960 resultados para Fluorescent screens.
Nonlinear optical nanocrystals have been recently introduced as a promising alternative to fluorescent probes for multiphoton microscopy. We present for the first time a complete survey of the properties of five nanomaterials (KNbO(3), LiNbO(3), BaTiO(3), KTP, and ZnO), describing their preparation and stabilization and providing quantitative estimations of their nonlinear optical response. In the light of their prospective use as biological and clinical markers, we assess their biocompatibility on human healthy and cancerous cell lines. Finally, we demonstrate the great potential for cell imaging of these inherently nonlinear probes in terms of optical contrast, wavelength flexibility, and signal photostability.
Viruses have evolved strategies to overcome the antiviral effects of the host at different levels. Besides specific defence mechanisms, the host responds to viral infection via the interferon pathway and also by RNA interference (RNAi). However, several viruses have been identified that suppress RNAi. We addressed the question of whether hepatitis C virus (HCV) suppresses RNAi, using cell lines constitutively expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) and inducibly expressing HCV proteins. It was found that short interfering RNA-mediated GFP gene silencing was inhibited when the entire HCV polyprotein was expressed. Further studies showed that HCV structural proteins, and in particular envelope protein 2 (E2), were responsible for this inhibition. Co-precipitation assays demonstrated that E2 bound to Argonaute-2 (Ago-2), a member of the RNA-induced silencing complex, RISC. Thus, HCV E2 that interacts with Ago-2 is able to suppress RNAi.
Abstract: Light is a very important environmental cue for plants. In addition to the energy for photosynthesis, it also provides information that is essential for many processes including seed germination, seedlings development, neighbours detection or transition from the vegetative to the reproductive state. Plants evolved different photoreceptors, among which the phytochromes (PHY), which are red/far-red photoreceptors. This family is composed of 5 members in Arabidopsis thaliana, among which phyB plays the major role for detection of red light. Phytochromes are also able to reset the phase of the circadian clock, which is composed of a complicated network of genes able to produce rhythms of about 24 hours, even in constant conditions. SRR1 (Sensitivity to Red light Reduced) is a gene that was shown to act in the phyB pathway as well as in the circadian clock. It was proposed to play a role in the maintenance of rhythms of the core oscillator because of the circadian phenotype of the srr1 mutant in constant light and in constant darkness. In the present study, we present data confirming the role of SRR1 in the core oscillator. Moreover, we show that SRR1 levels are not limiting for circadian rhythms nor for light perception. We show that the protein levels, the sub-cellular localisation or the complex in which SRR1 is found are not regulated in a circadian manner. Orthologues of SRR1 exist in numerous eukaryotes, forming a new gene family. None of the members of this family have been described. Here, we present data suggesting that the mouse orthologue of SRR1 may not be required for oscillation of the circadian clock of mouse cells in culture. The yeast gene (called BER1 for Benomyl REsistant) was studied to understand the biochemical function of this gene family. Based on synthetic genetic screens, a role of Ber1 was inferred in microtubules dynamics, N-terminal acetylation of protein and proteasome biogenesis. The effect of Ber1 on microtubules was confirmed by the observation that the ber1Δ mutant is more resistant to microtubule-depolymerising drugs and microscopic examination of microtubules in ber 1 Δ mutants. Complementation assays of ber1 Δ mutants and srrl mutants failed to reveal any obvious functional conservation of the mouse, yeast and Arabidopsis orthologues. In conclusion, the SRR1 family might encode genes that either plays different roles in different organisms, or have similar biochemical function but are involved in diverse pathway. Résumé: La lumière est un des facteurs abiotiques les plus important pour les plantes. En plus de l'énergie fournie pour la photosynthèse, elle fourni également de l'information nécessaire pour différents processus comme la germination, le développement des jeunes plantules, la détection de plantes avoisinantes ou encore la transition entre le développement végétatif et reproductif. Plusieurs types de photorécepteurs sont apparus chez les plantes au cours de l'évolution, notamment les phytochromes (PHI, qui perçoivent la lumière rouge et rouge lointaine. Cette famille est composé de 5 membres chez Arabidopsis thaliana, parmi lesquels phyB est le principal récepteur pour la lumière rouge. Les phytochromes sont aussi utiles pour la synchronisation entre les cycles jour-nuit dus à la rotation de la terre et l'horloge circadienne. Cette dernière est composée d'un réseau compliqué qui permet la production de rythmes capables de perdurer même en conditions constantes. SRRI (Sensitivity to Red light Reduced) est un gène qui agit dans la voie de signalisation de phyB ainsi que dans l'horloge circadienne. Il a été proposé que SRRI joue un rôle dans la maintenance des rythmes de l'oscillateur principal à cause des phénotypes circadiens du mutant srrl observés en lumière et en obscurité continue. Dans ce travail, nous présentons des données confirmant le rôle de SRR1 dans l'oscillateur principal. Nous montrons que les niveaux d'expression de SRRI ne sont pas limitants pour les rythmes circadiens ou la perception de la lumière. Enfin, nous montrons que le niveau d'accumulation de la protéine, sa localisation subcellulaire ou encore la taille du complexe dans lequel SRRl est trouvé ne sont pas régulés de façon circadiennes. Des orthologues de SRRI existent chez de nombreux eucaryotes, formant une nouvelle famille de gènes. Aucun des membres de cette famille n'a été étudié avant ce travail. Nous présentons des données suggérant que l'orthologue de la souris n'est peut-être pas requis pour les oscillations de l'horloge circadienne de cellules de souris en culture. Le gène de la levure (appelé SERI pour Benomyl REsistant) a été étudié afin de mieux comprendre la fonction biochimique de cette famille de gène. Une analyse par crible synthétique léthal a révélé un rôle de Ber1 dans la dynamique des microtubules, l'acétylation des protéines en N-terminal et la biogenèse du protéasome. L'effet de Ber1 sur les microtubules a été confirmé par l'observation du mutant ber1 en présence de drogue capable de dépolymériser les microtubules. Celui-ci est plus résistant à ces drogues que le type sauvage. Des expériences de complémentation n'ont pas montré de conservation de la fonction entre SRRI et ses homologues de souris ou de levure. En conclusion, la famille SRRI code pour des gènes qui pourraient avoir soit des rôles différents selon les organismes, soit la même fonction biochimique mais qui serait utile pour des voies de signalisation différentes.
The goal of adoptive T cell therapy in cancer is to provide effective antitumor immunity by transfer of selected populations of tumor Ag-specific T cells. Transfer of T cells with high TCR avidity is critical for in vivo efficacy. In this study, we demonstrate that fluorescent peptide/MHC class I multimeric complexes incorporating mutations in the alpha3 domain (D227K/T228A) that abrogate binding to the CD8 coreceptor can be used to selectively isolate tumor Ag-specific T cells of high functional avidity from both in vitro expanded and ex vivo T cell populations. Sorting, cloning, and expansion of alpha3 domain mutant multimer-positive CD8 T cells enabled rapid selection of high avidity tumor-reactive T cell clones. Our results are relevant for ex vivo identification and isolation of T cells with potent antitumor activity for adoptive T cell therapy.
We present a compact portable biosensor to measure arsenic As(III) concentrations in water using Escherichia coli bioreporter cells. Escherichia coli expresses green fluorescent protein in a linearly dependent manner as a function of the arsenic concentration (between 0 and 100 μg/L). The device accommodates a small polydimethylsiloxane microfluidic chip that holds the agarose-encapsulated bacteria, and a complete optical illumination/collection/detection system for automated quantitative fluorescence measurements. The device is capable of sampling water autonomously, controlling the whole measurement, storing and transmitting data over GSM networks. We demonstrate highly reproducible measurements of arsenic in drinking water at 10 and 50 μg/L within 100 and 80 min, respectively.
Adenovirus-mediated gene transfer into selected liver segments using a vascular exclusion technique.
Adenovirus-mediated gene therapy is hampered by severe virus-related toxicity, especially to the liver. The aim of the present study was to test the ability of a vascular exclusion technique to achieve transgene expression within selected liver segments, thus minimizing both viral and transgene product toxicity to the liver. An E1-E3-deleted replication-deficient adenovirus expressing a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter gene was injected into the portal vein of BDIX rats, with simultaneous clamping of the portal vein tributaries to liver segments II, III, IV, V, and VIII. GFP expression and inflammatory infiltrate were measured in the different segments of the liver and compared with those of the livers of animals receiving the viral vector in the portal vein without clamping. The GFP expression was significantly higher in the selectively perfused segments of the liver as compared with the non-perfused segments (p < 0.0001) and with the livers of animals that received the vector in the portal vein without clamping (p < 0.0001). Accordingly, the inflammatory infiltrate was more intense in the selectively perfused liver segments as compared with all other groups (p < 0.0001). Fluorescence was absent in lungs and kidneys and minimal in spleen. The clinical usefulness of adenovirus-mediated gene transfer to the liver largely depends on the reduction of its liver toxicity. Clamping of selected portal vein branches during injection allows for delivery of genes of interest to targeted liver segments. Transgene expression confined to selected liver segments may be useful in the treatment of focal liver diseases, including metastases.
Host genome studies are increasingly available for the study of infectious disease susceptibility. Current technologies include large-scale genotyping, genome-wide screens such as transcriptome and silencing (silencing RNA) studies, and increasingly, the possibility to sequence complete genomes. These approaches are of interest for the study of individuals who remain uninfected despite documented exposure to human immunodeficiency virus type 1. The main limitation remains the ascertainment of exposure and establishing large cohorts of informative individuals. The pattern of enrichment for CCR5 Δ32 homozygosis should serve as the standard for assessing the extent to which a given cohort (of white subjects) includes a large proportion of exposed uninfected individuals.
Longitudinal studies on the kinetics of viral antigen specific CD8 T cell responses have led to a model whereby a relatively small subset of the primary effector CD8 T cells expanding after the first week of acute viral infection initiate a program of cell survival and differentiation into long lived memory T cells. These T cells are then critical for maintaining protective immunity to subsequent viral infection. Recent observations, using fluorescent tetramers of the MHC class Ib molecule TL, link transient expression of CD8alphaalpha homodimers on expanding primary effector CD8 T cells to the generation of memory cells. At present it is controversial what the role of CD8alphaalpha is in the generation of memory CD8 T cells. The involvement of the high affinity CD8alphaalpha ligand, the TL molecule, is not understood either. However, evidence from two viral infection models in mice, including one paper in this issue of the European Journal of Immunology, suggest a role for CD8alphaalpha in this process and call for additional research focus into these issues.
BACKGROUND: The yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe is frequently used as a model for studying the cell cycle. The cells are rod-shaped and divide by medial fission. The process of cell division, or cytokinesis, is controlled by a network of signaling proteins called the Septation Initiation Network (SIN); SIN proteins associate with the SPBs during nuclear division (mitosis). Some SIN proteins associate with both SPBs early in mitosis, and then display strongly asymmetric signal intensity at the SPBs in late mitosis, just before cytokinesis. This asymmetry is thought to be important for correct regulation of SIN signaling, and coordination of cytokinesis and mitosis. In order to study the dynamics of organelles or large protein complexes such as the spindle pole body (SPB), which have been labeled with a fluorescent protein tag in living cells, a number of the image analysis problems must be solved; the cell outline must be detected automatically, and the position and signal intensity associated with the structures of interest within the cell must be determined. RESULTS: We present a new 2D and 3D image analysis system that permits versatile and robust analysis of motile, fluorescently labeled structures in rod-shaped cells. We have designed an image analysis system that we have implemented as a user-friendly software package allowing the fast and robust image-analysis of large numbers of rod-shaped cells. We have developed new robust algorithms, which we combined with existing methodologies to facilitate fast and accurate analysis. Our software permits the detection and segmentation of rod-shaped cells in either static or dynamic (i.e. time lapse) multi-channel images. It enables tracking of two structures (for example SPBs) in two different image channels. For 2D or 3D static images, the locations of the structures are identified, and then intensity values are extracted together with several quantitative parameters, such as length, width, cell orientation, background fluorescence and the distance between the structures of interest. Furthermore, two kinds of kymographs of the tracked structures can be established, one representing the migration with respect to their relative position, the other representing their individual trajectories inside the cell. This software package, called "RodCellJ", allowed us to analyze a large number of S. pombe cells to understand the rules that govern SIN protein asymmetry. CONCLUSIONS: "RodCell" is freely available to the community as a package of several ImageJ plugins to simultaneously analyze the behavior of a large number of rod-shaped cells in an extensive manner. The integration of different image-processing techniques in a single package, as well as the development of novel algorithms does not only allow to speed up the analysis with respect to the usage of existing tools, but also accounts for higher accuracy. Its utility was demonstrated on both 2D and 3D static and dynamic images to study the septation initiation network of the yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. More generally, it can be used in any kind of biological context where fluorescent-protein labeled structures need to be analyzed in rod-shaped cells. AVAILABILITY: RodCellJ is freely available under http://bigwww.epfl.ch/algorithms.html, (after acceptance of the publication).
It is well established that Notch signaling plays a critical role at multiple stages of T cell development and activation. However, detailed analysis of the cellular and molecular events associated with Notch signaling in T cells is hampered by the lack of reagents that can unambiguously measure cell surface Notch receptor expression. Using novel rat mAbs directed against the extracellular domains of Notch1 and Notch2, we find that Notch1 is already highly expressed on common lymphoid precursors in the bone marrow and remains at high levels during intrathymic maturation of CD4(-)CD8(-) thymocytes. Notch1 is progressively down-regulated at the CD4(+)CD8(+) and mature CD4(+) or CD8(+) thymic stages and is expressed at low levels on peripheral T cells. Immunofluorescence staining of thymus cryosections further revealed a localization of Notch1(+)CD25(-) cells adjacent to the thymus capsule. Notch1 was up-regulated on peripheral T cells following activation in vitro with anti-CD3 mAbs or infection in vivo with lymphocytic chorio-meningitis virus or Leishmania major. In contrast to Notch1, Notch2 was expressed at intermediate levels on common lymphoid precursors and CD117(+) early intrathymic subsets, but disappeared completely at subsequent stages of T cell development. However, transient up-regulation of Notch2 was also observed on peripheral T cells following anti-CD3 stimulation. Collectively our novel mAbs reveal a dynamic regulation of Notch1 and Notch2 surface expression during T cell development and activation. Furthermore they provide an important resource for future analysis of Notch receptors in various tissues including the hematopoietic system.
RÉSUMÉ : Elucider les bases moléculaires et cellulaires du fonctionnement des cellules souches s'avère crucial dans la compréhension de l'organisation cellulaire au sein des tissus et des organes ainsi que pour le développement de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques en médecine régénérative et en oncologie. Les cellules souches adultes les mieux connues sont celles responsables de l'hématopoïèse, les cellules souches hématopoïétiques (CSH). Durant ces dernières années, la recherche a porté une attention particulière à l'isolation prospective de CSH dérivées de la moelle osseuse de souris en utilisant des marqueurs de surface cellulaire ainsi que des propriétés fonctionnelles alléguées. Par la suite, la capacité fonctionnelle des CSH a été vérifiée classiquement par leur transplantation intraveineuse dans des souris réceptrices conditionnées et par l'analyse de leur aptitude à reconstituer le système hématopoïétique à long terme. Des études récentes suggèrent que la transplantation des cellules directement dans la moelle osseuse pourrait non seulement aboutir à une prise de greffe plus rapide et plus efficace, mais pourrait même aider à l'identification de cellules qui ont certes des propriétés intrinsèques de CSH, mais qui n'ont pas la capacité de trouver leur niche au sein de la moelle osseuse et ont donc échoué dans les analyses classiques de reconstitution. Dans cette étude, nous comparons à deux niveaux la fonction de différents sous-groupes de cellules souches de la moelle osseuse, définis par leur phénotype de surface cellulaire. Premièrement, nous étudions leur capacité à reconstituer des souris létalement irradiées après injection soit intraveineuse soit intrafémorale. Deuxièmement, par analyse cytométrique de flux à 8 couleurs, nous comparons leur activité relative de « side population » (SP) par exclusion du colorant fluorescent Hoechst 33342. Nos résultats préliminaires renforcent en effet l'idée que la transplantation intrafémorale aboutit à une greffe plus rapide et plus efficace. Par contre, en utilisant cette approche, nous n'arrivons pas à identifier des cellules capables de prendre greffe spécifiquement quand elles sont injectées en intrafémorale. Finalement, bien qu'une confirmation in vivo soit encore nécessaire, nous suggérons sur la base de nos analyses cytométriques de flux, que les cellules SP Sca1t~és éie~~ CD48t~és bas sont très enrichies en CSH. Ceci permettrait l'isolation ex vivo de CSH de la moelle osseuse de souris par une stratégie à la fois nouvelle et simple. SUMMARY : Elucidating the molecular and cellular bases of stem cell function is crucial for the understanding of cellular organisation within tissues and organs as well as for the development of new therapeutic strategies in regenerative medicine and oncology. The best-known adult stem cells are those responsible for haematopoiesis, the haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). In recent years, much effort has been put into the prospective isolation of mouse bone marrow (BM)-derived HSCs using cell-surface markers and alleged functional properties. Upon isolation, the functional capacity of putative HSCs has been classically assessed by intravenous transplantation into conditioned recipient mice and analysis of their ability to reconstitute the haematopoietic system at long-term. It has recently been suggested that transplanting the cells directly into the BM might not only result in more rapid and more effective engraftment, but even help to identify cells that have intrinsic HSC properties but lack the ability to home to their BM niche and have thus failed to succeed in classical reconstitution assays. In this study, we compare the function of different BM cell subsets, as defined by their cell surface phenotype, on two levels. Firstly, we assess their ability to reconstitute lethally irradiated mice, when injected either intravenously or intrafemorally. Secondly, using 8-colour flow cytometric analysis, we compare their relative side population (SP) activity by exclusion of the fluorescent dye Hoechst 33342. Our preliminary results indeed reinforce the idea that intrafemoral transplantation results in faster and more effective engraftment, however, using this approach, we are unable to identify cells that are capable of engrafting specifically when injected intrafemorally. Finally, although in vivo confirmation is still required, we propose, based on the results of our flow cytometric analyses, that SP Scat Very h'9h CD48Very'°W cells should be highly enriched for HSCs. This would allow for a simple new strategy for the isolation of mouse BM HSCs ex vivo.
Telomerase is a ribonucleoprotein complex responsible for the maintenance of the length of the telomeres during cell division, which is active in germ-line cells as well as in the vast majority of tumors but not in most normal tissues. The wide expression of the human telomerase catalytic subunit (hTERT) in tumors makes it an interesting candidate vaccine for cancer. hTERT-derived peptide 540-548 (hTERT(540)) has been recently shown to be recognized in an HLA-A*0201-restricted fashion by T cell lines derived from peptide-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from healthy donors. As a first step to the inclusion of this peptide in immunotherapy clinical trials, it is crucial to assess hTERT(540)-specific T cell reactivity in cancer patients as well as the ability of hTERT-specific CD8(+) T lymphocytes to recognize and lyse hTERT-expressing target cells. Here, we have analyzed the CD8(+) T cell response to peptide hTERT(540) in HLA-A*0201 melanoma patients by using fluorescent HLA-A*0201/hTERT(540) peptide tetramers. HLA-A*0201/hTERT(540) tetramer(+) CD8(+) T cells were readily detected in peptide-stimulated PBMC from a significant proportion of patients and could be isolated by tetramer-guided cell sorting. hTERT(540)-specific CD8(+) T cells were able to specifically recognize HLA-A*0201 cells either pulsed with peptide or transiently transfected with a minigene encoding the minimal epitope. In contrast, they failed to recognize hTERT-expressing HLA-A*0201(+) target cells. Furthermore, in vitro proteasome digestion studies revealed inadequate hTERT processing. Altogether, these results raise questions on the use of hTERT(540) peptide for cancer immunotherapy.
Estudi realitzat a partir d’una estada al Institut de Génétique Moléculaire de Montpellier, França, entre 2010 i 2012. En aquest projecte s’ha avaluat les avantatges dels vectors adenovirals canins tipus 2 (CAV2) com a vectors de transferència gènica al sistema nerviós central (SNC) en un model primat no-humà i en un model caní del síndrome de Sly (mucopolisacaridosis tipus 7, MPS VII), malaltia monogènica que cursa amb neurodegeneració. En una primera part del projecte s’ha avaluat la biodistribució, l’eficàcia i la durada de l’expressió del transgen en un model primat no humà, (Microcebus murinus). Com ha vector s’ha utilitzat un CAV2 de primera generació que expressa la proteïna verda fluorescent (CAVGFP). Els resultats aportats en aquesta memòria demostren que en primats no humans, com en d’altres espècies testades anteriorment per l’equip de l’EJ Kremer, la injecció intracerebral de CAV2 resulta en una extensa transducció del SNC, siguent les neurones i els precursors neuronals les cèl•lules preferencialment transduïdes. Els vectors canins, servint-se de vesícules intracel•lulars són transportats, majoritàriament, des de les sinapsis cap al soma neuronal, aquest transport intracel•lular permet una extensa transducció del SNC a partir d’una única injecció intracerebral dels vectors virals. En una segona part d’aquest projecte s’ha avaluat l’ús terapèutic dels CAV2. S’ha injectat un vector helper-dependent que expressa el gen la b-glucuronidasa i el gen de la proteïna verda fluorescent (HD-RIGIE), en el SNC del model caní del síndrome de Sly (MPS VII). La biodistribució i la eficàcia terapèutica han estat avaluades. Els nivells d’activitat enzimàtica en animals malalts injectats amb el vector terapèutic va arribar a valors similars als dels animals no afectes. A més a més s’ha observat una reducció en la quantitat dels GAGs acumulats en les cèl•lules dels animals malalts tractats amb el vector terapèutic, demostrant la potencialitat terapèutica dels CAV2 per a malalties que afecten al SNC. Els resultats aportats en aquest treball ens permeten dir que els CAV2 són unes bones eines terapèutiques per al tractament de malalties que afecten al SNC.
The self-antigen Melan-A/MART-1 is frequently involved in T-cell responses against malignant melanoma. The use of fluorescent tetramers incorporating the immunodominant Melan-A/MART-1 peptide has provided new insights into HLA-A2-restricted T-cell responses against this antigen in cancer patients and in healthy individuals. Direct evidence has been provided that a large Melan-A/MART-1-specific CD8 T-cell pool is generated during thymic selection. Although several other examples of naive self-peptide-specific T-cell repertoires are known, this is the only one directly accessible to analysis in healthy individuals
Ion imaging is a powerful methodology to assess fundamental biological processes in live cells. The limited efficiency of some ion-sensing probes and their fast leakage from cells are important restrictions to this approach. In this study, we present a novel strategy based on the use of dendrimer nanoparticles to obtain better intracellular retention of fluorescent probes and perform prolonged fluorescence imaging of intracellular ion dynamics. A new sodium-sensitive nanoprobe was generated by encapsulating a sodium dye in a PAMAM dendrimer nanocontainer. This nanoprobe is very stable and has high sodium sensitivity and selectivity. When loaded in neurons in live brain tissue, it homogenously fills the entire cell volume, including small processes, and stays for long durations, with no detectable alterations of cell functional properties. We demonstrate the suitability of this new sodium nanosensor for monitoring physiological sodium responses such as those occurring during neuronal activity.