997 resultados para Filtragem colaborativa
Blogging become popular due to its ease of use and publication, which influences the growth of digital information environments. Therefore, studies are needed to optimize the organization of information in the blog, to contribute in its development. Using the direct observation of nonparticipatory, analysis was performed on 6 blogs of university libraries to identify the elements of Information Architecture (IA) that is considered essential and optional for the structural development of a blog. Thus, were conducted planning guidelines for blogs and a model for its evaluation, and were proposed specific elements of IA for blogs, to contribute to the study of Digital Information Architecture.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The current nature of World Wide Web (Web), which highlights the collaborative participation of users in some digital information environments, lead to development of guidelines with a focus on Inclusive Digital Information Architecture for a different audiences in multiples informational ambiences. This research proposes guidelines for a inclusive digital information environment, aiming to identify the elements of accessibility that allow the promotion of inclusion digital information, in order to highlight the references of the Architecture of Digital Information, the international recommendations and the structures representation of information (specially accessibility attributes), with the look of Information Science and New Technologies of Information and Communication. The thesis is as to the need to develop methodologies with guidelines that contemplate the elements of digital accessibility focused on the task of the user. The research problem is that actual methodologies and recommendations used for the development of digital information environments do not cover all the elements of accessibility with a focus on user needs. The proposition is to present, through a methodological approach (exploratory and descriptive), a theoretical-methodological proposal to promote elements of digital accessibility to the development of digital information environments, for users with or without special needs. The overall objective of this study is to contribute to the development of inclusive digital information environments, in perspective of union of theories, recommendations and technologies for the development of digital accessibility guidelines. In a theoretical dimension, the research covers a critical review of the specialized literature in the areas of Information Science and Computer Science and, in the applied part, the analysis and development of a proposal of guidelines for the architecture of a digital information environment with accessibility.
The objective of this research is to analyze the scientific production about „Metric Studies‟. It was used the data base BRAPCI (data base of articles and journals in Information Science) to outline the authors and institutions that produced more. As research procedure it was analyzed the articles with the keywords that represent the area of metric studies such as: Bibliometric, Cientometric, Informetric, Webmetric and Patentometric between 1991 and 2011. It was analyzed the variable in study, building the collaborative network through the software Pajek. From these results, it was possible to delineate the tendencies presented in the scientific community on this subject from the data base BRAPCI.
The present study is the result of joint actions between education, research and outreach that is focused on the training of educators and its implications for the renovation of teaching Mathematics. Its objective is to analyze the attempts to reorganize in mathematics curriculum implemented in the state of São Paulo in the post-64. It makes use of documentary analysis and interviews of teachers for reasons of discussion and conclusions. Situated in the theoretical and methodological context of collaborative research and historical-cultural theory. The research results which shows that mathematical activity is the centrality of the discussion about learning mathematics, which has consequences for the organization, of teaching programs. This is a genesis school thinking that motivates the students to the reconstruction of ideas and thinking a production process in the classroom that considers the conditions of the school, other than the conditions that governs the production of knowledge of mathematical science, which requires thinking about the formation of a teacher epistemologically curious.
This research aimed to identify the scientific production for articles published in its typology of the Post Graduated Program in Information Science, Unesp, Marília. Particularly, it was evaluated co-authored articles written by researcher teachers from the Program and built networks of scientific collaboration and the calculation of some indicators. As research procedure, reports of CAPES evaluation between the years 2001 to 2009 were considered it articles produced in co-authorship. It was built up a network of co-authoring, using the software Pajek, and calculated the indicators of density and centrality of the network, allowing analysis of the intensity of network connectivity and the role of each player individually and the network as a whole. We analyzed the collaborative network in order to visualize the partnerships among the researchers from the three research lines and between them and their collaborators to verify the connection intensity.
To contribute to formation of Childhood Education teachers for the Inclusive Education, this article had as its central objective describe how it was addressed the issue of learning difficulties and the impact of misdiagnosis assigned to a child in the initial phase formal learning of writing, in one of the theoretical-reflective meetings undertaken with 43 teachers for Pre II, of the ten schools of Childhood Education of the state of São Paulo. Such a description was guided through the of the collaborative approach taken subproject “understanding about the clinical diagnosis of dyslexia and its impact on the educational future of children enrolled in classes II Pre Childhood education”, developed as one of the phases and as part of larger project called “depathologization of the learning of the writing and Inclusive Education: Reflections and actions of the professor of Childhood Education”. At the and, was possible the identification by the reports arising from the participation of teachers mentioned, the need to resignification their didactical experiences for the systematization of new actions aimed at coping with learning difficulties that pervade the process of appropriation writing of the students, which may contribute to depathologization of the school environment to the extent that teachers can assist students in building a more positive relationship with writing, rather than adopting rigid and restricted procedures that do not consider the relationship of each subject with writing and the singularities present in this relationship.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The transport market has forced organizations reduce the cost of services and processes, resulting from the highly competitive and, for such waste at all levels and processes are a focus of study for its elimination. This study refers to carrier fractional loads, located in the municipality of Itapecerica da Serra Layout and headquartered in São Paulo, which requires a rapid development throughout its structure, because its expansion was not accompanied by an evolution of effective processes. The need to increase efficiency in delivery with a reduced cost of transport forced the company to hire a logistics consulting to help identify potential bottlenecks in processes, suggest improvements with greater impact and implementation at the end of a critical analysis of results. This work focuses on the Layout of the warehouse shipping area of this organization and we used the method of action research to the consultant and involved could reach this conclusion collaboratively, as well as interviews with those involved in the process and also visual observation. Tools such as Key Performance Indicator, Mapping Workflow, Analytic Hierarchy Process, Applied Statistics and Standard Operating Procedure were used to assist in the identification, analysis and implementation of the proposed improvements
The goal of this work is to report some problems that occur in the in the production of aluminum billets (series 6XXX) produced by the hot top process in the Alcoa aluminum Inc. The aluminum fabrication process is described from its first stage, since the mining until the reduction, smelting and treatment of the metal. One of the plant’s final product, are billets for clients that produce profiles by extrusion. The product’s final quality highly depends on the whole production process. Therefore it’s necessary to use good practices in the treatment of the metal, follow up its fabrication and control its thermal treatment, in order to meet the required standards to satisfy the clients. The billet’s production method and its variables will be detailed through temperature and casting speed, cone of water flow, cooling rate, duration of thermal treatment, degassing and metal “in line “filtering, in other words when it’s still found in its liquid state. The non-conformities of the process were studied by metallographic analysis, both macrostutural and microstructural that will be described and discussed in this work
Este trabalho busca os pontos de intersecção entre a Revolução das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação e a Economia Solidária, que propuseram um cenário novo à produção cultural, utilizando como foco de estudo uma iniciativa de produção cultural em rede colaborativa e autogerida: o Circuito Fora do Eixo. Partindo da influência mútua, a análise demonstra como o paradigma informacional potencializou os princípios solidários, com mudanças que ocorreram no âmbito do trabalho e da produção material, assim como transformações que se estabeleceram nas relações sociais e na subjetividade. E como os princípios solidários intervieram no paradigma informacional, possibilitando a produção de tecnologias abertas
Learning the written language has been the subject of research and study of various sciences in recent decades, in the same way that inclusion in regular education of students with disabilities such as autism, also has been the subject of discussions in the academic and even political. However, it can be observed that these two topics are disjointed, despite the importance of ownership of the system of writing by students with autism, because that would be a way to facilitate social interaction, which is the principal difficulty of this students. This research intend to describe the inclusion process of a student with autism into a common room of the initial years, in a public school, observing which are the strategies used by the teacher in the literacy process, as well as analyze the collaborative process developed by the researcher. The methodology was a qualitative and collaborative research, the kind of case study. The participants were a teacher and her students, from the cycle I of Primary School of a public school, among which, one is diagnosed with autism. The instruments used to the data’s analysis were interviews, with the teacher and the mother of the student with autism; the written productions of the student during the research; camp diary; and the observations made during the research. To the interventions, were used alternative practices, including material production (a mobile alphabet and a album of photos), that make more easy the process of literacy, The results showed the great difficulty in performing the interventions in a collaborative process, considering that in the observations, it was found that the practices of this teacher were traditional, and also there was no planning, on her part, content to be deal with the students. Otherwise, related to the development of the autism student’s written language, it could be seen like a breakthrough, have in...
In a globalized world, organizations face an increasingly dynamic, innovative and competitive environment, so that this condition requires continuous adaptation to market developments. Intense competition requires organizations to further improve their performance, making productive efficiency a key factor for survival. A methodology that has added value to the product through a reconfiguration of the production method is the implementation of a management philosophy called Lean Six Sigma. The main objective of this work is, in the light of the Lean Six Sigma philosophy, intervene in a critical-collaborative way to develop procedures for analyzing the profitability of products in a company specializing in steel processing. To achieve this goal, were applied the method of action-research to intervene in a group of professionals for the study of the profitability of products in a auto parts industry. The interaction of practical and theoretical knowledge provided by the action-research allowed the business program was enhanced. The procedures proposed in this study were able to identify the current profitability of the product, the main causes of inefficiency and productive for solutions to reduce production inefficiencies, when the productive systems planned and actual production system were compared. The results indicate that current profitability of -3%, while the parameter provided during budget was 10%. Thus, it is concluded that the low profitability of the products may compromise the company's financial results and affect their competitiveness in the market. To address this problem, the Lean Six Sigma presents itself as a versatile and high applicability philosophy, providing relevant results for characterization and troubleshooting. It was also observed that the evidence presented in this paper can be adapted to other companies in the metal auto parts segment to identify and recover the profitability of products
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC