD表达量在各个时间段没有显著差异(P > 0.05)。AiMnSOD的表达量在1.5 h时略有下降,在3 h时达到最高表达量,是空白组(0h)的3倍(P < 0.01),从6 h到24 h表达量逐渐下降,24 h时表达量是空白组的1.6倍,24 h到48 h又稍有升高。AiECSOD的表达量在1.5 h时有所下降,是空白组的0.3倍(P < 0.05),随后逐渐升高,在12 h时达到最高表达量,是空白组(0h)的4.5倍(P < 0.01),从24 h到48 h表达量逐渐下降并恢复到空白组的水平。在对照组,各个时间点没有显著差异(P > 0.05)。在鳗弧菌感染后,海湾扇贝三种SOD的表达并不一致,且差异比较显著。AiCuZnSOD被认为是构成性表达基因,其受外界刺激的影响最小,AiMnSOD和AiECSOD受刺激后表达上调比较明显。 第三,采用Genome-walking的方法得到了海湾扇贝三种SOD基因的基因组全长和近端启动子序列并对其进行了相关分析。AiCuZnSOD的基因组序列全长为4279bp,包含有4个外显子和3个内含子。AiMnSOD的基因组序列全长为10692bp,包含有4个外显子和3个内含子。AiECSOD的基因组序列全长为5276bp,包含有5个外显子和4个内含子。三种基因外显子和内含子的结合处序列遵循-AT/GT-原则。我们把海湾扇贝SOD家族的三个基因的近端启动子进行了比较分析。发现三种SOD在靠近起始密码子的位置都有Oct-1结合位点。三种SOD共有的转录位点有:Oct-1、C/EBPalp、Oct2.1、Sp-1和GATA-1。AiCuZnSOD和AiMnSOD共有的转录位点有:ICSBP、Ftz、TATA-box、C/EBPbeta和Antp。AiCuZnSOD和AiECSOD共有的转录位点有:AP-1和NFκB。AiMnSOD和AiECSOD共有的转录位点有:GR和ER。AiCuZnSOD独有的位点有:SRF、YY-1和NF-1。AiMnSOD独有的位点有:HNF-1、Hb、MEB、NF-muE1、Pit-1a和Eve。AiECSOD独有的位点有:CREB、RATA-alph、Kruppel-like和AP-3。 此外,通过构建原核表达载体,本研究对AiCuZnSOD和AiECSOD基因进行了体外重组表达,并对纯化的重组蛋白进行了酶活分析。酶活分析表明,重组AiCuZnSOD蛋白有较高的酶活和稳定性。 最后,我们对海湾扇贝三种SOD基因的部分区域,包括启动子、编码区,部分内含子区域进行了SNP检测,并对SOD基因部分SNP位点多态性和鳗弧菌敏感性进行了相关分析。三种SOD基因中,我们共发现了59个SNP位点,其中AiECSOD的SNP位点最多,特别是在启动子区,AiCuZnSOD和AiMnSOD多态性较低。其中AiCuZnSOD启动子区的-1739 T-C 位点的基因型和等位基因,AiECSOD启动子区的-498 A-T和-267 G-A等位基因频率,AiECSOD的第一个外显子38 Thr-Lys的多态性在敏感和抗菌群体中存在显著差异(P < 0.05)。
采用乙酸地衣红染色技术(Acetic orcein staining technique)较系统地研究了长牡蛎 Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg)三倍体产生的卵子在受精且第一极体释放受抑制后的减数分裂过及染色体的分离行为以阐明可存活四倍体的产生体的机制。用浓度为0.5 mg/L的细胞松驰素B (CB)处理受卵以抑制其第一极体的释放。在观察到个别受精卵出现第一极体时开始CB处理,持续至对照组中50%的受精卵出现的第一极体。对处理组和对照组的受精卵从受精后隔5分钟取样一次,用卡诺氏液(Carnoy's fixative, 冰醋酸和甲醇按1:3的体积比充分混合)固家样品。采用0.5%的乙酸-地衣红染料进行受精卵的染色,而后压片观察受精卵染色体行为。长牡蛎三倍体产生的卵子,中期I同源染色体构型呈现单价体(Univalents),二价体(Bivalents)、三价体(Trivalents)以及大于三价体的多价体(Multivalents)混合出更的特征。在第一极体释放受抑制的受精卵的第二次减数分裂过程中,可确认四种染色体分离类型:三极分离(Tripolar segregation) (54.5%)、联合二极分离(United bipolar segregation) (12%)、独立二级分离(Incomplete united bipolar segregation)(4%)。其余卵子的染色体分离行为(23%)不规律,呈现不同程度的紊乱,但总体看来介于上述四种分离类型之间。此外,某些特定的独立二级也可能是四位体形成的最主要的细胞遗传学体制。此外,某些特定的独立二极分离也可能产生四倍体。轻细胞体驰素B 处理的受精卵的减数分裂过程具有显著的不同步性,表现在三个方面:第一,在两个重复组之间,即两个雌体之间,存在第二次减数分裂的时间进程的不同步性;第二,同一个雌体产生的卵子之间的发育速度不同步性,表现为不同的卵子进入第一次减数分裂的时间不同;第三,同一卵子内的染色体之间,其行为有时存在的不同步性。另外,探讨了中心类在支配第二减数分裂时各种染色体分离行为的可能机制。以长牡蛎二倍体与近江牡蛎二倍体的染交作为对照,探讨了能长牡蛎四倍体与近江牡蛎二倍体杂并诱导异源三倍体的可行性。长牡蛎Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg)四倍体和二倍体与近江牡蛎Crassostrea rivularis (Gould)二倍体的杂交以及相应的对照组共进行了三批重复实验,杂交实验采用高密度的精子。研究结果表明,自交组平均受精率依次为94%(GG)、77% (RR),88% (G/GG)和85% (GG/G)。双方差分析(ANOVA)表明,各自交组之间受精率没有显著差异(F=3.118, P=0.132)。在杂交组,直接授精后180分钟,尚未观察到受精迹象,因而无法估计受精率。授精后48小时的孵化率各组之间差异很大,并经双方差分析(ANOVA)表明存在显著性差异,(F=3.188, P=0.018)。其中GGR和RGG组的孵化率相近似,产生的幼虫数量明显少于对照组。在四种类型的杂交实验中,二倍体C. gigas (雌体) * 二倍体 C. rivularis (雌体)(GR)早最成功的。虽基GR组幼虫的生长率低于对照组,但其存活率接近于对照组。长牡蛎四倍体与近江牡蛎二倍体杂交组(GR),在授精后两天的孵化率较低,但幼虫的生长状况与对照组接近。另外两个杂交组,即近江牡蛎二倍体与长牡蛎四倍体(RGG),二倍体近江牡蛎江与二倍体长牡蛎(RG),授精后两天的孵化率很低,幼虫生长得缓慢。三个重复组的GR杂交组和一个重复组的GGR杂交组获得稚贝。聚合酶链式反应/限制性酶切片段长度的多态性(PCR/PFLP)检支分析结果证实这些稚贝均是杂交种;流式细胞术分析结果证明GGR获得的稚贝是三倍体,从而证明获得了长牡蛎与近江牡蛎的异源三倍体。有迹象表明三倍体与二倍体杂交种之间(GGR对GR)存在生长上的差异。首先,GGR的眼点幼虫大约比GR组早出现5-7天即仅次于对照组GG,G/GG,和GG/G;第二,尽管仅获得少量GGR幼贝,这些幼贝在授精后90天的大小显著大于GR组的个体。在RGG和RG组中,幼虫没能存活到眼点幼点阶段。细胞学检查结果表明,杂交组的绝大多数卵子发育停滞在第一次减数分裂中期(Metaphase I),这一过程至少持续到授精后180分钟。仅有2%的GGR 组的卵子在授精后180分钟进入第一次减数分裂后期)(Anaphase I). 而在此时期,GR,RGG和RG组的卵子中,仍只观察到10第二价体(Bivalents).
大牛地气田是中石化在“十五”期间探明的一个大型岩性气田,成藏主要受储层发育程度的控制。储层为低孔低渗的致密碎屑岩储层,具有非均质性强,变化快的特点。由于地震资料分辨率比较低、砂泥阻抗差微弱、煤层屏蔽现象严重,造成砂体的地震响应特征不明显,加大了储层识别的难度,制约了气藏的勘探进程,因此,采用合适的储层预测技术对储层进行描述便显得尤为重要。 论文研究的总体思路是在地质沉积相研究的基础上,利用地震储层预测技术从定性—半定量—定量对储层进行雕刻。 论文总的研究内容分为地质沉积相研究和地震储层预测技术研究两大部分。 地质沉积相研究是地震预测的基础。利用地质资料和钻井资料对沉积相进行研究,证实在大牛地气田的西南部,发育二叠系山西组、下石盒子组的2条主河道,砂体纵向相互叠置,平面的分布受河道的控制。 在沉积相研究的基础上,利用地震预测技术对大牛地气田下石盒子组和山西组的储层进行预测,概括起来,有3大核心技术:核心技术之一:相控地震属性分析技术,对储层的宏观分布从地震上进行识别;核心技术之二:基于地质统计学理论的储层反演描述技术,对储层进行半定量的预测;核心技术之三:多信息融合的储层建模技术,对储层的岩性、物性、含气性进行定量的预测。 论文的创新点有3点:1、利用地震属性定性预测储层分布,通过岩石地球物理分析及地震属性优化,筛选出不同层系反映河道砂体的敏感地震属性;2、利用地震反演对储层半定量预测, Gr和中子的重构曲线反演和中子和密度曲线重构反演加大了岩性和气层识别的力度,克服了砂泥阻抗差微弱的困难,探索出一条煤系地层储层半定量预测的新方法;3、储层建模研究将沉积相研究和地震预测技术进行了有机的融合,把沉积相,属性预测和地震反演成果作为输入,定量的对储层的岩性、物性、含气性进行预测,达到了量化储层的目的。 通过上述研究,从宏观—微观,从定性—定量实现了对致密碎屑岩储层的预测。
选取长至6~8片真叶的健康番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum Mill)幼苗,分别进行蔗糖、硝普钠(sodium nitropresside,SNP,作为外源NO供体)及其体积比例组合(1∶1)处理;36h后施以NaCl胁迫,并分别于0h(胁迫前)、24h、48h和72h取样,进行相关生理生化指标测定。具体5个实验处理如下:A.蒸馏水(CK);B.100 mmol/L NaCl;C.0.1 mmol/L SNP+100 mmol/L NaCl;D.0.1 mmol/L SNP+1.0mmol/L蔗糖+100 mmol/L NaCl;E.1.0 mmol/L蔗糖+100 mmol/L NaCl。结果表明:与SNP和蔗糖单独处理相比,二者组合处理对缓解盐胁迫下番茄幼苗的氧化损伤存在正协同效应,主要表现在进一步增强了番茄幼苗超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)和谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)的活性;提高了脯氨酸(Pro)的含量,同时膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)含量显著降低(P〈0.05)。采用聚丙烯酰胺浓度梯度凝胶电泳对盐胁迫24 h和48 h材料的POD同功酶检测表明,当NaCl单独处理时,番茄幼苗叶片POD同功酶第V条带缺失,其它谱带酶量减少,抑制了POD同功酶的表达;SNP和蔗糖单独处理能够保护盐胁迫(24、48h)所导致的POD同功酶条带的完整;而组合处理既保证了POD同功酶条带的完整,又加强了酶量的表达。随着盐胁迫时间的延长,其氧化损伤程度愈烈,SNP和蔗糖组合处理能够更有效地缓解盐胁迫对番茄幼苗植株造成的氧化损伤。
Basin-scale heterogeneity contains information about the traces of the past sedimentary cycle and tectonic process, and has been a major concern to geophysicists because of its importance in resource exploration and development. In this paper, the sonic data of 30 wells of Sulige field are used to inverse the power-law spectra slope and correlation length which are measures of the heterogeneity of the velocity of the log using fractal and statistic correlation methods. By taking the heterogeneity parameters of different wells interpolated, we get power law spectra slope and correlation length contours reflecting the stratum heterogeneity. Then using correlation and gradient, we inverse the transverse heterogeneity of Sulige field. Reservior-scale heterogeneity influnce the distribution of remaining oil and hydrocarbon accumulation. Using wavelet modulus maximum method to divide the sedimentary cycle using Gr data, therefore we can calculate the heterogeneity parameter in each layer of each log. Then we get the heterogeneity distribution of each layer of Sulige field. Finally, we analyze the relation between the signal sigularity and the strata heterogeneity, and get two different sigularity profiles in different areas.
Gas condensate reservoir research involves not only structure sediment reservoir liquid properties characterization but also the change of the temperature field, the change of the pressure field, the change of liquid phase and the reservoir sensitivity. To develop the gas condensate reservoir effectively .we must depict the static properties of the oil and gas system ,build exact and comprehensive parameter field, predict the rule of dynamic change and do the necessary reservoir characterization development plan dynamic prediction direct production. The MoBei Oil and Gas Field is the first gas condensate reservoirs which is found by the Xinjiang Oil Field Company in ZhunGaEr basin belly.it has deserved some knowledge after prospect evaluation, the MoBei Oil and Gas Field start development ,it is one of the important development blocks of Xinjiang Oil Field Company productivity constuction. During its development , it gradually appears some problems, such as complex oil and gas phase, great change of reservoir stretch .uncertain reservoir type and scale, controling its development strategy and plan difficultly. To deserve the high efficient development and long-term stable production of the gas condensate reservoir, it is necessary to characterize it systematically and form a suit of scientific development strategy. This thesis take the MoBei zone SanGongHe sand group reservoir as research object, applied advanced log techniques ,such as the nulear magnetism log ,MDT testing .etc. After comprehensive research of loging geology information, set up a suit of methods to identify oil gas water layer .these methods can identify the gas-oil level and the oil-water level. On the basis of reasonable development object system, according fine structure interpretation and structure modeling. build any oil water column height of the reservoir accurately. Through carefully analysis of the basic theory and method of reservoir seism prediction. optimize a reservoir inversion method .technique. software fitting the research region aiming strata, set up the GR field, porosity field, Rt field, impedence field .permeability field and initial oil saturation field, generating the base of quantity reservoir characterization. Discussing the characteristic of reservoir fluid and the movement and reallocating of muti-phase fluid in reservoir. And according the material of 100 soviet gas condensate reservoir ,build the recognition method and mode of gas condensate reservoir. Building the 3D geology model ,carry on the static and production evaluation, propose the development strategy and improve plan , provide the base of increasing reserves and advancing production and enriching the prospect development theory of the gas condensate reservoi
Relationship between biology and environment is always the theme of ecology. Transect is becoming one of the important methods in studies on relationship between global change and terrestrial ecosystems, especially for analysis of its driving factors. Inner Mongolia Grassland is the most important in China Grassland Transect brought forward by Yu GR. In this study, changes in grassland community biomass along gradients of weather conditions in Inner Mongolia was researched by the method of transect. Methods of regression about biomass were also compared. The transect was set from Eerguna county to Alashan county (38° 07' 35" ~50° 12' 20" N, 101° 55' 25" -120° 20' 46" E) in Inner Mongolia, China. The sample sites were mainly chosen along the gradient of grassland type, meadow steppe-* typical steppe-*desert steppe-*steppification desert-^desert. The study was carried out when grassland community biomass got the peak in August or September, 2003 and 2004. And data of 49 sample sites was gotten, which included biomass, mean annual temperature, annual precipitation, accumulated temperature above zero, annual hours of sunshine and other statistical and descriptive data. The aboveground biomass was harvested, and the belowground biomass was obtained by coring (30 cm deep). Then all the biomass samples were dried within (80 + 5) °C in oven and weighted. The conclusion is as follows: 1) From the northeast to the southwest in Inner Mongolia, along the gradient of grassland type, meadow steppe-*typical steppe-*desert steppe-*steppification desert-* desert, the cover degree of vegetation community reduces. 2) By unitary regression analysis, biomass is negatively correlated with mean annual temperature, s^CTC accumulated temperature, ^10°C accumulated temperature and annual hours of sunshine, among which mean annual temperature is crucial, and positively with mean annual precipitation and mean annual relative humidity, and the correlation coefficient between biomass and mean annual relative humidity is higher. Altitude doesn't act on it evidently. Result of multiple regression analysis indicates that as the primary restrictive factor, precipitation affects biomass through complicated way on large scale, and its impaction is certainly important. Along the gradient of grassland type, total biomass reduces. The proportion of aboveground biomass to total biomass reduces and then increases after desert steppe. The trend of below ground biomass's proportion to total biomass is adverse to that of aboveground biomass. 3) Precipitation is not always the only driving factor along the transect for below-/aboveground biomass ratio of different vegetation type composed by different species, and distribution of temperature and precipitation is more important, which is much different among climatic regions, so that the trend of below-/aboveground biomass ratio along the grassland transect may change much through the circumscription of semiarid region and arid region. 4) Among reproductive allocation of aboveground biomass, only the proportion of stem in total biomass notably correlates to the given parameters. Stem/leaf biomass ratio decreases when longitude and latitude increase, caloric variables decrease, and variables about water increase from desert to meadow steppe. The change trends are good modeled by logarithm or binomial equations. 5) 0'-10 cm belowground biomass highly correlates to environmental parameters, whose proportion to total biomass changes most distinctly and increases along the gradient from the west to the east. The deeper belowground biomass responses to the environmental change on the adverse trend but not so sensitively as the surface layer. Because the change value of 0~10 cm belowground biomass is always more than that of below 10 cm along the gradient, the deference between them is balanced by aboveground biomass's change by the resource allocation equilibrium hypothesis.
It has been shown that prenatal light exposure and corticosterone improve memory retention of dark hatched chicks. The object of this study was to explore the neural mechanisms underlying the effect of prenatal light exposure and corticosterone on memory retention of chicks. To detect the effect of different prenatal treatments on memory retention of chicks, we used one-trial passive avoidance model. To examine the expression of glucocorticoid receptor (GR), neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM), growth-associated protein 43 (GAP-43) and polysialic acid (PSA) in HV and LPO of chick brain, we used immunohistochemical method. Prenatal light exposure and glucocorticoid (corticosterone, dexamthesone) administered in embryonic day 20 (E20) markedly improve memory retention in dark hatched chicks. Light plays a critical role in improving memory. The critical exposure period is E19 and E20. The effect of these two hormones and light exposure can be significantly blocked by their receptor antagonist administration respectively. The light, corticosterone and particularly darkness significantly up-regulated the level of GR; the expression of NCAM and GAP-43 in HV and LPO peaked in E20 in normal hatched chicks and was significantly increased by light exposure and corticosterone. Protein synthesis inhibitor anisomycin markedly reduced the effect of light exposure but partially reduced the effect of corticosterone; light exposure and corticosterone in E20 significantly up-regulated PSA expression. Removing PSA from NCAM significantly retarded the effect of corticosterone on memory retention in chicks. Therefore, The effects of prenatal light exposure and corticosterone on memory retention are mediated via both corticosteroid receptors. The effects of both prenatal light and corticosterone might at first change the plasticity of the brain by up-regulation the synthesis and modification of proteins, and then influence the behavior performance of the chicks.
Condições de estresse climático e incidência de grãos verdes; Gr]aos esverdeados e seus efeitos sobre a qualidade da soja e seus derivados.
Highly ordered mesoporous ethanesilica (MES) with 2D hexagonal structure was synthesized from 1,2-bis(trimethoxysilyl) ethane under neutral conditions for the first time. Divalent salts, such as NiCl2, MgCl2, ZnCl2, ZnSO4 and Zn(NO3)(2), were used to help the formation of the ordered mesostructure. The MES samples were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction, nitrogen sorption, transmission electron microscopy, FT-IR, C-13 and Si-29 solid-state NMR and thermal gravimetric analysis. A phase transition from a disordered wormhole-like structure to an ordered P6mm structure was observed upon the addition of inorganic salts. The pore size of the MES decreases from 4.7 to 3.9 nm with increasing content of the inorganic salts. Fluoride was also found to be important for the formation of ordered MES under neutral conditions.
Karwath, A. King, R. Homology induction: the use of machine learning to improve sequence similarity searches. BMC Bioinformatics. 23rd April 2002. 3:11 Additional File Describes the title organims species declaration in one string [http://www.biomedcentral.com/content/supplementary/1471- 2105-3-11-S1.doc] Sponsorship: Andreas Karwath and Ross D. King were supported by the EPSRC grant GR/L62849.
Q. Shen, J. Keppens, C. Aitken, B. Schafer, and M. Lee. A scenario driven decision support system for serious crime investigation. Law, Probability and Risk, 5(2):87-117, 2006. Sponsorship: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council grant GR/S63267; partially supported by grant GR/S98603