994 resultados para FE-analysis of vibrations
A multiresidue gas chromatographic method for the determination of six fungicides (captan, chlorthalonil, folpet, iprodione, procymidone and vinclozolin) and one acaricide (dicofol) in still and fortified wines was developed. Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) was chosen for the extraction of the compounds from the studied matrices and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) detection was used. The extraction consists in a solvent free and automated procedure and the detection is highly sensitive and selective. Good linearity was obtained with correlation coefficients of regression (R2) > 0.99 for all the compounds. Satisfactory results of repeatability and intermediate precision were obtained for most of the analytes (RSD < 20%). Recoveries from spiked wine ranged from 80.1% to 112.0%. Limits of quantification (LOQs) were considerably below the proposedmaximumresidue limits (MRLs) for these compounds in grapes and below the suggested limits for wine (MRLs/10), with the exception of captan.
An accurate and sensitive method for determination of 18 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (16 PAHs considered by USEPA as priority pollutants, dibenzo[a,l]pyrene and benzo[j]fluoranthene) in fish samples was validated. Analysis was performed by microwave-assisted extraction and liquid chromatography with photodiode array and fluorescence detection. Response surface methodology was used to find the optimal extraction parameters. Validation of the overall methodology was performed by spiking assays at four levels and using SRM 2977. Quantification limits ranging from 0.15–27.16 ng/g wet weight were obtained. The established method was applied in edible tissues of three commonly consumed and commercially valuable fish species (sardine, chub mackerel and horse mackerel) originated from Atlantic Ocean. Variable levels of naphthalene (1.03–2.95 ng/g wet weight), fluorene (0.34–1.09 ng/g wet weight) and phenanthrene (0.34–3.54 ng/g wet weight) were detected in the analysed samples. None of the samples contained detectable amounts of benzo[a]pyrene, the marker used for evaluating the occurrence and carcinogenic effects of PAHs in food.
A QuEChERS method has been developed for the determination of 14 organochlorine pesticides in 14 soils from different Portuguese regions with wide range composition. The extracts were analysed by GC-ECD (where GC-ECD is gas chromatography-electron-capture detector) and confirmed by GC-MS/MS (where MS/MS is tandem mass spectrometry). The organic matter content is a key factor in the process efficiency. An optimization was carried out according to soils organic carbon level, divided in two groups: HS (organic carbon>2.3%) and LS (organic carbon<2.3%). Themethod was validated through linearity, recovery, precision and accuracy studies. The quantification was carried out using a matrixmatched calibration to minimize the existence of the matrix effect. Acceptable recoveries were obtained (70–120%) with a relative standard deviation of ≤16% for the three levels of contamination. The ranges of the limits of detection and of the limits of quantification in soils HS were from 3.42 to 23.77 μg kg−1 and from 11.41 to 79.23 μg kg−1, respectively. For LS soils, the limits of detection ranged from 6.11 to 14.78 μg kg−1 and the limits of quantification from 20.37 to 49.27 μg kg−1. In the 14 collected soil samples only one showed a residue of dieldrin (45.36 μg kg−1) above the limit of quantification. This methodology combines the advantages of QuEChERS, GC-ECD detection and GC-MS/MS confirmation producing a very rapid, sensitive and reliable procedure which can be applied in routine analytical laboratories.
Environmental pollution continues to be an emerging study field, as there are thousands of anthropogenic compounds mixed in the environment whose possible mechanisms of toxicity and physiological outcomes are of great concern. Developing methods to access and prioritize the screening of these compounds at trace levels in order to support regulatory efforts is, therefore, very important. A methodology based on solid phase extraction followed by derivatization and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis was developed for the assessment of four endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) in water matrices: bisphenol A, estrone, 17b-estradiol and 17a-ethinylestradiol. The study was performed, simultaneously, by two different laboratories in order to evaluate the robustness of the method and to increase the quality control over its application in routine analysis. Validation was done according to the International Conference on Harmonisation recommendations and other international guidelines with specifications for the GC-MS methodology. Matrix-induced chromatographic response enhancement was avoided by using matrix-standard calibration solutions and heteroscedasticity has been overtaken by a weighted least squares linear regression model application. Consistent evaluation of key analytical parameters such as extraction efficiency, sensitivity, specificity, linearity, limits of detection and quantification, precision, accuracy and robustness was done in accordance with standards established for acceptance. Finally, the application of the optimized method in the assessment of the selected analytes in environmental samples suggested that it is an expedite methodology for routine analysis of EDC residues in water matrices.
Six open reading frames (ORFs) located on chromosome VII of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (YGR205w, YGR210c, YGR211w, YGR241c, YGR243w and YGR244c) were disrupted in two different genetic backgrounds using short-flanking homology (SFH) gene replacement. Sporulation and tetrad analysis showed that YGR211w, recently identified as the yeast ZPR1 gene, is an essential gene. The other five genes are non-essential, and no phenotypes could be associated to their inactivation. Two of these genes have recently been further characterized: YGR241c (YAP1802) encodes a yeast adaptor protein and YGR244c (LSC2) encodes the b-subunit of the succinyl-CoA ligase. For each ORF, a replacement cassette with long flanking regions homologous to the target locus was cloned in pUG7, and the cognate wild-type gene was cloned in pRS416.
We report the nucleotide sequence of a 17,893 bp DNA segment from the right arm of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome VII. This fragment begins at 482 kb from the centromere. The sequence includes the BRF1 gene, encoding TFIIIB70, the 5' portion of the GCN5 gene, an open reading frame (ORF) previously identified as ORF MGA1, whose translation product shows similarity to heat-shock transcription factors and five new ORFs. Among these, YGR250 encodes a polypeptide that harbours a domain present in several polyA binding proteins. YGR245 is similar to a putative Schizosaccharomyces pombe gene, YGR248 shows significant similarity with three ORFs of S. cerevisiae situated on different chromosomes, while the remaining two ORFs, YGR247 and YGR251, do not show significant similarity to sequences present in databases.
Studies on the feeding habits of aquatic organisms are a requirement for the management and sustainable use of marine ecosystems. The aim of the present research was to analyze the habits and trophic similarities of decapods, starfish and fish in order to propose trophic relationships between taxa, using Hennigian methods of phylogenetic systematics. This new grouping hypothesis, based on shared and exclusive food items and food types, corresponds to the broad taxonomic groups used in the analysis. Our results indicate that algae, Mollusca, Polychaeta, Crustacea, Echinodermata and Actinopterygii are the most exploited common resources among the species studied. Starfish were differentiated from other organisms for being stenophagic, and were grouped for feeding on bivalve mollusks. A larger group of fish and crustaceans shares algae and mainly crustaceans as food items. A third group united all eight species of Actinopterygii. This largest subgroup of fish is typically carnivorous, feeding on Anthozoa and a great quantity of Crustacea. Synodus foetens has a special position among fishes, due to its unique feeding on nematodes. A Euclidean distance dendrogram obtained in a previous publication grouped S. foetens with starfish. That result was based on a few non-exclusive shared similarities in feeding modes, as well as on shared absences of items, which are not an adequate grouping factor. Starfish are stenophagic, eating bivalves almost exclusively. Synodus foetens and Isopisthus parvipinnis have restricted food items, and are thus intermediary in relation to starfish, decapods, and other fish, which are euryphagous. The trophic cladogram displays details of food items, whether or not shared by all species. The resulting trophic analysis is consistent with known historical relationships.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the Brazilian version of WHOQOL-OLD Module and to test potential changes to the instrument to increase its psychometric adequacy. METHODS: A total of 424 older adults living in a city in Southern Brazil completed the WHOQOL-OLD instrument, in 2005. Rasch analysis was used to explore the psychometric performance of the scale, as implemented by the RUMM2020 software. Item-trait interaction, threshold disorders, presence of differential item functioning and item fit, were analyzed. RESULTS: Two ("death and dying" and "sensory abilities") out of six domains showed inadequate item-trait interactions. Rescoring the response scale and deleting the most misperforming items led to scale improvement. The evaluation of domains and items individually showed that the "intimacy" domain does perform well in contrast to the findings using the classical approach. In addition, the "sensory abilities" domain does not derive an interval measure in its current format. CONCLUSIONS: Unidimensionality and local independence were seen in all domains. Changes in the response scale and deletion of problematic items improved the scale's performance.
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the spatial intensity of urban violence events using wavelet-based methods and emergency room data. METHODS: Information on victims attended at the emergency room of a public hospital in the city of São Paulo, Southeastern Brazil, from January 1, 2002 to January 11, 2003 were obtained from hospital records. The spatial distribution of 3,540 events was recorded and a uniform random procedure was used to allocate records with incomplete addresses. Point processes and wavelet analysis technique were used to estimate the spatial intensity, defined as the expected number of events by unit area. RESULTS: Of all georeferenced points, 59% were accidents and 40% were assaults. There is a non-homogeneous spatial distribution of the events with high concentration in two districts and three large avenues in the southern area of the city of São Paulo. CONCLUSIONS: Hospital records combined with methodological tools to estimate intensity of events are useful to study urban violence. The wavelet analysis is useful in the computation of the expected number of events and their respective confidence bands for any sub-region and, consequently, in the specification of risk estimates that could be used in decision-making processes for public policies.
3rd SMTDA Conference Proceedings, 11-14 June 2014, Lisbon Portugal.
3rd SMTDA Conference Proceedings, 11-14 June 2014, Lisbon Portugal.
A quinoxalina e seus derivativos são uma importante classe de compostos heterocíclicos, onde os elementos N, S e O substituem átomos de carbono no anel. A fórmula molecular da quinoxalina é C8H6N2, formada por dois anéis aromáticos, benzeno e pirazina. É rara em estado natural, mas a sua síntese é de fácil execução. Modificações na estrutura da quinoxalina proporcionam uma grande variedade de compostos e actividades, tais como actividades antimicrobiana, antiparasitária, antidiabética, antiproliferativa, anti-inflamatória, anticancerígena, antiglaucoma, antidepressiva apresentando antagonismo do receptor AMPA. Estes compostos também são importantes no campo industrial devido, por exemplo, ao seu poder na inibição da corrosão do metal. A química computacional, ramo natural da química teórica é um método bem desenvolvido, utilizado para representar estruturas moleculares, simulando o seu comportamento com as equações da física quântica e clássica. Existe no mercado uma grande variedade de ferramentas informaticas utilizadas na química computacional, que permitem o cálculo de energias, geometrias, frequências vibracionais, estados de transição, vias de reação, estados excitados e uma variedade de propriedades baseadas em várias funções de onda não correlacionadas e correlacionadas. Nesta medida, a sua aplicação ao estudo das quinoxalinas é importante para a determinação das suas características químicas, permitindo uma análise mais completa, em menos tempo, e com menos custos.
Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) is the deliberate, self-inflicted destruction of body tissue without suicidal intent and an important clinical phenomenon. Rates of NSSI appear to be disproportionately high in adolescents and young adults, and is a risk factor for suicidal ideation and behavior. The present study reports the psychometric properties of the Impulse, Self-harm and Suicide Ideation Questionnaire for Adolescents (ISSIQ-A), a measure designed to comprehensively assess the impulsivity, NSSI behaviors and suicide ideation. An additional module of this questionnaire assesses the functions of NSSI. Results of Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) of the scale on 1722 youths showed items' suitability and confirmed a model of four different dimensions (Impulse, Self-harm, Risk-behavior and Suicide ideation) with good fit and validity. Further analysis showed that youth׳s engagement in self-harm may exert two different functions: to create or alleviate emotional states, and to influence social relationships. Our findings contribute to research and assessment on non-suicidal self-injury, suggesting that the ISSIQ-A is a valid and reliable measure to assess impulse, self-harm and suicidal thoughts, in adolescence.
Master Thesis in Mechanical Engineering field of Maintenance and Production
The mechanisms of speech production are complex and have been raising attention from researchers of both medical and computer vision fields. In the speech production mechanism, the articulator’s study is a complex issue, since they have a high level of freedom along this process, namely the tongue, which instigates a problem in its control and observation. In this work it is automatically characterized the tongues shape during the articulation of the oral vowels of Portuguese European by using statistical modeling on MR-images. A point distribution model is built from a set of images collected during artificially sustained articulations of Portuguese European sounds, which can extract the main characteristics of the motion of the tongue. The model built in this work allows under standing more clearly the dynamic speech events involved during sustained articulations. The tongue shape model built can also be useful for speech rehabilitation purposes, specifically to recognize the compensatory movements of the articulators during speech production.