977 resultados para Glycosyl Donors


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The aim of the present study was to demonstrate the wide applicability of the novel photoluminescent labels called upconverting phosphors (UCPs) in proximity-based bioanalytical assays. The exceptional features of the lanthanide-doped inorganic UCP compounds stem from their capability for photon upconversion resulting in anti-Stokes photoluminescence at visible wavelengths under near-infrared (NIR) excitation. Major limitations related to conventional photoluminescent labels are avoided, rendering the UCPs a competitive next-generation label technology. First, the background luminescence is minimized due to total elimination of autofluorescence. Consequently, improvements in detectability are expected. Second, at the long wavelengths (>600 nm) used for exciting and detecting the UCPs, the transmittance of sample matrixes is significantly greater in comparison with shorter wavelengths. Colored samples are no longer an obstacle to the luminescence measurement, and more flexibility is allowed even in homogeneous assay concepts, where the sample matrix remains present during the entire analysis procedure, including label detection. To transform a UCP particle into a biocompatible label suitable for bioanalytical assays, it must be colloidal in an aqueous environment and covered with biomolecules capable of recognizing the analyte molecule. At the beginning of this study, only UCP bulk material was available, and it was necessary to process the material to submicrometer-sized particles prior to use. Later, the ground UCPs, with irregular shape, wide size-distribution and heterogeneous luminescence properties, were substituted by a smaller-sized spherical UCP material. The surface functionalization of the UCPs was realized by producing a thin hydrophilic coating. Polymer adsorption on the UCP surface is a simple way to introduce functional groups for bioconjugation purposes, but possible stability issues encouraged us to optimize an optional silica-encapsulation method which produces a coating that is not detached in storage or assay conditions. An extremely thin monolayer around the UCPs was pursued due to their intended use as short-distance energy donors, and much attention was paid to controlling the thickness of the coating. The performance of the UCP technology was evaluated in three different homogeneous resonance energy transfer-based bioanalytical assays: a competitive ligand binding assay, a hybridization assay for nucleic acid detection and an enzyme activity assay. To complete the list, a competitive immunoassay has been published previously. Our systematic investigation showed that a nonradiative energy transfer mechanism is indeed involved, when a UCP and an acceptor fluorophore are brought into close proximity in aqueous suspension. This process is the basis for the above-mentioned homogeneous assays, in which the distance between the fluorescent species depends on a specific biomolecular binding event. According to the studies, the submicrometer-sized UCP labels allow versatile proximity-based bioanalysis with low detection limits (a low-nanomolar concentration for biotin, 0.01 U for benzonase enzyme, 0.35 nM for target DNA sequence).


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Resonance energy transfer (RET) is a non-radiative transfer of the excitation energy from the initially excited luminescent donor to an acceptor. The requirements for the resonance energy transfer are: i) the spectral overlap between the donor emission spectrum and the acceptor absorption spectrum, ii) the close proximity of the donor and the acceptor, and iii) the suitable relative orientations of the donor emission and the acceptor absorption transition dipoles. As a result of the RET process the donor luminescence intensity and the donor lifetime are decreased. If the acceptor is luminescent, a sensitized acceptor emission appears. The rate of RET depends strongly on the donor–acceptor distance (r) and is inversely proportional to r6. The distance dependence of RET is utilized in binding assays. The proximity requirement and the selective detection of the RET-modified emission signal allow homogeneous separation free assays. The term lanthanide-based RET is used when luminescent lanthanide compounds are used as donors. The long luminescence lifetimes, the large Stokes’ shifts and the intense, sharply-spiked emission spectra of the lanthanide donors offer advantages over the conventional organic donor molecules. Both the organic lanthanide chelates and the inorganic up-converting phosphor (UCP) particles have been used as donor labels in the RET based binding assays. In the present work lanthanide luminescence and lanthanide-based resonance energy transfer phenomena were studied. Luminescence lifetime measurements had an essential role in the research. Modular frequency-domain and time-domain luminometers were assembled and used successfully in the lifetime measurements. The frequency-domain luminometer operated in the low frequency domain ( 100 kHz) and utilized a novel dual-phase lock-in detection of the luminescence. One of the studied phenomena was the recently discovered non-overlapping fluorescence resonance energy transfer (nFRET). The studied properties were the distance and temperature dependences of nFRET. The distance dependence was found to deviate from the Förster theory and a clear temperature dependence was observed whereas conventional RET was completely independent of the temperature. Based on the experimental results two thermally activated mechanisms were proposed for the nFRET process. The work with the UCP particles involved the measurement of the luminescence properties of the UCP particles synthesized in our laboratory. The goal of the UCP particle research is to develop UCP donor labels for binding assays. In the present work the effect of the dopant concentrations and the core–shell structure on the total up-conversion luminescence intensity, the red–green emission ratio, and the luminescence lifetime was studied. Also the non-radiative nature of the energy transfer from the UCP particle donors to organic acceptors was demonstrated for the first time in aqueous environment and with a controlled donor–acceptor distance.


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Hawthorn (Crataegus sp.) is widely distributed in the northern hemisphere (Asia, Europe and North America). It has been used as a medicinal material and food for hundreds of years both in Europe and in China. Clinical investigations and other research suggest that extracts of hawthorn fruits and leaves have multiple health effects including hypolipidaemic, anti-atherosclerotic, hypotensive, cardioprotective and blood vessel relaxing activities. Hawthorn fruit extracts have also displayed antioxidant and radical scavenging activities. Emblic leafflower fruit (Phyllanthus emblica) is widely used in Chinese and Indian traditional medicine. It has been found to have anti-cancer, hypoglycaemic and hypolipidaemic activities as well as cardioprotective effects and antioxidant activity. The fruit is currently used as a functional food targeted at obese people in China. Phenolic compounds, procyanidins (PCs), flavonols and C-glycosyl flavones in hawthorn and hydrolysable tannins in emblic leafflower fruits are considered among the major bioactive compounds in these berries. Moreover, hawthorn and emblic leafflower fruits are rich in vitamin C, triterpenoids, fruit acids, sugar alcohols and some other components with beneficial effects on the health of human beings. The aim of the thesis work was to characterise the major phenolic compounds in hawthorn fruits and leaves and emblic leafflower fruits as well as other components contributing to the nutritional profile and sensory properties of hawthorn fruits. Differences in the content and compositional profile of the major phenolic compounds, sugars, acids and sugar alcohols within various origins and species of hawthorn were also investigated. Acids, sugars and sugar alcohols in the fruits of different origins/cultivars belonging to three species (C. pinnatifida, C. brettschneideri and C. scabrifolia) of hawthorn were analysed by gas chromatography (GC-FID) and mass spectrometry (Publication I). Citric acid, quinic acid, malic acid, fructose, glucose, sorbitol and myo-inositol were found in all the subspecies. Sucrose was present only in C. scabrifolia and three cultivars of C. pinnatifida var. major. Forty-two phenolic compounds were identified/tentatively identified in fruits of C. pinnatifida var. major by polyamide column chromatography combined with high-performance liquid chromatograph-electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (HPLC-ESI-MS) (Publication II). Ideain, chlorogenic acid, procyanidin (PC) B2, (-)-epicatechin, hyperoside and isoquercitrin were the major phenolic components identified. In addition, 35 phenolic compounds were tentatively identified based on UV and mass spectra. Eleven major phenolic compounds (hyperoside, isoquercitrin, chlorogenic acid, ideain, (-)-epicatechin, two PC dimers, three PC trimers and a PC dimer-hexoside) were quantified in the fruits of 22 cultivars/origins of three species of Chinese hawthorn by HPLC-ESI-MS with single ion recording function (SIR) (Publication III). The fruits of the hawthorn cultivars/origins investigated fell into two groups, one rich in sugars and flavonols, the other rich in acids and procyanidins. Based on the compositional features, different biological activities and sensory properties may be expected between cultivars/origins of the two groups. The results suggest that the contents of phenolic compounds, acids, sugars and sugar alcohols may be used as chemotaxonomic information distinguishing the hawthorn species from each other. Phenolic compounds in fruits and leaves of C. grayana and their changes during fruit ripening/harvesting were investigated using HPLC-UV-ESI-MS (Publication IV). (-)-Epicatechin, PC B2 and C1, hyperoside and a quercetin-pentoside were the major phenolic compounds in both fruits and leaves. Three C-glycosyl flavones (a luteolin-C-hexoside, a methyl luteolin-C-hexoside and an apigenin-C-hexoside) were present in leaves in abundance, but only at trace levels in fruits. Ideain and 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid were found in fruits only. Additionally, eleven phenolic compounds were identified/tentatively identified in both leaves and fruits (three B-type PC trimers, two B-type PC tetramers, a quercetin-rhamnosylhexoside, a quercetin-pentoside, a methoxykaempferol-methylpentosylhexoside, a quercetin-hexoside acetate, a methoxykaempferol-pentoside, chlorogenic acid and an unknown hydroxycinnamic acid derivative). The total content of phenolic compounds reached the highest level by the end of August in fruits and by the end of September in leaves. The compositional profiles of phenolic compounds in fruits and leaves of C. grayana were different from those of C. pinnatifida, C. brettschneideri, C. scabrifolia, C. pinnatifida. var. major, C. monogyna, C. laevigata and C. pentagyna. Phenolic compounds in emblic leafflower fruits were characterised by Sephadex LH-20 column chromatography combined with HPLC-ESI-MS (Publication V). A mucic acid gallate, three isomers of mucic acid lactone gallate, a galloylglucose, gallic acid, a digalloylglucose, putranjivain A, a galloyl-HHDP-glucose, elaeocarpusin and chebulagic acid represented the major phenolic compounds in fruits of emblic leafflower. In conclusion, results of this study significantly increase the current knowledge on the key bioactive and nutritional components of hawthorn and emblic leafflower fruits. These results provide important information for research on the mechanism responsible for the health benefits of these fruits.


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Laparoscopic resection of the left lateral segment of the liver in donors of living liver transplantation. The authors present a case of laparoscopic resection of the left lateral segment of the liver in a donor of living liver transplantation. The procedure was done in six hours and the left lateral segment of the liver was removed through a 15 cm right subcostal incision. The patient was discharged on the 5th post-operative day. A 40 mL intrabdominal collection of bile was percutaneously drained guided by ultra-sonography. The drain was removed after five days. Afterwards, the patient had good recovery with no other complication.


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OBJECTIVE: To elucidate the role of the spleen and splenic allograft in lipid control and evaluate its effect on the lipid profile of rats.METHOD: 32 male Wistar rats were randomly assigned into four groups: control group (1), total splenectomy group (2), splenectomy and implantation of allograft group (3) and double spleen group (4). Each group was subdivided into two subgroups: A and B, based on the death of the animals after 30 or 120 days of monitoring. The procedures in groups 2, 3 and 4 were made simultaneously, and splenectomized animals, groups 2 and 3 were donors, respectively, for the animals of groups 3 and 4. In group 4 the spleen was preserved and the animals received implants from the spleens of rats from group 3. The regeneration of splenic tissue was evaluated by macroscopic and microscopic analyzes of the grafts and own spleens, as well as with measurements of VLDL, HDL, LDL, total cholesterol and triglycerides.RESULTS: after 120 days, Group 4 showed levels of total cholesterol and LDL lower than the other groups. Group 1 had higher levels of lipids.CONCLUSION: The technique of double spleen was effective in the control of lipid metabolism, corroborating the function of the spleen as a reserve of lipids.


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The objective is to reinforce the importance of blood reinfusion as a cheap, safe and simple method, which can be used in small hospitals, especially those in which there is no blood bank. Moreover, even with the use of devices that perform the collection and filtration of blood, more recent studies show that the cost-benefit ratio is much better when autologous transfusion is compared with blood transfusions, even when there is injury to hollow viscera and blood contamination. It is known that the allogeneic blood transfusion carries a number of risks to patients, among them are the coagulation disorders mediated by excess enzymes in the conserved blood, and deficiency in clotting factors, mainly the Factor V, the proacelerin. Another factor would be the risk of contamination with still unknown pathogens or that are not investigated during screening for selection of donors, such as the West Nile Fever and Creutzfeldt-Jacob, better known as "Mad Cow" disease. Comparing both methods, we conclude that blood autotransfusion has numerous advantages over heterologous transfusion, even in large hospitals. We are not against blood transfusions, just do not agree that the patient's own blood is discarded without making sure there will be enough blood in stock to get him out of the hemorrhagic shock.


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Lanthanides represent the chemical elements from lanthanum to lutetium. They intrinsically exhibit some very exciting photophysical properties, which can be further enhanced by incorporating the lanthanide ion into organic or inorganic sensitizing structures. A very popular approach is to conjugate the lanthanide ion to an organic chromophore structure forming lanthanide chelates. Another approach, which has quickly gained interest, is to incorporate the lanthanide ions into nanoparticle structures, thus attaining improved specific activity and binding capacity. The lanthanide-based reporters usually express strong luminescence emission, multiple narrow emission lines covering a wide wavelength range, and exceptionally long excited state lifetimes enabling timeresolved detection. Because of these properties, the lanthanide-based reporters have found widespread applications in various fields of life. This study focuses on the field of bioanalytical applications. The aim of the study was to demonstrate the utility of different lanthanide-based reporters in homogeneous Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based bioaffinity assays. Several different model assays were constructed. One was a competitive bioaffinity assay that utilized energy transfer from lanthanide chelate donors to fluorescent protein acceptors. In addition to the conventional FRET phenomenon, a recently discovered non-overlapping FRET (nFRET) phenomenon was demonstrated for the first time for fluorescent proteins. The lack of spectral overlap in the nFRET mechanism provides sensitivity and versatility to energy transfer-based assays. The distance and temperature dependence of these phenomena were further studied in a DNA-hybridization assay. The distance dependence of nFRET deviated from that of FRET, and unlike FRET, nFRET demonstrated clear temperature dependence. Based on these results, a possible excitation mechanism operating in nFRET was proposed. In the study, two enzyme activity assays for caspase-3 were also constructed. One of these was a fluorescence quenching-based enzyme activity assay that utilized novel inorganic particulate reporters called upconverting phosphors (UCPs) as donors. The use of UCPs enabled the construction of a simple, rather inexpensive, and easily automated assay format that had a high throughput rate. The other enzyme activity assay took advantage of another novel reporter class, the lanthanidebinding peptides (LBPs). In this assay, energy was transferred from a LBP to a green fluorescent protein (GFP). Using the LBPs it was possible to avoid the rather laborious, often poorly repeatable, and randomly positioned chemical labeling. In most of the constructed assays, time-resolved detection was used to eliminate the interfering background signal caused by autofluorescence. The improved signal-to-background ratios resulted in increased assay sensitivity, often unobtainable in homogeneous assay formats using conventional organic fluorophores. The anti-Stokes luminescence of the UCPs, however, enabled the elimination of autofluorescence even without time-gating, thus simplifying the instrument setup. Together, the studied reporters and assay formats pave the way for increasingly sensitive, simple, and easily automated bioanalytical applications.


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In Finland the thermal treatment of sewage sludge has been moderate in 21th century. The reason has been the high moisture content of sludge. During 2005-2008, 97-99% of sewage sludge was utilized in landscaping and agriculture. However agricultural use has been during 2005-2007 less than 3 %. The aim of national waste management plan is that by 2016 100% of sludge is used either as soil amendment or energy. The most popular utilization method for manure is spreading it on arable land. The dry manures such as poultry manure and horse manure could also be used in incineration. The ashes could be used as fertilizers and while it is not suitable as a starter fertilizer, it is suitable in maintaining P levels in the soil. One of the main drivers for more efficient nutrient management is the eutrophication in lakes and the Baltic See. ASH DEC process can be used in concentrating phosphorus rich ashes while separating the heavy metals that could be included. ASH DEC process uses thermochemical treatment to produce renewable phosphate for fertilizer production. The process includes mixing of ashes and chlorine donors and subsequent treatment in rotary kiln for 20 min in temperature of 900 – 1 050 oC. The heavy metals evaporate and P-rich product is obtained. The toxic substances are retained in air pollution control system in form of mixed metal hydroxides. The aim of conducting this study is to estimate the potential of ASH DEC process in treating phosphorus rich ashes in Finland. The masses considered in are sewage sludge, dry manure from horses, and poultry and liquid pig manure. To date the usual treatment method for sewage sludge in Finland is composting or anaerobic digestion. Part of the amount of produced sewage sludge (800 kt/a fresh mass and 160 kt/a TS) could also be incinerated and the residual ashes used in ASH DEC process. Incinerating only manure can be economically difficult to manage because the incineration of manure is in Finland considered as waste incineration. Getting a permit for waste incineration is difficult and also small scale waste incineration is too expensive. The manure could act as an additional feedstock in counties with high density of animal husbandry where the land area might not be enough for spreading of manure. Now when the manure acts as a supplementary feedstock beside sludge, the ash can’t be used directly as fertilizer. Then it could be used in ASH DEC process. The perquisite is that the manure producers could pay for the incineration, which might prove problematic.


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Transgenic technology has become an essential tool for the development of animal biotechnologies, and animal cloning through somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) enabled the generation of genetically modified animals utilizing previously modified and selected cell lineages as nuclei donors, assuring therefore the generation of homogeneous herds expressing the desired modification. The present study aimed to discuss the use of SCNT as an important methodology for the production of transgenic herds, and also some recent insights on genetic modification of nuclei donors and possible effects of gene induction of pluripotency on SCNT.


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This study aimed to assess and evaluate the effects of Theileria equi infection on embryonic recovery, gestation and early embryonic loss. Thirteen Mangalarga Marchador Theileria equi positive donors (diagnosed through nested-PCR) and 40 embryos receptors were used. Donors were submitted to two embryo collections in two consecutive estrous cycles (GId); after, the same mares were treated with imidocarb dipropionate (1.2mg/kg IM.) in order to collect more embryos in two more estrous cycles (GIId). Receptors were divided into two groups (control and with treated) with 20 animals each, where one group was the control (GIr) and the other one (GIIr) treated with 1.2mg/kg IM of imidocarb dipropionate assessing the gestation rate at 15, 30, 45 and 60 days. After 52 embryo collections, the embryonic recovery rates were 53.84% (14/26) and 65.38% (17/26) (p> 0.05) for GId and GIId, respectively. The gestation rate was 70% (14/20) (p>0.05) at 15, 30, 45 and 60 days in group GIr and for GIIr was 85% (17/20) (p>0.05) at 15 days, 80% (16/20) (p>0.05) at 30, 45 and 60 days. The treatment with imidocarb dipropionate did not cause significant improvement in the reproductive efficiency at an ET program.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Dialypetalanthus fuscescens is an Amazonian endemic species with problematic taxonomic position. This neotropical rainforest tree belongs to the monospecific Dialypetalanthaceae. In the present work, we analysed the leaf cell-wall polysaccharide composition of Dialypetalanthus fuscescens and compared it to that of Bathysa meridionalis (Rubiaceae-Cinchonoideae). Glycosyl composition and glycosyl-linkage analysis indicated that both species have similar cell wall composition. Arabinogalactans were the major component of the pectic polysaccharides and xylans, although being reported in minor amounts in dicots, were found to be the predominant hemicellulosic polysaccharide in cell walls of both species. These findings are in agreement with previous data on cell wall composition reported for Rubiaceae and corroborate the current suggestion of the possible link between this family and Dialypetalanthaceae.


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Seven sources of resistance to the two predominant races IB-1 and IB-9 of the rice blast pathogen Pyricularia grisea were selected based on leaf blast reaction in tests conducted under controlled greenhouse conditions. Crosses involving resistant and susceptible parents were made to study the inheritance of the disease reaction for different sources of resistance. The F1 and F2 progenies of all crosses, including backcrosses to resistant and susceptible parents, were tested for reaction to leaf blast. The data showed that resistance is controlled by one to three genes that segregate independently in most of the donors. Non-allelic interaction among resistance genes, including dominant epistasis, was identified.


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Giardia lamblia trophozoites were incubated for 2 h with activated murine macrophages, nitric oxide (NO) donors or a superoxide anion generator (20 mU/ml xanthine oxidase plus 1 mM xanthine). Activated macrophages were cytotoxic to Giardia trophozoites (~60% dead trophozoites). This effect was inhibited (>90%) by an NO synthase inhibitor (200 µM) and unaffected by superoxide dismutase (SOD, 300 U/ml). Giardia trophozoites were killed by the NO donors, S-nitroso-acetyl-penicillamine (SNAP) and sodium nitroprusside (SNP) in a dose-dependent manner (LD50 300 and 50 µM, respectively). A dual NO-superoxide anion donor, 3-morpholino-sydnonimine hydrochloride (SIN-1), did not have a killing effect in concentrations up to 1 mM. However, when SOD (300 U/ml) was added simultaneously with SIN-1 to Giardia, a significant trophozoite-killing effect was observed (~35% dead trophozoites at 1 mM). The mixture of SNAP or SNP with superoxide anion, which yields peroxynitrite, abolished the trophozoite killing induced by NO donors. Authentic peroxynitrite only killed trophozoites at very high concentrations (3 mM). These results indicate that NO accounts for Giardia trophozoite killing and this effect is not mediated by peroxynitrite


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Considerable evidence suggests that nitroxidergic mechanisms in the nucleus tractus solitarii (NTS) participate in cardiovascular reflex control. Much of that evidence, being based on responses to nitric oxide precursors or inhibitors of nitric oxide synthesis, has been indirect and circumstantial. We sought to directly determine cardiovascular responses to nitric oxide donors microinjected into the NTS and to determine if traditional receptor mechanisms might account for responses to certain of these donors in the central nervous system. Anesthetized adult Sprague Dawley rats that were instrumented for recording arterial pressure and heart rate were used in the physiological studies. Microinjection of nitric oxide itself into the NTS did not produce any cardiovascular responses and injection of sodium nitroprusside elicited minimal depressor responses. The S-nitrosothiols, S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO), S-nitrosoacetylpenicillamine (SNAP), and S-nitroso-D-cysteine (D-SNC) produced no significant cardiovascular responses while injection of S-nitroso-L-cysteine (L-SNC) elicited brisk, dose-dependent depressor and bradycardic responses. In contrast, injection of glyceryl trinitrate elicited minimal pressor responses without associated changes in heart rate. It is unlikely that the responses to L-SNC were dependent on release of nitric oxide in that 1) the responses were not affected by injection of oxyhemoglobin or an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthesis prior to injection of L-SNC and 2) L- and D-SNC released identical amounts of nitric oxide when exposed to brain tissue homogenates. Although GSNO did not independently affect blood pressure, its injection attenuated responses to subsequent injection of L-SNC. Furthermore, radioligand binding studies suggested that in rat brain synaptosomes there is a saturable binding site for GSNO that is displaced from that site by L-SNC. The studies suggest that S-nitrosocysteine, not nitric oxide, may be an interneuronal messenger for cardiovascular neurons in the NTS