914 resultados para Frozen foods
Phenylketonuria is an inborn error of metabolism, involving, in most cases, a deficient activity of phenylalanine hydroxylase. Neonatal diagnosis and a prompt special diet (low phenylalanine and natural-protein restricted diets) are essential to the treatment. The lack of data concerning phenylalanine contents of processed foodstuffs is an additional limitation for an already very restrictive diet. Our goals were to quantify protein (Kjeldahl method) and amino acid (18) content (HPLC/fluorescence) in 16 dishes specifically conceived for phenylketonuric patients, and compare the most relevant results with those of several international food composition databases. As might be expected, all the meals contained low protein levels (0.67–3.15 g/100 g) with the highest ones occurring in boiled rice and potatoes. These foods also contained the highest amounts of phenylalanine (158.51 and 62.65 mg/100 g, respectively). In contrast to the other amino acids, it was possible to predict phenylalanine content based on protein alone. Slight deviations were observed when comparing results with the different food composition databases.
Nutritional management is essential for Phenylketonuria (PKU) treatment, consisting in a semi-synthetic and low phenylalanine (Phe) diet, which includes strictly controlled amounts of low protein natural foods (essentially fruits and vegetables) supplemented with Phe-free protein substitutes and dietetic low-protein products. PKU diet has to be carefully planned, providing the best ingredient combinations, so that patients can achieve good metabolic control and an adequate nutritional status. Hereupon, it is mandatory to know the detailed composition of natural and/or cooked foodstuffs prepared specifically for these patients. We intended to evaluate sixteen dishes specifically prepared for PKU patients, regarding the nutritional composition, Phe and tyrosine (Tyr) contents, fatty acids profile, and vitamins E and B12 amounts. The nutritional composition of the cooked samples was 15.5–92.0 g/100 g, for moisture; 0.7–3.2 g/100 g, for protein; 0.1–25.0 g/100 g, for total fat; and 5.0–62.0 g/100 g, for total carbohydrates. Fatty acids profile and vitamin E amount reflected the type of fat used. All samples were poor in vitamin B12 (0.3–0.8 μg/100 g). Boiled rice presented the highest Phe content: 50.3 mg/g of protein. These data allow a more accurate calculation of the diet portions to be ingested by the patients according to their individual tolerance.
Among aminoacidopathies, phenylketonuria (PKU) is the most prevalent one. Early diagnosis in the neonatal period with a prompt nutritional therapy (low natural-protein and phenylalanine diet, supplemented with phenylalanine-free amino acid mixtures and special low-protein foods) remains the mainstay of the treatment. Data considering nutrient contents of cooked dishes is lacking. In this study, fourteen dishes specifically prepared for PKU individuals were analysed, regarding the lipid profile and iron and zinc contents. These dishes are poor sources of essential nutrients like Fe, Zn or n-3 fatty acids, reinforcing the need for adequate supplementation to cover individual patients’ needs. This study can contribute to a more accurate adjustment of PKU diets and supplementation in order to prevent eventual nutritional deficiencies. This study contributes to a better understanding of nutrient intake from PKU patients’ meals, showing the need for dietary supplementation.
Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão Integrada da Qualidade, Ambiente e Segurança
Dairy foods comprise a range of products with varying nutritional content. The intake of dairy products (DPs) has been shown to have beneficial effects on body weight and body fat. This study aimed to examine the independent association between DP intake, body mass index (BMI), and percentage body fat (%BF) in adolescents. A cross-sectional, school-based study was conducted with 1,001 adolescents (418 boys), ages 15–18 years, from the Azorean Archipelago, Portugal. Anthropometric measurements were recorded (weight and height), and %BF was assessed using bioelectric impedance analysis. Adolescent food intake was measured using a self-administered, semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire. Data were analyzed separately for girls and boys, and separate multiple linear regression analysis was used to estimate the association between total DP, milk, yogurt, and cheese intake, BMI, and %BF, adjusting for potential confounders. For boys and girls, respectively, total DP consumption was 2.6 ± 1.9 and 2.9 ± 2.5 servings/day (P = 0.004), while milk consumption was 1.7 ± 1.4 and 2.0 ± 1.7 servings/day (P = 0.001), yogurt consumption was 0.5 ± 0.6 and 0.4 ± 0.7 servings/day (P = 0.247), and cheese consumption was 0.4 ± 0.6 and 0.5 ± 0.8 servings/day (P = 0.081). After adjusting for age, birth weight, energy intake, protein, total fat, sugar, dietary fiber, total calcium intake, low-energy reporters, parental education, pubertal stage, and physical activity, only milk intake was negatively associated with BMI and %BF in girls (respectively, girls: β = −0.167, P = 0.013; boys: β = −0.019, P = 0.824 and girls: β = −0.143, P = 0.030; boys: β = −0.051, P = 0.548). Conclusion: We found an inverse association between milk intake and both BMI and %BF only in girls.
Diarrheagenics Escherichia coli are the major agents involved in diarrheal disease in developing countries. The aim of this study was to evaluate the time of appearance of the first asymptomatic infection by the different categories of diarrheagenic E. coli in 44 children since their birth and during the first 20 months of their lives. In all of the children studied, we detected at least one category of diarrheagenic E. coli through the 20 months of the study. 510 diarrheagenic E. coli (33.5%) were obtained from the 1,524 samples collected from the 44 children during the time of the study (31.4% EAggEC, 28.8% EPEC, 27.1% DAEC, and 12.7% ETEC). Neither EHEC nor EIEC were identified. The median age for diarrheagenic E. coli colonization was 7.5 months. The mean weaning period was 12.8 months and the mean age for introduction of mixed feeding (breast fed supplemented) was 3.8 months. A significantly lower incidence of diarrheal disease and asymptomatic infections was recorded among the exclusively breast-fed rather than in the supplemented and non breast-fed infants. For ETEC, EPEC and EAggEC the introduction of weaning foods and complete termination of breast-feeding were associated with an increase of asymptomatic infections.
Este documento especifica o trabalho realizado no estágio, que decorreu na Colquímica, sediada em Valongo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo colaborar no desenvolvimento de uma cola com características biodegradáveis. O estágio foi orientado pela Engenheira Cristina Frutuoso, no que diz respeito à orientação por parte da Colquímica, e pelo Professor Dr. Gilberto Pinto e Alfredo Crispim, ISEP. O trabalho foi dividido em duas instâncias, sendo a primeira direcionada para a formulação de uma cola com características biodegradáveis e a segunda para a realização do teste de Sturm, um teste de biodegradabilidade capaz de quantificar a quantidade de CO2 produzido pelo processo de biodegradação. Inicialmente foram desenvolvidas e estudadas dez formulações através das variações de resinas e óleo plastificante e estudado o seu comportamento reológico relacionado à variação de viscosidade em função da temperatura. Com base nos resultados obtidos verificou-se que a melhor formulação seria a A8. Estudaram-se as propriedades mecânicas da formulação escolhida e decidiu-se que esta estaria apta a ser usada no fecho de caixas de cartão de produtos ultra congelados assim como no fecho de caixas de cartão de detergentes em pó com peso até 3 Kg. Depois de escolhida a formulação deu-se início ao teste de Sturm, teste meramente orientativo. Durante dezassete dias avaliou-se a quantidade de CO2 produzida durante o processo de biodegradação. Após avaliação dos resultados verificou-se que a taxa de biodegradação para a amostra foi de 0,055 g de CO2. Com a finalidade de confirmar os resultados obtidos no teste de Sturm foi efetuada uma réplica do ensaio, a qual se encontra a decorrer sendo os resultados facultados, posteriormente, à empresa.
Laboratory investigation of botulism from 1982 to 2001 confirmed the occurrence of eight positive outbreaks/cases of botulism in Brazil. From those, type A botulism was observed in seven of them. Biological material of one case (serum and feces) was positive in the first step of the bioassay, but the amount of sample was not sufficient for typification. One of the outbreaks that occurred in 2001 was negative for botulinum toxin in samples of serum, gastric washing and feces, collected eight days before the onset of the symptoms in the affected person who was clinically diagnosed as presenting the disease. Other two cases presenting compatible clinical diagnoses presented negative results. However, in those cases, the collection of samples was (1) after antiserum administration or (2) later than eight days of the onset of symptoms. Investigation was performed by mouse bioassay, as described in the Compendium of Methods for the Microbiological Examination of Foods (compiled by American Public Health Association - APHA)11, using specific antiserum from Centers for Disease Control (CDC), USA.
272 isolates of Salmonella Enteritidis (111 isolated from frozen broiler chicken carcasses, 126 from human food and other biological materials involved in food poisoning outbreaks and 35 from different poultry materials) were selected for phage typing. From these, 111 were phage typed, 57.65% being classified as phage type 4, 32.43% as phage type 4a, 3.60% as phage type 6a and 0.90% as phage type 7, whereas 5.40% samples were not phage typeable. The predominance of phage type 4 is in agreement with the results published worldwide, and reinforces the need for studies related to the epidemiological meaning of these findings.
RESUMO Nos países industrializados observam-se elevadas prevalências de pré- obesidade e obesidade em jovens e adolescentes, com consequências negativas para a saúde. A obesidade é apontada como o distúrbio nutricional mais frequente em crianças e adolescentes nos países desenvolvidos e é resultado da acumulação excessiva ou anormal de gordura no tecido adiposo. Segundo a I.O.T.F. considera- se que uma criança tem pré-obesidade quando o seu percentil de I.M.C. está entre o p88 e p99 para as raparigas e entre o p90 e o p99 para os rapazes. Considerase que tem obesidade quando o percentil de I.M.C. é superior ao p99, para ambos os sexos. A prevalência de pré-obesidade e obesidade em crianças e adolescentes tem vindo a aumentar a nível mundial a um ritmo alarmante, sobretudo nos países desenvolvidos e em alguns segmentos de países em desenvolvimento. Estudos demonstram que a obesidade em crianças e adolescentes se encontra fortemente correlacionada com o aumento da morbilidade e mortalidade, reflectindo-se numa variedade de situações patológicas com risco de persistência no adulto. Dada a sua extrema importância em termos de Saúde Pública, as tendências para a pré- obesidade e obesidade em crianças e adolescentes devem ser monitorizadas com especial atenção. Os hábitos alimentares e o gasto energético são factores que influenciam a obesidade e o seu controlo. Há estudos que concluem que existe uma associação directa entre estes factos e a presença de obesidade e outros apresentam conclusões contrárias. Pretendeu-se determinar a prevalência de excesso de peso (pré-obesidade e obesidade) infantojuvenil em Portugal e associá-la com os hábitos alimentares, actividade física e comportamentos sedentários dos adolescentes. A população em estudo é todos os adolescentes, de ambos os sexos, que frequentam o ensino básico (2º e 3º ciclos) e secundário oficial de Portugal Continental (n=5708). Todos os elementos em estudos foram avaliados antropometricamente (peso e altura) e responderam a um questionário de hábitos alimentares e frequência alimentar, actividade física e comportamentos sedentários. Como resultados do estudo verificou-se que a prevalência de pré- obesidade infanto-juvenil em Portugal é de 22,6% e a prevalência de obesidade de 7,8%. Quer a obesidade quer a pré-obesidade apresentam indicadores superiores nos rapazes (p=0,01) e nos adolescentes mais jovens (p=0,00). Em relação aos hábitos alimentares estudados é de referir que a frequência de consumo de refeições fora de casa é muito similar entre o grupo normoponderal e o grupo com excesso de peso sendo a refeição da ceia consumida por um número muito superior de adolescentes normoponderais comparativamente com os que apresentam excesso de peso (p=0,01). Em relação à ingestão de determinados alimentos ou grupos alimentícios, verificou-se que, regra geral, o consumo de alimentos de características nutricionais de baixa qualidade (gordura saturada, sal e açucares simples) era superior no grupo normoponderal comparativamente ao grupo com excesso de peso (refrigerantes, snacks, fast-food, cereais açucarados, sobremesas doces) (p<0,05). Em relação à actividade física, o número de horas semanais de actividade física diminui do grupo normoponderal para o grupo com excesso de peso. Dentro do grupo com excesso de peso, os obesos apresentam ainda uma média inferior em relação aos pré-obesos. Poderemos afirmar que quanto maior o índice de actividade física menor o percentil de I.M.C., mostrando-se assim a actividade física como um factor protector de um peso saudável (p<0,05). Quando solicitado que caracterizassem o estilo de vida e a habilidade desportiva, verificou-se que nos grupos com excesso de peso se caracterizavam em indicadores mais baixos do que os normoponderais (p<0,05). No que diz respeito aos comportamentos sedentários, verifica-se que são mais prevalentes nos grupos com excesso de peso do que no grupo normoponderal (p<0,05). Em conclusão, os resultados da prevalência de obesidade obtidos assemelham-se aos resultados obtidos noutros estudos, constituindo um dado revelador de uma situação bastante preocupante em termos de Saúde Pública. Em relação aos hábitos alimentares as diferenças não são significativas entre os diferentes grupos (normoponderal, pré-obesidade e obesidade). A actividade física apresentou-se como um factor protector do aumento de peso com uma associação directa com o estado nutricional (I.M.C.). Verificou-se que os adolescentes em Portugal que apresentavam indicadores mais elevados de actividade física eram aqueles que se encontravam com peso normal. Os comportamentos sedentários apresentaram-se como um factor propício ao desenvolvimento do excesso de peso estando directamente relacionados com o percentil de I.M.C. Os comportamentos sedentários mais frequentes são o visionamento televisivo e o computador/internet. Assim, poder-se-á fundamentar a necessidade de medidas interventivas a este nível com o intuito de controlar os indicadores encontrados. ABSTRACT In the industrialized countries high prevalences of pre-obesity and obesity are observed in youngsters and adolescents, with negative health consequences. Obesity is pointed as the most frequent nutritional disturbance in children and adolescents in developed countries and results from the excessive or abnormal accumulation of fat in the adipose tissue. According to the IOTF a child is pre-obese when the BMI percentile is between p88 and p99 for girls and between p90 and p99 for boys. Obesity is considered when the BMI percentile is above p99 for both sexes. The prevalence of pre-obesity and obesity in children and adolescents has been rising alarmingly worldwide, especially in developed countries and some segments of developing countries. Studies indicate that obesity in children and adolescents is strongly associated with increased morbidity and mortality resulting in a variety of pathological situations with risk of persistence in adulthood. Given its major Public Health importance, pre-obesity and obesity trends in children and adolescents should be monitored with special attention. Eating habits and energy expenditure are factors that influence obesity and its control. Some studies conclude that there is a direct association between these factors and the presence of obesity and others present opposite conclusions. It was intended to determine the prevalence of overweight (pre-obesity and obesity) in children and youth in Portugal and to associate it with eating habits, physical activity and sedentary behaviors of adolescents. The population in study is constituted by all adolescents of both sexes that attend basic (2nd and 3rd grade) and secondary official education of continental Portugal (n=5708). All participants in study were anthropometrically evaluated (weight and height) and answered a questionnaire of eating habits and food frequency, physical activity and sedentary behaviors. The study results indicate a prevalence of pre-obesity in children and youth in Portugal of 22.6% and a prevalence of obesity of 7.8%. Both obesity and pre-obesity present higher indicators in boys (p=0.01) and younger adolescents (p=0.00). In relation to the studied eating habits it should be noted that the frequency of consumption of meals away from home is very similar between the normal weight group and the overweight group. Moreover, the supper meal is consumed by a much larger number of normal weight adolescents as compared to the ones with overweight (p=0.01). Regarding the intake of certain foods or food groups, it was found that, in general, the consumption of foods with characteristics of low nutritional quality (saturated fat, salt and simple sugars) was higher in the normoponderal group compared with the overweight group (soft drinks, snacks, fast-food, sugary cereals, desserts) (p<0.05). In respect to physical activity, the number of weekly hours of physical activity decreases from the normoponderal group to the group with overweight. Within the group with overweight, obese subjects also present a lower average than pre-obese subjects. As we can affirm that the higher the physical activity index the lower the BMI percentile, physical activity appears as a protective factor for a healthy weight (p<0.05). When they were asked to characterize their lifestyle and sports ability, it was found that overweight groups characterized themselves with lower indicators than the normoponderal group (p<0.05). Regarding sedentary behaviors, it appears that they were more prevalent in groups with overweight than in the normoponderal group (p<0.05). In conclusion, the results of the obesity prevalence attained are similar to the results obtained in other studies, revealing a very worrying situation in terms of Public Health. In relation to the eating habits there were no significant differences between the groups (normoponderal, pre-obesity and obesity). Physical activity appears as a protective factor from weight gain with a direct association with nutritional status (BMI). It was found that young people in Portugal who had the highest indicators of physical activity were those who presented normal weight. The sedentary behaviors were presented as a factor conducive to the development of overweight being directly related to the BMI percentile. The most frequent sedentary behaviors were television viewing and computer/internet
Since there are no studies evaluating the participation of the complement system (CS) in Jorge Lobo's disease and its activity on the fungus Lacazia loboi, we carried out the present investigation. Fungal cells with a viability index of 48% were obtained from the footpads of BALB/c mice and incubated with a pool of inactivated serum from patients with the mycosis or with sterile saline for 30 min at 37 ºC. Next, the tubes were incubated for 2 h with a pool of noninactivated AB+ serum, inactivated serum, serum diluted in EGTA-MgCl2, and serum diluted in EDTA. The viability of L. loboi was evaluated and the fungal suspension was cytocentrifuged. The slides were submitted to immunofluorescence staining using human anti-C3 antibody. The results revealed that 98% of the fungi activated the CS by the alternative pathway and no significant difference in L. loboi viability was observed after CS activation. In parallel, frozen histological sections from 11 patients were analyzed regarding the presence of C3 and IgG by immunofluorescence staining. C3 and IgG deposits were observed in the fungal wall of 100% and 91% of the lesions evaluated, respectively. The results suggest that the CS and immunoglobulins may contribute to the defense mechanisms of the host against L. loboi.
BACKGROUND: Prospective testing for posttransplant circulating anti-HLA antibodies seems to be a critical noninvasive tool, but confirmatory data are lacking. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Over the last 3 years, peritubular capillary (PTC) C4d deposition was prospectively sought by an immunofluorescence technique applied to frozen tissue in biopsies obtained for allograft dysfunction. Screening for circulating anti-HLA class I/II alloantibodies (AlloAb) by the flow cytometric test was performed simultaneously. RESULTS: We evaluated 132 sets of biopsies and simultaneous serum samples. PTC C4d deposition was demonstrated in 15.9% (21/132) of biopsies. Circulating anti-HLA I/II AlloAb were detected in 25% (33/132) of serum samples. Employing receiver-operator characteristic (ROC) curves for all C4d-positive biopsies, screening for AlloAb showed a global specificity of 82% and sensitivity of 61.9%. When this analysis was restricted to biopsies obtained in the first month posttransplantation, the sensitivity increased to 81.8%, but the specificity decreased to 76.9%. After the first month posttransplantation, we observed sensitivity of 40.0% and a specificity of 86.4%. In the first month posttransplantation, all patients with a diagnosis of acute antibody-mediated rejection displayed circulating anti-HLA class I/II, but not always at the same time as the C4d-positive biopsy. CONCLUSIONS: In the first month posttransplantation, prospective monitoring of anti-HLA antibodies may be useful. The high sensitivity allows the identification of patients at risk, affording an earlier diagnosis of antibody-mediated rejection. After the first month, the test can be used to evaluate allograft dysfunction episodes, since positivity is highly suggestive of an antibody-mediated process.
OBJECTIVES: Evaluate the sensitivity/specificity of immunoperoxidase method in comparison with the standard immunofluorescence. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Retrospective review of 87 biopsies made for allograft dysfunction. Immunofluorescence (IF) was performed in frozen allograft biopsies using monoclonal antibody anti-C4d from Quidel®. The indirect immunoperoxidase (IP) technique was performed in paraffin-embebbed tissue with polyclonal antiserum from Serotec®. Biopsies were independently evaluated by two nephropathologist according Banff 2007 classification. RESULTS: By IF, peritubular C4d deposition were detected in 60 biopsies and absent in 27 biopsies. The evaluation of biopsy by IP was less precise due to the presence of background and unspecific staining. We find 13.8% (12/87) of false negative and Banff classification concordance in 79.3% (69/87) of cases (table1). The ROC curve study reveal a specificity of 100% and sensitivity of 80.0 % of IP method in relation to the gold standard (area under curve:0.900; 95% Confidence interval :0.817-0.954; p=0.0001). Banff Classification C4d Cases Immunofluorescence Immunoperoxidase n =87 Diffuse Negative 3 (3.4%) Focal Negative 9 (10.3%) Negative Negative 27 (31.0%) Diffuse Diffuse 33 (37.9%) Focal Focal 9 (10.3%) Diffuse Focal 6 (6.9%) CONCLUSION: The IP method presents a good specificity, but lesser sensitivity to C4d detection in allograft dysfunction. The evaluation is more difficult, requiring more experience of the observer than IF method. If frozen tissue is unavailable, the use of IP for C4d detection is acceptable.
No vector transmitted cases of Chagas disease had been notified in the state of São Paulo since the 1970s. However, in March, 2006, the death of a six-year-old boy from the municipality of Itaporanga was notified to the Center for Epidemiological Survey of the São Paulo State Health Secretariat: an autochthonous case of acute Chagas disease. The postmortem histopathological examination performed in the Hospital das Clínicas of the Botucatu School of Medicine confirmed the diagnosis. Reference to hospital records, consultation with the health professionals involved in the case and interviews with members of the patient's family supplied the basis for this study. We investigated parasite route of transmission, probable local reservoirs and vectors. No further human cases of acute Chagas disease were diagnosed. No locally captured vectors or reservoirs were found infected with Trypanosoma cruzi. Alternative transmission hypotheses - such as the possible ingestion of foods contaminated with vector excreta - are discussed, as well as the need to keep previously endemic regions and infested houses under close surveillance. Clinicians should give due attention to such signs as uni- or bilateral palpebral edema, cardiac failure, myocarditis, pericarditis, anasarca and atypical signs of nephrotic syndrome or nephritis and consider the diagnostic hypothesis of Chagas disease.
Aim: To characterise clinically the patients with C4d in peritubular capillaries deposits (C4dPTCD) and/or circulating anti-HLA class I/II alloantibodies. To determine the correlation between positive C4dPTCD and circulating anti-HLA class I/II alloantibodies during episodes of graft dysfunction. Subjects and Methods: C4d staining was performed in biopsies with available frozen tissue obtained between January 2004 and December 2006. The study was prospective from March 2005, when a serum sample was obtained at the time of biopsy to detect circulating anti-HLA class I/II alloantibodies. Results: We studied 109 biopsies in 86 cadaver renal transplant patients. Sixteen of these (14.7%) presented diffuse positive C4dPTCD. There was a 13.5% rate of +C4dPTCD incidence within the first six months of transplantation and 16% after six months (p>0.05). Half of the +C4dPTCD in the first six months was associated with acute humoral rejection. After six months, the majority of +C4dPTCD (n=7/8) was present in biopsies with evidence of interstitial fibrosis/tubular atrophy and/or transplant glomerulopathy. The C4dPTCD was more frequent in patients with positive anti-HCV antibodies(p<0.0001), a previous renal transplant (p=0.007), and with a panel reactivity antibody (PRA) ≥ 50%(p=0.0098). The anti-HCV+ patients had longer time on dialysis (p=0.0019) and higher PRA(p=0.005). Circulating anti-HLA I/II alloantibodies were screened in 46 serum samples. They were positive in 10.9% of samples, all obtained after six months post transplant. Circulating alloantibodies were absent in 92.5% of the C4d negative biopsies. Conclusion: We found an association between the presence of C4dPTCD and 2nd transplant recipients,higher PRA and the presence of anti-HCV antibodies. The presence of HCV antibodies is not a risk factor for C4dPTCD per se, but appears to reflect longer time on dialysis and presensitisation. In renal dysfunction a negative alloantibody screening is associated with a reduced risk of C4dPTCD (<10%).