903 resultados para Gargantini, Bautista Gerónimo
Se analizó el impacto de un programa de entrenamiento de flexibilidad sobre el desarrollo de la fuerza muscular en 16 jugadores de futbol con edad de 19.032.7 años. Se entrenó durante 30 días y 5 veces por semanas, donde el grupo "A" realizó entrenamiento de flexibilidad, mientras que "B" el entrenamiento regular. Se midió la flexibilidad, 1RM, salto vertical, peso, talla, circunferencia de pantorrilla y muslo. Los resultados muestran valores para A y B respectivamente, donde el IGF fue de 91.01 18.3 y 111.93 23.5; 78.22 29, y 79.03 29.1. La circunferencia femoral, 48.04 3.6 cms y 49.54 3.4 cms.; 47.56 4.9 y 47.89 5.2. Circunferencia de pantorrilla, 33.83 2.7 cm y 35.21 2.4 cm; 33.83 2 y 33.73 2.8. Fuerza 48.13 7.8 Kg. y 53.38 8.2 Kg.; 52.63 8.6 Kg. y 53.39 9.1 Kg. Potencia anaeróbica, 34.13 2.9 cm. y 36.63 1.7 cm; 38.25 4.7 y 37.06 3.4. Como conclusión se tiene que el uso la flexibilidad impacta de forma positiva en el IGF y por tanto en el desarrollo favorable muscular de jugadoras de fútbol.
Los dibujos y collages realizados por la escritora han sido poco estudiados por la crítica. Se cuenta con el excelente artículo de Kathleen Glenn titulado ┤Collage, Textile and Palimpsest: Carmen Martín Gaite's Nubosidad variable' en el que analiza detalladamente el collage que adorna la portada de la novela y lo considera como "a visualization of the novel's content and structure" (Glenn, 1993: 409). Años anteriores a la publicación de dicha novela, Martín Gaite ya había elaborado otros collages. Cinco de ellos aparecen en From Fiction to Metafiction. Con la publicación de Cuadernos de todo, se incrementa el material visual elaborado por la escritora ya que además de collages, se pueden apreciar algunos dibujos. Cualquier persona que haya leído Caperucita en Manhattan se habrá dado cuenta que los dibujos de la novela fueron hechos por la autora de la novela. Durante los años noventa, Martín Gaite escribe conferencias donde comenta el trabajo de pintores españoles como Dalí, Murillo, Maura y Montaner y Tuset. En esa misma época, participa en el Museo Thyssen Bornemisza con el comentario sobre Habitación de hotel de Edward Hopper. En este artículo, voy a trabajar con los dibujos, los collages y los artículos sobre los pintores ya mencionados porque en todos ellos radica la idea de que lo visual es material para lo literario y lo literario también se entrecruza con lo visual. Me interesa mostrar el proceso de cómo Martín Gaite utiliza la imagen visual y la convierte en texto porque considero que existe una serie de acciones similares a las identificadas y señaladas en sus reflexiones de cómo construir una novela vaciadas en El cuento de nunca acabar. También analizaré el proceso inverso, es decir, el de tener primero un texto que posteriormente se represente visualmente. Con esto, pretendo mostrar la relación intrínseca entre lo visual y lo literario por medio del dibujo, el collage y la pintura en la narrativa de los noventa de Martín Gaite.
Pinus pinaster is an economically and ecologically important species that is becoming a woody gymnosperm model. Its enormous genome size makes whole-genome sequencing approaches are hard to apply. Therefore, the expressed portion of the genome has to be characterised and the results and annotations have to be stored in dedicated databases.
We determined the distribution of lipids (n-alkanes and n-alkan-2-ones) in present-day peat-formingplants in the RoñanzasBog in northernSpain. Consistent with the observation of others, most Sphagnum (moss) species alkanes maximized at C23, whereas the other plants maximized at higher molecular weight (C27 to C31). We show for the first time that plants other than seagrass and Sphagnum moss contain n-alkan-2-ones. Almost all the species analysed showed an n-alkan-2-one distribution between C21 and C31 with an odd/even predominance, maximizing at C27 or C29, except ferns, which maximized at lower molecular weight (C21–C23). We also observed that microbial degradation can be a major contributor to the n-alkan-2-one distribution in sediments as opposed to a direct input of ketones from plants
Mobile phones are becoming increasingly popular and are already the first access technology to information and communication. However, people with disabilities have to face a lot of barriers when using this kind of technology. This paper presents an Accessible Contact Manager and a Real Time Text application, designed to be used by all users with disabilities. Both applications are focused to improve accessibility of mobile phones.
The apparition of new mobile phones operating systems often leads to a flood of mobile applications rushing into the market without taking into account needs of the most vulnerable users groups: the people with disabilities. The need of accessible applications for mobile is very important especially when it comes to access basic mobile functions such as making calls through a contact manager. This paper presents the technical validation process and results of an Accessible Contact Manager for mobile phones as a part of the evaluation of accessible applications for mobile phones for people with disabilities.
Concentrator photovoltaic is an emergent technology that may be a good economical and efficient alternative for the generation of electricity at a competitive cost. However, the reliability of these new solar cells and systems is still an open issue due to the high-irradiation level they are subjected to as well as the electrical and thermal stresses that they are expected to endure. To evaluate the reliability in a short period of time, accelerated aging tests are essential. Thermal aging tests for concentrator photovoltaic solar cells and systems under illumination are not available because no technical solution to the problem of reaching the working concentration inside a climatic chamber has been available. This work presents an automatic instrumentation system that overcomes the aforementioned limitation. Working conditions have been simulated by forward biasing the solar cells to the current they would handle at the working concentration (in this case, 700 and 1050 times the irradiance at one standard sun). The instrumentation system has been deployed for more than 10 000 h in a thermal aging test for III-V concentrator solar cells, in which the generated power evolution at different temperatures has been monitored. As a result of this test, the acceleration factor has been calculated, thus allowing for the degradation evolution at any temperature in addition to normal working conditions to be obtained.
U N distrito es ante todo un hecho administrativo. Esto es más evidente en una ciudad que, como Madrid, fue objeto de un crecimiento urbano fuera de su término municipal en fechas coetáneas a la aprobación del Plan Castro, en 1860, resuelto tras la Guerra Civil mediante los decretos que ampliaron sensiblemente su término a costa de la anexión de los municipios limítrofes entre 1947 y 1954. El distrito de Ciudad Lineal no ha sido una excepción, pues su actual territorio, integrado por los barrios de Costillares, Atalaya, Colina, San Juan Bautista, San Pascual, Concepción, Quintana, Pueblo Nuevo y Ventas, se caracteriza ante todo por la disparidad de la configuración de sus respectivas tramas urbanas, producto de distintos hitos del desarrollo urbano de la propia ciudad. Todos ellos, además, se imbrican en un medio físico y un pasado histórico común que ha quedado borrado por la vorágine de la urbanización
A land classification method was designed for the Community of Madrid (CM), which has lands suitable for either agriculture use or natural spaces. The process started from an extensive previous CM study that contains sets of land attributes with data for 122 types and a minimum-requirements method providing a land quality classification (SQ) for each land. Borrowing some tools from Operations Research (OR) and from Decision Science, that SQ has been complemented by an additive valuation method that involves a more restricted set of 13 representative attributes analysed using Attribute Valuation Functions to obtain a quality index, QI, and by an original composite method that uses a fuzzy set procedure to obtain a combined quality index, CQI, that contains relevant information from both the SQ and the QI methods.
Introduction. Most studies have described how the weight loss is when different treatments are compared (1-3), while others have also compared the weight loss by sex (4), or have taken into account psychosocial (5) and lifestyle (6, 7) variables. However, no studies have examined the interaction of different variables and the importance of them in the weight loss. Objective. Create a model to discriminate the range of weight loss, determining the importance of each variable. Methods. 89 overweight people (BMI: 25-29.9 kg?m-2), aged from 18 to 50 years, participated in the study. Four types of treatments were randomly assigned: strength training (S), endurance training (E), strength and endurance training (SE), and control group (C). All participants followed a 25% calorie restriction diet. Two multivariate discriminant models including the variables age, sex, height, daily energy expenditure (EE), type of treatment (T), caloric restriction (CR), initial body weight (BW), initial fat mass (FM), initial muscle mass (MM) and initial bone mineral density (BMD) were performed having into account two groups: the first and fourth quartile of the % of weight loss in the first model; the groups above and below the mean of the % of weight loss in the second model. The discriminant models were built using the inclusion method in SPSS allowing us to find a function that could predict the body weight loss range that an overweight person could achieve in a 6 months weight loss intervention.Results. The first discriminant analysis predicted that a combination of the studied variables would discriminate between the two ranges of body weight loss with 81.4% of correct classification. The discriminant function obtained was (Wilks? Lambda=0.475, p=0.003): Discriminant score=-18.266-(0.060xage)- (1.282xsex[0=female;1=male])+(14.701xheight)+(0.002xEE)- (0.006xT[1=S;2=E;3=SE;4=C])-(0.047xCR)- (0.558xBW)+(0.475xFM)+(0.398xMM)+(3.499xBMD) The second discriminant model obtained would discriminate between the two groups of body weight loss with 74.4% of correct classification. The discriminant function obtained was (Wilks? Lambda=0.725, p=0.005): Discriminant score=-5.021-(0.052xage)- (0.543xsex[0=female;1=male])+(3.530xheight)+(0.001xEE)- (0.493xT[1=S;2=E;3=SE;4=C])+(0.003xCR)- (0.365xBW)+(0.368xFM)+(0.296xMM)+(4.034xBMD) Conclusion. The first developed model could predict the percentage of weight loss in the following way: if the discriminant score is close to 1.051, the range of weight loss will be from 7.44 to -4.64% and if it is close to - 1.003, the range will be from -11.03 to -25,00% of the initial body weight. With the second model if the discriminant score is close to 0.623 the body weight loss will be above -7.93% and if it is close to -0.595 will be below - 7.93% of the initial body weight. References. 1. Brochu M, et al. Resistance training does not contribute to improving the metabolic profile after a 6-month weight loss program in overweight and obese postmenopausal women. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009 Sep;94(9):3226-33. 2. Del Corral P, et al. Effect of dietary adherence with or without exercise on weight loss: a mechanistic approach to a global problem. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2009 May;94(5):1602-7. 3. Larson-Meyer DE, et al. Caloric Restriction with or without Exercise: The Fitness vs. Fatness Debate. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2010;42(1):152-9. 4. Hagan RD, et al. The effects of aerobic conditioning and/or caloric restriction in overweight men and women. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 1986;18(1):87-94. 5. Teixeira PJ, et al. Mediators of weight loss and weight loss maintenance in middle-aged women. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2010 Apr;18(4):725-35. 6. Bautista-Castano I, et al. Variables predictive of adherence to diet and physical activity recommendations in the treatment of obesity and overweight, in a group of Spanish subjects. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord. 2004 May;28(5):697-705.
Typical streak computations present in the literature correspond to linear streaks or to small amplitude nonlinear streaks computed using DNS or nonlinear PSE. We use the Reduced Navier-Stokes (RNS) equations to compute the streamwise evolution of fully non-linear streaks with high amplitude in a laminar flat plate boundary layer. The RNS formulation provides Reynolds number independent solutions that are asymptotically exact in the limit $Re \gg 1$, it requires much less computational effort than DNS, and it does not have the consistency and convergence problems of the PSE. We present various streak computations to show that the flow configuration changes substantially when the amplitude of the streaks grows and the nonlinear effects come into play. The transversal motion (in the wall normal-streamwise plane) becomes more important and strongly distorts the streamwise velocity profiles, that end up being quite different from those of the linear case. We analyze in detail the resulting flow patterns for the nonlinearly saturated streaks and compare them with available experimental results.
La estevia, Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) Bertoni, es una planta herbácea y perenne descrita por primera vez en 1889 por el naturalista Moisés Bertoni. Se trata de una especie originaria de la Región Oriental de Paraguay, donde los indígenas guaraníes la han usado tradicionalmente por sus aplicaciones edulcorantes y medicinales. La hoja fresca de estevia es de 10 a 15 veces más dulce que el azúcar común, la hoja seca y pulverizada lo es unas 70, mientras que los extractos lo son hasta 200 ó 300 veces más, debido a los glucósidos: esteviósido, rebaudósido A, B, C, D, E, dulcósido A y B y steviolbiósido. Entre las propiedades medicinales destacan las acciones hipotensora, antimicrobiana, dietética, digestiva e hipoglucémica, por lo que su uso está muy recomendado para personas afectadas de diabetes tipo 2. El cultivo de estevia ha adquirido importancia en algunos países como China, Paraguay o Brasil. Entre los principales consumidores se encuentran Japón, China, Malasia, Israel, Corea del Sur y Brasil. Sin embargo, en los países de la Unión Europea, por el momento, está denegado su uso como aditivo alimenticio o suplemento dietético
The province of Salta is located the Northwest of Argentina in the border with Bolivia, Chile and Paraguay. Its Capital is the city of Salta that concentrates half of the inhabitants of the province and has grown to 600000 hab., from a small active Spanish town well founded in 1583. The city is crossed by the Arenales River descending from close mountains at North, source of water and end of sewers. But with actual growing it has become a focus of infection and of remarkable unhealthiness. It is necessary to undertake a plan for the recovery of the river, directed to the attainment of the well-being and to improve the life?s quality of the Community. The fundamental idea of the plan is to obtain an ordering of the river basin and an integral management of the channel and its surroundings, including the cleaning out. The improvement of the water?s quality, the healthiness of the surroundings and the improvement of the environment, must go hand by hand with the development of sport activities, of relaxation, tourism, establishment of breeding grounds, kitchen gardens, micro enterprises with clean production and other actions that contribute to their benefit by the society, that being a basic factor for their care and sustainable use. The present pollution is organic, chemical, industrial, domestic, due to the disposition of sweepings and sewer effluents that affects not only the flora and small fauna, destroying the biodiversity, but also to the health of people living in their margins. Within the plan it will be necessary to consider, besides hydric and environmental cleaning and the prevention of floods, the planning of the extraction of aggregates, the infrastructure and consolidation of margins works and the arrangement of all the river basin. It will be necessary to consider the public intervention at state, provincial and local level, and the private intervention. In the model it has been necessary to include the sub-model corresponding to the election of the entity to be the optimal instrument to reach the proposed objectives, giving an answer to the social, environmental and economic requirements. For that the authors have used multi-criteria decision methods to qualify and select alternatives, and for the programming of their implementation. In the model the authors have contemplated the short, average and long term actions. They conform a Paretooptimal alternative which secures the ordering, integral and suitable management of the basin of the Arenales River, focusing on its passage by the city of Salta.
The authors are from UPM and are relatively grouped, and all have intervened in different academic or real cases on the subject, at different times as being of different age. With precedent from E. Torroja and A. Páez in Madrid Spain Safety Probabilistic models for concrete about 1957, now in ICOSSAR conferences, author J.M. Antón involved since autumn 1967 for euro-steel construction in CECM produced a math model for independent load superposition reductions, and using it a load coefficient pattern for codes in Rome Feb. 1969, practically adopted for European constructions, giving in JCSS Lisbon Feb. 1974 suggestion of union for concrete-steel-al.. That model uses model for loads like Gumbel type I, for 50 years for one type of load, reduced to 1 year to be added to other independent loads, the sum set in Gumbel theories to 50 years return period, there are parallel models. A complete reliability system was produced, including non linear effects as from buckling, phenomena considered somehow in actual Construction Eurocodes produced from Model Codes. The system was considered by author in CEB in presence of Hydraulic effects from rivers, floods, sea, in reference with actual practice. When redacting a Road Drainage Norm in MOPU Spain an optimization model was realized by authors giving a way to determine the figure of Return Period, 10 to 50 years, for the cases of hydraulic flows to be considered in road drainage. Satisfactory examples were a stream in SE of Spain with Gumbel Type I model and a paper of Ven Te Chow with Mississippi in Keokuk using Gumbel type II, and the model can be modernized with more varied extreme laws. In fact in the MOPU drainage norm the redacting commission acted also as expert to set a table of return periods for elements of road drainage, in fact as a multi-criteria complex decision system. These precedent ideas were used e.g. in wide Codes, indicated in symposia or meetings, but not published in journals in English, and a condensate of contributions of authors is presented. The authors are somehow involved in optimization for hydraulic and agro planning, and give modest hints of intended applications in presence of agro and environment planning as a selection of the criteria and utility functions involved in bayesian, multi-criteria or mixed decision systems. Modest consideration is made of changing in climate, and on the production and commercial systems, and on others as social and financial.
The Universidad Politécnica of Madrid (UPM) includes schools and faculties that were for engineering degrees, architecture and computer science, that are now in a quick EEES Bolonia Plan metamorphosis getting into degrees, masters and doctorate structures. They are focused towards action in machines, constructions, enterprises, that are subjected to machines, human and environment created risks. These are present in actions such as use loads, wind, snow, waves, flows, earthquakes, forces and effects in machines, vehicles behavior, chemical effects, and other environmental factors including effects of crops, cattle and beasts, forests, and varied essential economic and social disturbances. Emphasis is for authors in this session more about risks of natural origin, such as for hail, winds, snow or waves that are not exactly known a priori, but that are often considered with statistical expected distributions giving extreme values for convenient return periods. These distributions are known from measures in time, statistic of extremes and models about hazard scenarios and about responses of man made constructions or devices. In each engineering field theories were built about hazards scenarios and how to cover for important risks. Engineers must get that the systems they handle, such as vehicles, machines, firms or agro lands or forests, obtain production with enough safety for persons and with decent economic results in spite of risks. For that risks must be considered in planning, in realization and in operation, and safety margins must be taken but at a reasonable cost. That is a small level of risks will often remain, due to limitations in costs or because of due to strange hazards, and maybe they will be covered by insurance in cases such as in transport with cars, ships or aircrafts, in agro for hail, or for fire in houses or in forests. These and other decisions about quality, security for men or about business financial risks are sometimes considered with Decision Theories models, using often tools from Statistics or operational Research. The authors have done and are following field surveys about risk consideration in the careers in UPM, making deep analysis of curricula taking into account the new structures of degrees in the EEES Bolonia Plan, and they have considered the risk structures offered by diverse schools of Decision theories. That gives an aspect of the needs and uses, and recommendations about improving in the teaching about risk, that may include special subjects especially oriented for each career, school or faculty, so as to be recommended to be included into the curricula, including an elaboration and presentation format using a multi-criteria decision model.