848 resultados para Farm real estate
The model of strategic city planning is applied to Latin American and Brazilian cities since the 1990s. Notwithstanding, in many cities, the production of space has not followed the international model stricto sensu, but a variation of the model, here called, strategic city planning without a plan or peripheral (or yet incomplete) urban entrepreneurialism . This seeks to build city attributes in order to qualify cities for the competitive international and/or regional markets. This includes the production of iconic buildings and structures, here called urban icons. They rapidly become symbols in the contemporary city landscape, facilitating the promotions of the city for tourism and business. This also helps produce charismatic leaderships. However, what it does best is to promote real estate development. This dissertation seeks to understand the role of iconic buildings in the promotion of real estate business in Natal, especially how it helps to fuel prices in the market. The research is done by use of interviews with civil servants and private entrepreneurs related to real estate business
We seek consistency empirical and analytical rigor to the concept of touristification in the course of the contemporary arrangements of subjectivity and urbanity stations through a landscape of social (dis)encounters between residents and foreigners living in the capital of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal. In the last three decades the city has become a major destination country for national and international tourism, making tourism an important monitor of choreography in search of synchrony between cities and subjectivities, orchestrated by the cyclical crises and the relentless battle for systemic capitalistic expansion and survival. We proceed with an ethnographic and cartographic inspiration in Ponta Negra, where the waterfront redevelopment in 2000 conducted by the government, influenced the implementation of various establishments, services and practices related to the construction of Natal s major industry hub of tourism and entertainment. We proposed an arch-genealogy of touristification inspared on Michel Foucault analytical perspective, increased by authors in confluence or in different theoretical and methodological approaches, among which stand out Karl Marx, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri. The reflections that initially turned to the advancement of the sphere of consumerism as the issue capable of articulating the developmental trajectory of the capitalist system and the practice of tourism, promoting some effects (un)desirable in the conflictual dynamics of the condition of the district of Ponta Negra, territory each again (re) produces the designs to meet the consumption by affluent portion of the population and foreign, encountering social exclusion and inclusion differentiated a growing trend. We go forward with an analysis of the "liberation of desire" phenomenal features of the process of producing subjective, providing a breakdown of the recent world s financial crisis initially, but proved social and political crisis also, through a plot derived from the operation of real estate speculation, which Natal is mainly caught through touristification, showing the outlines of a generalized crisis in establishing a new order buoyed by the emergence of a context "biopolitical" since it is a major route that uses the capital to survive and expand, while guiding the process of "strategic beautification" held in Ponta Negra, problematized by us. We conclude by assessing the appropriateness of proposing on further analysis to explore the establishment of a "new social ontology in terms of interference touristification ongoing and the constitution of a "new order" local/global, away from that characterize a system's capitalist overcoming, try to give emphasis in the current stage of the radicalization of a capitalistic utopia
The purpose of this paper is to identify how real estate companies from the city of Natal measure their organizational performance. Traditionally these companies measure their performance using financial measures; however, the technological improvement, the internationalization of the economy and the change in consumer behavior all demand better products and services, and other measuring models. Those changes motivate organizations to continually improve the quality of their products and services. In this way, these companies need to associate their financial results to their global performance. Therefore, it is necessary to have organizational performance models that associate financial and non-financial measures to the strategies of the companies. The research also tries to identify which performance indicators are used by these companies, as well as to test a model who questions: a) if there is any relationship between managers´ characteristics and performance measuring systems´ characteristics; b) if there is any relationship between the company s characteristics and the characteristics of the measuring system used to evaluate its organizational performance and c) finally to verify if there is a relationship between the characteristics of the measuring system and the company s performance. The information which served as a basis for the study was obtained through an empirical research, with questionnaires, answered by 66 (sixty six) companies from the city of Natal, capital of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The results show that none of the companies investigated use any of the performance measurement models proposed in the modern literature. However, they use on an isolated way some of the measures those models, including some measures from adopted in the Balanced Scorecard, as well as the benchmarking process, making comparisons with the performance of their competitors. The research also reveals that either bigger companies, companies with more experienced managers or with better performance show better performance measurement systems
This paper analyzes the influence of trade and services in the reconfiguration of urban space in Natal, with the Avenues Bernardo Vieira end Roberto Freire Engineer as privileged analysis. Initially, we discussed the concepts of production and reproduction of urban space, urban centralities, decentralized, services and public policies, especially transport and tourism. Then, we show the construction of urban space from Natal, highlighting the historical formation of the districts of Ribeira, Cidade Alta and Alecrim, pioneers in the service sector, noting that currently there is an ongoing process of decentralization in the city of such activities, to other areas of the urban fabric of Natal. Later, we studied the Avenues Bernardo Vieira to Roberto Freire Engineer, noting, in both the distribution of commercial activities and services, and issues related to transportation, traffic, tourism and socio-economic problems, identified them. Finally, testify that Natal, from the 1980s, underwent a process of decentralization of services, both to the south, and north of the city on the ball. In this process of decentralization we ascertain the role of public policies on transport and tourism, complementing the action of private enterprise, through the real estate market, on Avenue Roberto Freire Engineer.
This dissertation is about new real estate development in the southward expansion area in Natal, Brazil, by use of high-rise condos, so-called club-condominiums. The area includes part of the neighboring municipality, Parnamirim, and focuses on the role played by urban developers in the housing market. The main feature in these condos are common areas filled with leisure equipments, allegedly to grant quality of life, comfort and tranquility to residents. The rapid development of the area takes advantage of large plots of land available as well as of urban infrastructure. Overall preference of middle-class sectors for the South area of Natal (and adjoining part of Parnamirim) is also a factor worth of note. For this reason, this part of the city constitutes one of the preferred areas of urban developers. This dissertation includes a discussion of Henri Lefebvre s production of space, emphasizing its tridimensional features. It draws on David Harvey s works to deal with transformations of the built environment regarding the dynamics of real estate markets; in particular, it considers the idea of creative destruction. Finally, the dissertation discusses the concepts developed by Pedro Abramo regarding the forms of operation by urban entrepreneurs, in particular the concepts of urban convention and spatial innovation. For the empirical work, a number of interviews with key entrepreneurs and civil servants were undertaken. In more general terms, it is worth observing that there is a direct relationship between the location of such developments and the process of spatial fragmentation, seen both as a consequence and a strategy of the way urban developers operate
This dissertation aims to analyze the territory of the new economies and their social implications in the district of Barra do Cunhaú / Canguaretama. We used techniques of qualitative research (document analysis, interviews and observations in situ). It was found that the changes occurring in the territory are linked to the pressures caused by factors internal and external orders, such as the deployment and expansion of projects for development of tourism and shrimp in place, which led to the advancement of real estate speculation and intensification of the deforestation of areas of mangroves along the estuary of the river Curimataú / Cunhaú, contributing to the abandonment of fishing and agriculture for livelihood in this community, therefore, the loss of traditional knowledge applied in the conduct of this activity. It was also found that changes in the use of territory and resources threaten biodiversity and have contributed to the reduction of fish stocks of the Municipality of Canguaretama and thus bar the Cunhaú, especially the stock of crab, Uca (ucides cardatus ). The results indicated that the production in large scale in a market economy, as is the shrimp, ignores the search for balance in regional settings. Thus the environmental disturbances resulting from the shrimp and tourism have consequences for social and cultural aspects, directly affecting the livelihood of the residents of Barra do Cunhaú. Companies of shrimp and related to tourism have absorbed the fishermen who are leaving the fishing activity. However, the low level of education associated with age are factors that make them far outside the framework of employees of these companies. Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions that allow the development of the shrimp and tourism without putting at risk the sustainability of the region
This present work has as its objective the analysis of transformations relating to the production processes in the Southern littoral urban space of the city of João Pessoa PB. The research estimated that the urban space is the product, means and condition of the society which produces it. The object-area of this inquiry is constituted of five districts: Altiplano Cabo Branco, Portal do Sol, Ponta do Seixas, Penha and Costa do Sol. The urban expansion which occurs in this area is characterized by the appearance of sufficient contradictory space phenomenona. On the other hand, the launching of real estate products such as the horizontal closed condominiums, directed towards the upper class, and the occurrence of areas of irregular occupation, inhabited by lower socioeconomic class and with a great lack of infrastructure and basic urban services, revealing the social contradictions. Due to this, processes such as auto-segregation and segregation imposed beyond the precarious and delinquent inclusion, has become the determining characteristic of this part of the city in analysis. The study also takes into account the appreciation of the new urban environmental zoning of Altiplano do Cabo Branco and from this moment on, start the discussion about the tendencies of urban expansion in this area, due to the interests and strategies of the real estate sector and the prominent role of the government in the current valorization process of urban soil of the area. The presence of residuals of agricultural businesses indicates a typical picture of the peri-urban areas configuring what we observe today at the Southern littoral of João Pessoa
This paper aims at analyzing the dynamics of informal housing in Mãe Luiza, in the context of real estate valuation of the city of Natal/RN, which, like any other urban center, has problems related to access to urban land, which increasingly more is appreciated due to their scarcity and, consequently, has led to the segregation of urban spaces. Recently, the informal housing market has received special attention by scholars who wish to discuss the production of space and ways of access to urban land and housing, especially for those disadvantaged by the housing policies of the government where these exist. When talking about the housing market, we are automatically referring to concepts or categories intrinsic to the existing mode of production in our society - the capitalism. Thus, the categories: income, value (use and exchange), commodity, capital, profits and capital gains, along with other important concepts as well as land use (urban) and real estate agents are of great relevance to discussion we intend to do within the context of production space
The broach presented in this dissertation, linked to post graduate Geography´s of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN, more exactly about the research group entitled interdisciplinary studies unit on space and housing built . The research developed through this study has this central theme on vertical grounding of the construction in the neighborhood of ponta negra in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. Realizing this momentum as a way of accumulation of capital in city. Rio Grande do Norte´s city. During the 2000 s , the neighborhood of Ponta Negra went through an intense process of vertical integration of its ground, Provided by many factor of conditions created from new economic, political and social functions which start to be outlined mainly from the tourism development in this neighborhood since the 80´s decade. The Tourism development and the landing planning of the ponta negra´s neighborhood promoted for the government by using order to police the city´s urbanization, beyond the sense of the civilian building actors. They enabled this neighborhood to become propitious to the real estate investments. Many ventures were built before the year of 2010 while another are on building, which, over the years, changed the sociospatyal dinamics of the neighborhood. Considering the urban space is socially built, product and condition for the reproductive process of the capitalist society, the goal of this research is to investigate the verticalization of the ground, for capital reproduction purposes. This research aims to analyze the vertical this quarter through the theory of social production of space by Henri Lefebvre. The Methodology adopted pervades for secondary and primary research, compound for bibliographic research, documentary, journal, magazines, camp research and interview, to reach the best way to analyse the dynamics of the refered neighborhood
This research aims the analysis of the urbanization process that has taken place in the coastal city of Tibau/RN in the period comprising 1980-2012, due to the (re) production of space to consumption of leisure and recreation, through the so called practice of Maritime Villeggiatura. Such practice exists so that people settle temporarily on the beach as a second home, interfering in the Regulation of the land use as well as in the urban planning of Tibau, promoting urbanization based in the logic of leisure, with enormous capacity for appropriation and space consumption. The practice of Maritime Villeggiatura in Tibau began in the late nineteenth century, becoming more relevant in the 1980s, when the practice became fashionable for the citizens of Mossoró City, in view of their economic strength, and consumption power to invest in this type of domicile. Tibau has become a great depository of second homes for leisure practice, which contributed even to the city administrative and political emancipation in 1997. The intensification of Real Estate activities, expanding second homes along the coast, results in the urbanization of Tibau territory with the assistance of Local Government, whom was interested in entering Tibau on the State tourism routes. The used methodology comprised literature review, data collection and local observation. Questionnaires were applied in the form of interviews to the villeggiaturistas, local residents, business and trade services local companies, a local agricultural firm named Agricultura Famosa Ltda., Municipal government and the Association of Senior Citizens of the municipality of Tibau. A photographic record was made to visualize the urbanization evolution of Tibau. It has also been taken georeference measures of the area object of study in this research, in order to analyze the use and occupation of the territory by urban and social agents villeggiaturistas and residents. The conclusion is that the urbanization process that has been taken in Tibau occurred along the coast shore, with low population density, and therefore creating difficulties to governance of the Municipal government. Real Estate Sector has been promoting the value increase of urban land in order to fragment the space with private condominiums segregating local resident population to outlying areas of the city, away from the coastline and lacking infrastructure and basic urban services
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
La région formée par la ville de Beuningen et trois autres villages voisins regroupe 26 mil habitants. Cette région a déjà subit un premier cycle de croissance, promu par l´État, il y a vingt ans, et passe par une nouvelle expansion de l'immobilier dans le cadre d'un processus plus large de renforcement du marché, avec la production de maisons plus chères, ce qui a attiré une partie de la classe moyenne travaillant dans la ville voisine de Nijmegen, à la recherche d'un contact plus étroit avec la campagne et la nature. À partir d'une brève étude sur le terrain, j'analyse certains conflits sociaux présents, fondés essentiellement sur une critique du concept de communauté et sur les oppositions entre les plans rural et urbain, tout en discutant les sens que de telles notions acquièrent dans ce cas précis.
A motivação para a realização deste artigo foi a percepção de que o movimento de preços dos imóveis em Natal apresentava componentes que precisavam ser investigados, notadamente o influxo de capital estrangeiro, sobretudo para aplicação nos setores de turismo e imobiliário e o comportamento do crédito imobiliário. O objetivo do trabalho é examinar a evolução dos preços no mercado de imóveis da cidade no período 2005; 2010. Os indicadores levantados permitiram uma coleta de evidências suficiente para ampliar o grau de confiança nas hipóteses de que, de fato: a) ocorreu uma bolha no mercado de imóveis no triênio 2005; 2007; b) a bolha não implodiu no biênio 2009; 2010, após a crise financeira de 2008, pois o movimento de alta de preços se manteve tanto nos imóveis vendidos na planta quanto nos imóveis prontos.
Includes bibliography
The proposal and implementation of parceling real estate into smaller lots in Brazil is done according to legal and technical formalities. However, these instruments have proved inefficient in reducing the resulting environmental impacts. The ambiguities of the federal, state and municipal laws and regulations have limited the effectiveness of the actions of urban administrators. Law 10257/2001 emerged as an alternative to overcome these difficulties, proposing the adoption of neighborhood impact studies as an instrument to evaluate new proposals of urban occupation for purposes of environmental licensing. Thus, the purpose of this law is to provide the foundations for municipal public authorities to establish criteria for the assessment, mitigation and compensation of impacts resulting from new occupations. However, the very vagueness of the generic nature of this federal law and its incorrect application in the municipal sphere has posed the greatest obstacles to the good use of this instrument of urban environmental management. These deficiencies are classified herein in the categories of philosophical, technical and operational problems. The problems of a philosophical nature lead to technical difficulties, which in turn trigger operational deficiencies. This article discusses these deficiencies and points out ways to reduce them. © 2009 Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE). All rights reserved.