885 resultados para Geodinámica aplicada
Generation systems, using renewable sources, are becoming increasingly popular due to the need for increased use of electricity. Currently, renewables sources have a role to cooperate with conventional generation, due to the system limitation in delivering the required power, the need for reduction of unwanted effects from sources that use fossil fuels (pollution) and the difficulty of building new transmission and/or distribution lines. This cooperation takes place through distributed generation. Therefore, this work proposes a control strategy for the interconnection of a PV (Photovoltaic) system generation distributed with a three-phase power grid through a connection filter the type LCL. The compensation of power quality at point of common coupling (PCC) is performed ensuring that the mains supply or consume only active power and that his currents have low distorcion. Unlike traditional techniques which require schemes for harmonic detection, the technique performs the harmonic compensation without the use of this schemes, controlling the output currents of the system in an indirect way. So that there is effective control of the DC (Direct Current) bus voltage is used the robust controller mode dual DSMPI (Dual-Sliding Mode-Proportional Integral), that behaves as a sliding mode controller SM-PI (Sliding Mode-Proportional Integral) during the transition and like a conventional PI (Proportional Integral) in the steady-state. For control of current is used to repetitive control strategy, which are used double sequence controllers (DSC) tuned to the fundamental component, the fifth and seventh harmonic. The output phase current are aligned with the phase angle of the utility voltage vector obtained from the use of a SRF-PLL (Synchronous Reference Frame Phase-Locked-Loop). In order to obtain the maximum power from the PV array is used a MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) algorithm without the need for adding sensors. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control system.
The classifier support vector machine is used in several problems in various areas of knowledge. Basically the method used in this classier is to end the hyperplane that maximizes the distance between the groups, to increase the generalization of the classifier. In this work, we treated some problems of binary classification of data obtained by electroencephalography (EEG) and electromyography (EMG) using Support Vector Machine with some complementary techniques, such as: Principal Component Analysis to identify the active regions of the brain, the periodogram method which is obtained by Fourier analysis to help discriminate between groups and Simple Moving Average to eliminate some of the existing noise in the data. It was developed two functions in the software R, for the realization of training tasks and classification. Also, it was proposed two weights systems and a summarized measure to help on deciding in classification of groups. The application of these techniques, weights and the summarized measure in the classier, showed quite satisfactory results, where the best results were an average rate of 95.31% to visual stimuli data, 100% of correct classification for epilepsy data and rates of 91.22% and 96.89% to object motion data for two subjects.
This work proposes a new autonomous navigation strategy assisted by genetic algorithm with dynamic planning for terrestrial mobile robots, called DPNA-GA (Dynamic Planning Navigation Algorithm optimized with Genetic Algorithm). The strategy was applied in environments - both static and dynamic - in which the location and shape of the obstacles is not known in advance. In each shift event, a control algorithm minimizes the distance between the robot and the object and maximizes the distance from the obstacles, rescheduling the route. Using a spatial location sensor and a set of distance sensors, the proposed navigation strategy is able to dynamically plan optimal collision-free paths. Simulations performed in different environments demonstrated that the technique provides a high degree of flexibility and robustness. For this, there were applied several variations of genetic parameters such as: crossing rate, population size, among others. Finally, the simulation results successfully demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of DPNA-GA technique, validating it for real applications in terrestrial mobile robots.
This work proposes a new autonomous navigation strategy assisted by genetic algorithm with dynamic planning for terrestrial mobile robots, called DPNA-GA (Dynamic Planning Navigation Algorithm optimized with Genetic Algorithm). The strategy was applied in environments - both static and dynamic - in which the location and shape of the obstacles is not known in advance. In each shift event, a control algorithm minimizes the distance between the robot and the object and maximizes the distance from the obstacles, rescheduling the route. Using a spatial location sensor and a set of distance sensors, the proposed navigation strategy is able to dynamically plan optimal collision-free paths. Simulations performed in different environments demonstrated that the technique provides a high degree of flexibility and robustness. For this, there were applied several variations of genetic parameters such as: crossing rate, population size, among others. Finally, the simulation results successfully demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of DPNA-GA technique, validating it for real applications in terrestrial mobile robots.
Research on Legal Deontology dedicated to theoretical and applied ethics on judicial conduct grounded in legal principles and rules set out in the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Organic Law of the National Judiciary, also contemplating propositional instruments covered by the constitutional system, which conveys behavioural paradigms inserted in the Bangalore Principles of Judicial Conduct, in the Universal Statute of the Judge and in the Latin-American Code of Judicial Ethics, as well as highlight the influence of those instruments in the Brazilian Ethical Code of the Magistrates and in the official complementary training of judges in charge of Judiciary Schools. The study provides the theoretical influxes of moral norm, passing by behavioural social norm to consolidate the ideal standards of judicial conduct into legal standards and related instruments. The Legal Deontology directed to the ethical judicial conduct is confronted with the stereotype that society expressed in relation to the judge's person, who is the political agent that interprets the law for making decisions which directly influences the realization of access to justice, that is constitutionally guaranteed to all. Core values inserted in the constitutional system intended to discipline the judicial conduct are presented and analysed under a critical view, since they are enclosed in prescriptive language that conveys behavioural aspects open to interpretation and which compliance is revealed as a proposition focused on promoting a better solution of interest’s conflicts under the responsibility of those who constitute the distinctive corporation of the Judiciary. The theme’s contextualization also focuses on applied ethics, based on the approach of normative and propositional instruments of deontological content, still focusing on the study of real cases examined by the Brazilian National Council of Justice, as part of its correctional goals.
CHAPTER II - The Chrysocyon brachyurus is the biggest South American canid which has a high frequency of dental injuries, both in wild and captivity. Thus, veterinary procedures are necessary to preserve the feeding capacity of hundreds of captive specimens worldwide. The aim of this study was to study the mandibular morphometry of maned wolf with emphasis on the establishment of anatomic references to the anesthetic blockage of the inferior alveolar and mental nerves. Therefore, 15 measurements in 22 hemimandibles of C. brachyurus adults were taken. For extra-oral technique of blockage of the inferior alveolar nerve at the level of the mandibular foramen, it is stated that the needle should be advanced, close to the medial surface of the mandibular ramus, by 11.4 mm perpendiculary from the palpable concavity. Alternatively, the needle can be introduced for 30.4 mm from the angular process at 20-25 degrees angle with the ventral margin. For blocking only the mentual nerve, it is recommended the introduction of needle for 10 mm, close to the lateral aspect of the mandibular body, at the level of the lower first premolar. The mandibular foramen showed similars position, size and symmetry in the maned wolfs specimens examined. The comparison of the data with those available for other carnivores reflects the necessity for determining these anatomical references specifically for each species.
Este trabajo surge como resultado de la experiencia en el campo de Atención Farmacéutica realizada en la Oficina de Farmacia y la necesidad de seguir avanzando en el servicio. El programa Consejero ha sido diseñado bajo las premisas de ser una herramienta útil, ágil y abierta para dar un servicio de Atención Farmacéutica de calidad. OBJETIVOS Los objetivos que centran el eje del desarrollo de este programa informático son: 1. Crear un programa que ayude de forma ágil, intuitiva y adaptable a todos los trabajadores de cada Oficina de Farmacia y al 100% de sus usuarios, independientemente de si estos son habituales u ocasionales de la Oficina de Farmacia. La protocolización del servicio de dispensación, dando un informe por escrito con información sobre el modo de empleo y consejo farmacéutico asociado al tratamiento de cada usuario. 2. Prevenir sobre Problemas relacionados con medicamentos, actuar sobre los Resultados negativos relacionados con los medicamentos y mejorar la efectividad y adherencia al tratamiento. En caso de realizar una indicación farmacéutica, sugerir productos relacionados con una situación o patología determinada. Pudiendo discriminar entre los que sean de venta libre (sin receta) o con receta médica...
En este trabajo, se realiza una presentación unificada de la Programación Multiobjetivo, describiendo y relacionando los distintos conceptos de solución y exponiendo las distintas técnicas de solución. Se formula el problema multiobjetivo mediante una séxtupla, (O, V, X, f, Y, EP), que permite unificar los muy diversos problemas multiobjetivo que surgen en distintos ámbitos. O representa el conjunto de objetos inicial, V representa el conjunto de las características relevantes que se miden sobre los objetos, X es el espacio de alternativas, f representa la familia de objetivos, Y es el espacio de resultados y EP es la estructura de preferencias del decisor. A partir de esta formulación, se realiza un amplio estudio de los distintos problemas multiobjetivo. Además, se aplica la metodología multiobjetivo a dos problemas concretos de gran interés práctico. En primer lugar, se aborda el problema de seleccionar el mejor tratamiento, cuando sobre las unidades experimentales, elegidas de forma aleatoria, se observan varias variables respuesta. Se consideran Modelos Discretos, Modelos Continuos Paramétricos y Modelos No Paramétricos. El último capítulo del trabajo, se dedica al estudio del problema multiobjetivo que se presenta cuando se desea representar, un conjunto finito de objetos, sobre la recta real, de forma que se refleje, lo más fielmente posible, la desemejanza de cada par de objetos. En el caso de que la desemejanza cumpla la propiedad de ser naturalmente ordenable, se ha diseñado y programado, un algoritmo, en tiempo polinomial, que obtiene la solución óptima del problema...
La creatividad ha sido definida desde varios puntos de vista: psicólogos, biólogos, sociólogos, artistas, escritores la han estudiado llegando a definirla dependiendo de su enfoque. En este trabajo de investigación se considera a la creatividad como “la capacidad de utilizar información y los conocimientos de forma nueva, y de encontrar soluciones divergentes para los problemas” (Alonso Monreal, 2000:56); de tal manera que una persona creativa puede ser desde un artista, compositor o novelista hasta profesores que se distinguen por sus criterios pedagógicos, vendedores exitosos, padres en su difícil tarea de educar a sus hijos y por qué no, mujeres amas de casa creativas en la economía doméstica o inventando en la cocina e ideando nuevas formas para sacar adelante a su familia. Es así como se plantea en este estudio aplicar la creatividad a las relaciones laborales y socioculturales para proponer soluciones al “problema” de la integración de la mujer latina en España. Entendiéndose el término “problema” como una “cuestión que se trata de aclarar” (Real Academia Española, 2014). Por otro lado, la rapidez con que los flujos migratorios han llegado a España desde finales del siglo XX puso de manifiesto la falta de reflexión profunda acerca de las consecuencias que el fenómeno migratorio representa para la sociedad española a nivel estructural y cultural...
Vídeoaula "Áudio-descrição aplicada a contextos culturais" - Princípios e Técnicas da Audiodescrição
Videoaula sobre Áudio-descrição aplicada a contextos culturais do curso Princípios e Técnicas da Audiodescrição: Aplicabilidade em Contextos Culturais Educacionais
Neste estudo, vamos analisar o impacto do excesso de tesouraria no valor da empresa e a influência que tem o governo das sociedades neste processo. Para o efeito, foi usada uma amostra de 165 empresas pertencentes aos principais índices europeus. Foi utilizada uma metodologia em 2 estágios. No primeiro estágio, a partir de uma amostra de 293 empresas, analisou-se as que detinham excesso de tesouraria positivo. No segundo estágio, com recurso ao índice ISQ, analisou-se o impacto do governo das sociedades no valor das empresas e no valor do excesso de tesouraria. Contrariamente às evidências noutros contextos geográficos, não se encontrou evidência estatística significativa de o governo das sociedades afete o valor inerente ao excesso de tesouraria.
Este trabajo de investigación se realizó como tesis de Maestría en Ciencias Sociales en la UNLP dirigida por el Prof. Osvaldo Ron (UNLP), e indaga desde las ciencias sociales la aplicación de la comunicación como herramienta estratégica de trabajo en las organizaciones, en particular aquellas que se dedican al deporte profesional. Desde la experiencia de la Asociación Civil Bahía Blanca Basket como caso de estudio se plantean ideas que pretenden aportar conocimiento a un campo de estudio en desarrollo
Fil: Balsa, Javier. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.