941 resultados para Fagerlund Wyrke, Ellen
Bulk carbonate content, planktic and benthic foraminiferal assemblages, stable isotope compositions of bulk carbonate and Nuttallides truempyi (benthic foraminifera), and non-carbonate mineralogy were examined across ~30 m of carbonate-rich Paleogene sediment at Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 259, on Perth Abyssal Plain off Western Australia. Carbonate content, mostly reflecting nannofossil abundance, ranges from 3 to 80% and generally exceeds 50% between 35 and 57 mbsf. A clay-rich horizon with a carbonate content of about 37% occurs between 55.17 and 55.37 mbsf. The carbonate-rich interval spans planktic foraminiferal zones P4c to P6b (~57-52 Ma), with the clay-rich horizon near the base of our Zone P5 (upper)-P6b. Throughout the studied interval, benthic species dominate foraminiferal assemblages, with scarce planktic foraminifera usually of poor preservation and limited species diversity. A prominent Benthic Foraminiferal Extinction Event (BFEE) occurs across the clay-rich horizon, with an influx of large Acarinina immediately above. The delta13C records of bulk carbonate and N. truempyi exhibit trends similar to those observed in upper Paleocene-lower Eocene (~57-52 Ma) sediment from other locations. Two successive decreases in bulk carbonate and N. truempyi delta13C of 0.5 and 1.0? characterize the interval at and immediately above the BFEE. Despite major changes in carbonate content, foraminiferal assemblages and carbon isotopes, the mineralogy of the non-carbonate fraction consistently comprises expanding clay, heulandite (zeolite), quartz, feldspar (sodic or calcic), minor mica, and pyrolusite (MnO2). The uniformity of this mineral assemblage suggests that Site 259 received similar non-carbonate sediment before, during and after pelagic carbonate deposition. The carbonate plug at Site 259 probably represents a drop in the CCD from ~57 to 52-51 Ma, as also recognized at other locations.
Small biserial foraminifera were abundant in the early Miocene (ca. 18.9-17.2 Ma) in the eastern Atlantic and western Indian Oceans, but absent in the western equatorial Atlantic Ocean, Weddell Sea, eastern Indian Ocean, and equatorial Pacific Ocean. They have been assigned to the benthic genus Bolivina, but their high abundances in sediments without evidence for dysoxia could not be explained. Apertural morphology, accumulation rates, and isotopic composition show that they were planktic (genus Streptochilus). Living Streptochilus are common in productive waters with intermittent upwelling. The widespread early Miocene high Streptochilus abundances may reflect vigorous but intermittent upwelling, inducing high phytoplankton growth rates. However, export production (estimated from benthic foraminiferal accumulation rates) was low, possibly due to high regeneration rates in a deep thermocline. The upwelled waters may have been an analog to Subantarctic Mode Waters, carrying nutrients into the eastern Atlantic and western Indian Oceans as the result of the initiation of a deep-reaching Antarctic Circumpolar Current, active Agulhas Leakage, and vigorous vertical mixing in the Southern Oceans.
The impact of an asteroid at the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary triggered dramatic biotic, biogeochemical and sedimentological changes in the oceans that have been intensively studied. Paleo-biogeographical differences in the biotic response to the impact and its environmental consequences, however, have been less well documented. We present a high-resolution analysis of benthic foraminiferal assemblages at Southern Ocean ODP Site 690 (Maud Rise, Weddell Sea, Antarctica). At this high latitude site, late Maastrichtian environmental variability was high, but benthic foraminiferal assemblages were not less diverse than at lower latitudes, in contrast to those of planktic calcifiers. Also in contrast to planktic calcifiers, benthic foraminifera did not suffer significant extinction at the K/Pg boundary, but show transient assemblage changes and decreased diversity. At Site 690, the extinction rate was even lower (~3%) than at other sites. The benthic foraminiferal accumulation rate varied little across the K/Pg boundary, indicating that food supply to the sea floor was affected to a lesser extent than at lower latitude sites. Compared to Maastrichtian assemblages, Danian assemblages have a lower diversity and greater relative abundance of heavily calcified taxa such as Stensioeina beccariiformis and Paralabamina lunata. This change in benthic foraminiferal assemblages could reflect post-extinction proliferation of different photosynthesizers (thus food for the benthos) than those dominant during the Late Cretaceous, therefore changes in the nature rather than in the amount of the organic matter supplied to the seafloor. However, severe extinction of pelagic calcifiers caused carbonate supersaturation in the oceans, thus might have given competitive advantage to species with large, heavily calcified tests. This indirect effect of the K/Pg impact thus may have influenced the deep-sea dwellers, documenting the complexity of the effects of major environmental disturbance.
Seawater 87Sr/86Sr values increase abruptly by 28 * 10**-6 across the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary (KTB). This small, but rapid shift is superimposed on the larger scale structure of the seawater Sr isotope curve. The time scale of radiogenic Sr addition appears to be too rapid to reconcile with sources associated with volcanism, and we show that the amount of Sr required to produce even this small increase is too large to be derived from: (1) a KT bolide of the size constrained by the Ir anomaly, (2) continental crust ejecta from the impact of such a bolide, (3) soot from global wildfires initiated by an impact, or (4) any combination of these sources. The probable source of the radiogenic Sr is enhanced continental weathering, but the high rate of increase appears to rule out processes such as sea level regression, glaciation or tectonism. A plausible mechanism for rapid addition of radiogenic Sr to the oceans is enhanced weathering associated with globally distributed acid rain (pH c. 1) which is a proposed by-product of a bolide impact (Prinn and Fegley, 1987, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(87)90046-X).
Deep-sea benthic foraminifera show important but transient assemblage changes at the Cretaceous/Paleogene (K/Pg) boundary, when many biota suffered severe extinction. We quantitatively analyzed benthic foraminiferal assemblages from lower bathyal-upper abyssal (1500-2000 m) northwest Pacific ODP Site 1210 (Shatsky Rise) and compared the results with published data on assemblages at lower bathyal (~ 1500 m) Pacific DSDP Site 465 (Hess Rise) to gain insight in paleoecological and paleoenvironmental changes at that time. At both sites, diversity and heterogeneity rapidly decreased across the K/Pg boundary, then recovered. Species assemblages at both sites show a similar pattern of turnover from the uppermost Maastrichtian into the lowermost Danian: 1) The relative abundance of buliminids (indicative of a generally high food supply) increases towards the uppermost Cretaceous, and peaks rapidly just above the K/Pg boundary, coeval with a peak in benthic foraminiferal accumulation rate (BFAR), a proxy for food supply. 2) A peak in relative abundance of Stensioeina beccariiformis, a cosmopolitan form generally more common at the middle than at the lower bathyal sites, occurs just above the buliminid peak. 3) The relative abundance of Nuttallides truempyi, a more oligotrophic form, decreases at the boundary, then increases above the peak in Stensioeina beccariiformis. The food supply to the deep sea in the Pacific Ocean thus apparently increased rather than decreased in the earliest Danian. The low benthic diversity during a time of high food supply indicates a stressed environment. This stress might have been caused by reorganization of the planktic ecosystem: primary producer niches vacated by the mass extinction of calcifying nannoplankton may have been rapidly (<10 kyr) filled by other, possibly opportunistic, primary producers, leading to delivery of another type of food, and/or irregular food delivery through a succession of opportunistic blooms. The deep-sea benthic foraminiferal data thus are in strong disagreement with the widely accepted hypothesis that the global deep-sea floor became severely food-depleted following the K/Pg extinction due to the mass extinction of primary producers ("Strangelove Ocean Model") or to the collapse of the biotic pump ("Living Ocean Model").
The chronostratigraphy of Guandao section has served as the foundation for numerous studies of the end-Permian extinction and biotic recovery in south China. Guandao section is continuous from the Permian-Triassic boundary to the Upper Triassic.Conodonts enable broad delineation of stage and substage boundaries and calibration of foraminifer biostratigraphy as follows. Changhsingian- Griesbachian: first Hindeodus parvus, and first appearance of foraminifers Postcladella kalhori and Earlandia sp. Griesbachian-Dienerian: first Neospathodus dieneri, and last appearance of foraminifer P. grandis. Dienerian-Smithian: first Novispathodus waageni and late Dienerian first appearance of foraminifer Hoyenella ex gr. sinensis. Smithian-Spathian: first Nv? crassatus and last appearance of foraminifers Arenovidalina n. sp. and Glomospirella cf. vulgaris. Spathian-Aegean: first Chiosella timorensis and first appearance of foraminifer Meandrospira dinarica. Aegean-Bithynian: first Nicoraella germanica and first appearance of foraminifer Pilammina densa. Bithynian-Pelsonian: after last Neogondolella regalis, prior to first Paragondolella bulgarica and first appearance of foraminifer Aulotortus eotriasicus. Pelsonian-Illyrian: first Pg. excelsa and last appearance of foraminifers Meandrospira ? deformata and Pilamminella grandis. Illyrian-Fassanian: first Budurovignathus truempyi, and first appearance of foraminifers Abriolina mediterranea and Paleolituonella meridionalis. Fassanian-Longobardian: first Bv. mungoensis and last appearance of foraminifer A. mediterranea. Longobardian-Cordevolian: first Quadralella polygnathiformis and last appearance of foraminifers Turriglomina mesotriasica and Endotriadella wirzi. The section contains primary magnetic signature with frequent reversals occurring around the Permian-Triassic, Olenekian-Anisian, and Anisian-Ladinian boundaries. Predominantly normal polarity occurs in the lower Smithian, Bithynian, and Longobardian-Cordevolian. Predominantly reversed polarity occurs in the upper Griesbachian, Induan-Olenekian, Pelsonian and lower Illyrian. Reversals match well with the GPTS. Large amplitude carbon isotope excursions, attaining values as low as -2.9 per mil d13C and high as +5.7 per mil d13C, characterize the Lower Triassic and basal Anisian. Values stabilize around +2 per mil d13C through the Anisian to Carnian. Similar signatures have been reported globally. Magnetic susceptibility and synthetic gamma ray logs show large fluctuations in the Lower Triassic and an overall decline in magnitude of fluctuation through the Middle and Upper Triassic. The largest spikes in magnetic susceptibility and gamma ray, indicating greater terrestrial lithogenic flux, correspond to positive d13C excursions. Several volcanic ash horizons occur in the Lower Triassic and Olenekian-Anisian boundary. High resolution U-Pb analysis of zircons provide a robust age of 247.2 Ma for the Olenekian-Anisian boundary.
Concentrations of POPs in Great skua eggs from Shetland are among the highest in North Atlantic seabirds, with up to 11,600 µg/kg (ww) DDE and up to 17,900 µg/kg ww SumPCB. Concentrations of legacy POPs were significantly lower in 2008 than 1980. Decreases were greatest for least persistent compounds. Median SumPBDEs increased from 99 µg/kg ww in 1980 to 173 µg/kg ww in 2008. There were changes in Great skua breeding season diet, with more adult Herring and Mackerel and less Sandeel. These changes increase exposure to POPs, since Herring and Mackerel accumulate more POPs than Sandeels. In both years, eggs with higher d15N had higher POP concentrations. In 1980, birds feeding more on demersal discard fish from trawl fisheries and less on Sandeels, had higher POP levels in eggs. In 2008, individuals feeding more on Herring and Mackerel, and less on discards, had higher POP levels in eggs.